June 2015 Archives by author
Starting: Mon Jun 1 00:00:01 UTC 2015
Ending: Tue Jun 30 23:47:24 UTC 2015
Messages: 3112
- [openstack-dev] [Manila] The methods of dealing with the extend share failure
Zhongjun (A)
- [openstack-dev] [Congress][Horizon] search for use cases in Congress
zhangyali (D)
- [openstack-dev] [magnum][horizon] Making a dashboard for Magnum - need a vote from the core team
Abishek Subramanian (absubram)
- [openstack-dev] [oslo.messaging][zeromq] Next step
Alec Hothan (ahothan)
- [openstack-dev] [oslo.messaging][zeromq] Next step
Alec Hothan (ahothan)
- [openstack-dev] [oslo.messaging][zeromq] Next step
Alec Hothan (ahothan)
- [openstack-dev] [oslo.messaging][zeromq] pub/sub support for the revised zeromq driver
Alec Hothan (ahothan)
- [openstack-dev] [oslo.messaging][zeromq] Next step
Alec Hothan (ahothan)
- [openstack-dev] [magnum][horizon] Making a dashboard for Magnum - need a vote from the core team
Alex Chan (alexc2)
- [openstack-dev] [magnum][horizon] Making a dashboard for Magnum - need a vote from the core team
Bradley Jones (bradjone)
- [openstack-dev] [magnum][horizon] Making a dashboard for Magnum - need a vote from the core team
Bradley Jones (bradjone)
- [openstack-dev] [magnum][horizon] Making a dashboard for Magnum - need a vote from the core team
Bradley Jones (bradjone)
- [openstack-dev] [magnum][horizon] Making a dashboard for Magnum - need a vote from the core team
Bradley Jones (bradjone)
- [openstack-dev] [magnum][horizon] Making a dashboard for Magnum - need a vote from the core team
Bradley Jones (bradjone)
- [openstack-dev] [magnum][horizon] Making a dashboard for Magnum - need a vote from the core team
Bradley Jones (bradjone)
- [openstack-dev] [magnum][horizon] Making a dashboard for Magnum - need a vote from the core team
Bradley Jones (bradjone)
- [openstack-dev] [kolla] Proposal for new core-reviewer Harm Waites
Daneyon Hansen (danehans)
- [openstack-dev] [Magnum] Networking Subgroup
Daneyon Hansen (danehans)
- [openstack-dev] [javascript] Linters
gustavo panizzo (gfa)
- [openstack-dev] [openstack-infra] [neutron] Third Party CI Voting
John Davidge (jodavidg)
- [openstack-dev] [openstack-infra] [neutron] Third Party CI Voting
John Davidge (jodavidg)
- [openstack-dev] [Neutron] [QOS] Request for Additional QoS capabilities
John Joyce (joycej)
- [openstack-dev] [Neutron] [QOS] Request for Additional QoS capabilities
John Joyce (joycej)
- [openstack-dev] [Neutron] [QOS] Request for Additional QoS capabilities
John Joyce (joycej)
- [openstack-dev] [Neutron] [QOS] Request for Additional QoS capabilities
John Joyce (joycej)
- [openstack-dev] [fuel][plugin] Where can I find the Test Report template?
Emma Gordon (projectcalico.org)
- [openstack-dev] [javascript] [horizon] [merlin] [refstack] Javascript Linting
Rob Cresswell (rcresswe)
- [openstack-dev] [horizon] [docs] AngularJS in Horizon Docs
Rob Cresswell (rcresswe)
- [openstack-dev] [neutron][fwaas] FWaaS IRC meetings to happen alternate Wed (no mtg today).
Sridar Kandaswamy (skandasw)
- [openstack-dev] [Magnum] Magnum installation problem with devstack kilo
Steven Dake (stdake)
- [openstack-dev] [Magnum] Does Bay/Baymodel name should be a required option when creating a Bay/Baymodel
Steven Dake (stdake)
- [openstack-dev] [Magnum] Does Bay/Baymodel name should be a required option when creating a Bay/Baymodel
Steven Dake (stdake)
- [openstack-dev] [magnum][horizon] Making a dashboard for Magnum - need a vote from the core team
Steven Dake (stdake)
- [openstack-dev] [magnum][horizon] Making a dashboard for Magnum - need a vote from the core team
Steven Dake (stdake)
- [openstack-dev] [kolla] Kolla Manfiesto Definition
Steven Dake (stdake)
- [openstack-dev] [magnum][horizon] Making a dashboard for Magnum - need a vote from the core team
Steven Dake (stdake)
- [openstack-dev] [magnum] Proposing Kai Qiang Wu (Kennan) for Core for Magnum
Steven Dake (stdake)
- [openstack-dev] [kolla] gate failing sporadically
Steven Dake (stdake)
- [openstack-dev] [kolla][magnum] Out of the Office June 9th, june 10th
Steven Dake (stdake)
- [openstack-dev] [kolla] Proposal for changing 1600UTC meeting to 1700 UTC
Steven Dake (stdake)
- [openstack-dev] [magnum][horizon] Making a dashboard for Magnum - need a vote from the core team
Steven Dake (stdake)
- [openstack-dev] [kolla] Scheduling for a mid-cycle - doodle poll inside
Steven Dake (stdake)
- [openstack-dev] [kolla] Proposal for changing 1600UTC meeting to 1700 UTC
Steven Dake (stdake)
- [openstack-dev] [kolla] general invitation to people involved with Kolla to join the Kolla-drivers team
Steven Dake (stdake)
- [openstack-dev] [magnum][horizon] Making a dashboard for Magnum - need a vote from the core team
Steven Dake (stdake)
- [openstack-dev] [magnum][horizon] Making a dashboard for Magnum - need a vote from the core team
Steven Dake (stdake)
- [openstack-dev] [magnum][horizon] Making a dashboard for Magnum - need a vote from the core team
Steven Dake (stdake)
- [openstack-dev] [kolla] Proposal for new core-reviewer Harm Waites
Steven Dake (stdake)
- [openstack-dev] [kolla] voting ends June 17th - was: Scheduling for a mid-cycle - doodle poll inside
Steven Dake (stdake)
- [openstack-dev] [kolla] Proposal for new core-reviewer Harm Waites
Steven Dake (stdake)
- [openstack-dev] [Magnum] TLS Support in Magnum
Steven Dake (stdake)
- [openstack-dev] [tc] adding magnum-ui to the openstack git namespace
Steven Dake (stdake)
- [openstack-dev] [kolla][magnum] Medical semi-emergency with my tooth
Steven Dake (stdake)
- [openstack-dev] [Magnum] Python 3 support
Steven Dake (stdake)
- [openstack-dev] [kolla][release] Announcing Liberty-1 release of Kolla
Steven Dake (stdake)
- [openstack-dev] [cloudpulse] Cloudpulse development team meeting IRC
Vinod Pandarinathan (vpandari)
- [openstack-dev] [cloudpulse] Cloudpulse development team meeting IRC
Vinod Pandarinathan (vpandari)
- [openstack-dev] [cloudpulse] Reminder: Team meeting June 11
Vinod Pandarinathan (vpandari)
- [openstack-dev] [oslo][messaging] Expanding the oslo.messaging core team
Mehdi Abaakouk
- [openstack-dev] [packaging] Adding packaging as an OpenStack project
Clint Adams
- [openstack-dev] [app-catalog] Updating existing artifacts on storage.apps.openstack.org
Christopher Aedo
- [openstack-dev] [app-catalog][infra] Stale entries
Christopher Aedo
- [openstack-dev] [app-catalog][infra] Stale entries
Christopher Aedo
- [openstack-dev] [app-catalog] Meeting Thursday June 18th at 17:00 UTC
Christopher Aedo
- [openstack-dev] [Solum][app-catalog] [ Supporting swift downloads for operator languagepacks
Christopher Aedo
- [openstack-dev] [app-catalog] [solum] Base Image tagging vs. App tagging
Christopher Aedo
- [openstack-dev] [app-catalog] App Catalog IRC meeting minutes - 6/18/2015
Christopher Aedo
- [openstack-dev] [app-catalog] Meeting Thursday June 25th at 17:00UTC
Christopher Aedo
- [openstack-dev] App Catalog IRC meeting minutes - 6/25/2015
Christopher Aedo
- [openstack-dev] [TripleO] Splitting out dib-core
Christopher Aedo
- [openstack-dev] [Nova] Libvirt - updates backing file permission of qcow2 image on launching instance
Agrawal, Ankit
- [openstack-dev] [puppet] OpenStack Puppet configuration for HA deployment
Cristina Aiftimiei
- [openstack-dev] [neutron] Regarding Flow classifiers existing proposals
Miguel Angel Ajo
- [openstack-dev] [neutron] Regarding Flow classifiers existing proposals
Miguel Angel Ajo
- [openstack-dev] [all] cross project communication: Return request-id to caller
Miguel Angel Ajo
- [openstack-dev] [neutron] Regarding Flow classifiers existing roposals
Miguel Angel Ajo
- [openstack-dev] [Neutron] API Extensions - Namespace URLs
Miguel Angel Ajo
- [openstack-dev] [Neutron] Proposing YAMAMOTO Takashi for the Control Plane core team
Miguel Angel Ajo
- [openstack-dev] Proposing Brian Haley to Neutron L3 Core Reviewer Team
Miguel Angel Ajo
- [openstack-dev] [neutron] slimming down (the RFE) process for small internal design stuff
Miguel Angel Ajo
- [openstack-dev] [Neutron][Ironic] Setting IPXE tag for dnsmasq
Miguel Angel Ajo
- [openstack-dev] [Neutron] [QOS] Request for Additional QoS capabilities
Miguel Angel Ajo
- [openstack-dev] [Neutron][Ironic] Setting IPXE tag for dnsmasq
Miguel Angel Ajo
- [openstack-dev] [Neutron][Ironic] Setting IPXE tag for dnsmasq
Miguel Angel Ajo
- [openstack-dev] [Neutron] Modular L2 Agent
Miguel Angel Ajo
- [openstack-dev] [Neutron] Proposing Rossella Sblendido for the Control Plane core team
Miguel Angel Ajo
- [openstack-dev] [neutron] Regarding Flow classifiers existing proposals
Miguel Angel Ajo
- [openstack-dev] [neutron][oslo][all] publisher/subscriber mechanism for resources (fanout+versioned objects)
Miguel Angel Ajo
- [openstack-dev] [neutron] QoS code sprint
Miguel Angel Ajo
- [openstack-dev] [neutron] QoS code sprint
Miguel Angel Ajo
- [openstack-dev] [Neutron] virtual machine can not get DHCP lease due packet has no checksum
Miguel Ángel Ajo
- [openstack-dev] [Neutron] virtual machine can not get DHCP lease due packet has no checksum
Miguel Ángel Ajo
- [openstack-dev] [all] cross project communication: Return request-id to caller
Miguel Ángel Ajo
- [openstack-dev] [mistral] Team meeting - 2015/06/01
Renat Akhmerov
- [openstack-dev] [Global Requirements] Adding apscheduler to global requirements
Renat Akhmerov
- [openstack-dev] [Global Requirements] Adding apscheduler to global requirements
Renat Akhmerov
- [openstack-dev] [mistral] Team meeting - 06/22/2015
Renat Akhmerov
- [openstack-dev] [mistral] Proposing Lingxian Kong as a core reviewer
Renat Akhmerov
- [openstack-dev] [mistral] Team meeting minutes - 22/06/2015
Renat Akhmerov
- [openstack-dev] [Solum][Mistral] Help with a patch
Renat Akhmerov
- [openstack-dev] [mistral] Proposing Lingxian Kong as a core reviewer
Renat Akhmerov
- [openstack-dev] [Mistral][Murano] What's the latest/greatest on YAQL?
Renat Akhmerov
- [openstack-dev] [mistral] Liberty 1 milestone is released
Renat Akhmerov
- [openstack-dev] [mistral] Team meeting - 06/29/2015
Renat Akhmerov
- [openstack-dev] [mistral] Liberty 1 milestone is released
Renat Akhmerov
- [openstack-dev] [mistral] Team meeting minutes - 06/29/2015
Renat Akhmerov
- [openstack-dev] [Openstack] [Ceilometer] Ceilometer Python API Documentation
Hassaan Ali
- [openstack-dev] [Solum] Should logs be deleted when we delete an app?
Murali Allada
- [openstack-dev] [Solum] Why do app names have to be unique?
Murali Allada
- [openstack-dev] [Solum] Supporting swift downloads for operator languagepacks
Murali Allada
- [openstack-dev] [Solum][app-catalog] [ Supporting swift downloads for operator languagepacks
Murali Allada
- [openstack-dev] [Solum][app-catalog] [ Supporting swift downloads for operator languagepacks
Murali Allada
- [openstack-dev] Interconnecting projects
- [openstack-dev] Interconnecting projects
- [openstack-dev] Interconnecting projects
- [openstack-dev] [neutron] [fwaas] -IPv6 support in Kilo
Rukhsana Ansari
- [openstack-dev] [neutron] [fwaas] -IPv6 support in Kilo
Rukhsana Ansari
- [openstack-dev] [infra][qa] Empty "Build succeeded" when filtering jobs
Evgeny Antyshev
- [openstack-dev] [infra][qa] Empty "Build succeeded" when filtering jobs
Evgeny Antyshev
- [openstack-dev] [Fuel][Plugins] differenciate node with the same role - the spec is available
Julia Aranovich
- [openstack-dev] [new][mercador] Announcing Mercador, a project to federate OpenStack cloud services.
Geoff Arnold
- [openstack-dev] UPDATED: [new][mercador] Announcing Mercador, a project to federate OpenStack cloud services.
Geoff Arnold
- [openstack-dev] Liberty mid-cycle meetups?
Geoff Arnold
- [openstack-dev] [mercador] Meeting schedule
Geoff Arnold
- [openstack-dev] [Product] Product WG considering holding a mid-cycle sprint
Geoff Arnold
- [openstack-dev] [Product] Product WG considering holding a mid-cycle sprint
Geoff Arnold
- [openstack-dev] [Product] Product WG considering holding a mid-cycle sprint
Geoff Arnold
- [openstack-dev] [chef] OpenStack-Chef client-cookbook hacking
JJ Asghar
- [openstack-dev] [chef] OpenStack-Chef client-cookbook hacking
JJ Asghar
- [openstack-dev] [openstack-operators][openstack][chef] Pre-release of knife-openstack is out (1.2.0.rc1)
JJ Asghar
- [openstack-dev] [openstack-operators][openstack][chef] Pre-release of knife-openstack is out (1.2.0.rc1)
JJ Asghar
- [openstack-dev] [openstack-operators][chef] Release of knife-openstack is out (1.2.0)
JJ Asghar
- [openstack-dev] [openstack-operators][chef] Pre-Release of knife-openstack is out (1.3.0.rc.0)
JJ Asghar
- [openstack-dev] [openstack-operators][chef] Pre-Release of knife-openstack is out (1.3.0.rc.1)
JJ Asghar
- [openstack-dev] [cinder][third-party] CI FC passthrough scripts now available on stackforge
Asselin, Ramy
- [openstack-dev] [infra][third-party] Common-CI Virtual Sprint
Asselin, Ramy
- [openstack-dev] [infra][third-party] Common-CI Virtual Sprint
Asselin, Ramy
- [openstack-dev] [third-party][infra] Common OpenStack CI Solution - 'Jenkins' live
Asselin, Ramy
- [openstack-dev] Looking for help getting git-review to work over https
Asselin, Ramy
- [openstack-dev] [Manila] State of 3rd party CI
Asselin, Ramy
- [openstack-dev] [openstackclient] Image create-or-update
Marek Aufart
- [openstack-dev] [openstackclient] Image create-or-update
Marek Aufart
- [openstack-dev] [Global Requirements] Adding apscheduler to global requirements
BORTMAN, Limor (Limor)
- [openstack-dev] [Global Requirements] Adding apscheduler to global requirements
BORTMAN, Limor (Limor)
- [openstack-dev] [Global Requirements] Adding apscheduler to global requirements
BORTMAN, Limor (Limor)
- [openstack-dev] [Mistral] Proposal for the Resume Feature
BORTMAN, Limor (Limor)
- [openstack-dev] [mistral] Proposing Lingxian Kong as a core reviewer
BORTMAN, Limor (Limor)
- [openstack-dev] [heat][tripleo]Recursive validation for easier composability
Steve Baker
- [openstack-dev] [openstack][cinder]VMware: concurrent create two volumes, one is failed when vcenter session is timout
Vipin Balachandran
- [openstack-dev] [oslo.vmware] Bump oslo.vmware to 1.0.0
Vipin Balachandran
- [openstack-dev] [Neutron] L3 agent rescheduling issue
Carl Baldwin
- [openstack-dev] [Neutron] L3 agent rescheduling issue
Carl Baldwin
- [openstack-dev] Fwd: [neutron] - L3 scope-aware security groups
Carl Baldwin
- [openstack-dev] [all][python3] use of six.iteritems()
Carl Baldwin
- [openstack-dev] Proposing Brian Haley to Neutron L3 Core Reviewer Team
Carl Baldwin
- [openstack-dev] [neutron][L3] L3 routed network segments
Carl Baldwin
- [openstack-dev] [Neutron] Proposing Ann Kamyshnikova for the API & DB core reviewer team
Carl Baldwin
- [openstack-dev] [Neutron] Proposing YAMAMOTO Takashi for the Control Plane core team
Carl Baldwin
- [openstack-dev] [Neutron][L3] Modular L3 Discussion
Carl Baldwin
- [openstack-dev] [Neutron] Proposing Rossella Sblendido for the Control Plane core team
Carl Baldwin
- [openstack-dev] [Neutron] Quota enforcement
Carl Baldwin
- [openstack-dev] [Neutron] Quota enforcement
Carl Baldwin
- [openstack-dev] [Neutron] Quota enforcement
Carl Baldwin
- [openstack-dev] [Neutron] Quota enforcement
Carl Baldwin
- [openstack-dev] Proposing Brian Haley to Neutron L3 Core Reviewer Team
Carl Baldwin
- [openstack-dev] [nova] Mellanox CI Issues
Bob Ball
- [openstack-dev] [Neutron] Modular L2 Agent
Mohammad Banikazemi
- [openstack-dev] [Neutron] Modular L2 Agent
Mohammad Banikazemi
- [openstack-dev] [Manila] Changing DB regarding IDs for future migration/replication/AZ support
Rodrigo Barbieri
- [openstack-dev] [Manila] Network path between admin network and shares
Rodrigo Barbieri
- [openstack-dev] Openstack Diversity Working Group
Barrett, Carol L
- [openstack-dev] [OpenStack] OpenStack Diversity Working Group - Meeting Information
Barrett, Carol L
- [openstack-dev] [Foundation Board] [OpenStack] OpenStack Diversity Working Group - Meeting Information
Barrett, Carol L
- [openstack-dev] [cinder] Some Changes to Cinder Core
Tom Barron
- [openstack-dev] [cinder] Rebranded Volume Drivers
Tom Barron
- [openstack-dev] [Fuel][Plugins] differenciate node with the same role
Samuel Bartel
- [openstack-dev] [Fuel][Plugins] differenciate node with the same role - the spec is available
Samuel Bartel
- [openstack-dev] [Fuel][Plugins] differenciate node with the same role - the spec is available
Samuel Bartel
- [openstack-dev] [Fuel][Plugins] differenciate node with the same role - the spec is available
Samuel Bartel
- [openstack-dev] [Fuel][Plugins] differenciate node with the same role - the spec is available
Samuel Bartel
- [openstack-dev] Why doesn't Swift cache object data?
Michael Barton
- [openstack-dev] [Openstack] [Ceilometer] Ceilometer Python API Documentation
Sadia Bashir
- [openstack-dev] [nova][scheduler] Updating Our Concept of Resources
Sylvain Bauza
- [openstack-dev] [nova] RequestSpec object and Instance model
Sylvain Bauza
- [openstack-dev] [nova] I think nova behaves poorly when booting multiple instances
Sylvain Bauza
- [openstack-dev] [nova] I think nova behaves poorly when booting multiple instances
Sylvain Bauza
- [openstack-dev] [nova] I think nova behaves poorly when booting multiple instances
Sylvain Bauza
- [openstack-dev] [nova][scheduler] Updating Our Concept of Resources
Sylvain Bauza
- [openstack-dev] [nova] RequestSpec object and Instance model
Sylvain Bauza
- [openstack-dev] [rally][scaling up development] Rally core team re-organization
Sylvain Bauza
- [openstack-dev] [nova] Service group foundations and features
Sylvain Bauza
- [openstack-dev] [nova] Should we add instance action event to live migration?
Sylvain Bauza
- [openstack-dev] [nova] Low Hanging Fruit etherpad
Sylvain Bauza
- [openstack-dev] [nova] How to properly detect and fence a compromised host (and why I dislike TrustedFilter)
Sylvain Bauza
- [openstack-dev] [nova] How to properly detect and fence a compromised host (and why I dislike TrustedFilter)
Sylvain Bauza
- [openstack-dev] [nova] How to properly detect and fence a compromised host (and why I dislike TrustedFilter)
Sylvain Bauza
- [openstack-dev] [nova] How to properly detect and fence a compromised host (and why I dislike TrustedFilter)
Sylvain Bauza
- [openstack-dev] [nova] gate is wedged
Sylvain Bauza
- [openstack-dev] [all] Switching to SQLAlchemy 1.0.x
Mike Bayer
- [openstack-dev] [all] Switching to SQLAlchemy 1.0.x
Mike Bayer
- [openstack-dev] [all] Switching to SQLAlchemy 1.0.x
Mike Bayer
- [openstack-dev] Online Migrations.
Mike Bayer
- [openstack-dev] [all] Switching to SQLAlchemy 1.0.x
Mike Bayer
- [openstack-dev] [all][python3] use of six.iteritems()
Mike Bayer
- [openstack-dev] [Neutron] Proposing Ann Kamyshnikova for the API & DB core reviewer team
Mike Bayer
- [openstack-dev] [all][python3] use of six.iteritems()
Mike Bayer
- [openstack-dev] [Neutron] Issue with pymysql
Mike Bayer
- [openstack-dev] [Neutron] Issue with pymysql
Mike Bayer
- [openstack-dev] [Neutron] Issue with pymysql
Mike Bayer
- [openstack-dev] Online Migrations.
Mike Bayer
- [openstack-dev] Online Migrations.
Mike Bayer
- [openstack-dev] Online Migrations.
Mike Bayer
- [openstack-dev] Online Migrations.
Mike Bayer
- [openstack-dev] [nova] Online Migrations.
Mike Bayer
- [openstack-dev] [neutron][db] online schema upgrades
Mike Bayer
- [openstack-dev] [neutron][db] online schema upgrades
Mike Bayer
- [openstack-dev] [neutron][db] online schema upgrades
Mike Bayer
- [openstack-dev] [all] DevStack switching from MySQL-python to PyMySQL
Mike Bayer
- [openstack-dev] [all] DevStack switching from MySQL-python to PyMySQL
Mike Bayer
- [openstack-dev] [Manila] Midcycle meetup dates
Thomas Bechtold
- [openstack-dev] [packaging] Adding packaging as an OpenStack project
Paul Belanger
- [openstack-dev] [packaging] Adding packaging as an OpenStack project
Paul Belanger
- [openstack-dev] (re)centralizing library release management
Paul Belanger
- [openstack-dev] Nominating Joshua Hesketh for infra-root
Paul Belanger
- [openstack-dev] [packaging] Adding packaging as an OpenStack project
Paul Belanger
- [openstack-dev] [packaging] Adding packaging as an OpenStack project
Paul Belanger
- [openstack-dev] [Stackalytics] Complementary projects
Paul Belanger
- [openstack-dev] [Fuel][Fuel-library] Using librarian-puppet to manage upstream fuel-library modules
Paul Belanger
- [openstack-dev] Where are all the research papers?
Tim Bell
- [openstack-dev] [Nova] The unbearable lightness of specs
Tim Bell
- [openstack-dev] [Nova] The unbearable lightness of specs
Tim Bell
- [openstack-dev] [Nova] The unbearable lightness of specs
Tim Bell
- [openstack-dev] [Nova] The unbearable lightness of specs
Tim Bell
- [openstack-dev] [Neutron] Functional tests coverage
Sergey Belous
- [openstack-dev] [neutron][hyper-v] Instance can't get fixed ip on hyper-v compute node
Claudiu Belu
- [openstack-dev] [neutron][hyper-v] Instance can't get fixed ip on hyper-v compute node
Claudiu Belu
- [openstack-dev] [neutron] - dnsmasq 'dhcp-authoritative' option broke multiple DHCP servers
Kevin Benton
- [openstack-dev] [Neutron] virtual machine can not get DHCP lease due packet has no checksum
Kevin Benton
- [openstack-dev] [neutron] Mechanism drivers and Neutron server forking?
Kevin Benton
- [openstack-dev] [Neutron] L3 agent rescheduling issue
Kevin Benton
- [openstack-dev] [Neutron] L3 agent rescheduling issue
Kevin Benton
- [openstack-dev] [global-requirements][pbr] tarball and git requirements no longer supported in requirements.txt
Kevin Benton
- [openstack-dev] [Neutron] L3 agent rescheduling issue
Kevin Benton
- [openstack-dev] [global-requirements][pbr] tarball and git requirements no longer supported in requirements.txt
Kevin Benton
- [openstack-dev] [Neutron] L3 agent rescheduling issue
Kevin Benton
- [openstack-dev] [Neutron] L3 agent rescheduling issue
Kevin Benton
- [openstack-dev] [Neutron] Missing "allowed address pairs"?
Kevin Benton
- [openstack-dev] [neutron] Mechanism drivers and Neutron server forking?
Kevin Benton
- [openstack-dev] [neutron] - L3 scope-aware security groups
Kevin Benton
- [openstack-dev] [neutron] - L3 scope-aware security groups
Kevin Benton
- [openstack-dev] [Openstack-operators] [openstack-operators][neutron[dhcp][dnsmask]: duplicate entries in addn_hosts causing no IP allocation
Kevin Benton
- [openstack-dev] [Openstack-operators] [openstack-operators][neutron[dhcp][dnsmask]: duplicate entries in addn_hosts causing no IP allocation
Kevin Benton
- [openstack-dev] [Openstack-operators] [openstack-operators][neutron[dhcp][dnsmask]: duplicate entries in addn_hosts causing no IP allocation
Kevin Benton
- [openstack-dev] [Neutron] API Extensions - Namespace URLs
Kevin Benton
- [openstack-dev] [Neutron] API Extensions - Namespace URLs
Kevin Benton
- [openstack-dev] Fwd: [neutron] - L3 scope-aware security groups
Kevin Benton
- [openstack-dev] doubt about static routes and host routes
Kevin Benton
- [openstack-dev] [puppet] drop monolithic plugins in neutron module
Kevin Benton
- [openstack-dev] [Neutron] Proposing YAMAMOTO Takashi for the Control Plane core team
Kevin Benton
- [openstack-dev] [Networking] Support for multiple gateways in neutron/nova-net subnets for provider networks
Kevin Benton
- [openstack-dev] [Neutron] Proposing Rossella Sblendido for the Control Plane core team
Kevin Benton
- [openstack-dev] [Networking] Support for multiple gateways in neutron/nova-net subnets for provider networks
Kevin Benton
- [openstack-dev] [Neutron] Quota enforcement
Kevin Benton
- [openstack-dev] [Neutron] Quota enforcement
Kevin Benton
- [openstack-dev] [Neutron] Quota enforcement
Kevin Benton
- [openstack-dev] [Neutron] Proposing YAMAMOTO Takashi for the Control Plane core team
Kevin Benton
- [openstack-dev] [Neutron][Ironic] Setting IPXE tag for dnsmasq
Kevin Benton
- [openstack-dev] [Neutron] Proposing Rossella Sblendido for the Control Plane core team
Kevin Benton
- [openstack-dev] [Neutron][Ironic] Setting IPXE tag for dnsmasq
Kevin Benton
- [openstack-dev] Interconnecting projects
Kevin Benton
- [openstack-dev] [neutron] enriching port binding extension API dictionaries with key-values
Kevin Benton
- [openstack-dev] [designate] and [lbaas] - GSLB API and backend support
Samuel Bercovici
- [openstack-dev] [designate] and [lbaas] - GSLB API and backend support
Samuel Bercovici
- [openstack-dev] [nova] Progressing/tracking work on libvirt / vif drivers
Irena Berezovsky
- [openstack-dev] [neutron] Regarding Flow Classifier proposals for Liberty!
Irena Berezovsky
- [openstack-dev] [Neutron] Modular L2 Agent
Irena Berezovsky
- [openstack-dev] [neutron] enriching port binding extension API dictionaries with key-values
Irena Berezovsky
- [openstack-dev] [nova] Progressing/tracking work on libvirt / vif drivers
Daniel P. Berrange
- [openstack-dev] [nova] Progressing/tracking work on libvirt / vif drivers
Daniel P. Berrange
- [openstack-dev] [Nova] Release versioning proposal for Liberty
Daniel P. Berrange
- [openstack-dev] [Nova] Release versioning proposal for Liberty
Daniel P. Berrange
- [openstack-dev] [Nova] Release versioning proposal for Liberty
Daniel P. Berrange
- [openstack-dev] [all] [stable] No longer doing stable point releases
Daniel P. Berrange
- [openstack-dev] [Nova] Liberty Priorties for Nova
Daniel P. Berrange
- [openstack-dev] [nova] FreeBSD host support, round 2
Daniel P. Berrange
- [openstack-dev] [Nova] Liberty Priorties for Nova
Daniel P. Berrange
- [openstack-dev] [cinder][nova] modeling connection_info with a versioned object in os-brick
Daniel P. Berrange
- [openstack-dev] [nova] vif type libvirt-network
Daniel P. Berrange
- [openstack-dev] [nova] vif type libvirt-network
Daniel P. Berrange
- [openstack-dev] [nova] vif type libvirt-network
Daniel P. Berrange
- [openstack-dev] [nova] Plan to consolidate FS-style libvirt volume drivers under a common base class
Daniel P. Berrange
- [openstack-dev] [nova] Plan to consolidate FS-style libvirt volume drivers under a common base class
Daniel P. Berrange
- [openstack-dev] [nova][ceilometer] proposal to send bulk hypervisor stats data in periodic notifications
Daniel P. Berrange
- [openstack-dev] [nova][ceilometer] proposal to send bulk hypervisor stats data in periodic notifications
Daniel P. Berrange
- [openstack-dev] [nova] Stuck on VIF plugin script?
Daniel P. Berrange
- [openstack-dev] [nova][ceilometer] proposal to send bulk hypervisor stats data in periodic notifications
Daniel P. Berrange
- [openstack-dev] [nova][neutron] Formal shared VIF type library w/ objects & plugins
Daniel P. Berrange
- [openstack-dev] [Nova] The unbearable lightness of specs
Daniel P. Berrange
- [openstack-dev] [Nova][Keystone] The unbearable lightness of specs
Daniel P. Berrange
- [openstack-dev] [Nova] The unbearable lightness of specs
Daniel P. Berrange
- [openstack-dev] [Nova][Keystone] The unbearable lightness of specs
Daniel P. Berrange
- [openstack-dev] [nova] schedule instance based on CPU frequency ?
Daniel P. Berrange
- [openstack-dev] [keystone] [nova] [oslo] oslo.policy requests from the Nova team
Bhandaru, Malini K
- [openstack-dev] [Glance][Keystone] Glance and trusts
Bhandaru, Malini K
- [openstack-dev] [glance] [nova] Glance bug with Kilo upgrade & Nova
Bhandaru, Malini K
- [openstack-dev] [glance] [nova] Glance bug with Kilo upgrade & Nova
Bhandaru, Malini K
- [openstack-dev] [nova] How to properly detect and fence a compromised host (and why I dislike TrustedFilter)
Bhandaru, Malini K
- [openstack-dev] [release] WSME 0.7.0
Stéphane Bisinger
- [openstack-dev] Standard way to indicate a partial blueprint implementation?
Zane Bitter
- [openstack-dev] [all] grenade with external plugins for the big tent - how to use
Zane Bitter
- [openstack-dev] [puppet] [fuel] more collaboration request
Zane Bitter
- [openstack-dev] [GBP][Heat] Group-based Policy plug-in for Heat
Zane Bitter
- [openstack-dev] [Murano] Nominating Filip Blaha for murano-core
Filip Blaha
- [openstack-dev] [murano] shellcheck all .sh scripts in murano-deployment
Filip Blaha
- [openstack-dev] [murano] shellcheck all .sh scripts in murano-deployment
Filip Blaha
- [openstack-dev] [packaging] Adding packaging as an OpenStack project
James E. Blair
- [openstack-dev] [infra][qa] Empty "Build succeeded" when filtering jobs
James E. Blair
- [openstack-dev] Gerrit downtime on Friday 2015-06-12 at 22:00 UTC
James E. Blair
- [openstack-dev] Announcing Gertty 1.2.0
James E. Blair
- [openstack-dev] [puppet][zaqar] Help needed creating Zaqar manifests for puppet.
James E. Blair
- [openstack-dev] Nominating Joshua Hesketh for infra-root
James E. Blair
- [openstack-dev] Starting the M Release Name Poll
James E. Blair
- [openstack-dev] [Ironic][Horizon][Tuskar-ui] Making a dashboard for Ironic
James E. Blair
- [openstack-dev] [keystone]Why not common definition about normal HTTP status code like 2xx and 3xx?
Boris Bobrov
- [openstack-dev] [Fuel] Hard Code Freeze status update - Just 1st 8PM PDT
Eugene Bogdanov
- [openstack-dev] 6.1 Hard Code Freeze - status update June 2nd
Eugene Bogdanov
- [openstack-dev] [Fuel] Hard Code Freeze status update - Just 3rd 2:30PM PDT
Eugene Bogdanov
- [openstack-dev] [Fuel] Hard Code Freeze status update - Just 4th 2PM PDT
Eugene Bogdanov
- [openstack-dev] [Fuel] 6.1 Hard Code Freeze status update June 5th
Eugene Bogdanov
- [openstack-dev] [Fuel] 6.1 RC ready, Hard Code Freeze to be announced on Monday, June 8th
Eugene Bogdanov
- [openstack-dev] [Fuel] MOS 6.1 Release - Hard Code Freeze in action
Eugene Bogdanov
- [openstack-dev] [Fuel] Fuel for Openstack 6.1 released
Eugene Bogdanov
- [openstack-dev] [nova] FreeBSD host support, round 2
Roman Bogorodskiy
- [openstack-dev] [nova] FreeBSD host support, round 2
Roman Bogorodskiy
- [openstack-dev] [Neutron] Proposing YAMAMOTO Takashi for the Control Plane core team
Oleg Bondarev
- [openstack-dev] [Neutron] Proposing Rossella Sblendido for the Control Plane core team
Oleg Bondarev
- [openstack-dev] [nova] File injection, config drive and cloud-init
Mark Boo
- [openstack-dev] [all] Any other downstream developers having problems with pbr?
Matthew Booth
- [openstack-dev] [nova][all] Architecture Diagrams in ascii art?
Dmitry Borodaenko
- [openstack-dev] [puppet] [fuel] more collaboration request
Dmitry Borodaenko
- [openstack-dev] [puppet] [fuel] more collaboration request
Dmitry Borodaenko
- [openstack-dev] [puppet] [fuel] more collaboration request
Dmitry Borodaenko
- [openstack-dev] [puppet] [fuel] more collaboration request
Dmitry Borodaenko
- [openstack-dev] [puppet] [fuel] more collaboration request
Dmitry Borodaenko
- [openstack-dev] [puppet] [fuel] more collaboration request
Dmitry Borodaenko
- [openstack-dev] [puppet] [fuel] more collaboration request
Dmitry Borodaenko
- [openstack-dev] [puppet] [fuel] more collaboration request
Dmitry Borodaenko
- [openstack-dev] [puppet] [fuel] more collaboration request
Dmitry Borodaenko
- [openstack-dev] [puppet] [fuel] more collaboration request
Dmitry Borodaenko
- [openstack-dev] [puppet] [fuel] more collaboration request
Dmitry Borodaenko
- [openstack-dev] [Fuel][Fuel-Library] Nominate Aleksandr Didenko for fuel-library core
Dmitry Borodaenko
- [openstack-dev] [all][infra][tc][ptl] Scaling up code review process (subdir cores)
James Bottomley
- [openstack-dev] [all][infra][tc][ptl] Scaling up code review process (subdir cores)
James Bottomley
- [openstack-dev] [puppet] [fuel] more collaboration request
James Bottomley
- [openstack-dev] [puppet] [fuel] more collaboration request
James Bottomley
- [openstack-dev] [Nova][Keystone] The unbearable lightness of specs
James Bottomley
- [openstack-dev] [kolla] Proposal for changing 1600UTC meeting to 1700 UTC
Paul Bourke
- [openstack-dev] [kolla] Proposal for changing 1600UTC meeting to 1700 UTC
Paul Bourke
- [openstack-dev] [kolla] Proposal for changing 1600UTC meeting to 1700 UTC
Paul Bourke
- [openstack-dev] [kolla] Add your name and TZ to wiki
Paul Bourke
- [openstack-dev] [all] Any other downstream developers having problems with pbr?
Clark Boylan
- [openstack-dev] Friday 1900UTC etherpad.openstack.org downtime for DB maintenance
Clark Boylan
- [openstack-dev] [magnum][horizon] Making a dashboard for Magnum - need a vote from the core team
Ronald Bradford
- [openstack-dev] [keystone][barbican] Regarding exposing X-Group-xxxx in token validation
Lance Bragstad
- [openstack-dev] [keystone][barbican] Regarding exposing X-Group-xxxx in token validation
Lance Bragstad
- [openstack-dev] [Keystone] Midcycle
Lance Bragstad
- [openstack-dev] DB2 CI enablement on Keystone
Lance Bragstad
- [openstack-dev] [Solum] Should logs be deleted when we delete an app?
Keith Bray
- [openstack-dev] [Solum] Should logs be deleted when we delete an app?
Keith Bray
- [openstack-dev] [Solum] Should logs be deleted when we delete an app?
Keith Bray
- [openstack-dev] [Solum] Should logs be deleted when we delete an app?
Keith Bray
- [openstack-dev] [Solum] Should logs be deleted when we delete an app?
Keith Bray
- [openstack-dev] [Solum] Roadmap additions
Keith Bray
- [openstack-dev] [Solum][app-catalog] [ Supporting swift downloads for operator languagepacks
Keith Bray
- [openstack-dev] [app-catalog] [solum] Base Image tagging vs. App tagging
Keith Bray
- [openstack-dev] [all] IRC meetings agenda is now driven from Gerrit !
Tony Breeds
- [openstack-dev] Can not connect to host review.openstack.org port 29418
Tony Breeds
- [openstack-dev] [all] Gerrit based IRC meetings.
Tony Breeds
- [openstack-dev] What's Up, Doc? 5 June 2015
Lana Brindley
- [openstack-dev] What's Up, Doc? 26 June 2015
Lana Brindley
- [openstack-dev] [Zaqar][all] Zaqar will stay... Lots of work ahead
Ryan Brown
- [openstack-dev] Nominating Serge van Ginderachter to the os-ansible-deployment core team
Nolan Brubaker
- [openstack-dev] [cinder] Rebranded Volume Drivers
Bruns, Curt E
- [openstack-dev] [Nova] The unbearable lightness of specs
Jay Bryant
- [openstack-dev] [cinder] Need help from folks working on Dell, Storpool and Infortrend drivers
Jay Bryant
- [openstack-dev] [cinder][stable] Cinder client broken in Juno
Jay Bryant
- [openstack-dev] [cinder] Rebranded Volume Drivers
Jay S. Bryant
- [openstack-dev] [neutron] Mechanism drivers and Neutron server forking?
Russell Bryant
- [openstack-dev] [packaging] RPM Packaging for OpenStack IRC Meeting
Russell Bryant
- [openstack-dev] [packaging] RPM Packaging for OpenStack IRC Meeting
Russell Bryant
- [openstack-dev] [nova][qa] Do we turn on voting for the tempest-dsvm-cells job?
Russell Bryant
- [openstack-dev] [grenade] future direction on partial upgrade support
Russell Bryant
- [openstack-dev] [grenade] future direction on partial upgrade support
Russell Bryant
- [openstack-dev] [Sahara] Difference between Sahara and CloudBrak
Chris Buccella
- [openstack-dev] [Solum] Should logs be deleted when we delete an app?
Randall Burt
- [openstack-dev] [Solum] Should logs be deleted when we delete an app?
Randall Burt
- [openstack-dev] [Solum] Supporting swift downloads for operator languagepacks
Randall Burt
- [openstack-dev] [Solum] Supporting swift downloads for operator languagepacks
Randall Burt
- [openstack-dev] [Solum] [ Supporting swift downloads for operator languagepacks
Randall Burt
- [openstack-dev] [all][infra][tc][ptl] Scaling up code review process (subdir cores)
Clint Byrum
- [openstack-dev] [all] [stable] No longer doing stable point releases
Clint Byrum
- [openstack-dev] [Ceph] Is it necessary to flatten Copy-on-write cloning for RBD-backed disks?
Clint Byrum
- [openstack-dev] [all][python3] use of six.iteritems()
Clint Byrum
- [openstack-dev] [Neutron] Issue with pymysql
Clint Byrum
- [openstack-dev] [Neutron] Issue with pymysql
Clint Byrum
- [openstack-dev] [oslo.messaging][zeromq] Next step
Clint Byrum
- [openstack-dev] [api][nova][ironic] Microversion API HTTP header
Clint Byrum
- [openstack-dev] [oslo.messaging][zeromq] Next step
Clint Byrum
- [openstack-dev] [api][nova][ironic] Microversion API HTTP header
Clint Byrum
- [openstack-dev] [Magnum] TLS Support in Magnum
Clint Byrum
- [openstack-dev] [all] FYI - dropping non RabbitMQ support in devstack
Clint Byrum
- [openstack-dev] [Magnum] TLS Support in Magnum
Clint Byrum
- [openstack-dev] [all] FYI - dropping non RabbitMQ support in devstack
Clint Byrum
- [openstack-dev] [all] FYI - dropping non RabbitMQ support in devstack
Clint Byrum
- [openstack-dev] [all] FYI - dropping non RabbitMQ support in devstack
Clint Byrum
- [openstack-dev] [all] [qpid] [zmq] [RabbitMQ] [oslo] Pending deprecation of driver(s).
Clint Byrum
- [openstack-dev] [all] DevStack switching from MySQL-python to PyMySQL
Clint Byrum
- [openstack-dev] [all] [qpid] [zmq] [RabbitMQ] [oslo] Pending deprecation of driver(s).
Clint Byrum
- [openstack-dev] [all] [qpid] [zmq] [RabbitMQ] [oslo] Pending deprecation of driver(s).
Clint Byrum
- [openstack-dev] [oslo.messaging][zeromq] Next step
Clint Byrum
- [openstack-dev] M Naming Poll ended - results still need to clear legal
Clint Byrum
- [openstack-dev] [all] [qpid] [zmq] [RabbitMQ] [oslo] Pending deprecation of driver(s).
Clint Byrum
- [openstack-dev] [TripleO] Splitting out dib-core
Clint Byrum
- [openstack-dev] Why doesn't Swift cache object data?
Clint Byrum
- [openstack-dev] [cinder][oslo] Locks for create from volume/snapshot
Clint Byrum
- [openstack-dev] [TripleO] diskimage-builder 1.0.0
Clint Byrum
- [openstack-dev] [all] [stable] No longer doing stable point releases
Tristan Cacqueray
- [openstack-dev] [Security] Nominating Travis McPeak for Security CoreSec
Tristan Cacqueray
- [openstack-dev] [Magnum] Make functional tests voting
Tom Cammann
- [openstack-dev] [Magnum] TLS Support in Magnum
Tom Cammann
- [openstack-dev] [Magnum] Make functional tests voting
Tom Cammann
- [openstack-dev] [Magnum] Python 3 support
Tom Cammann
- [openstack-dev] [Magnum] Continuing with heat-coe-templates
Tom Cammann
- [openstack-dev] [all][release] summit session summary: Release Versioning for Server Applications
Thierry Carrez
- [openstack-dev] [all] [stable] No longer doing stable point releases
Thierry Carrez
- [openstack-dev] [all] [stable] No longer doing stable point releases
Thierry Carrez
- [openstack-dev] [all] Project Team Guide workgroup planning a virtual sprint Jun 18-19
Thierry Carrez
- [openstack-dev] [all][release] summit session summary: Release Versioning for Server Applications
Thierry Carrez
- [openstack-dev] Cross-Project meeting, Tue Jun 2nd, 21:00 UTC
Thierry Carrez
- [openstack-dev] [all][infra][tc][ptl] Scaling up code review process (subdir cores)
Thierry Carrez
- [openstack-dev] [Nova] Release versioning proposal for Liberty
Thierry Carrez
- [openstack-dev] [Nova] Release versioning proposal for Liberty
Thierry Carrez
- [openstack-dev] Targeting icehouse-eol?
Thierry Carrez
- [openstack-dev] [all] [stable] No longer doing stable point releases
Thierry Carrez
- [openstack-dev] [all] [stable] No longer doing stable point releases
Thierry Carrez
- [openstack-dev] [all] [stable] No longer doing stable point releases
Thierry Carrez
- [openstack-dev] [ptl] Skipping Release management 0800-1000 UTC office hours next Tuesday
Thierry Carrez
- [openstack-dev] [oslo] oslo releasing is noisy...
Thierry Carrez
- [openstack-dev] [all][api] 1 new guideline entering freeze period
Thierry Carrez
- [openstack-dev] [all] [stable] No longer doing stable point releases
Thierry Carrez
- [openstack-dev] [oslo] oslo releasing is noisy...
Thierry Carrez
- [openstack-dev] (re)centralizing library release management
Thierry Carrez
- [openstack-dev] [Openstack-operators] [ops][tags][packaging] ops:packaging tag - a little common sense, please
Thierry Carrez
- [openstack-dev] stackforge projects are not second class citizens
Thierry Carrez
- [openstack-dev] [all][release] summit session summary: Release Versioning for Server Applications
Thierry Carrez
- [openstack-dev] Cross-Project meeting, Tue Jun 16th, 21:00 UTC
Thierry Carrez
- [openstack-dev] [all][release] summit session summary: Release Versioning for Server Applications
Thierry Carrez
- [openstack-dev] [all] [stable] No longer doing stable point releases
Thierry Carrez
- [openstack-dev] [release] Release announcements convergence
Thierry Carrez
- [openstack-dev] [all][release] summit session summary: Release Versioning for Server Applications
Thierry Carrez
- [openstack-dev] Developers in the Bay Area
Thierry Carrez
- [openstack-dev] [all] [stable] No longer doing stable point releases
Thierry Carrez
- [openstack-dev] [Solum] Roadmap additions
Thierry Carrez
- [openstack-dev] [Stackalytics] Complementary projects
Thierry Carrez
- [openstack-dev] [oslo.messaging][zeromq] Next step
Thierry Carrez
- [openstack-dev] [all] Gerrit based IRC meetings.
Thierry Carrez
- [openstack-dev] [requirements] converging the openstack-infra/project-config and openstack/requirements requirements checks
Thierry Carrez
- [openstack-dev] [cinder][stable] Cinder client broken in Juno
Thierry Carrez
- [openstack-dev] [Nova] The unbearable lightness of specs
Thierry Carrez
- [openstack-dev] [Nova] The unbearable lightness of specs
Thierry Carrez
- [openstack-dev] [Nova] The unbearable lightness of specs
Thierry Carrez
- [openstack-dev] [tc][openstack-ansible] Proposal to move project openstack-ansible
Kevin Carter
- [openstack-dev] [os-ansible-deployment] Core team nomination
Kevin Carter
- [openstack-dev] [os-ansible-deployment] Core team nomination
Kevin Carter
- [openstack-dev] [os-ansible-deployment] new features needing reviewers
Kevin Carter
- [openstack-dev] [neutron] Service Chain project IRC meeting minutes - 06/04/2015
Paul Carver
- [openstack-dev] [Neutron] Flavor framework
Paul Carver
- [openstack-dev] [devstack] Use devstack/master to install older releases
Emmanuel Cazenave
- [openstack-dev] [keystone][reseller] New way to get a project scoped token by name
David Chadwick
- [openstack-dev] [keystone] [nova] [oslo] [cross-project] Dynamic Policy
David Chadwick
- [openstack-dev] [keystone][reseller] New way to get a project scoped token by name
David Chadwick
- [openstack-dev] [keystone] [nova] [oslo] [cross-project] Dynamic Policy
David Chadwick
- [openstack-dev] [Glance][Keystone] Glance and trusts
David Chadwick
- [openstack-dev] [keystone] [nova] [oslo] [cross-project] Dynamic Policy
David Chadwick
- [openstack-dev] [keystone][reseller] New way to get a project scoped token by name
David Chadwick
- [openstack-dev] [Keystone] Domain and Project naming
David Chadwick
- [openstack-dev] [Glance][Keystone] Glance and trusts
David Chadwick
- [openstack-dev] [keystone][reseller] New way to get a project scoped token by name
David Chadwick
- [openstack-dev] [Glance][Keystone] Glance and trusts
David Chadwick
- [openstack-dev] [Openstack] [OpenStack Foundation] Openstack Diversity Working Group
Pete Chadwick
- [openstack-dev] [Nova] Follow up actions from the Summit: please help
Kashyap Chamarthy
- [openstack-dev] [Nova] The unbearable lightness of specs
Kashyap Chamarthy
- [openstack-dev] [Nova] The unbearable lightness of specs
Kashyap Chamarthy
- [openstack-dev] [Nova] The unbearable lightness of specs
Kashyap Chamarthy
- [openstack-dev] [Mistral] Proposal for the Resume Feature
W Chan
- [openstack-dev] [Mistral] Proposal for the Resume Feature
W Chan
- [openstack-dev] [Mistral] Proposal for the Resume Feature
W Chan
- [openstack-dev] [mistral] Proposing Lingxian Kong as a core reviewer
W Chan
- [openstack-dev] [VPNaas]How to load kernel module with IPSec?
Zhi Chang
- [openstack-dev] [VPNaas]How to load kernel module with IPSec?
Zhi Chang
- [openstack-dev] [nova] Should we add instance action event to live migration?
Rui Chen
- [openstack-dev] [Nova] Approval dates for non-priority specs
Rui Chen
- [openstack-dev] [Nova] Approval dates for non-priority specs
Rui Chen
- [openstack-dev] Kilo v3 identity problems
Lin Hua Cheng
- [openstack-dev] [Murano] Nominating Filip Blaha for murano-core
Ekaterina Chernova
- [openstack-dev] [Murano] Nominating Kirill Zaitsev for murano-core
Ekaterina Chernova
- [openstack-dev] [Murano] Discuss simulated-execution-mode-murano-engine blueprint
Ekaterina Chernova
- [openstack-dev] [Murano] python-openstackclient support
Ekaterina Chernova
- [openstack-dev] Tracking bugs in apps on launchpad
Ekaterina Chernova
- [openstack-dev] [Murano] Watch new murano demos
Ekaterina Chernova
- [openstack-dev] New subscriber:choudharyvikas16 at gmail.com is my email id.
Vikas Choudhary
- [openstack-dev] [neutron] Proposing Assaf Muller for the Neutron Core Reviewer Team
Vikram Choudhary
- [openstack-dev] [neutron] Service Chain project IRC meeting minutes - 06/04/2015
Vikram Choudhary
- [openstack-dev] [neutron] Service Chain project IRC meeting minutes - 06/04/2015
Vikram Choudhary
- [openstack-dev] [neutron] Regarding Flow Classifier proposals for Liberty!
Vikram Choudhary
- [openstack-dev] [neutron] Regarding Flow classifiers existing proposals
Vikram Choudhary
- [openstack-dev] [neutron] Regarding Flow classifiers existing proposals
Vikram Choudhary
- [openstack-dev] [neutron] Regarding Flow classifiers existing proposals
Vikram Choudhary
- [openstack-dev] [neutron] QoS code sprint
Vikram Choudhary
- [openstack-dev] [nova] import OVA/OVF into openstack
Xingjun Chu
- [openstack-dev] [nova] import OVA/OVF into openstack
Xingjun Chu
- [openstack-dev] [Security] [Bandit] Using multiprocessing/threading to speed up analysis
Clark, Robert Graham
- [openstack-dev] [Security][VMT] OSSG CoreSec Positions
Clark, Robert Graham
- [openstack-dev] [Security] Nominating Travis McPeak for Security CoreSec
Clark, Robert Graham
- [openstack-dev] [Security] the need about implementing a MAC security hook framework for OpenStack
Clark, Robert Graham
- [openstack-dev] [Magnum] TLS Support in Magnum
Clark, Robert Graham
- [openstack-dev] Specify a domain in mapping rules
J. Pablo Martín Cobos
- [openstack-dev] Specify a domain in mapping rules
J. Pablo Martín Cobos
- [openstack-dev] Specify a domain in mapping rules
J. Pablo Martín Cobos
- [openstack-dev] V3 Authentication for swift store
Coles, Alistair
- [openstack-dev] V3 Authentication for swift store
Coles, Alistair
- [openstack-dev] [all] [stable] No longer doing stable point releases
Robert Collins
- [openstack-dev] [all] [stable] No longer doing stable point releases
Robert Collins
- [openstack-dev] [all][infra][tc][ptl] Scaling up code review process (subdir cores)
Robert Collins
- [openstack-dev] [all][infra][tc][ptl] Scaling up code review process (subdir cores)
Robert Collins
- [openstack-dev] [global-requirements][pbr] tarball and git requirements no longer supported in requirements.txt
Robert Collins
- [openstack-dev] [nova] [glance] How to deal with aborted image read?
Robert Collins
- [openstack-dev] [all] [stable] No longer doing stable point releases
Robert Collins
- [openstack-dev] [all] [stable] No longer doing stable point releases
Robert Collins
- [openstack-dev] [all] [stable] No longer doing stable point releases
Robert Collins
- [openstack-dev] [all] [stable] No longer doing stable point releases
Robert Collins
- [openstack-dev] [global-requirements][pbr] tarball and git requirements no longer supported in requirements.txt
Robert Collins
- [openstack-dev] [global-requirements][pbr] tarball and git requirements no longer supported in requirements.txt
Robert Collins
- [openstack-dev] [global-requirements][pbr] tarball and git requirements no longer supported in requirements.txt
Robert Collins
- [openstack-dev] [pulp] use of coinor.pulp rather than pulp
Robert Collins
- [openstack-dev] [pulp] use of coinor.pulp rather than pulp
Robert Collins
- [openstack-dev] [global-requirements][pbr] tarball and git requirements no longer supported in requirements.txt
Robert Collins
- [openstack-dev] [global-requirements][pbr] tarball and git requirements no longer supported in requirements.txt
Robert Collins
- [openstack-dev] [all] [stable] No longer doing stable point releases
Robert Collins
- [openstack-dev] [nova] [glance] How to deal with aborted image read?
Robert Collins
- [openstack-dev] [nova] [glance] How to deal with aborted image read?
Robert Collins
- [openstack-dev] [pbr] pbr 1.1.0 release
Robert Collins
- [openstack-dev] (re)centralizing library release management
Robert Collins
- [openstack-dev] [all] pbr release wedged things, fixed in 1.1.1.
Robert Collins
- [openstack-dev] [javascript] Linters
Robert Collins
- [openstack-dev] [all][python3] use of six.iteritems()
Robert Collins
- [openstack-dev] [all] OpenStack Sprints at PyConAU
Robert Collins
- [openstack-dev] [all][python3] use of six.iteritems()
Robert Collins
- [openstack-dev] [all][python3] use of six.iteritems()
Robert Collins
- [openstack-dev] [packaging] Adding packaging as an OpenStack project
Robert Collins
- [openstack-dev] [javascript] Linters
Robert Collins
- [openstack-dev] [all][python3] use of six.iteritems()
Robert Collins
- [openstack-dev] [all][python3] use of six.iteritems()
Robert Collins
- [openstack-dev] Looking for help getting git-review to work over https
Robert Collins
- [openstack-dev] [all][python3] use of six.iteritems()
Robert Collins
- [openstack-dev] [all][requirements] Proposing a slight change in requirements.txt syncing output.
Robert Collins
- [openstack-dev] [javascript] [horizon] [merlin] [refstack] Javascript Linting
Robert Collins
- [openstack-dev] [javascript] [horizon] [merlin] [refstack] Javascript Linting
Robert Collins
- [openstack-dev] [all] setup.py executable bit
Robert Collins
- [openstack-dev] Debian already using Python 3.5: please gate on that
Robert Collins
- [openstack-dev] [requirements] re-ordered specifiers in requirements.txt
Robert Collins
- [openstack-dev] [all][requirements] Whats with the "python_version=='2.7'" stuff thats showing up from today?
Robert Collins
- [openstack-dev] [requirements] converging the openstack-infra/project-config and openstack/requirements requirements checks
Robert Collins
- [openstack-dev] [requirements] converging the openstack-infra/project-config and openstack/requirements requirements checks
Robert Collins
- [openstack-dev] [all][requirements] Whats with the "python_version=='2.7'" stuff thats showing up from today?
Robert Collins
- [openstack-dev] [devstack] failures in devstack with "tests_require' must be a string or...."
Robert Collins
- [openstack-dev] [all] Any other downstream developers having problems with pbr?
Robert Collins
- [openstack-dev] [all]deprecating [test-]requirements-PYN.txt
Robert Collins
- [openstack-dev] [DevStack][Neutron] PHYSICAL_NETWORK vs. PUBLIC_PHYSICAL_NETWORK - rant
Sean M. Collins
- [openstack-dev] [Fuel] Call for 7.0 feature design and review
Sean M. Collins
- [openstack-dev] [Fuel] Call for 7.0 feature design and review
Sean M. Collins
- [openstack-dev] [devstack] RTNETLINK permission denied on setting IPv6 on br-ex
Sean M. Collins
- [openstack-dev] [DevStack][Neutron] PHYSICAL_NETWORK vs. PUBLIC_PHYSICAL_NETWORK - rant
Sean M. Collins
- [openstack-dev] [DevStack][Neutron] PHYSICAL_NETWORK vs. PUBLIC_PHYSICAL_NETWORK - rant
Sean M. Collins
- [openstack-dev] [Neutron] API Extensions - Namespace URLs
Sean M. Collins
- [openstack-dev] [Neutron] API Extensions - Namespace URLs
Sean M. Collins
- [openstack-dev] [Neutron][DevStack] Standing on the shoulders of giants - Linux Bridge testing at the gate
Sean M. Collins
- [openstack-dev] [Neutron] Modular L2 Agent
Sean M. Collins
- [openstack-dev] [fuel] Fuel meeting participation.
Sean M. Collins
- [openstack-dev] [Neutron] Modular L2 Agent
Sean M. Collins
- [openstack-dev] [Neutron] Security Group API differences between Neutron and Amazon AWS
Sean M. Collins
- [openstack-dev] [nova][all] Architecture Diagrams in ascii art?
Daniel Comnea
- [openstack-dev] [neutron[dhcp][dnsmask]: duplicate entries in addn_hosts causing no IP allocation
Daniel Comnea
- [openstack-dev] [openstack-operators][neutron[dhcp][dnsmask]: duplicate entries in addn_hosts causing no IP allocation
Daniel Comnea
- [openstack-dev] [openstack-operators][neutron[dhcp][dnsmask]: duplicate entries in addn_hosts causing no IP allocation
Daniel Comnea
- [openstack-dev] Debian already using Python 3.5: please gate on that
Daniel Comnea
- [openstack-dev] [kolla][release] Announcing Liberty-1 release of Kolla
Daniel Comnea
- [openstack-dev] [all] [stable] No longer doing stable point releases
Ian Cordasco
- [openstack-dev] [keystone]Why not common definition about normal HTTP status code like 2xx and 3xx?
Ian Cordasco
- [openstack-dev] [all][infra][tc][ptl] Scaling up code review process (subdir cores)
Ian Cordasco
- [openstack-dev] [nova] [glance] How to deal with aborted image read?
Ian Cordasco
- [openstack-dev] [all] [stable] No longer doing stable point releases
Ian Cordasco
- [openstack-dev] [all] [stable] No longer doing stable point releases
Ian Cordasco
- [openstack-dev] [all] [stable] No longer doing stable point releases
Ian Cordasco
- [openstack-dev] [Security] [Bandit] Using multiprocessing/threading to speed up analysis
Ian Cordasco
- [openstack-dev] [Security] [Bandit] Using multiprocessing/threading to speed up analysis
Ian Cordasco
- [openstack-dev] [Security] [Bandit] Using multiprocessing/threading to speed up analysis
Ian Cordasco
- [openstack-dev] [packaging] Adding packaging as an OpenStack project
Ian Cordasco
- [openstack-dev] [all] Switching to SQLAlchemy 1.0.x
Ian Cordasco
- [openstack-dev] Looking for help getting git-review to work over https
Ian Cordasco
- [openstack-dev] Looking for help getting git-review to work over https
Ian Cordasco
- [openstack-dev] Looking for help getting git-review to work over https
Ian Cordasco
- [openstack-dev] [all] [stable] No longer doing stable point releases
Ian Cordasco
- [openstack-dev] [all] [stable] No longer doing stable point releases
Ian Cordasco
- [openstack-dev] [all] setup.py executable bit
Ian Cordasco
- [openstack-dev] Debian already using Python 3.5: please gate on that
Ian Cordasco
- [openstack-dev] [os-ansible-deployment] Core team nomination
Ian Cordasco
- [openstack-dev] [api] [all] To changes-since or not to changes-since
Ian Cordasco
- [openstack-dev] [api] [all] To changes-since or not to changes-since
Ian Cordasco
- [openstack-dev] [kolla][release] Announcing Liberty-1 release of Kolla
Ian Cordasco
- [openstack-dev] Redfish
Bruno Cornec
- [openstack-dev] [Solum][Mistral] Help with a patch
Ed Cranford
- [openstack-dev] [api][Solum] Request for feedback on new API resource
Ed Cranford
- [openstack-dev] service metadata discovery URLs
Rob Crittenden
- [openstack-dev] OpenStack Diversity Working Group
Victoria Martínez de la Cruz
- [openstack-dev] [infra][third-party] Common-CI Virtual Sprint
Ricardo Carrillo Cruz
- [openstack-dev] [OpenStack-Infra] Need help! Zuul can not connect to port 29418 of review.openstack.org
Ricardo Carrillo Cruz
- [openstack-dev] Debian already using Python 3.5: please gate on that
Brian Curtin
- [openstack-dev] [Congress] summit events
- [openstack-dev] [Congress] summit events
- [openstack-dev] [Congress] summit events
- [openstack-dev] [Neutron] Missing "allowed address pairs"?
Ken D'Ambrosio
- [openstack-dev] [keystone] [nova] [oslo] oslo.policy requests from the Nova team
Sean Dague
- [openstack-dev] [keystone] [nova] [oslo] oslo.policy requests from the Nova team
Sean Dague
- [openstack-dev] Dynamic Policy for Access Control Subteam Meeting
Sean Dague
- [openstack-dev] [packaging] Adding packaging as an OpenStack project
Sean Dague
- [openstack-dev] Dynamic Policy for Access Control Subteam Meeting
Sean Dague
- [openstack-dev] [keystone] [nova] [oslo] [cross-project] Dynamic Policy
Sean Dague
- [openstack-dev] [keystone] [nova] [oslo] [cross-project] Dynamic Policy
Sean Dague
- [openstack-dev] [packaging] Adding packaging as an OpenStack project
Sean Dague
- [openstack-dev] Dynamic Policy for Access Control Subteam Meeting
Sean Dague
- [openstack-dev] [keystone] [nova] [oslo] [cross-project] Dynamic Policy
Sean Dague
- [openstack-dev] Dynamic Policy for Access Control Subteam Meeting
Sean Dague
- [openstack-dev] [Ironic] When to bump the microversion?
Sean Dague
- [openstack-dev] [Ironic] When to bump the microversion?
Sean Dague
- [openstack-dev] Dynamic Policy for Access Control Subteam Meeting
Sean Dague
- [openstack-dev] Dynamic Policy for Access Control Subteam Meeting
Sean Dague
- [openstack-dev] The Nova API in Kilo and Beyond
Sean Dague
- [openstack-dev] [api] [Nova] [Ironic] [Magnum] Microversion guideline in API-WG
Sean Dague
- [openstack-dev] The Nova API in Kilo and Beyond
Sean Dague
- [openstack-dev] The Nova API in Kilo and Beyond
Sean Dague
- [openstack-dev] The Nova API in Kilo and Beyond
Sean Dague
- [openstack-dev] [all][python3] use of six.iteritems()
Sean Dague
- [openstack-dev] [all] DevStack switching from MySQL-python to PyMySQL
Sean Dague
- [openstack-dev] [all] grenade with external plugins for the big tent - how to use
Sean Dague
- [openstack-dev] [all][python3] use of six.iteritems()
Sean Dague
- [openstack-dev] [Neutron] Issue with pymysql
Sean Dague
- [openstack-dev] [neutron] Microversioning work questions and kick-start
Sean Dague
- [openstack-dev] [Neutron] Issue with pymysql
Sean Dague
- [openstack-dev] [all] DevStack switching from MySQL-python to PyMySQL
Sean Dague
- [openstack-dev] [api][nova][ironic] Microversion API HTTP header
Sean Dague
- [openstack-dev] [api][nova][ironic] Microversion API HTTP header
Sean Dague
- [openstack-dev] [api][nova][ironic] Microversion API HTTP header
Sean Dague
- [openstack-dev] [api][nova][ironic] Microversion API HTTP header
Sean Dague
- [openstack-dev] [api][nova][ironic] Microversion API HTTP header
Sean Dague
- [openstack-dev] [all] FYI - dropping non RabbitMQ support in devstack
Sean Dague
- [openstack-dev] [devstack] apache wsgi application support
Sean Dague
- [openstack-dev] [grenade] future direction on partial upgrade support
Sean Dague
- [openstack-dev] [all] FYI - dropping non RabbitMQ support in devstack
Sean Dague
- [openstack-dev] [all] FYI - dropping non RabbitMQ support in devstack
Sean Dague
- [openstack-dev] [devstack] apache wsgi application support
Sean Dague
- [openstack-dev] [all] FYI - dropping non RabbitMQ support in devstack
Sean Dague
- [openstack-dev] [all] FYI - dropping non RabbitMQ support in devstack
Sean Dague
- [openstack-dev] [all] FYI - dropping non RabbitMQ support in devstack
Sean Dague
- [openstack-dev] [all] FYI - dropping non RabbitMQ support in devstack
Sean Dague
- [openstack-dev] [all] DevStack switching from MySQL-python to PyMySQL
Sean Dague
- [openstack-dev] [all] DevStack switching from MySQL-python to PyMySQL
Sean Dague
- [openstack-dev] [all] FYI - dropping non RabbitMQ support in devstack
Sean Dague
- [openstack-dev] [api] [all] To changes-since or not to changes-since
Sean Dague
- [openstack-dev] [api] [all] To changes-since or not to changes-since
Sean Dague
- [openstack-dev] [requirements] re-ordered specifiers in requirements.txt
Sean Dague
- [openstack-dev] [oslo.messaging][zeromq] Next step
Sean Dague
- [openstack-dev] [Nova] Tracking optional requirements
Sean Dague
- [openstack-dev] [api] [Nova] [Ironic] [Magnum] Microversion guideline in API-WG
Sean Dague
- [openstack-dev] [ceilometer] can we get ceilometermiddleware to use a config file instead of transport_url?
Sean Dague
- [openstack-dev] [ceilometer] can we get ceilometermiddleware to use a config file instead of transport_url?
Sean Dague
- [openstack-dev] [all] devstack plugin writers guide
Sean Dague
- [openstack-dev] [all] devstack plugin writers guide
Sean Dague
- [openstack-dev] [ceilometer] can we get ceilometermiddleware to use a config file instead of transport_url?
Sean Dague
- [openstack-dev] [all][requirements] requirements reviews falling behind
Sean Dague
- [openstack-dev] [nova][qa] Do we turn on voting for the tempest-dsvm-cells job?
Sean Dague
- [openstack-dev] [devstack] apache wsgi application support
Sean Dague
- [openstack-dev] [all][requirements] Whats with the "python_version=='2.7'" stuff thats showing up from today?
Sean Dague
- [openstack-dev] [devstack] apache wsgi application support
Sean Dague
- [openstack-dev] [devstack] apache wsgi application support
Sean Dague
- [openstack-dev] [devstack] apache wsgi application support
Sean Dague
- [openstack-dev] [grenade] future direction on partial upgrade support
Sean Dague
- [openstack-dev] [grenade] future direction on partial upgrade support
Sean Dague
- [openstack-dev] [devstack] apache wsgi application support
Sean Dague
- [openstack-dev] [api][nova][ironic] Microversion API HTTP header
Sean Dague
- [openstack-dev] [api][nova][ironic] Microversion API HTTP header
Sean Dague
- [openstack-dev] [api] [Nova] [Ironic] [Magnum] Microversion guideline in API-WG
Sean Dague
- [openstack-dev] [api] [Nova] [Ironic] [Magnum] Microversion guideline in API-WG
Sean Dague
- [openstack-dev] [Fuel][Plugins] differenciate node with the same role
Andrey Danin
- [openstack-dev] [all][infra][tc][ptl] Scaling up code review process (subdir cores)
Julien Danjou
- [openstack-dev] [all][infra][tc][ptl] Scaling up code review process (subdir cores)
Julien Danjou
- [openstack-dev] [all][infra][tc][ptl] Scaling up code review process (subdir cores)
Julien Danjou
- [openstack-dev] [Oslo][Automaton] Proposal for new core reviewer (min pae)
Julien Danjou
- [openstack-dev] [ceilometer] When do we import aodh?
Julien Danjou
- [openstack-dev] [ceilometer] When do we import aodh?
Julien Danjou
- [openstack-dev] [ceilometer] When do we import aodh?
Julien Danjou
- [openstack-dev] [ceilometer] Aodh has been imported, next steps
Julien Danjou
- [openstack-dev] [ceilometer] Aodh has been imported, next steps
Julien Danjou
- [openstack-dev] [ceilometer] Aodh has been imported, next steps
Julien Danjou
- [openstack-dev] [ceilometer] Aodh has been imported, next steps
Julien Danjou
- [openstack-dev] Why doesn't Gerrit email me?
Julien Danjou
- [openstack-dev] [Ironic] weekly meetings and sub-team reports and people
Michael Davies
- [openstack-dev] [api][nova][ironic] Microversion API HTTP header
Michael Davies
- [openstack-dev] [all][python3] use of six.iteritems()
John Dennis
- [openstack-dev] The Nova API in Kilo and Beyond
Chris Dent
- [openstack-dev] [ceilometer] polling agent configuration speculation
Chris Dent
- [openstack-dev] [ceilometer] polling agent configuration speculation
Chris Dent
- [openstack-dev] [ceilometer] polling agent configuration speculation
Chris Dent
- [openstack-dev] [api] [gabbi] gabbi can poll now
Chris Dent
- [openstack-dev] [Neutron] Issue with pymysql
Chris Dent
- [openstack-dev] [api][nova][ironic] Microversion API HTTP header
Chris Dent
- [openstack-dev] [ceilometer] When do we import aodh?
Chris Dent
- [openstack-dev] [devstack] apache wsgi application support
Chris Dent
- [openstack-dev] [Ceilometer][Gnocchi] question on integration with time-series databases
Chris Dent
- [openstack-dev] [api] [all] To changes-since or not to changes-since
Chris Dent
- [openstack-dev] [ceilometer] can we get ceilometermiddleware to use a config file instead of transport_url?
Chris Dent
- [openstack-dev] [ceilometer] can we get ceilometermiddleware to use a config file instead of transport_url?
Chris Dent
- [openstack-dev] [devstack] apache wsgi application support
Chris Dent
- [openstack-dev] [devstack] apache wsgi application support
Chris Dent
- [openstack-dev] [ceilometer] virtual mid-cycle planning
Chris Dent
- [openstack-dev] [ceilometer] virtual mid-cycle planning
Chris Dent
- [openstack-dev] [ceilometer][all] the max length of an id
Chris Dent
- [openstack-dev] [devstack] [swift] [ceilometer] installing ceilometermiddleware
Chris Dent
- [openstack-dev] [devstack] [swift] [ceilometer] installing ceilometermiddleware
Chris Dent
- [openstack-dev] [all] grenade with external plugins for the big tent - how to use
Chris Dent
- [openstack-dev] [ceilometer] virtual mid-cycle planning
Chris Dent
- [openstack-dev] [ceilometer] virtual mid-cycle planning
Chris Dent
- [openstack-dev] [ceilometer] Aodh has been imported, next steps
Chris Dent
- [openstack-dev] [neutron] Proposing Assaf Muller for the Neutron Core Reviewer Team
Jaume Devesa
- [openstack-dev] [Swift] slight restructuring of core
John Dickinson
- [openstack-dev] Why doesn't Swift cache object data?
John Dickinson
- [openstack-dev] Why doesn't Swift cache object data?
John Dickinson
- [openstack-dev] [Fuel][Fuel-library] Using librarian-puppet to manage upstream fuel-library modules
Aleksandr Didenko
- [openstack-dev] [Security] Nominating Michael McCune for Security CoreSec
Dillon, Nathaniel
- [openstack-dev] [Security] Nominating Travis McPeak for Security CoreSec
Dillon, Nathaniel
- [openstack-dev] [heat][tripleo]Recursive validation for easier composability
Jay Dobies
- [openstack-dev] [TripleO][Heat] Tuskar v. Heat responsibilities
Jay Dobies
- [openstack-dev] [TripleO][Heat] Tuskar v. Heat responsibilities
Jay Dobies
- [openstack-dev] [TripleO][Heat] Tuskar v. Heat responsibilities
Jay Dobies
- [openstack-dev] [TripleO][Heat] Tuskar v. Heat responsibilities
Jay Dobies
- [openstack-dev] [Fuel][Oslo][RabbitMQ][Shovel] Deprecate mirrored queues from HA AMQP cluster scenario
Bogdan Dobrelya
- [openstack-dev] [puppet] RabbitMQ deprecation
Bogdan Dobrelya
- [openstack-dev] [Fuel][Oslo][RabbitMQ][Shovel] Deprecate mirrored queues from HA AMQP cluster scenario
Bogdan Dobrelya
- [openstack-dev] [puppet] [fuel] more collaboration request
Bogdan Dobrelya
- [openstack-dev] [puppet] [fuel] more collaboration request
Bogdan Dobrelya
- [openstack-dev] [puppet] [fuel] more collaboration request
Bogdan Dobrelya
- [openstack-dev] Device {UUID}c not defined on plugin
Alvise Dorigo
- [openstack-dev] Device {UUID}c not defined on plugin
Alvise Dorigo
- [openstack-dev] [Openstack-operators] Device {UUID}c not defined on plugin
Alvise Dorigo
- [openstack-dev] [puppet] Change abandonment policy
Mike Dorman
- [openstack-dev] [puppet] Re: duplicate keystone endpoints
Mike Dorman
- [openstack-dev] [puppet] oslo.messaging version and RabbitMQ heartbeat support
Mike Dorman
- [openstack-dev] Tracking bugs in apps on launchpad
Dmitro Dovbii
- [openstack-dev] [keystone][reseller] New way to get a project scoped token by name
Rodrigo Duarte
- [openstack-dev] [nova][keystone] Nova calls to Keystone
Rodrigo Duarte
- [openstack-dev] [keystone] SPF exception: Extend endpoint filtering to Service Providers
Rodrigo Duarte
- [openstack-dev] Scheduler sub-group (gantt) meeting 6/2
Dugger, Donald D
- [openstack-dev] [nova-scheduler] Scheduler sub-group IRC meeting - Agenda 6/9
Dugger, Donald D
- [openstack-dev] [nova-scheduler] Scheduler sub-group IRC meeting - Agenda 6/30
Dugger, Donald D
- [openstack-dev] [Cinder] [Taskflow]Review help to cinder bp:Implement function to manage/unmanage snapshots
Dulko, Michal
- [openstack-dev] Looking for help getting git-review to work over https
Dulko, Michal
- [openstack-dev] [taskflow] Returning information from reverted flow
Dulko, Michal
- [openstack-dev] [taskflow] Returning information from reverted flow
Dulko, Michal
- [openstack-dev] [taskflow] Returning information from reverted flow
Dulko, Michal
- [openstack-dev] [nova] How to properly detect and fence a compromised host (and why I dislike TrustedFilter)
Dulko, Michal
- [openstack-dev] [nova] How to properly detect and fence a compromised host (and why I dislike TrustedFilter)
Dulko, Michal
- [openstack-dev] [cinder][oslo] Locks for create from volume/snapshot
Dulko, Michal
- [openstack-dev] [cinder][oslo] Locks for create from volume/snapshot
Dulko, Michal
- [openstack-dev] Why doesn't Gerrit email me?
Dulko, Michal
- [openstack-dev] [cinder] Rebranded Volume Drivers
Patrick East
- [openstack-dev] [puppet][murano] Developing puppet module for Murano
Denis Egorenko
- [openstack-dev] [cinder][stable] Cinder client broken in Juno
Gorka Eguileor
- [openstack-dev] [cinder][oslo] Locks for create from volume/snapshot
Gorka Eguileor
- [openstack-dev] [nova][trove][neutron][octavia] Protected openstack resources
Eichberger, German
- [openstack-dev] [lbaas] [octavia] No meeting this week, 6/24
Eichberger, German
- [openstack-dev] Dynamic Policy for Access Control Subteam Meeting
Morgan Fainberg
- [openstack-dev] [keystone][reseller] New way to get a project scoped token by name
Morgan Fainberg
- [openstack-dev] [keystone][reseller] New way to get a project scoped token by name
Morgan Fainberg
- [openstack-dev] [keystone][barbican] Regarding exposing X-Group-xxxx in token validation
Morgan Fainberg
- [openstack-dev] [keystone][barbican] Regarding exposing X-Group-xxxx in token validation
Morgan Fainberg
- [openstack-dev] Dynamic Policy for Access Control Subteam Meeting
Morgan Fainberg
- [openstack-dev] [Glance][Keystone] Glance and trusts
Morgan Fainberg
- [openstack-dev] [keystone][reseller] New way to get a project scoped token by name
Morgan Fainberg
- [openstack-dev] [api][nova][ironic][keystone] Microversion API HTTP header
Morgan Fainberg
- [openstack-dev] Liberty mid-cycle meetups?
Morgan Fainberg
- [openstack-dev] [devstack] apache wsgi application support
Morgan Fainberg
- [openstack-dev] [all] [stable] No longer doing stable point releases
Morgan Fainberg
- [openstack-dev] [cinder][stable] Cinder client broken in Juno
Morgan Fainberg
- [openstack-dev] [devstack] apache wsgi application support
Morgan Fainberg
- [openstack-dev] [devstack] apache wsgi application support
Morgan Fainberg
- [openstack-dev] [devstack] apache wsgi application support
Morgan Fainberg
- [openstack-dev] [ceilometer][all] the max length of an id
Morgan Fainberg
- [openstack-dev] [Fuel] HCF: branching is in progress - do not merge anything
Aleksandra Fedorova
- [openstack-dev] [Fuel] HCF: branches created
Aleksandra Fedorova
- [openstack-dev] [Fuel] 7.0 (master branch) ISO nightly builds are available
Aleksandra Fedorova
- [openstack-dev] [Fuel] Packaged Fuel and "Feature Groups"
Aleksandra Fedorova
- [openstack-dev] GSLB API and backend support IRC meting
Evgeny Fedoruk
- [openstack-dev] [Glance][Keystone] Glance and trusts
Mikhail Fedosin
- [openstack-dev] [neutron] Missing openvswitch filter rules
Jeff Feng
- [openstack-dev] [Ceph] Is it necessary to flatten Copy-on-write cloning for RBD-backed disks?
Kun Feng
- [openstack-dev] [all][infra][tc][ptl] Scaling up code review process (subdir cores)
Sahid Orentino Ferdjaoui
- [openstack-dev] Proposal of nova-hyper driver
Sahid Orentino Ferdjaoui
- [openstack-dev] [Nova] The unbearable lightness of specs
Sahid Orentino Ferdjaoui
- [openstack-dev] Add table to Nova DB
Silvia Fichera
- [openstack-dev] [OpenStack Foundation] Openstack Diversity Working Group
Tom Fifield
- [openstack-dev] [OpenStack Foundation] Openstack Diversity Working Group
Tom Fifield
- [openstack-dev] Can not connect to host review.openstack.org port 29418
Tom Fifield
- [openstack-dev] Need help! Zuul can not connect to port 29418 of review.openstack.org
Tom Fifield
- [openstack-dev] [Security] [Bandit] Using multiprocessing/threading to speed up analysis
Finnigan, Jamie
- [openstack-dev] [puppet] [fuel] more collaboration request
Matt Fischer
- [openstack-dev] [puppet] (officially) deprecate stable/{grizzly, havana} branches
Matt Fischer
- [openstack-dev] [puppet][murano] Developing puppet module for Murano
Matt Fischer
- [openstack-dev] [puppet] Clarification of 'Puppet Modules' Project Scope
Matt Fischer
- [openstack-dev] [puppet][ceph] puppet-ceph CI status
Matt Fischer
- [openstack-dev] [puppet][ceph] puppet-ceph CI status
Matt Fischer
- [openstack-dev] [heat] status of instance_user/admin_user in heat
Matt Fischer
- [openstack-dev] [heat] status of instance_user/admin_user in heat
Matt Fischer
- [openstack-dev] [neutron] Regarding Flow classifiers existing proposals
Henry Fourie
- [openstack-dev] [Neutron] service chaining feature development meeting at 10am pacific time June 11
Henry Fourie
- [openstack-dev] [Neutron][LBaaS] No LBaaS agent?
Fox, Kevin M
- [openstack-dev] [Magnum] Does Bay/Baymodel name should be a required option when creating a Bay/Baymodel
Fox, Kevin M
- [openstack-dev] [Magnum] Does Bay/Baymodel name should be a required option when creating a Bay/Baymodel
Fox, Kevin M
- [openstack-dev] [keystone][barbican] Regarding exposing X-Group-xxxx in token validation
Fox, Kevin M
- [openstack-dev] [keystone][barbican] Regarding exposing X-Group-xxxx in token validation
Fox, Kevin M
- [openstack-dev] [nova][trove][neutron][octavia] Protected openstack resources
Fox, Kevin M
- [openstack-dev] [keystone][barbican] Regarding exposing X-Group-xxxx in token validation
Fox, Kevin M
- [openstack-dev] [keystone][barbican] Regarding exposing X-Group-xxxx in token validation
Fox, Kevin M
- [openstack-dev] [app-catalog][infra] Stale entries
Fox, Kevin M
- [openstack-dev] [app-catalog][infra] Stale entries
Fox, Kevin M
- [openstack-dev] [all] [stable] No longer doing stable point releases
Fox, Kevin M
- [openstack-dev] [all] [stable] No longer doing stable point releases
Fox, Kevin M
- [openstack-dev] Adding metadata to VM through Horizon
Fox, Kevin M
- [openstack-dev] [puppet] [fuel] more collaboration request
Fox, Kevin M
- [openstack-dev] [Magnum] TLS Support in Magnum
Fox, Kevin M
- [openstack-dev] [Magnum] TLS Support in Magnum
Fox, Kevin M
- [openstack-dev] [Magnum] TLS Support in Magnum
Fox, Kevin M
- [openstack-dev] [Magnum] TLS Support in Magnum
Fox, Kevin M
- [openstack-dev] [Magnum] TLS Support in Magnum
Fox, Kevin M
- [openstack-dev] [Magnum] TLS Support in Magnum
Fox, Kevin M
- [openstack-dev] [Solum] Should logs be deleted when we delete an app?
Fox, Kevin M
- [openstack-dev] [Solum] Should logs be deleted when we delete an app?
Fox, Kevin M
- [openstack-dev] [Magnum] TLS Support in Magnum
Fox, Kevin M
- [openstack-dev] [Openstack-operators] [nova] [neutron] Re: How do your end users use networking?
Fox, Kevin M
- [openstack-dev] [Openstack-operators] [nova] [neutron] Re: How do your end users use networking?
Fox, Kevin M
- [openstack-dev] [Solum] [ Supporting swift downloads for operator languagepacks
Fox, Kevin M
- [openstack-dev] [Solum][app-catalog] [ Supporting swift downloads for operator languagepacks
Fox, Kevin M
- [openstack-dev] [Solum][app-catalog] [ Supporting swift downloads for operator languagepacks
Fox, Kevin M
- [openstack-dev] [Solum][app-catalog] [ Supporting swift downloads for operator languagepacks
Fox, Kevin M
- [openstack-dev] [app-catalog] [solum] Base Image tagging vs. App tagging
Fox, Kevin M
- [openstack-dev] Question regarding openstack heat
Fox, Kevin M
- [openstack-dev] [api][Solum] Request for feedback on new API resource
Fox, Kevin M
- [openstack-dev] [Nova] The unbearable lightness of specs
Fox, Kevin M
- [openstack-dev] Nova Spec Freeze Exception Request for Instance Users
Fox, Kevin M
- [openstack-dev] [Nova] The unbearable lightness of specs
Fox, Kevin M
- [openstack-dev] (no subject)
Fox, Kevin M
- [openstack-dev] [Magnum] Continuing with heat-coe-templates
Fox, Kevin M
- [openstack-dev] [Magnum] Continuing with heat-coe-templates
Fox, Kevin M
- [openstack-dev] [nova] I think nova behaves poorly when booting multiple instances
Chris Friesen
- [openstack-dev] [nova] I think nova behaves poorly when booting multiple instances
Chris Friesen
- [openstack-dev] [nova][api] New micro-version needed for api bug fix or not?
Chris Friesen
- [openstack-dev] [nova] [glance] How to deal with aborted image read?
Chris Friesen
- [openstack-dev] [Nova] Release versioning proposal for Liberty
Chris Friesen
- [openstack-dev] [nova] [glance] How to deal with aborted image read?
Chris Friesen
- [openstack-dev] [Ironic] When to bump the microversion?
Chris Friesen
- [openstack-dev] [nova] allow image/flavor to specify CPU model or CPU feature(s)
Chris Friesen
- [openstack-dev] [nova] [glance] How to deal with aborted image read?
Chris Friesen
- [openstack-dev] Standard way to indicate a partial blueprint implementation?
Chris Friesen
- [openstack-dev] [nova] [glance] How to deal with aborted image read?
Chris Friesen
- [openstack-dev] [nova] [glance] How to deal with aborted image read?
Chris Friesen
- [openstack-dev] [nova] [glance] How to deal with aborted image read?
Chris Friesen
- [openstack-dev] [oslo] About app-agnostic-logging-parameters
Fujita, Daisuke
- [openstack-dev] [oslo] About app-agnostic-logging-parameters
Fujita, Daisuke
- [openstack-dev] [oslo] About app-agnostic-logging-parameters
Fujita, Daisuke
- [openstack-dev] [Ironic] Adopting ironic-lib in Ironic
Ramakrishnan G
- [openstack-dev] [Ironic] ironic-lib library
Ramakrishnan G
- [openstack-dev] [Ironic] boot-deploy interface separation
Ramakrishnan G
- [openstack-dev] [puppet] openstacklib::db::sync proposal
Mathieu Gagné
- [openstack-dev] [puppet] openstacklib::db::sync proposal
Mathieu Gagné
- [openstack-dev] 'help'
Sri Ganapathi
- [openstack-dev] [Neutron][LBaaS] No LBaaS agent?
Gandhi, Kunal
- [openstack-dev] [designate] and [lbaas] - GSLB API and backend support
Gandhi, Kunal
- [openstack-dev] [designate] and [lbaas] - GSLB API and backend support
Gandhi, Kunal
- [openstack-dev] [designate] and [lbaas] - GSLB API and backend support
Gandhi, Kunal
- [openstack-dev] [ceilometer] polling agent configuration speculation
Luo Gangyi
- [openstack-dev] [Nova] Let's set instance.root_gb=0 forvolume-backed instances
Luo Gangyi
- [openstack-dev] [nova] Progressing/tracking work on libvirt / vif drivers
John Garbutt
- [openstack-dev] [nova] I think nova behaves poorly when booting multiple instances
John Garbutt
- [openstack-dev] [Glance] [all] Liberty summit: Updates in Glance
John Garbutt
- [openstack-dev] [all][release] summit session summary: Release Versioning for Server Applications
John Garbutt
- [openstack-dev] [nova][api] New micro-version needed for api bug fix or not?
John Garbutt
- [openstack-dev] [nova][api] New micro-version needed for api bug fix or not?
John Garbutt
- [openstack-dev] [nova] "correct" API for getting image metadata for an instance ?
John Garbutt
- [openstack-dev] [nova-docker] Looking for volunteers to take care of nova-docker
John Garbutt
- [openstack-dev] [Glance] [all] Liberty summit: Updates in Glance
John Garbutt
- [openstack-dev] [keystone] [nova] [oslo] oslo.policy requests from the Nova team
John Garbutt
- [openstack-dev] [keystone] [nova] [oslo] oslo.policy requests from the Nova team
John Garbutt
- [openstack-dev] [nova][api] New micro-version needed for api bug fix or not?
John Garbutt
- [openstack-dev] [Nova] Release versioning proposal for Liberty
John Garbutt
- [openstack-dev] [nova][scheduler] Updating Our Concept of Resources
John Garbutt
- [openstack-dev] [Nova] Release versioning proposal for Liberty
John Garbutt
- [openstack-dev] [Nova] Release versioning proposal for Liberty
John Garbutt
- [openstack-dev] [Nova] Release versioning proposal for Liberty
John Garbutt
- [openstack-dev] [all][infra][tc][ptl] Scaling up code review process (subdir cores)
John Garbutt
- [openstack-dev] [Nova] Release versioning proposal for Liberty
John Garbutt
- [openstack-dev] [Glance] [all] Liberty summit: Updates in Glance
John Garbutt
- [openstack-dev] [Glance] [all] Liberty summit: Updates in Glance
John Garbutt
- [openstack-dev] [Glance] [all] Liberty summit: Updates in Glance
John Garbutt
- [openstack-dev] [nova][api] New micro-version needed for api bug fix or not?
John Garbutt
- [openstack-dev] [nova][trove] Protected openstack resources
John Garbutt
- [openstack-dev] [all]Big Tent Mode within respective projects
John Garbutt
- [openstack-dev] [nova] Scaling out Nova (and the code review process)
John Garbutt
- [openstack-dev] [Nova] Liberty Priorties for Nova
John Garbutt
- [openstack-dev] [Nova] Liberty Process, Deadlines and Dates for Nova
John Garbutt
- [openstack-dev] [Nova] Voting on the Nova project meeting times
John Garbutt
- [openstack-dev] [nova][trove][neutron][octavia] Protected openstack resources
John Garbutt
- [openstack-dev] [Nova] Follow up actions from the Summit: please help
John Garbutt
- [openstack-dev] [Nova] Voting on the Nova project meeting times
John Garbutt
- [openstack-dev] [nova] Mellanox CI Issues
John Garbutt
- [openstack-dev] [Nova] Liberty Process, Deadlines and Dates for Nova
John Garbutt
- [openstack-dev] [Nova] Nova's Liberty Priorties Merged
John Garbutt
- [openstack-dev] [Nova] Follow up actions from the Summit: please help
John Garbutt
- [openstack-dev] [Nova] Voting on the Nova project meeting times
John Garbutt
- [openstack-dev] [nova] Adding success message to succeed actions
John Garbutt
- [openstack-dev] [Nova] Liberty Process, Deadlines and Dates for Nova
John Garbutt
- [openstack-dev] Proposal of nova-hyper driver
John Garbutt
- [openstack-dev] [api] [Nova] [Ironic] [Magnum] Microversion guideline in API-WG
John Garbutt
- [openstack-dev] [nova][keystone] Nova calls to Keystone
John Garbutt
- [openstack-dev] [nova][qa] Do we turn on voting for the tempest-dsvm-cells job?
John Garbutt
- [openstack-dev] Proposal of nova-hyper driver
John Garbutt
- [openstack-dev] [Nova][Keystone] The unbearable lightness of specs
John Garbutt
- [openstack-dev] [Nova] The unbearable lightness of specs
John Garbutt
- [openstack-dev] [Nova] The unbearable lightness of specs
John Garbutt
- [openstack-dev] [Nova] The unbearable lightness of specs
John Garbutt
- [openstack-dev] [nova] How to properly detect and fence a compromised host (and why I dislike TrustedFilter)
John Garbutt
- [openstack-dev] [nova] How to properly detect and fence a compromised host (and why I dislike TrustedFilter)
John Garbutt
- [openstack-dev] [Nova] Liberty-1 Spec Freeze (and the exception process)
John Garbutt
- [openstack-dev] [Nova] The unbearable lightness of specs
John Garbutt
- [openstack-dev] [all] error codes design conclusion?
- [openstack-dev] [all] error codes design conclusion?
- [openstack-dev] [nova] Should we add instance action event to live migration?
- [openstack-dev] [all] IRC meetings agenda is now driven from Gerrit !
- [openstack-dev] [infra] how to trigger a set of jenkins jobs
- [openstack-dev] [oslo] oslo releasing is noisy...
- [openstack-dev] [oslo] oslo releasing is noisy...
- [openstack-dev] [fuel] Fuel API settings reference
Oleg Gelbukh
- [openstack-dev] [fuel] Fuel API settings reference
Oleg Gelbukh
- [openstack-dev] [fuel] Fuel API settings reference
Oleg Gelbukh
- [openstack-dev] [fuel] Fuel API settings reference
Oleg Gelbukh
- [openstack-dev] [api] [docs] Spec updated for API reference info and app dev guides
Anne Gentle
- [openstack-dev] [api][nova][ironic] Microversion API HTTP header
Anne Gentle
- [openstack-dev] [api][nova][ironic] Microversion API HTTP header
Anne Gentle
- [openstack-dev] Cross-project meeting today, Tue Jun 30th, 21:00 UTC
Anne Gentle
- [openstack-dev] [Nova] The unbearable lightness of specs
Radoslav Gerganov
- [openstack-dev] [nova] import OVA/OVF into openstack
Radoslav Gerganov
- [openstack-dev] M Naming Poll ended - results still need to clear legal
Clay Gerrard
- [openstack-dev] [devstack] [swift] [ceilometer] installing ceilometermiddleware
Clay Gerrard
- [openstack-dev] Why doesn't Swift cache object data?
Clay Gerrard
- [openstack-dev] Proposing Brian Haley to Neutron L3 Core Reviewer Team
Henry Gessau
- [openstack-dev] [Neutron] Proposing Ann Kamyshnikova for the API & DB core reviewer team
Henry Gessau
- [openstack-dev] [neutron] Microversioning work questions and kick-start
Henry Gessau
- [openstack-dev] [Neutron] Proposing YAMAMOTO Takashi for the Control Plane core team
Henry Gessau
- [openstack-dev] [Neutron] Proposing Rossella Sblendido for the Control Plane core team
Henry Gessau
- [openstack-dev] [Neutron] Proposing Ann Kamyshnikova for the API & DB core reviewer team
Henry Gessau
- [openstack-dev] [all] [qpid] [zmq] [RabbitMQ] [oslo] Pending deprecation of driver(s).
Ken Giusti
- [openstack-dev] [all] FYI - dropping non RabbitMQ support in devstack
Ken Giusti
- [openstack-dev] [all] [qpid] [zmq] [RabbitMQ] [oslo] Pending deprecation of driver(s).
Ken Giusti
- [openstack-dev] [all] [qpid] [zmq] [RabbitMQ] [oslo] Pending deprecation of driver(s).
Ken Giusti
- [openstack-dev] [packaging] Adding packaging as an OpenStack project
Thomas Goirand
- [openstack-dev] [packaging] Adding packaging as an OpenStack project
Thomas Goirand
- [openstack-dev] [packaging] Adding packaging as an OpenStack project
Thomas Goirand
- [openstack-dev] [packaging] Adding packaging as an OpenStack project
Thomas Goirand
- [openstack-dev] [packaging] Adding packaging as an OpenStack project
Thomas Goirand
- [openstack-dev] [packaging] Adding packaging as an OpenStack project
Thomas Goirand
- [openstack-dev] [packaging] Adding packaging as an OpenStack project
Thomas Goirand
- [openstack-dev] [packaging] Adding packaging as an OpenStack project
Thomas Goirand
- [openstack-dev] [packaging] Adding packaging as an OpenStack project
Thomas Goirand
- [openstack-dev] [packaging] Adding packaging as an OpenStack project
Thomas Goirand
- [openstack-dev] [packaging] Adding packaging as an OpenStack project
Thomas Goirand
- [openstack-dev] [global-requirements][pbr] tarball and git requirements no longer supported in requirements.txt
Thomas Goirand
- [openstack-dev] [packaging] Adding packaging as an OpenStack project
Thomas Goirand
- [openstack-dev] [all] [stable] No longer doing stable point releases
Thomas Goirand
- [openstack-dev] [all] [stable] No longer doing stable point releases
Thomas Goirand
- [openstack-dev] [all] [stable] No longer doing stable point releases
Thomas Goirand
- [openstack-dev] [all] [stable] No longer doing stable point releases
Thomas Goirand
- [openstack-dev] [all] [stable] No longer doing stable point releases
Thomas Goirand
- [openstack-dev] [packaging] Adding packaging as an OpenStack project
Thomas Goirand
- [openstack-dev] [packaging] Adding packaging as an OpenStack project
Thomas Goirand
- [openstack-dev] [packaging] Adding packaging as an OpenStack project
Thomas Goirand
- [openstack-dev] [packaging] Adding packaging as an OpenStack project
Thomas Goirand
- [openstack-dev] [all] [stable] No longer doing stable point releases
Thomas Goirand
- [openstack-dev] [all] [stable] No longer doing stable point releases
Thomas Goirand
- [openstack-dev] [all] [stable] No longer doing stable point releases
Thomas Goirand
- [openstack-dev] [all] [stable] No longer doing stable point releases
Thomas Goirand
- [openstack-dev] [all] [stable] No longer doing stable point releases
Thomas Goirand
- [openstack-dev] [all] [stable] No longer doing stable point releases
Thomas Goirand
- [openstack-dev] [all] [stable] No longer doing stable point releases
Thomas Goirand
- [openstack-dev] [packaging] Adding packaging as an OpenStack project
Thomas Goirand
- [openstack-dev] [all] Switching to SQLAlchemy 1.0.x
Thomas Goirand
- [openstack-dev] [all] Switching to SQLAlchemy 1.0.x
Thomas Goirand
- [openstack-dev] [all] [stable] No longer doing stable point releases
Thomas Goirand
- [openstack-dev] [all] [stable] No longer doing stable point releases
Thomas Goirand
- [openstack-dev] [packaging] Adding packaging as an OpenStack project
Thomas Goirand
- [openstack-dev] [all] Switching to SQLAlchemy 1.0.x
Thomas Goirand
- [openstack-dev] Getting rid of suds, which is unmaintained, and which we want out of Debian
Thomas Goirand
- [openstack-dev] [puppet] [fuel] more collaboration request
Thomas Goirand
- [openstack-dev] [all] Switching to SQLAlchemy 1.0.x
Thomas Goirand
- [openstack-dev] [all] Switching to SQLAlchemy 1.0.x
Thomas Goirand
- [openstack-dev] [puppet] [fuel] more collaboration request
Thomas Goirand
- [openstack-dev] [packaging] Adding packaging as an OpenStack project
Thomas Goirand
- [openstack-dev] Getting rid of suds, which is unmaintained, and which we want out of Debian
Thomas Goirand
- [openstack-dev] Getting rid of suds, which is unmaintained, and which we want out of Debian
Thomas Goirand
- [openstack-dev] Getting rid of suds, which is unmaintained, and which we want out of Debian
Thomas Goirand
- [openstack-dev] Getting rid of suds, which is unmaintained, and which we want out of Debian
Thomas Goirand
- [openstack-dev] [all] [stable] No longer doing stable point releases
Thomas Goirand
- [openstack-dev] [all] [stable] No longer doing stable point releases
Thomas Goirand
- [openstack-dev] [all] [stable] No longer doing stable point releases
Thomas Goirand
- [openstack-dev] [packaging] Adding packaging as an OpenStack project
Thomas Goirand
- [openstack-dev] [all] [stable] No longer doing stable point releases
Thomas Goirand
- [openstack-dev] [Openstack-operators] [ops][tags][packaging] ops:packaging tag - a little common sense, please
Thomas Goirand
- [openstack-dev] [all] [stable] No longer doing stable point releases
Thomas Goirand
- [openstack-dev] [packaging] Adding packaging as an OpenStack project
Thomas Goirand
- [openstack-dev] [packaging] Adding packaging as an OpenStack project
Thomas Goirand
- [openstack-dev] Debian already using Python 3.5: please gate on that
Thomas Goirand
- [openstack-dev] [all] FYI - dropping non RabbitMQ support in devstack
Thomas Goirand
- [openstack-dev] Let's get rid of tablib and cliff-tablib
Thomas Goirand
- [openstack-dev] Let's get rid of tablib and cliff-tablib
Thomas Goirand
- [openstack-dev] [Mistral][Murano] What's the latest/greatest on YAQL?
Thomas Goirand
- [openstack-dev] [Fuel] Pre-5.1 and master builds ISO are available for download
Sergii Golovatiuk
- [openstack-dev] [puppet] [fuel] more collaboration request
Sergii Golovatiuk
- [openstack-dev] [Fuel] Ceph Public Network Setting
Sergii Golovatiuk
- [openstack-dev] [Fuel][Fuel-Library] Nominate Aleksandr Didenko for fuel-library core
Sergii Golovatiuk
- [openstack-dev] [Ironic] When to bump the microversion?
Lucas Alvares Gomes
- [openstack-dev] [api][nova][ironic] Microversion API HTTP header
Lucas Alvares Gomes
- [openstack-dev] [api][nova][ironic] Microversion API HTTP header
Lucas Alvares Gomes
- [openstack-dev] [Ironic] ironic-lib library
Lucas Alvares Gomes
- [openstack-dev] [api][nova][ironic] Microversion API HTTP header
Lucas Alvares Gomes
- [openstack-dev] [Ironic] Proposal to add a new repository
Lucas Alvares Gomes
- [openstack-dev] [api][nova][ironic] Microversion API HTTP header
Lucas Alvares Gomes
- [openstack-dev] [all][infra][tc][ptl] Scaling up code review process (subdir cores)
Joe Gordon
- [openstack-dev] [Glance] [all] Liberty summit: Updates in Glance
Joe Gordon
- [openstack-dev] [all] Switching to SQLAlchemy 1.0.x
Joe Gordon
- [openstack-dev] [release][oslo] oslo.middleware release 2.0.0 (liberty)
Joe Gordon
- [openstack-dev] [packaging] Adding packaging as an OpenStack project
Joe Gordon
- [openstack-dev] [Neutron] Issue with pymysql
Joe Gordon
- [openstack-dev] Getting rid of suds, which is unmaintained, and which we want out of Debian
Joe Gordon
- [openstack-dev] stackforge projects are not second class citizens
Joe Gordon
- [openstack-dev] Getting rid of suds, which is unmaintained, and which we want out of Debian
Joe Gordon
- [openstack-dev] Debian already using Python 3.5: please gate on that
Joe Gordon
- [openstack-dev] [Stackalytics] Complementary projects
Joe Gordon
- [openstack-dev] stackforge projects are not second class citizens
Joe Gordon
- [openstack-dev] stackforge projects are not second class citizens
Joe Gordon
- [openstack-dev] stackforge projects are not second class citizens
Joe Gordon
- [openstack-dev] stackforge projects are not second class citizens
Joe Gordon
- [openstack-dev] [Sahara] Difference between Sahara and CloudBrak
Joe Gordon
- [openstack-dev] Proposal of nova-hyper driver
Joe Gordon
- [openstack-dev] [grenade] future direction on partial upgrade support
Joe Gordon
- [openstack-dev] [nova] How to properly detect and fence a compromised host (and why I dislike TrustedFilter)
Joe Gordon
- [openstack-dev] [grenade] future direction on partial upgrade support
Joe Gordon
- [openstack-dev] [grenade] future direction on partial upgrade support
Joe Gordon
- [openstack-dev] [grenade] future direction on partial upgrade support
Joe Gordon
- [openstack-dev] [grenade] future direction on partial upgrade support
Joe Gordon
- [openstack-dev] [Nova] The unbearable lightness of specs
Joe Gordon
- [openstack-dev] [Nova] The unbearable lightness of specs
Joe Gordon
- [openstack-dev] [Nova] The unbearable lightness of specs
Joe Gordon
- [openstack-dev] [api] [Nova] [Ironic] [Magnum] Microversion guideline in API-WG
Joe Gordon
- [openstack-dev] [grenade] future direction on partial upgrade support
Joe Gordon
- [openstack-dev] [grenade] future direction on partial upgrade support
Joe Gordon
- [openstack-dev] [all] [stable] No longer doing stable point releases
Steve Gordon
- [openstack-dev] [all][infra][tc][ptl] Scaling up code review process (subdir cores)
John Griffith
- [openstack-dev] [cinder] Rebranded Volume Drivers
John Griffith
- [openstack-dev] [cinder][nova] Is volume connection_info modeled/documented anywhere?
John Griffith
- [openstack-dev] [nova] [neutron] Re: [Openstack-operators] How do your end users use networking?
John Griffith
- [openstack-dev] [Cinder] Implementation of ABC MetaClasses
John Griffith
- [openstack-dev] [Cinder] Implementation of ABC MetaClasses
John Griffith
- [openstack-dev] [cinder][glance][nova] Python 3 coming!
John Griffith
- [openstack-dev] [cinder][oslo] Locks for create from volume/snapshot
John Griffith
- [openstack-dev] [cinder][stable] Cinder client broken in Juno
John Griffith
- [openstack-dev] [cinder][stable] Cinder client broken in Juno
John Griffith
- [openstack-dev] [all] error codes design conclusion?
Rochelle Grober
- [openstack-dev] [api] [Nova] [Ironic] [Magnum] Microversion guideline in API-WG
Rochelle Grober
- [openstack-dev] stackforge projects are not second class citizens
Rochelle Grober
- [openstack-dev] [devstack] apache wsgi application support
Rochelle Grober
- [openstack-dev] [api][nova][ironic] Microversion API HTTP header
Rochelle Grober
- [openstack-dev] [puppet] openstacklib::db::sync proposal
Yanis Guenane
- [openstack-dev] [puppet] openstacklib::db::sync proposal
Yanis Guenane
- [openstack-dev] [puppet] openstacklib::db::sync proposal
Yanis Guenane
- [openstack-dev] LVS Load Balancer testing with OpenStack
Gayan Gunarathne
- [openstack-dev] [nova] schedule instance based on CPU frequency ?
ChangBo Guo
- [openstack-dev] [nova] schedule instance based on CPU frequency ?
ChangBo Guo
- [openstack-dev] [horizon][i18n] Ordering of PO files
Ying Chun Guo
- [openstack-dev] [nova] Plan to consolidate FS-style libvirt volume drivers under a common base class
Dmitry Guryanov
- [openstack-dev] [nova] Plan to consolidate FS-style libvirt volume drivers under a common base class
Dmitry Guryanov
- [openstack-dev] [Magnum] Discuss configurable-coe-api-port Blueprint
Egor Guz
- [openstack-dev] [Magnum] TLS Support in Magnum
Egor Guz
- [openstack-dev] ★ Openstack Dev, Hachem a laissé un message pour toi
- [openstack-dev] Proposing Brian Haley to Neutron L3 Core Reviewer Team
Brian Haley
- [openstack-dev] [kolla] Proposal for changing 1600UTC meeting to 1700 UTC
Ryan Hallisey
- [openstack-dev] [kolla] Proposal for new core-reviewer Harm Waites
Ryan Hallisey
- [openstack-dev] [Ceph] Is it necessary to flatten Copy-on-write cloning for RBD-backed disks?
Sebastien Han
- [openstack-dev] [ClusterLabs] [HA] RFC: moving Pacemaker openstack-resource-agents to stackforge
Sebastien Han
- [openstack-dev] [Neutron][bgpvpn] IRC meetings on BGP VPN interconnection API
Mohammad Hanif
- [openstack-dev] [magnum] Proposing Kai Qiang Wu (Kennan) for Core for Magnum
Haomeng, Wang
- [openstack-dev] [heat][tripleo]Recursive validation for easier composability
Steven Hardy
- [openstack-dev] [heat][tripleo]Recursive validation for easier composability
Steven Hardy
- [openstack-dev] [heat][tripleo]Recursive validation for easier composability
Steven Hardy
- [openstack-dev] [TripleO] package based overcloud upgrades
Steven Hardy
- [openstack-dev] [TripleO][Heat] Tuskar v. Heat responsibilities
Steven Hardy
- [openstack-dev] [TripleO] package based overcloud upgrades
Steven Hardy
- [openstack-dev] [TripleO][Heat] Tuskar v. Heat responsibilities
Steven Hardy
- [openstack-dev] [TripleO][Heat] Tuskar v. Heat responsibilities
Steven Hardy
- [openstack-dev] [all][infra][tc][ptl] Scaling up code review process (subdir cores)
Joshua Harlow
- [openstack-dev] [all][infra][tc][ptl] Scaling up code review process (subdir cores)
Joshua Harlow
- [openstack-dev] [nova] [glance] How to deal with aborted image read?
Joshua Harlow
- [openstack-dev] [all] [stable] No longer doing stable point releases
Joshua Harlow
- [openstack-dev] [nova][all] Architecture Diagrams in ascii art?
Joshua Harlow
- [openstack-dev] [all] [stable] No longer doing stable point releases
Joshua Harlow
- [openstack-dev] [all] [stable] No longer doing stable point releases
Joshua Harlow
- [openstack-dev] [Oslo][Automaton] Proposal for new core reviewer (min pae)
Joshua Harlow
- [openstack-dev] [taskflow] Returning information from reverted flow
Joshua Harlow
- [openstack-dev] [packaging] RPM Packaging for OpenStack IRC Meeting
Joshua Harlow
- [openstack-dev] Where are all the research papers?
Joshua Harlow
- [openstack-dev] Where are all the research papers?
Joshua Harlow
- [openstack-dev] [taskflow] Returning information from reverted flow
Joshua Harlow
- [openstack-dev] [all][requirements] Proposing a slight change in requirements.txt syncing output.
Joshua Harlow
- [openstack-dev] [taskflow] Returning information from reverted flow
Joshua Harlow
- [openstack-dev] [oslo][oslo.service] Bootstrapping oslo.service core
Joshua Harlow
- [openstack-dev] [all] [qpid] [zmq] [RabbitMQ] [oslo] Pending deprecation of driver(s).
Joshua Harlow
- [openstack-dev] [all] [qpid] [zmq] [RabbitMQ] [oslo] Pending deprecation of driver(s).
Joshua Harlow
- [openstack-dev] [oslo.messaging][zeromq] Next step
Joshua Harlow
- [openstack-dev] [Oslo][Automaton] Proposal for new core (ruby loo)
Joshua Harlow
- [openstack-dev] [oslo] Updates from the Summit
Joshua Harlow
- [openstack-dev] [all] [qpid] [zmq] [RabbitMQ] [oslo] Pending deprecation of driver(s).
Joshua Harlow
- [openstack-dev] [all] [qpid] [zmq] [RabbitMQ] [oslo] Pending deprecation of driver(s).
Joshua Harlow
- [openstack-dev] [all] [qpid] [zmq] [RabbitMQ] [oslo] Pending deprecation of driver(s).
Joshua Harlow
- [openstack-dev] [all] Any other downstream developers having problems with pbr?
Joshua Harlow
- [openstack-dev] [Oslo][Futurist] Proposal for new core reviewer (dtantsur)
Joshua Harlow
- [openstack-dev] [cinder][oslo] Locks for create from volume/snapshot
Joshua Harlow
- [openstack-dev] [cinder][oslo] Locks for create from volume/snapshot
Joshua Harlow
- [openstack-dev] [cinder][oslo] Locks for create from volume/snapshot
Joshua Harlow
- [openstack-dev] For those interested in reading distributed systems papers
Joshua Harlow
- [openstack-dev] [cinder][oslo] Locks for create from volume/snapshot
Joshua Harlow
- [openstack-dev] [cinder][oslo] Locks for create from volume/snapshot
Joshua Harlow
- [openstack-dev] [cinder][oslo] Locks for create from volume/snapshot
Joshua Harlow
- [openstack-dev] Fwd: [cinder][oslo] Locks for create from volume/snapshot
Joshua Harlow
- [openstack-dev] [cinder][oslo] Locks for create from volume/snapshot
Joshua Harlow
- [openstack-dev] [cinder] Rebranded Volume Drivers
Eric Harney
- [openstack-dev] [Murano] Help needed with TOSCA support in Murano
Vahid S Hashemian
- [openstack-dev] [Murano] Help needed with TOSCA support in Murano
Vahid S Hashemian
- [openstack-dev] [Murano] Help needed with TOSCA support in Murano
Vahid S Hashemian
- [openstack-dev] [Murano] Help needed with TOSCA support in Murano
Vahid S Hashemian
- [openstack-dev] [Murano] Help needed with TOSCA support in Murano
Vahid S Hashemian
- [openstack-dev] [Murano] Help needed with TOSCA support in Murano
Vahid S Hashemian
- [openstack-dev] [Murano] Help needed with TOSCA support in Murano
Vahid S Hashemian
- [openstack-dev] [Murano] Help needed with TOSCA support in Murano
Vahid S Hashemian
- [openstack-dev] [Murano] Help needed with TOSCA support in Murano
Vahid S Hashemian
- [openstack-dev] [Murano] Help needed with TOSCA support in Murano
Vahid S Hashemian
- [openstack-dev] [Murano] Help needed with TOSCA support in Murano
Vahid S Hashemian
- [openstack-dev] [Murano] Help needed with TOSCA support in Murano
Vahid S Hashemian
- [openstack-dev] [Murano] Help needed with TOSCA support in Murano
Vahid S Hashemian
- [openstack-dev] [Murano] Help needed with TOSCA support in Murano
Vahid S Hashemian
- [openstack-dev] [Murano] Help needed with TOSCA support in Murano
Vahid S Hashemian
- [openstack-dev] [Murano] Help needed with TOSCA support in Murano
Vahid S Hashemian
- [openstack-dev] [Murano] Does Murano support nested HOT templates?
Vahid S Hashemian
- [openstack-dev] GSLB API and backend support IRC meting
Hayes, Graham
- [openstack-dev] [designate] and [lbaas] - GSLB API and backend support
Hayes, Graham
- [openstack-dev] [designate] and [lbaas] - GSLB API and backend support
Hayes, Graham
- [openstack-dev] [TripleO] Splitting out dib-core
Gregory Haynes
- [openstack-dev] [TripleO] Splitting out dib-core
Gregory Haynes
- [openstack-dev] [TripleO] diskimage-builder 1.0.0
Gregory Haynes
- [openstack-dev] [all] [stable] No longer doing stable point releases
- [openstack-dev] [packaging] Source RPMs for RDO Kilo?
- [openstack-dev] [packaging] Source RPMs for RDO Kilo?
- [openstack-dev] [packaging] Adding packaging as an OpenStack project
- [openstack-dev] [packaging] Adding packaging as an OpenStack project
- [openstack-dev] [all][release] summit session summary: Release Versioning for Server Applications
Doug Hellmann
- [openstack-dev] [all][release] summit session summary: Release Versioning for Server Applications
Doug Hellmann
- [openstack-dev] [release] WSME 0.7.0
Doug Hellmann
- [openstack-dev] [release][barbican] python-barbicanclient 3.2.0
Doug Hellmann
- [openstack-dev] [release][ironic] python-ironicclient 0.7.0
Doug Hellmann
- [openstack-dev] [release][manila] python-manilaclient 1.2.0
Doug Hellmann
- [openstack-dev] [release][neutron] python-neutronclient 2.6.0
Doug Hellmann
- [openstack-dev] [release][cinder] os-brick 0.2.0
Doug Hellmann
- [openstack-dev] [release][tripleo] os-collect-config 0.1.35
Doug Hellmann
- [openstack-dev] [release][trove] python-troveclient 1.2.0
Doug Hellmann
- [openstack-dev] [release][oslo] oslo.middleware 1.3.0
Doug Hellmann
- [openstack-dev] [release][manila] python-manilaclient 1.2.0
Doug Hellmann
- [openstack-dev] [release][neutron] python-neutronclient 2.6.0
Doug Hellmann
- [openstack-dev] [release][cinder] os-brick 0.2.0
Doug Hellmann
- [openstack-dev] [release][tripleo] os-collect-config 0.1.35
Doug Hellmann
- [openstack-dev] [all] upcoming oslo releases
Doug Hellmann
- [openstack-dev] [release][neutron] python-neutronclient 2.6.0
Doug Hellmann
- [openstack-dev] [murano] oslo namespace changes and murano-dashboard
Doug Hellmann
- [openstack-dev] [murano] oslo namespace changes and murano-dashboard
Doug Hellmann
- [openstack-dev] [Global Requirements] Adding apscheduler to global requirements
Doug Hellmann
- [openstack-dev] [Global Requirements] Adding apscheduler to global requirements
Doug Hellmann
- [openstack-dev] [Nova] Release versioning proposal for Liberty
Doug Hellmann
- [openstack-dev] [Nova] Release versioning proposal for Liberty
Doug Hellmann
- [openstack-dev] [Nova] Release versioning proposal for Liberty
Doug Hellmann
- [openstack-dev] [Nova] Release versioning proposal for Liberty
Doug Hellmann
- [openstack-dev] Dynamic Policy for Access Control Subteam Meeting
Doug Hellmann
- [openstack-dev] [Nova] Release versioning proposal for Liberty
Doug Hellmann
- [openstack-dev] [nova][trove] Protected openstack resources
Doug Hellmann
- [openstack-dev] [all][release] summit session summary: Release Versioning for Server Applications
Doug Hellmann
- [openstack-dev] [all][release] updating client requirements
Doug Hellmann
- [openstack-dev] [rally][scaling up development] Rally core team re-organization
Doug Hellmann
- [openstack-dev] [rally][scaling up development] Rally core team re-organization
Doug Hellmann
- [openstack-dev] [Oslo][Automaton] Proposal for new core reviewer (min pae)
Doug Hellmann
- [openstack-dev] [all] starting oslo releases without namespace packages
Doug Hellmann
- [openstack-dev] (re)centralizing library release management
Doug Hellmann
- [openstack-dev] [release][oslo] oslo.middleware release 2.0.0 (liberty)
Doug Hellmann
- [openstack-dev] (re)centralizing library release management
Doug Hellmann
- [openstack-dev] [release][oslo] oslo.middleware release 2.1.0 (liberty)
Doug Hellmann
- [openstack-dev] [packaging] Adding packaging as an OpenStack project
Doug Hellmann
- [openstack-dev] [oslo] Adopt mox3
Doug Hellmann
- [openstack-dev] [release][oslo] automaton release 0.2.0 (liberty)
Doug Hellmann
- [openstack-dev] [release]oslo mox3 release 0.8.0 (liberty)
Doug Hellmann
- [openstack-dev] (re)centralizing library release management
Doug Hellmann
- [openstack-dev] [all][release] summit session summary: Release Versioning for Server Applications
Doug Hellmann
- [openstack-dev] [all][release] summit session summary: Release Versioning for Server Applications
Doug Hellmann
- [openstack-dev] [all][release] summit session summary: Release Versioning for Server Applications
Doug Hellmann
- [openstack-dev] [all][requirements] Proposing a slight change in requirements.txt syncing output.
Doug Hellmann
- [openstack-dev] [all][release] summit session summary: Release Versioning for Server Applications
Doug Hellmann
- [openstack-dev] [Ironic] ironic-lib library
Doug Hellmann
- [openstack-dev] [all][release] summit session summary: Release Versioning for Server Applications
Doug Hellmann
- [openstack-dev] [all] setup.py executable bit
Doug Hellmann
- [openstack-dev] [all] FYI - dropping non RabbitMQ support in devstack
Doug Hellmann
- [openstack-dev] [all] FYI - dropping non RabbitMQ support in devstack
Doug Hellmann
- [openstack-dev] Debian already using Python 3.5: please gate on that
Doug Hellmann
- [openstack-dev] (re)centralizing library release management
Doug Hellmann
- [openstack-dev] Debian already using Python 3.5: please gate on that
Doug Hellmann
- [openstack-dev] [all] [qpid] [zmq] [RabbitMQ] [oslo] Pending deprecation of driver(s).
Doug Hellmann
- [openstack-dev] [oslo][messaging] Expanding the oslo.messaging core team
Doug Hellmann
- [openstack-dev] [all] Gerrit based IRC meetings.
Doug Hellmann
- [openstack-dev] [oslo][oslo.service] Bootstrapping oslo.service core
Doug Hellmann
- [openstack-dev] [all] [qpid] [zmq] [RabbitMQ] [oslo] Pending deprecation of driver(s).
Doug Hellmann
- [openstack-dev] [all] [qpid] [zmq] [RabbitMQ] [oslo] Pending deprecation of driver(s).
Doug Hellmann
- [openstack-dev] Debian already using Python 3.5: please gate on that
Doug Hellmann
- [openstack-dev] Debian already using Python 3.5: please gate on that
Doug Hellmann
- [openstack-dev] [ceilometer] can we get ceilometermiddleware to use a config file instead of transport_url?
Doug Hellmann
- [openstack-dev] [ceilometer] can we get ceilometermiddleware to use a config file instead of transport_url?
Doug Hellmann
- [openstack-dev] [ceilometer] can we get ceilometermiddleware to use a config file instead of transport_url?
Doug Hellmann
- [openstack-dev] [Nova] Tracking optional requirements
Doug Hellmann
- [openstack-dev] [all][requirements] requirements reviews falling behind
Doug Hellmann
- [openstack-dev] [Oslo][Automaton] Proposal for new core (ruby loo)
Doug Hellmann
- [openstack-dev] [ceilometer] can we get ceilometermiddleware to use a config file instead of transport_url?
Doug Hellmann
- [openstack-dev] [all][requirements] requirements reviews falling behind
Doug Hellmann
- [openstack-dev] [all] inoculate your project against namespace package changes
Doug Hellmann
- [openstack-dev] [oslo] About app-agnostic-logging-parameters
Doug Hellmann
- [openstack-dev] [oslo] About app-agnostic-logging-parameters
Doug Hellmann
- [openstack-dev] [all] approving python 3 integration testing spec
Doug Hellmann
- [openstack-dev] Let's get rid of tablib and cliff-tablib
Doug Hellmann
- [openstack-dev] [all]deprecating [test-]requirements-PYN.txt
Doug Hellmann
- [openstack-dev] [oslo] Ideas to detect Oslo regressions earlier
Doug Hellmann
- [openstack-dev] [Manila][Infra] A proposal for 3rd-party vendor CI in Manila
Csaba Henk
- [openstack-dev] [puppet] Change abandonment policy
Cody Herriges
- [openstack-dev] [puppet] Move to rspec-puppet 2.2.0
Cody Herriges
- [openstack-dev] [puppet] review getting long in the tooth
Cody Herriges
- [openstack-dev] [heat] status of instance_user/admin_user in heat
Thomas Herve
- [openstack-dev] [heat] status of instance_user/admin_user in heat
Thomas Herve
- [openstack-dev] [OpenStack-Infra] Nominating Joshua Hesketh for infra-root
Joshua Hesketh
- [openstack-dev] [packaging] Adding packaging as an OpenStack project
Derek Higgins
- [openstack-dev] [packaging] Adding packaging as an OpenStack project
Derek Higgins
- [openstack-dev] [packaging] Adding packaging as an OpenStack project
Derek Higgins
- [openstack-dev] Dynamic Policy for Access Control Subteam Meeting
Tim Hinrichs
- [openstack-dev] Dynamic Policy for Access Control Subteam Meeting
Tim Hinrichs
- [openstack-dev] Dynamic Policy for Access Control Subteam Meeting
Tim Hinrichs
- [openstack-dev] [Congress] summit events
Tim Hinrichs
- [openstack-dev] [congress] table with named parameters in rule's left side ?
Tim Hinrichs
- [openstack-dev] [Congress] summit events
Tim Hinrichs
- [openstack-dev] [Congress] Mid-cycle sprint
Tim Hinrichs
- [openstack-dev] [Congress] Mid-cycle sprint
Tim Hinrichs
- [openstack-dev] [Congress] Mid-cycle sprint
Tim Hinrichs
- [openstack-dev] [Congress] Mid-cycle sprint
Tim Hinrichs
- [openstack-dev] [Congress] Hands-on-lab setup instructions
Tim Hinrichs
- [openstack-dev] [Congress] IRC on 6/30 canceled
Tim Hinrichs
- [openstack-dev] [devstack] apache wsgi application support
Marian Horban
- [openstack-dev] [cinder] Spec for volume migration improvement
Sheng Bo Hou
- [openstack-dev] About the volume status exposure during migration
Sheng Bo Hou
- [openstack-dev] [tempest][qa][cinder] How to configure tempest with to test volume migration?
Sheng Bo Hou
- [openstack-dev] [Cinder] Need Cinder cores to approve the spec for volume migration improvement
Sheng Bo Hou
- [openstack-dev] [tempest] How to contribute volume migration tests into tempest
Sheng Bo Hou
- [openstack-dev] [openstack-infra] [tempest] [qa] How to make it possible to support multiple vendor storage drivers
Sheng Bo Hou
- [openstack-dev] [cinder] Need help from folks working on Dell, Storpool and Infortrend drivers
Sheng Bo Hou
- [openstack-dev] [Keystone][OSC] Keystone v3 user create --project $projid does not add user to project?
Terry Howe
- [openstack-dev] [all] [stable] No longer doing stable point releases
Ihar Hrachyshka
- [openstack-dev] [all] [stable] No longer doing stable point releases
Ihar Hrachyshka
- [openstack-dev] [all] [stable] No longer doing stable point releases
Ihar Hrachyshka
- [openstack-dev] [release][neutron] python-neutronclient 2.6.0
Ihar Hrachyshka
- [openstack-dev] [Neutron] virtual machine can not get DHCP lease due packet has no checksum
Ihar Hrachyshka
- [openstack-dev] [Neutron] Python 3 and hacking rules.
Ihar Hrachyshka
- [openstack-dev] [keystone] [nova] [oslo] oslo.policy requests from the Nova team
Ihar Hrachyshka
- [openstack-dev] [all][infra][tc][ptl] Scaling up code review process (subdir cores)
Ihar Hrachyshka
- [openstack-dev] [all][infra][tc][ptl] Scaling up code review process (subdir cores)
Ihar Hrachyshka
- [openstack-dev] [global-requirements][pbr] tarball and git requirements no longer supported in requirements.txt
Ihar Hrachyshka
- [openstack-dev] Why do we drop branches? (WAS: Re: Targeting icehouse-eol?)
Ihar Hrachyshka
- [openstack-dev] [oslo][all] openstack context change for user_name and project_name
Ihar Hrachyshka
- [openstack-dev] [all][python3] use of six.iteritems()
Ihar Hrachyshka
- [openstack-dev] [neutron] Missing openvswitch filter rules
Ihar Hrachyshka
- [openstack-dev] [Neutron] Proposing Rossella Sblendido for the Control Plane core team
Ihar Hrachyshka
- [openstack-dev] [Neutron] Proposing YAMAMOTO Takashi for the Control Plane core team
Ihar Hrachyshka
- [openstack-dev] [all] [stable] No longer doing stable point releases
Ihar Hrachyshka
- [openstack-dev] [all][release] summit session summary: Release Versioning for Server Applications
Ihar Hrachyshka
- [openstack-dev] [neutron][db] online schema upgrades
Ihar Hrachyshka
- [openstack-dev] [all] [stable] No longer doing stable point releases
Ihar Hrachyshka
- [openstack-dev] [neutron][db] online schema upgrades
Ihar Hrachyshka
- [openstack-dev] [neutron][db] online schema upgrades
Ihar Hrachyshka
- [openstack-dev] [Openstack-operators] [nova] [neutron] Re: How do your end users use networking?
Ihar Hrachyshka
- [openstack-dev] Debian already using Python 3.5: please gate on that
Ihar Hrachyshka
- [openstack-dev] [infra][neutron] Requirements validations
Ihar Hrachyshka
- [openstack-dev] [neutron][stable] Kevin Benton added to neutron-stable-maint
Ihar Hrachyshka
- [openstack-dev] [neutron] dns-nameservers order not honored
Ihar Hrachyshka
- [openstack-dev] [Nova] The unbearable lightness of specs
Ihar Hrachyshka
- [openstack-dev] [all] Any other downstream developers having problems with pbr?
Ihar Hrachyshka
- [openstack-dev] [keystone] [nova] [oslo] [cross-project] Dynamic Policy
Hu, David J (Converged Cloud)
- [openstack-dev] [all]Big Tent Mode within respective projects
Zhipeng Huang
- [openstack-dev] [all]Big Tent Mode within respective projects
Zhipeng Huang
- [openstack-dev] [all]Big Tent Mode within respective projects
Zhipeng Huang
- [openstack-dev] [Tricircle] Polling for weekly team meeting
Zhipeng Huang
- [openstack-dev] [opnfv-tech-discuss] [Tricircle] Polling for weekly team meeting
Zhipeng Huang
- [openstack-dev] [opnfv-tech-discuss] [Tricircle] Polling for weekly team meeting
Zhipeng Huang
- [openstack-dev] [opnfv-tech-discuss] [Tricircle] Polling for weekly team meeting
Zhipeng Huang
- [openstack-dev] [opnfv-tech-discuss] [Tricircle] Polling for weekly team meeting
Zhipeng Huang
- [openstack-dev] [opnfv-tech-discuss] [Tricircle] Polling for weekly team meeting
Zhipeng Huang
- [openstack-dev] [opnfv-tech-discuss] [Tricircle] Polling for weekly team meeting
Zhipeng Huang
- [openstack-dev] [opnfv-tech-discuss] [Tricircle] Polling for weekly team meeting
Zhipeng Huang
- [openstack-dev] Enabling an Open Cloud with OpenStack
Zhipeng Huang
- [openstack-dev] [opnfv-tech-discuss] [Tricircle] Polling for weekly team meeting
Zhipeng Huang
- [openstack-dev] [Tricircle]Weekly Team Meeting starting on Wednesday !
Zhipeng Huang
- [openstack-dev] [Tricircle]Weekly Team Meeting starting on Wednesday !
Zhipeng Huang
- [openstack-dev] [Tricircle]Weekly Team Meeting roundup
Zhipeng Huang
- [openstack-dev] [Tricircle]Starting with BP registration
Zhipeng Huang
- [openstack-dev] [Tricircle]New branch added
Zhipeng Huang
- [openstack-dev] [Tricircle] Ubernetes and Tricirle
Zhipeng Huang
- [openstack-dev] [Tricircle]Weekly Meeting 2015.07.01
Zhipeng Huang
- [openstack-dev] [cinder][nova] modeling connection_info with a versioned object in os-brick
Walter A. Boring IV
- [openstack-dev] [DevStack][Neutron] PHYSICAL_NETWORK vs. PUBLIC_PHYSICAL_NETWORK - rant
Hirofumi Ichihara
- [openstack-dev] [Neutron] Metaplugin deprecation in Liberty
Hirofumi Ichihara
- [openstack-dev] [Neutron] Metaplugin deprecation in Liberty
Hirofumi Ichihara
- [openstack-dev] [QA] Meeting Thursday June 11th at 22:00 UTC
Masayuki Igawa
- [openstack-dev] [QA][Tempest] Proposing Jordan Pittier for Tempest Core
Masayuki Igawa
- [openstack-dev] [all][infra][tc][ptl] Scaling up code review process (subdir cores)
Andreas Jaeger
- [openstack-dev] [Neutron] Functional tests coverage
Andreas Jaeger
- [openstack-dev] [packaging] Adding packaging as an OpenStack project
Andreas Jaeger
- [openstack-dev] [packaging] Adding packaging as an OpenStack project
Andreas Jaeger
- [openstack-dev] [heat][requirements] heat-translator has requirement not in global requirements list
Andreas Jaeger
- [openstack-dev] [packaging] Adding packaging as an OpenStack project
Andreas Jaeger
- [openstack-dev] [horizon][i18n] Ordering of PO files
Andreas Jaeger
- [openstack-dev] [all] OpenStack CI harddisk failure - jobs are UNSTABLE
Andreas Jaeger
- [openstack-dev] [nova] gate is wedged
Andreas Jaeger
- [openstack-dev] Why doesn't Gerrit email me?
Andreas Jaeger
- [openstack-dev] [Heat][Oslo] Versioned objects compatibility mode
Jastrzebski, Michal
- [openstack-dev] [TripleO] package based overcloud upgrades
Jastrzebski, Michal
- [openstack-dev] [Cinder] Volume creation fails in Horizon
Jayanthi, Swaroop
- [openstack-dev] Question regarding openstack heat
Swaroop Jayanthi
- [openstack-dev] Question regarding openstack heat
Jayanthi, Swaroop
- [openstack-dev] [nova] Progressing/tracking work on libvirt / vif drivers
Neil Jerram
- [openstack-dev] [nova] Progressing/tracking work on libvirt / vif drivers
Neil Jerram
- [openstack-dev] [packaging] Source RPMs for RDO Kilo?
Neil Jerram
- [openstack-dev] [packaging] Source RPMs for RDO Kilo?
Neil Jerram
- [openstack-dev] [Nova] Liberty Priorties for Nova
Neil Jerram
- [openstack-dev] The Nova API in Kilo and Beyond
Neil Jerram
- [openstack-dev] [packaging] Adding packaging as an OpenStack project
Neil Jerram
- [openstack-dev] [Openstack-operators] [openstack-operators][neutron[dhcp][dnsmask]: duplicate entries in addn_hosts causing no IP allocation
Neil Jerram
- [openstack-dev] [Openstack-operators] [openstack-operators][neutron[dhcp][dnsmask]: duplicate entries in addn_hosts causing no IP allocation
Neil Jerram
- [openstack-dev] The Nova API in Kilo and Beyond
Neil Jerram
- [openstack-dev] [Openstack-operators] [openstack-operators][neutron[dhcp][dnsmask]: duplicate entries in addn_hosts causing no IP allocation
Neil Jerram
- [openstack-dev] [Nova] Liberty Priorties for Nova
Neil Jerram
- [openstack-dev] [Nova] Liberty Priorties for Nova
Neil Jerram
- [openstack-dev] [nova] vif type libvirt-network
Neil Jerram
- [openstack-dev] [neutron] Mechanism drivers and Neutron server forking?
Neil Jerram
- [openstack-dev] [nova] vif type libvirt-network
Neil Jerram
- [openstack-dev] How does instance's tap device mac address generate?
Neil Jerram
- [openstack-dev] [neutron][L3] L3 routed network segments
Neil Jerram
- [openstack-dev] [Openstack-operators] [nova] [neutron] Re: How do your end users use networking?
Neil Jerram
- [openstack-dev] [Openstack-operators] [nova] [neutron] Re: How do your end users use networking?
Neil Jerram
- [openstack-dev] [Openstack-operators] [nova] [neutron] Re: How do your end users use networking?
Neil Jerram
- [openstack-dev] [Openstack-operators] [nova] [neutron] Re: How do your end users use networking?
Neil Jerram
- [openstack-dev] [neutron][L3] L3 routed network segments
Neil Jerram
- [openstack-dev] [Openstack-operators] [nova] [neutron] Re: How do your end users use networking?
Neil Jerram
- [openstack-dev] [nova] Stuck on VIF plugin script?
Neil Jerram
- [openstack-dev] [nova] Stuck on VIF plugin script?
Neil Jerram
- [openstack-dev] [Openstack-operators] [nova] [neutron] Re: How do your end users use networking?
Neil Jerram
- [openstack-dev] [neutron] enriching port binding extension API dictionaries with key-values
Neil Jerram
- [openstack-dev] [neutron] How to catch security group updates in ML2 mechanism driver?
Neil Jerram
- [openstack-dev] [neutron] How to catch security group updates in ML2 mechanism driver?
Neil Jerram
- [openstack-dev] Why doesn't Gerrit email me?
Neil Jerram
- [openstack-dev] Why doesn't Gerrit email me?
Neil Jerram
- [openstack-dev] Why doesn't Gerrit email me?
Neil Jerram
- [openstack-dev] Why doesn't Gerrit email me?
Neil Jerram
- [openstack-dev] [nova] How to microversion API code which is not in API layer
Chen CH Ji
- [openstack-dev] [opensatck-dev][trove]redis replication
Mariam John
- [openstack-dev] [Horizon] high priority patches, please review
Richard Jones
- [openstack-dev] [javascript] [horizon] [merlin] [refstack] Javascript Linting
Richard Jones
- [openstack-dev] [javascript] [horizon] [merlin] [refstack] Javascript Linting
Richard Jones
- [openstack-dev] Angular dependencies and the hz.dashboard namespace
Richard Jones
- [openstack-dev] [horizon] Angular dependencies and the hz.dashboard namespace
Richard Jones
- [openstack-dev] [Neutron] virtual machine can not get DHCP lease due packet has no checksum
Rick Jones
- [openstack-dev] [Infra] Meeting Tuesday June 2nd at 19:00 UTC
Elizabeth K. Joseph
- [openstack-dev] [Infra] Meeting Tuesday June 9th at 19:00 UTC
Elizabeth K. Joseph
- [openstack-dev] Nominating Joshua Hesketh for infra-root
Elizabeth K. Joseph
- [openstack-dev] [Infra] Meeting Tuesday June 16th at 19:00 UTC
Elizabeth K. Joseph
- [openstack-dev] [Infra] Meeting Tuesday June 23rd at 19:00 UTC
Elizabeth K. Joseph
- [openstack-dev] [Infra] Meeting Tuesday June 30th at 19:00 UTC
Elizabeth K. Joseph
- [openstack-dev] [nova] How to properly detect and fence a compromised host (and why I dislike TrustedFilter)
Juvonen, Tomi (Nokia - FI/Espoo)
- [openstack-dev] Looking for help getting git-review to work over https
- [openstack-dev] Looking for help getting git-review to work over https
- [openstack-dev] Looking for help getting git-review to work over https
- [openstack-dev] Looking for help getting git-review to work over https
- [openstack-dev] Looking for help getting git-review to work over https
- [openstack-dev] Looking for help getting git-review to work over https
- [openstack-dev] Looking for help getting git-review to work over https
- [openstack-dev] Looking for help getting git-review to work over https
- [openstack-dev] Looking for help getting git-review to work over https
- [openstack-dev] Looking for help getting git-review to work over https
- [openstack-dev] Looking for help getting git-review to work over https
- [openstack-dev] Looking for help getting git-review to work over https
- [openstack-dev] Looking for help getting git-review to work over https
- [openstack-dev] Looking for help getting git-review to work over https
- [openstack-dev] Looking for help getting git-review to work over https
- [openstack-dev] Looking for help getting git-review to work over https
- [openstack-dev] [Fuel][Fuel-Library] Nominate Aleksandr Didenko for fuel-library core
Sebastian Kalinowski
- [openstack-dev] [Fuel] Packaged Fuel and "Feature Groups"
Igor Kalnitsky
- [openstack-dev] [Fuel] Ceph Public Network Setting
Igor Kalnitsky
- [openstack-dev] [Fuel][Plugins] differenciate node with the same role - the spec is available
Igor Kalnitsky
- [openstack-dev] [Fuel][Fuel-Library] Nominate Aleksandr Didenko for fuel-library core
Igor Kalnitsky
- [openstack-dev] [fuel] Fuel API settings reference
Przemyslaw Kaminski
- [openstack-dev] [Neutron] L3 agent rescheduling issue
Anna Kamyshnikova
- [openstack-dev] [neutron][db] online schema upgrades
Anna Kamyshnikova
- [openstack-dev] [neutron][db] online schema upgrades
Anna Kamyshnikova
- [openstack-dev] [Neutron] Proposing Ann Kamyshnikova for the API & DB core reviewer team
Anna Kamyshnikova
- [openstack-dev] [Neutron] Proposing Rossella Sblendido for the Control Plane core team
Anna Kamyshnikova
- [openstack-dev] Fudcon APAC 2015 (Invitation)
Rohan Kanade
- [openstack-dev] [neutron] dns-nameservers order not honored
John Kasperski
- [openstack-dev] [all] cross project communication: Return request-id to caller
Kekane, Abhishek
- [openstack-dev] [Nova] [Liberty] Approval dates for non-priority specs
Kekane, Abhishek
- [openstack-dev] [Nova] Approval dates for non-priority specs
Kekane, Abhishek
- [openstack-dev] Recall: [Nova] [Liberty] Approval dates for non-priority specs
Kekane, Abhishek
- [openstack-dev] Recall: [Nova] [Liberty] Approval dates for non-priority specs
Kekane, Abhishek
- [openstack-dev] [Security] Nominating Travis McPeak for Security CoreSec
Tim Kennedy
- [openstack-dev] [Security] Nominating Michael McCune for Security CoreSec
Tim Kennedy
- [openstack-dev] Interconnecting projects
Fawad Khaliq
- [openstack-dev] Interconnecting projects
Fawad Khaliq
- [openstack-dev] [Ceilometer] Liberty Mid Cycle Virtual Meetup
Pradeep Kilambi
- [openstack-dev] [Security] Nominating Michael McCune for Security CoreSec
Nathan Kinder
- [openstack-dev] [Security] Nominating Travis McPeak for Security CoreSec
Nathan Kinder
- [openstack-dev] [puppet] [Swift] Multiple proxy recipes will create out of sync rings
Mark Kirkwood
- [openstack-dev] [puppet] [Swift] Multiple proxy recipes will create out of sync rings
Mark Kirkwood
- [openstack-dev] [puppet] [Swift] Multiple proxy recipes will create out of sync rings
Mark Kirkwood
- [openstack-dev] [puppet] [Swift] Multiple proxy recipes will create out of sync rings
Mark Kirkwood
- [openstack-dev] Debian already using Python 3.5: please gate on that
Mark Kirkwood
- [openstack-dev] [Fuel] Packaged Fuel and "Feature Groups"
Alexander Kislitsky
- [openstack-dev] [HA] RFC: moving Pacemaker openstack-resource-agents to stackforge
Jan Klare
- [openstack-dev] [Openstack-operators] [Fuel][Oslo][RabbitMQ][Shovel] Deprecate mirrored queues from HA AMQP cluster scenario
Michael Klishin
- [openstack-dev] [Fuel][Oslo][RabbitMQ][Shovel] Deprecate mirrored queues from HA AMQP cluster scenario
Michael Klishin
- [openstack-dev] [Fuel][Oslo][RabbitMQ][Shovel] Deprecate mirrored queues from HA AMQP cluster scenario
Michael Klishin
- [openstack-dev] [rabbitmq] ANN New ops-oriented guides on rabbitmq.com
Michael Klishin
- [openstack-dev] [Cinder] Implementation of ABC MetaClasses
Knight, Clinton
- [openstack-dev] [keystone]Why not common definition about normal HTTP status code like 2xx and 3xx?
Brant Knudson
- [openstack-dev] [nova][security] Enable user password complexity verification
Brant Knudson
- [openstack-dev] Specify a domain in mapping rules
Brant Knudson
- [openstack-dev] [api] [all] To changes-since or not to changes-since
Brant Knudson
- [openstack-dev] [ceilometer] can we get ceilometermiddleware to use a config file instead of transport_url?
Brant Knudson
- [openstack-dev] [devstack] apache wsgi application support
Brant Knudson
- [openstack-dev] [devstack] apache wsgi application support
Brant Knudson
- [openstack-dev] [Cinder] Implementation of ABC MetaClasses
Marc Koderer
- [openstack-dev] [Cinder] Implementation of ABC MetaClasses
Marc Koderer
- [openstack-dev] [QA][Tempest] Proposing Jordan Pittier for Tempest Core
Marc Koderer
- [openstack-dev] [Glance] [all] python-glanceclient release 0.19.0
Nikhil Komawar
- [openstack-dev] [all][python3] use of six.iteritems()
Nikhil Komawar
- [openstack-dev] [all][python3] use of six.iteritems()
Nikhil Komawar
- [openstack-dev] Liberty mid-cycle meetups?
Nikhil Komawar
- [openstack-dev] [Glance] [all] Proposal for Weekly Glance Drivers meeting.
Nikhil Komawar
- [openstack-dev] [Glance] [all] Proposal for Glance Artifacts Sub-Team meeting.
Nikhil Komawar
- [openstack-dev] [Glance] [all] Proposal for Weekly Glance Drivers meeting.
Nikhil Komawar
- [openstack-dev] [Glance] [all] Proposal for Weekly Glance Drivers meeting.
Nikhil Komawar
- [openstack-dev] [Glance] [all] Proposal for Glance Artifacts Sub-Team meeting.
Nikhil Komawar
- [openstack-dev] [nova][security] Enable user password complexity verification
Lingxian Kong
- [openstack-dev] [Mistral] Proposal for the Resume Feature
Lingxian Kong
- [openstack-dev] [Mistral] Proposal for the Resume Feature
Lingxian Kong
- [openstack-dev] [mistral] Proposing Lingxian Kong as a core reviewer
Lingxian Kong
- [openstack-dev] [Solum][Mistral] Help with merging a patch to python-mistralclient
Lingxian Kong
- [openstack-dev] [oslo] About app-agnostic-logging-parameters
Lingxian Kong
- [openstack-dev] [oslo] About app-agnostic-logging-parameters
Lingxian Kong
- [openstack-dev] [Mistral] Proposing to remove mistral.utils.wf_trace module
Lingxian Kong
- [openstack-dev] [Sahara] Can't upload jar file to Job Binaries from Horizon
Nikita Konovalov
- [openstack-dev] [nova] Progressing/tracking work on libvirt / vif drivers
Gary Kotton
- [openstack-dev] Proposing Brian Haley to Neutron L3 Core Reviewer Team
Gary Kotton
- [openstack-dev] [oslo.vmware] Bump oslo.vmware to 1.0.0
Gary Kotton
- [openstack-dev] Gerrit maintenance concluded
Gary Kotton
- [openstack-dev] [Neutron] Proposing Rossella Sblendido for the Control Plane core team
Gary Kotton
- [openstack-dev] [Neutron] Proposing Ann Kamyshnikova for the API & DB core reviewer team
Gary Kotton
- [openstack-dev] [Neutron] Proposing YAMAMOTO Takashi for the Control Plane core team
Gary Kotton
- [openstack-dev] [oslo.vmware] Bump oslo.vmware to 1.0.0
Gary Kotton
- [openstack-dev] [infra][neutron] Requirements validations
Gary Kotton
- [openstack-dev] [infra][neutron] Requirements validations
Gary Kotton
- [openstack-dev] [Nova] The unbearable lightness of specs
Gary Kotton
- [openstack-dev] [Nova] The unbearable lightness of specs
Gary Kotton
- [openstack-dev] [Fuel] Packaged Fuel and "Feature Groups"
Vitaly Kramskikh
- [openstack-dev] [qa] Need volunteers for tempest bug triage
David Kranz
- [openstack-dev] [qa] SafeConfigParser.write duplicates defaults: bug or feature?
David Kranz
- [openstack-dev] [QA] Meeting Thursday June 4th at 17:00 UTC
David Kranz
- [openstack-dev] The Nova API in Kilo and Beyond
David Kranz
- [openstack-dev] [QA] Meeting Thursday June 18th at 17:00 UTC
David Kranz
- [openstack-dev] [qa] Status of account creds in the [identity] section of tempest.conf
David Kranz
- [openstack-dev] [qa] Tempest bug triage questions
David Kranz
- [openstack-dev] [QA][Tempest] Proposing Jordan Pittier for Tempest Core
David Kranz
- [openstack-dev] [Heat][Oslo] Versioned objects compatibility mode
Sergey Kraynev
- [openstack-dev] Enabling an Open Cloud with OpenStack
Orran Krieger
- [openstack-dev] [Neutron][Nova] DHCP sent by veth interface connected to Linux Bridge
Padmanabhan Krishnan
- [openstack-dev] [cors] Last Call for Comments
Michael Krotscheck
- [openstack-dev] [javascript] Linters
Michael Krotscheck
- [openstack-dev] [javascript] Linters
Michael Krotscheck
- [openstack-dev] [javascript] Linters
Michael Krotscheck
- [openstack-dev] [javascript] Linters
Michael Krotscheck
- [openstack-dev] [javascript] Linters
Michael Krotscheck
- [openstack-dev] [javascript] Linters
Michael Krotscheck
- [openstack-dev] [javascript] [horizon] [merlin] [refstack] Javascript Linting
Michael Krotscheck
- [openstack-dev] [javascript] [horizon] [merlin] [refstack] Javascript Linting
Michael Krotscheck
- [openstack-dev] [javascript] [horizon] [merlin] [refstack] Javascript Linting
Michael Krotscheck
- [openstack-dev] [Ironic][Horizon][Tuskar-ui] Making a dashboard for Ironic
Michael Krotscheck
- [openstack-dev] [Ironic][Horizon][Tuskar-ui] Making a dashboard for Ironic
Michael Krotscheck
- [openstack-dev] [ceilometer] can we get ceilometermiddleware to use a config file instead of transport_url?
Michael Krotscheck
- [openstack-dev] [Nova] The unbearable lightness of specs
Michael Krotscheck
- [openstack-dev] [infra][third-party] Common-CI Virtual Sprint
Spencer Krum
- [openstack-dev] [puppet] [fuel] more collaboration request
Vladimir Kuklin
- [openstack-dev] [Fuel][Fuel-Library] Nominate Aleksandr Didenko for fuel-library core
Vladimir Kuklin
- [openstack-dev] [neutron] Mechanism drivers and Neutron server forking?
Robert Kukura
- [openstack-dev] [GBP][Heat] Group-based Policy plug-in for Heat
Robert Kukura
- [openstack-dev] [neutron][ml2] - generic port binding for ml2 and dvr
Robert Kukura
- [openstack-dev] [Solum] Why do app names have to be unique?
Devdatta Kulkarni
- [openstack-dev] [Solum] Should logs be deleted when we delete an app?
Devdatta Kulkarni
- [openstack-dev] [Solum] Update on current status
Devdatta Kulkarni
- [openstack-dev] [Solum][Mistral] Help with a patch
Devdatta Kulkarni
- [openstack-dev] [Solum][app-catalog] [ Supporting swift downloads for operator languagepacks
Devdatta Kulkarni
- [openstack-dev] [api][Solum] Request for feedback on new API resource
Devdatta Kulkarni
- [openstack-dev] [api] [all] To changes-since or not to changes-since
Devdatta Kulkarni
- [openstack-dev] [Solum][Mistral] Help with merging a patch to python-mistralclient
Devdatta Kulkarni
- [openstack-dev] [nova][trove] Protected openstack resources
Amrith Kumar
- [openstack-dev] [nova][trove] Protected openstack resources
Amrith Kumar
- [openstack-dev] [trove]Put all alternative configurations in default trove.conf
Amrith Kumar
- [openstack-dev] [trove]Put all alternative configurationsin default trove.conf
Amrith Kumar
- [openstack-dev] [trove]Any process of redis configuration group
Amrith Kumar
- [openstack-dev] [cinder][third-party] CI FC passthrough scripts now available on stackforge
Anita Kuno
- [openstack-dev] [cinder] Rebranded Volume Drivers
Anita Kuno
- [openstack-dev] [infra] how to trigger a set of jenkins jobs
Anita Kuno
- [openstack-dev] [third-party][infra] Common OpenStack CI Solution - 'Jenkins' live
Anita Kuno
- [openstack-dev] Liberty mid-cycle meetups?
Anita Kuno
- [openstack-dev] [api][nova][ironic] Microversion API HTTP header
Andrey Kurilin
- [openstack-dev] [log] No Log WG meeting today
Kuvaja, Erno
- [openstack-dev] [all] [stable] No longer doing stable point releases
Kuvaja, Erno
- [openstack-dev] [Glance] [all] Proposal for Weekly Glance Drivers meeting.
Kuvaja, Erno
- [openstack-dev] [cinder][stable] Cinder client broken in Juno
Kuvaja, Erno
- [openstack-dev] [Fuel][Fuel-Library] Nominate Aleksandr Didenko for fuel-library core
Evgeniy L
- [openstack-dev] [Murano] Nominating Kirill Zaitsev for murano-core
Stan Lagun
- [openstack-dev] [Murano] Nominating Filip Blaha for murano-core
Stan Lagun
- [openstack-dev] [Murano] Does Murano support nested HOT templates?
Stan Lagun
- [openstack-dev] [murano] python versions
Stan Lagun
- [openstack-dev] [Mistral][Murano] What's the latest/greatest on YAQL?
Stan Lagun
- [openstack-dev] migrate swift test code from unittest to testtools
Tzu Lao
- [openstack-dev] [swift] migrate swift test code from unittest to testtools
Tzu Lao
- [openstack-dev] [nova] I think nova behaves poorly when booting multiple instances
Andrew Laski
- [openstack-dev] [nova] I think nova behaves poorly when booting multiple instances
Andrew Laski
- [openstack-dev] Online Migrations.
Andrew Laski
- [openstack-dev] [Openstack] Add table to Nova DB
Andrew Laski
- [openstack-dev] [nova] Should we add instance action event to live migration?
Andrew Laski
- [openstack-dev] [nova] Should we add instance action event to live migration?
Andrew Laski
- [openstack-dev] Online Migrations.
Andrew Laski
- [openstack-dev] [nova][qa] Do we turn on voting for the tempest-dsvm-cells job?
Andrew Laski
- [openstack-dev] [Nova] The unbearable lightness of specs
Andrew Laski
- [openstack-dev] Scheduler hints, API and Objects
Andrew Laski
- [openstack-dev] [Magnum] Does Bay/Baymodel name should be a required option when creating a Bay/Baymodel
Jay Lau
- [openstack-dev] [Magnum] Does Bay/Baymodel name should be a required option when creating a Bay/Baymodel
Jay Lau
- [openstack-dev] [Magnum] Discuss mesos-bay-type Blueprint
Jay Lau
- [openstack-dev] [Magnum] Does Bay/Baymodel name should be a required option when creating a Bay/Baymodel
Jay Lau
- [openstack-dev] [Magnum] Does Bay/Baymodel name should be a required option when creating a Bay/Baymodel
Jay Lau
- [openstack-dev] [Magnum] Does Bay/Baymodel name should be a required option when creating a Bay/Baymodel
Jay Lau
- [openstack-dev] [Magnum] Does Bay/Baymodel name should be a required option when creating a Bay/Baymodel
Jay Lau
- [openstack-dev] [api] [Nova] [Ironic] [Magnum] Microversion guideline in API-WG
Jay Lau
- [openstack-dev] [Magnum] Does Bay/Baymodel name should be a required option when creating a Bay/Baymodel
Jay Lau
- [openstack-dev] [Magnum] Does Bay/Baymodel name should be a required option when creating a Bay/Baymodel
Jay Lau
- [openstack-dev] [Magnum] Discuss configurable-coe-api-port Blueprint
Jay Lau
- [openstack-dev] [Sahara] Difference between Sahara and CloudBrak
Jay Lau
- [openstack-dev] [neutron] Proposing Assaf Muller for the Neutron Core Reviewer Team
Miguel Lavalle
- [openstack-dev] [Neutron] Proposing Rossella Sblendido for the Control Plane core team
Miguel Lavalle
- [openstack-dev] [Neutron] [QOS] Request for Additional QoS capabilities
Adam Lawson
- [openstack-dev] [Sahara] Difference between Sahara and CloudBrak
Andrew Lazarev
- [openstack-dev] [nova][scheduler] Updating Our Concept of Resources
Ed Leafe
- [openstack-dev] [nova][scheduler] Updating Our Concept of Resources
Ed Leafe
- [openstack-dev] [nova] I think nova behaves poorly when booting multiple instances
Ed Leafe
- [openstack-dev] New meeting time for nova-scheduler - vote!
Ed Leafe
- [openstack-dev] [nova][scheduler] Updating Our Concept of Resources
Ed Leafe
- [openstack-dev] [Nova] Release versioning proposal for Liberty
Ed Leafe
- [openstack-dev] [Nova] Release versioning proposal for Liberty
Ed Leafe
- [openstack-dev] New meeting time for nova-scheduler - vote!
Ed Leafe
- [openstack-dev] [api][nova][ironic] Microversion API HTTP header
Ed Leafe
- [openstack-dev] [nova][scheduler] Poll for possible Monday meeting times
Ed Leafe
- [openstack-dev] [Nova] The unbearable lightness of specs
Ed Leafe
- [openstack-dev] [Nova] The unbearable lightness of specs
Ed Leafe
- [openstack-dev] [nova][scheduler] New Scheduler Meeting Time
Ed Leafe
- [openstack-dev] Newb looking to contribute
Jeff Learman
- [openstack-dev] Newb looking to contribute
Jeff Learman
- [openstack-dev] [all] [stable] No longer doing stable point releases
Dimitri John Ledkov
- [openstack-dev] [nova] I think nova behaves poorly when booting multiple instances
Alexis Lee
- [openstack-dev] [nova] I think nova behaves poorly when booting multiple instances
Alexis Lee
- [openstack-dev] [nova][scheduler] Updating Our Concept of Resources
Alexis Lee
- [openstack-dev] [all][infra][tc][ptl] Scaling up code review process (subdir cores)
Alexis Lee
- [openstack-dev] [nova][scheduler] Updating Our Concept of Resources
Alexis Lee
- [openstack-dev] Standard way to indicate a partial blueprint implementation?
Alexis Lee
- [openstack-dev] [Keystone] Domain and Project naming
Jamie Lennox
- [openstack-dev] [keystone][reseller] New way to get a project scoped token by name
Jamie Lennox
- [openstack-dev] [glance] V3 Authentication for swift store
Jamie Lennox
- [openstack-dev] V3 Authentication for swift store
Jamie Lennox
- [openstack-dev] [glance] V3 Authentication for swift store
Jamie Lennox
- [openstack-dev] [nova] Progressing/tracking work on libvirt / vif drivers
Moshe Levi
- [openstack-dev] [nova] Mellanox CI Issues
Moshe Levi
- [openstack-dev] [nova] Availability of device names for operations with volumes and BDM and other features.
Alexandre Levine
- [openstack-dev] [Glance] [all] Liberty summit: Updates in Glance
Steve Lewis
- [openstack-dev] [Glance][Keystone] Glance and trusts
Steve Lewis
- [openstack-dev] [Manila] Ask for help on supportting the 3-rd party CI for HDFS driver
Li, Chen
- [openstack-dev] [Sahara] Why Sahara request user to give username/password for accessing the job binary in Swift ?
Li, Chen
- [openstack-dev] [Sahara] Why Sahara request user to give username/password for accessing the job binary in Swift ?
Li, Chen
- [openstack-dev] Why doesn't Swift cache object data?
杨苏立 Yang Su Li
- [openstack-dev] Why doesn't Swift cache object data?
杨苏立 Yang Su Li
- [openstack-dev] [neutron][hyper-v] Instance can't get fixed ip on hyper-v compute node
- [openstack-dev] [neutron][hyper-v] Instance can't get fixed ip on hyper-v compute node
- [openstack-dev] [Openstack-operators] [nova] [neutron] Re: How do your end users use networking?
Kris G. Lindgren
- [openstack-dev] [Openstack-operators] [nova] [neutron] Re: How do your end users use networking?
Kris G. Lindgren
- [openstack-dev] Adding metadata to VM through Horizon
Srikanth Kumar Lingala
- [openstack-dev] [keystone]Why not common definition about normal HTTP status code like 2xx and 3xx?
Chenhong Liu
- [openstack-dev] [Nova] Serial console protocol type setting -- <protocol type='telnet'/>
Liu, Gene
- [openstack-dev] [keystone]Why not common definition about normal HTTP status code like 2xx and 3xx?
Neo Liu
- [openstack-dev] [keystone]Why not common definition about normal HTTP status code like 2xx and 3xx?
Neo Liu
- [openstack-dev] [keystone]Why not common definition about normal HTTP status code like 2xx and 3xx?
Neo Liu
- [openstack-dev] [qa] Tempest bug triage questions
Yaroslav Lobankov
- [openstack-dev] [Neutron][LBaaS] No LBaaS agent?
Brandon Logan
- [openstack-dev] [Neutron] API Extensions - Namespace URLs
Brandon Logan
- [openstack-dev] [Ironic] Updates from the Summit
Ruby Loo
- [openstack-dev] [Ironic] [TC] Discussion: changing Ironic's release model
Ruby Loo
- [openstack-dev] [Ironic] Weekly subteam status report
Ruby Loo
- [openstack-dev] [api] [Nova] [Ironic] [Magnum] Microversion guideline in API-WG
Ruby Loo
- [openstack-dev] [Ironic] When to bump the microversion?
Ruby Loo
- [openstack-dev] [Ironic] Time to decide something on the vendor tools repo
Ruby Loo
- [openstack-dev] [Ironic] removal of deprecated items from Kilo
Ruby Loo
- [openstack-dev] [Ironic] subteam status report
Ruby Loo
- [openstack-dev] [Ironic] weekly meetings and sub-team reports and people
Ruby Loo
- [openstack-dev] [api][nova][ironic] Microversion API HTTP header
Ruby Loo
- [openstack-dev] [Ironic] weekly subteam status report
Ruby Loo
- [openstack-dev] [Ironic] Adopting ironic-lib in Ironic
Ruby Loo
- [openstack-dev] [Ironic] ironic-lib library
Ruby Loo
- [openstack-dev] [Ironic] weekly subteam status report
Ruby Loo
- [openstack-dev] [Ironic] weekly subteam status report
Ruby Loo
- [openstack-dev] [Magnum] Discuss mesos-bay-type Blueprint
Hongbin Lu
- [openstack-dev] [magnum][horizon] Making a dashboard for Magnum - need a vote from the core team
Hongbin Lu
- [openstack-dev] [Magnum] Discuss configurable-coe-api-port Blueprint
Hongbin Lu
- [openstack-dev] [Magnum] Discuss configurable-coe-api-port Blueprint
Hongbin Lu
- [openstack-dev] [Magnum] Add periodic task threading for conductor server
Hongbin Lu
- [openstack-dev] [heat] Question about retrieving resource_list from ResourceGroup
Hongbin Lu
- [openstack-dev] [Magnum] Continuing with heat-coe-templates
Hongbin Lu
- [openstack-dev] [all][release] updating client requirements
Sergey Lukjanov
- [openstack-dev] [all][release] summit session summary: Release Versioning for Server Applications
Sergey Lukjanov
- [openstack-dev] [all][release] summit session summary: Release Versioning for Server Applications
Sergey Lukjanov
- [openstack-dev] [sahara] Liberty cycle client features & releases planning
Sergey Lukjanov
- [openstack-dev] [sahara] Removing Hadoop 1 support in Liberty
Sergey Lukjanov
- [openstack-dev] [Sahara] Why Sahara request user to give username/password for accessing the job binary in Swift ?
Sergey Lukjanov
- [openstack-dev] [Security] the need about implementing a MAC security hook framework for OpenStack
Yang Luo
- [openstack-dev] [Security] the need about implementing a MAC security hook framework for OpenStack
Yang Luo
- [openstack-dev] [keystone] [nova] [oslo] oslo.policy requests from the Nova team
David Lyle
- [openstack-dev] [magnum][horizon] Making a dashboard for Magnum - need a vote from the core team
David Lyle
- [openstack-dev] [magnum][horizon] Making a dashboard for Magnum - need a vote from the core team
David Lyle
- [openstack-dev] doubt about static routes and host routes
Saju M
- [openstack-dev] [Neutron] Missing "allowed address pairs"?
Armando M.
- [openstack-dev] [neutron] Service Chain project IRC meeting minutes - 06/04/2015
Armando M.
- [openstack-dev] [neutron] Service Chain project IRC meeting minutes - 06/04/2015
Armando M.
- [openstack-dev] [neutron] Mechanism drivers and Neutron server forking?
Armando M.
- [openstack-dev] [Neutron] Proposing Ann Kamyshnikova for the API & DB core reviewer team
Armando M.
- [openstack-dev] [Neutron] Proposing YAMAMOTO Takashi for the Control Plane core team
Armando M.
- [openstack-dev] [Neutron] Issue with pymysql
Armando M.
- [openstack-dev] [Neutron] Proposing Rossella Sblendido for the Control Plane core team
Armando M.
- [openstack-dev] [Openstack-operators] [nova] [neutron] Re: How do your end users use networking?
Armando M.
- [openstack-dev] [Openstack] What code structure is recommended for a Neutron plugin( L2 and L3)?
Armando M.
- [openstack-dev] [Openstack-operators] [nova] [neutron] Re: How do your end users use networking?
Armando M.
- [openstack-dev] [neutron] [networking-sfc] Project repo setup and ready to roll
Armando M.
- [openstack-dev] Change in openstack/neutron-specs[master]: Neutron API for Service Chaining
Armando M.
- [openstack-dev] Change in openstack/neutron-specs[master]: Neutron API for Service Chaining
Armando M.
- [openstack-dev] [Neutron] Issue with pymysql
Armando M.
- [openstack-dev] [QA][Tempest] Proposing Jordan Pittier for Tempest Core
- [openstack-dev] [api] [Nova] [Ironic] [Magnum] Microversion guideline in API-WG
- [openstack-dev] [api] [Nova] [Ironic] [Magnum] Microversion guideline in API-WG
- [openstack-dev] [api] [Nova] [Ironic] [Magnum] Microversion guideline in API-WG
- [openstack-dev] [api] [Nova] [Ironic] [Magnum] Microversion guideline in API-WG
- [openstack-dev] [puppet] Change abandonment policy
Emilien Macchi
- [openstack-dev] [puppet] openstacklib::db::sync proposal
Emilien Macchi
- [openstack-dev] [puppet] Weekly meeting #37
Emilien Macchi
- [openstack-dev] [puppet] Moving our modules from Stackforge to OpenStack
Emilien Macchi
- [openstack-dev] [puppet] drop monolithic plugins in neutron module
Emilien Macchi
- [openstack-dev] [puppet] [fuel] more collaboration request
Emilien Macchi
- [openstack-dev] [puppet][zaqar] Help needed creating Zaqar manifests for puppet.
Emilien Macchi
- [openstack-dev] [puppet] beaker jobs voting
Emilien Macchi
- [openstack-dev] [puppet] [fuel] more collaboration request
Emilien Macchi
- [openstack-dev] [puppet] [fuel] more collaboration request
Emilien Macchi
- [openstack-dev] [puppet] [fuel] more collaboration request
Emilien Macchi
- [openstack-dev] [puppet] [fuel] more collaboration request
Emilien Macchi
- [openstack-dev] [puppet] [fuel] more collaboration request
Emilien Macchi
- [openstack-dev] [puppet] [fuel] more collaboration request
Emilien Macchi
- [openstack-dev] [puppet] [fuel] more collaboration request
Emilien Macchi
- [openstack-dev] [puppet] [fuel] more collaboration request
Emilien Macchi
- [openstack-dev] [puppet] weekly meeting #38
Emilien Macchi
- [openstack-dev] [puppet] drop monolithic plugins in neutron module
Emilien Macchi
- [openstack-dev] [puppet] weekly meeting #38
Emilien Macchi
- [openstack-dev] [puppet] (officially) deprecate stable/{grizzly, havana} branches
Emilien Macchi
- [openstack-dev] [puppet][murano] Developing puppet module for Murano
Emilien Macchi
- [openstack-dev] [puppet] New Juno (5.1.0) release
Emilien Macchi
- [openstack-dev] [puppet][murano] Developing puppet module for Murano
Emilien Macchi
- [openstack-dev] [puppet] New Juno (5.1.0) release
Emilien Macchi
- [openstack-dev] [puppet] New Juno (5.1.0) release
Emilien Macchi
- [openstack-dev] [puppet] preparing Kilo release (6.0.0)
Emilien Macchi
- [openstack-dev] [puppet] Installing dependent modules in functional testing
Emilien Macchi
- [openstack-dev] [puppet] Clarification of 'Puppet Modules' Project Scope
Emilien Macchi
- [openstack-dev] [puppet] weekly meeting #39
Emilien Macchi
- [openstack-dev] [puppet] weekly meeting #39
Emilien Macchi
- [openstack-dev] [puppet] introducing upgrade testing jobs
Emilien Macchi
- [openstack-dev] [puppet] weekly meeting #40
Emilien Macchi
- [openstack-dev] [puppet] gate-puppet-*-puppet-beaker-rspec-dsvm-centos7 failures
Emilien Macchi
- [openstack-dev] [puppet] gate-puppet-*-puppet-beaker-rspec-dsvm-centos7 failures
Emilien Macchi
- [openstack-dev] [puppet][ceph] puppet-ceph CI status
Emilien Macchi
- [openstack-dev] [puppet] oslo.messaging version and RabbitMQ heartbeat support
Emilien Macchi
- [openstack-dev] [Magnum] TLS Support in Magnum
- [openstack-dev] [Magnum] TLS Support in Magnum
- [openstack-dev] [Magnum] TLS Support in Magnum
- [openstack-dev] [Magnum] Continuing with heat-coe-templates
- [openstack-dev] [Neutron] Metaplugin deprecation in Liberty
Edgar Magana
- [openstack-dev] Proposing Brian Haley to Neutron L3 Core Reviewer Team
Edgar Magana
- [openstack-dev] [Neutron] Proposing Rossella Sblendido for the Control Plane core team
Edgar Magana
- [openstack-dev] [Neutron] Proposing YAMAMOTO Takashi for the Control Plane core team
Edgar Magana
- [openstack-dev] Proposing Brian Haley to Neutron L3 Core Reviewer Team
Edgar Magana
- [openstack-dev] [Neutron] Proposing Ann Kamyshnikova for the API & DB core reviewer team
Edgar Magana
- [openstack-dev] [Neutron] Proposing YAMAMOTO Takashi for the Control Plane core team
Edgar Magana
- [openstack-dev] [neutron][stable] Kevin Benton added to neutron-stable-maint
Edgar Magana
- [openstack-dev] [openstack-infra] [neutron] Third Party CI Voting
Edgar Magana
- [openstack-dev] [openstack-infra] [neutron] Third Party CI Voting
Edgar Magana
- [openstack-dev] [openstack-infra] [neutron] Third Party CI Voting
Edgar Magana
- [openstack-dev] [cinder] Rebranded Volume Drivers
Nikesh Kumar Mahalka
- [openstack-dev] [Fuel] Ceph Public Network Setting
Stanislav Makar
- [openstack-dev] [mistral] Cancelling today's team meeting - 06/08/2015
Nikolay Makhotkin
- [openstack-dev] [Solum][Mistral] Help with a patch
Nikolay Makhotkin
- [openstack-dev] [mistral] Proposing Lingxian Kong as a core reviewer
Nikolay Makhotkin
- [openstack-dev] Getting rid of suds, which is unmaintained, and which we want out of Debian
Nikhil Manchanda
- [openstack-dev] If the trove-mgmt-client is not begin by someone, i want to do this work.
Nikhil Manchanda
- [openstack-dev] If the trove-mgmt-client is not begin by someone, i want to do this work.
Nikhil Manchanda
- [openstack-dev] Cross-Project meeting, Tue June 23rd, 21:00 UTC
Nikhil Manchanda
- [openstack-dev] [Manila] Ask for help on supportting the 3-rd party CI for HDFS driver
Philipp Marek
- [openstack-dev] [Manila] Ask for help on supportting the 3-rd party CI for HDFS driver
Philipp Marek
- [openstack-dev] [infra] [cinder] CI via infra for the DRBD Cinder driver
Philipp Marek
- [openstack-dev] [kolla] Proposal for new core-reviewer Harm Waites
Andre Martin
- [openstack-dev] [openstackclient] Image create-or-update
Steve Martinelli
- [openstack-dev] Kilo v3 identity problems
Steve Martinelli
- [openstack-dev] [keystone][barbican] Regarding exposing X-Group-xxxx in token validation
Steve Martinelli
- [openstack-dev] [cloudpulse] Cloudpulse development team meeting IRC
Steve Martinelli
- [openstack-dev] Which middleware does keystone use for authentication and authorization?
Steve Martinelli
- [openstack-dev] DB2 CI enablement on Keystone
Steve Martinelli
- [openstack-dev] CLI problem
Steve Martinelli
- [openstack-dev] [Keystone][OSC] Keystone v3 user create --project $projid does not add user to project?
Steve Martinelli
- [openstack-dev] Newb looking to contribute
Steve Martinelli
- [openstack-dev] [os-ansible-deployment] Feedback on Keystone Federation Spec
Steve Martinelli
- [openstack-dev] Juno Nova Instance building/scheduling forever without error or timeout
Gregg Marxer
- [openstack-dev] [keystone][reseller] New way to get a project scoped token by name
Raildo Mascena
- [openstack-dev] [Keystone][OSC] Keystone v3 user create --project $projid does not add user to project?
Raildo Mascena
- [openstack-dev] Nodepool: puppet puts wrong key in authorized_keys in slave
Eduard Matei
- [openstack-dev] Nodepool: puppet puts wrong key in authorized_keys in slave
Eduard Matei
- [openstack-dev] ThirdPartyCI: Tempest job fails with "Unexpected termination of the channel"
Eduard Matei
- [openstack-dev] ThirdPartyCI: Tempest job fails with "Unexpected termination of the channel"
Eduard Matei
- [openstack-dev] Kilo v3 identity problems
Dolph Mathews
- [openstack-dev] [keystone][barbican] Regarding exposing X-Group-xxxx in token validation
Dolph Mathews
- [openstack-dev] [keystone][barbican] Regarding exposing X-Group-xxxx in token validation
Dolph Mathews
- [openstack-dev] [keystone][barbican] Regarding exposing X-Group-xxxx in token validation
Dolph Mathews
- [openstack-dev] [Keystone] Domain and Project naming
Dolph Mathews
- [openstack-dev] [keystone][barbican] Regarding exposing X-Group-xxxx in token validation
Dolph Mathews
- [openstack-dev] [Glance][Keystone] Glance and trusts
Dolph Mathews
- [openstack-dev] [keystone][barbican] Regarding exposing X-Group-xxxx in token validation
Dolph Mathews
- [openstack-dev] [keystone][reseller] New way to get a project scoped token by name
Dolph Mathews
- [openstack-dev] [keystone][barbican] Regarding exposing X-Group-xxxx in token validation
Dolph Mathews
- [openstack-dev] [all][python3] use of six.iteritems()
Dolph Mathews
- [openstack-dev] [all][python3] use of six.iteritems()
Dolph Mathews
- [openstack-dev] [keystone][barbican] Regarding exposing X-Group-xxxx in token validation
Dolph Mathews
- [openstack-dev] [api][nova][ironic] Microversion API HTTP header
Dolph Mathews
- [openstack-dev] [Keystone][OSC] Keystone v3 user create --project $projid does not add user to project?
Dolph Mathews
- [openstack-dev] [Designate] Setting after adding new BIND9 server
Matsuda, Kenichiro
- [openstack-dev] [puppet] [Swift] Multiple proxy recipes will create out of sync rings
McCabe, Donagh
- [openstack-dev] [infra] how to trigger a set of jenkins jobs
Simon McCartney
- [openstack-dev] [Neutron] virtual machine can not get DHCP lease due packet has no checksum
Mark McClain
- [openstack-dev] Cross-Project meeting, Tue Jun 9nd, 21:00 UTC
Mark McClain
- [openstack-dev] Proposing Brian Haley to Neutron L3 Core Reviewer Team
Mark McClain
- [openstack-dev] [cinder] Some Changes to Cinder Core
Sean McGinnis
- [openstack-dev] [all][infra][tc][ptl] Scaling up code review process (subdir cores)
Sean McGinnis
- [openstack-dev] [cinder][third-party] CI FC passthrough scripts now available on stackforge
Sean McGinnis
- [openstack-dev] Why doesn't Gerrit email me?
Sean McGinnis
- [openstack-dev] [Sahara] [EDP] about get_job_status in oozie engine
Trevor McKay
- [openstack-dev] [Murano] Nominating Kirill Zaitsev for murano-core
McLellan, Steven
- [openstack-dev] [Murano] Nominating Filip Blaha for murano-core
McLellan, Steven
- [openstack-dev] [Security] Nominating Michael McCune for Security CoreSec
McPeak, Travis
- [openstack-dev] [Zaqar][all] Zaqar will stay... Lots of work ahead
Alex Meade
- [openstack-dev] [cinder] Rebranded Volume Drivers
Alex Meade
- [openstack-dev] [Manila] Ask for help on supportting the 3-rd party CI for HDFS driver
Alex Meade
- [openstack-dev] Kilo v3 identity problems
Rich Megginson
- [openstack-dev] [puppet] "stubs" considered harmful in spec tests
Rich Megginson
- [openstack-dev] [keystone][puppet] Federation using ipsilon
Rich Megginson
- [openstack-dev] [keystone][puppet] Federation using ipsilon
Rich Megginson
- [openstack-dev] [Keystone][OSC] Keystone v3 user create --project $projid does not add user to project?
Rich Megginson
- [openstack-dev] [Keystone][OSC] Keystone v3 user create --project $projid does not add user to project?
Rich Megginson
- [openstack-dev] [puppet][keystone] How to uniquely name Keystone v3 resources in puppet?
Rich Megginson
- [openstack-dev] [murano] oslo namespace changes and murano-dashboard
Serg Melikyan
- [openstack-dev] [Murano] Nominating Filip Blaha for murano-core
Serg Melikyan
- [openstack-dev] [Murano] Nominating Kirill Zaitsev for murano-core
Serg Melikyan
- [openstack-dev] [Murano] Help needed with TOSCA support in Murano
Serg Melikyan
- [openstack-dev] [murano] python versions
Serg Melikyan
- [openstack-dev] [Murano] Nominating Filip Blaha for murano-core
Serg Melikyan
- [openstack-dev] [Murano] Nominating Kirill Zaitsev for murano-core
Serg Melikyan
- [openstack-dev] [Murano] Help needed with TOSCA support in Murano
Serg Melikyan
- [openstack-dev] [Murano] Help needed with TOSCA support in Murano
Serg Melikyan
- [openstack-dev] [app-catalog] Updating existing artifacts on storage.apps.openstack.org
Serg Melikyan
- [openstack-dev] Tracking bugs in apps on launchpad
Serg Melikyan
- [openstack-dev] Tracking bugs in apps on launchpad
Serg Melikyan
- [openstack-dev] [Murano] python-openstackclient support
Serg Melikyan
- [openstack-dev] [Murano] Virtual Mid-Cycle Summit - Overview Day
Serg Melikyan
- [openstack-dev] [murano] shellcheck all .sh scripts in murano-deployment
Serg Melikyan
- [openstack-dev] [murano] python versions
Serg Melikyan
- [openstack-dev] [puppet][murano] Developing puppet module for Murano
Serg Melikyan
- [openstack-dev] [puppet][murano] Developing puppet module for Murano
Serg Melikyan
- [openstack-dev] [puppet][murano] Developing puppet module for Murano
Serg Melikyan
- [openstack-dev] [Mistral][Murano] What's the latest/greatest on YAQL?
Serg Melikyan
- [openstack-dev] [all] [stable] No longer doing stable point releases
Douglas Mendizábal
- [openstack-dev] [Cinder] [Taskflow]Review help to cinder bp:Implement function to manage/unmanage snapshots
Vilobh Meshram
- [openstack-dev] [nova][all] Architecture Diagrams in ascii art?
Vilobh Meshram
- [openstack-dev] [nova] Service group foundations and features
Vilobh Meshram
- [openstack-dev] [neutron] Reminder: meeting tomorrow
Kyle Mestery
- [openstack-dev] [all][infra][tc][ptl] Scaling up code review process (subdir cores)
Kyle Mestery
- [openstack-dev] [neutron] Proposing Assaf Muller for the Neutron Core Reviewer Team
Kyle Mestery
- [openstack-dev] [Neutron] Flavor framework
Kyle Mestery
- [openstack-dev] [neutron] New RFE process and specs for Liberty
Kyle Mestery
- [openstack-dev] Proposing Brian Haley to Neutron L3 Core Reviewer Team
Kyle Mestery
- [openstack-dev] [neutron] Mechanism drivers and Neutron server forking?
Kyle Mestery
- [openstack-dev] [puppet] drop monolithic plugins in neutron module
Kyle Mestery
- [openstack-dev] [Neutron] Metaplugin deprecation in Liberty
Kyle Mestery
- [openstack-dev] [all] grenade with external plugins for the big tent - how to use
Kyle Mestery
- [openstack-dev] [Neutron] Proposing Ann Kamyshnikova for the API & DB core reviewer team
Kyle Mestery
- [openstack-dev] [Neutron] Proposing YAMAMOTO Takashi for the Control Plane core team
Kyle Mestery
- [openstack-dev] [neutron] Microversioning work questions and kick-start
Kyle Mestery
- [openstack-dev] [Neutron] Proposing Rossella Sblendido for the Control Plane core team
Kyle Mestery
- [openstack-dev] [Neutron] VLAN-aware VMs meeting
Kyle Mestery
- [openstack-dev] [Neutron] VLAN-aware VMs meeting
Kyle Mestery
- [openstack-dev] [all] DevStack switching from MySQL-python to PyMySQL
Kyle Mestery
- [openstack-dev] [Openstack-operators] [nova] [neutron] Re: How do your end users use networking?
Kyle Mestery
- [openstack-dev] [nova] [neutron] Re: [Openstack-operators] How do your end users use networking?
Kyle Mestery
- [openstack-dev] [Openstack-operators] [nova] [neutron] Re: How do your end users use networking?
Kyle Mestery
- [openstack-dev] [all] FYI - dropping non RabbitMQ support in devstack
Kyle Mestery
- [openstack-dev] [all] FYI - dropping non RabbitMQ support in devstack
Kyle Mestery
- [openstack-dev] [Neutron][DevStack] Standing on the shoulders of giants - Linux Bridge testing at the gate
Kyle Mestery
- [openstack-dev] [Neutron] Modular L2 Agent
Kyle Mestery
- [openstack-dev] [neutron] new project: networking-macvtap
Kyle Mestery
- [openstack-dev] [openstack-infra][Infra][Neutron] Nominating intel-networking-ci for voting rights
Kyle Mestery
- [openstack-dev] [neutron] Changes for reference plugin decomposition
Kyle Mestery
- [openstack-dev] [neutron] enriching port binding extension API dictionaries with key-values
Kyle Mestery
- [openstack-dev] [Nova] The unbearable lightness of specs
Kyle Mestery
- [openstack-dev] [Neutron][bgpvpn] IRC meetings on BGP VPN interconnection API
Paul Michali
- [openstack-dev] [neutron][vnaas] IRC Meeting scheduled for June 2nd...
Paul Michali
- [openstack-dev] [neutron] Proposing Assaf Muller for the Neutron Core Reviewer Team
Paul Michali
- [openstack-dev] [neutron][vpnaas] Team meeting Tuesday, June 9th @ 1600 UTC
Paul Michali
- [openstack-dev] [neutron][vpnaas][barbican] What types of authentication to support?
Paul Michali
- [openstack-dev] Looking for help getting git-review to work over https
Paul Michali
- [openstack-dev] Looking for help getting git-review to work over https
Paul Michali
- [openstack-dev] [neutron[[vpnaas] Next meeting June 16th at 1600 UTC
Paul Michali
- [openstack-dev] Proposing Brian Haley to Neutron L3 Core Reviewer Team
Paul Michali
- [openstack-dev] [Neutron] Proposing Ann Kamyshnikova for the API & DB core reviewer team
Paul Michali
- [openstack-dev] [Neutron] Proposing YAMAMOTO Takashi for the Control Plane core team
Paul Michali
- [openstack-dev] [Neutron] Proposing Rossella Sblendido for the Control Plane core team
Paul Michali
- [openstack-dev] [VPNaas]How to load kernel module with IPSec?
Paul Michali
- [openstack-dev] [VPNaas]How to load kernel module with IPSec?
Paul Michali
- [openstack-dev] [neutron] Scenario test for VPN getting socket error
Paul Michali
- [openstack-dev] [keystone] [nova] [oslo] oslo.policy requests from the Nova team
Kevin L. Mitchell
- [openstack-dev] Looking for help getting git-review to work over https
Kevin L. Mitchell
- [openstack-dev] Looking for help getting git-review to work over https
Kevin L. Mitchell
- [openstack-dev] [api][nova][ironic] Microversion API HTTP header
Kevin L. Mitchell
- [openstack-dev] [api] [all] To changes-since or not to changes-since
Kevin L. Mitchell
- [openstack-dev] [nova][ceilometer] proposal to send bulk hypervisor stats data in periodic notifications
Kevin L. Mitchell
- [openstack-dev] [nova][ceilometer] proposal to send bulk hypervisor stats data in periodic notifications
Kevin L. Mitchell
- [openstack-dev] [Neutron] What are problems of Distributed SNAT?
Miyagishi, Takanori
- [openstack-dev] [keystone][barbican] Regarding exposing X-Group-xxxx in token validation
Darren J Moffat
- [openstack-dev] [Neutron] service chaining feature development meeting at 10am pacific time June 11
Mooney, Sean K
- [openstack-dev] [puppet] New Juno (5.1.0) release
Arnaud Morin
- [openstack-dev] [Openstack-operators] [nova] [neutron] Re: How do your end users use networking?
Sam Morrison
- [openstack-dev] [Openstack-operators] [nova] [neutron] Re: How do your end users use networking?
Sam Morrison
- [openstack-dev] [Openstack-operators] [nova] [neutron] Re: How do your end users use networking?
Sam Morrison
- [openstack-dev] [Openstack-operators] [nova] [neutron] Re: How do your end users use networking?
Sam Morrison
- [openstack-dev] [puppet] [fuel] more collaboration request
Matthew Mosesohn
- [openstack-dev] [Fuel][Plugins] Separating services from controller role update
Matthew Mosesohn
- [openstack-dev] [horizon][i18n] Ordering of PO files
Akihiro Motoki
- [openstack-dev] [Neutron] Proposing Ann Kamyshnikova for the API & DB core reviewer team
Akihiro Motoki
- [openstack-dev] Interconnecting projects
Assaf Muller
- [openstack-dev] [neutron] Proposing Assaf Muller for the Neutron Core Reviewer Team
Assaf Muller
- [openstack-dev] [Neutron] L3 agent rescheduling issue
Assaf Muller
- [openstack-dev] Proposing Brian Haley to Neutron L3 Core Reviewer Team
Assaf Muller
- [openstack-dev] [Neutron] Proposing YAMAMOTO Takashi for the Control Plane core team
Assaf Muller
- [openstack-dev] [Neutron] Proposing Rossella Sblendido for the Control Plane core team
Assaf Muller
- [openstack-dev] [Networking] Support for multiple gateways in neutron/nova-net subnets for provider networks
Assaf Muller
- [openstack-dev] [Neutron][DevStack] Standing on the shoulders of giants - Linux Bridge testing at the gate
Assaf Muller
- [openstack-dev] Interconnecting projects
Assaf Muller
- [openstack-dev] [puppet] Weekly meeting #36
Colleen Murphy
- [openstack-dev] [puppet] Weekly meeting #36
Colleen Murphy
- [openstack-dev] [puppet] Change abandonment policy
Colleen Murphy
- [openstack-dev] [puppet] openstacklib::db::sync proposal
Colleen Murphy
- [openstack-dev] [puppet] Change abandonment policy
Colleen Murphy
- [openstack-dev] [puppet] Installing dependent modules in functional testing
Colleen Murphy
- [openstack-dev] [puppet] Installing dependent modules in functional testing
Colleen Murphy
- [openstack-dev] [Security] [Bandit] Using multiprocessing/threading to speed up analysis
Murphy, Grant
- [openstack-dev] [OpenStack-Infra] Nominating Joshua Hesketh for infra-root
Antoine Musso
- [openstack-dev] [nova][ceilometer] proposal to send bulk hypervisor stats data in periodic notifications
Jason Myers
- [openstack-dev] [puppet] Change abandonment policy
Martin Mágr
- [openstack-dev] [puppet] openstacklib::db::sync proposal
Martin Mágr
- [openstack-dev] [puppet] openstacklib::db::sync proposal
Martin Mágr
- [openstack-dev] [packaging] Adding packaging as an OpenStack project
Dirk Müller
- [openstack-dev] [packaging] Adding packaging as an OpenStack project
Dirk Müller
- [openstack-dev] [packaging] RPM Packaging for OpenStack IRC Meeting
Dirk Müller
- [openstack-dev] [packaging] RPM Packaging for OpenStack IRC Meeting
Dirk Müller
- [openstack-dev] [packaging] RPM Packaging for OpenStack IRC Meeting
Dirk Müller
- [openstack-dev] [neutron] [fwaas] -IPv6 support in Kilo
Sumit Naiksatam
- [openstack-dev] Question regarding openstack heat
Nandavar, Divakar Padiyar
- [openstack-dev] [keystone][barbican] Regarding exposing X-Group-xxxx in token validation
Henry Nash
- [openstack-dev] [keystone][reseller] New way to get a project scoped token by name
Henry Nash
- [openstack-dev] [keystone][barbican] Regarding exposing X-Group-xxxx in token validation
Henry Nash
- [openstack-dev] [Nova] The unbearable lightness of specs
Maxim Nestratov
- [openstack-dev] [Nova] The unbearable lightness of specs
Maxim Nestratov
- [openstack-dev] [neutron] Proposing Assaf Muller for the Neutron Core Reviewer Team
Maru Newby
- [openstack-dev] [Magnum] New Kubernetes version 0.19 on Fedora Atomic
Ton Ngo
- [openstack-dev] [Neutron] L3 agent rescheduling issue
Eugene Nikanorov
- [openstack-dev] [Neutron] L3 agent rescheduling issue
Eugene Nikanorov
- [openstack-dev] [Neutron] L3 agent rescheduling issue
Eugene Nikanorov
- [openstack-dev] [Neutron] L3 agent rescheduling issue
Eugene Nikanorov
- [openstack-dev] [all][python3] use of six.iteritems()
Eugene Nikanorov
- [openstack-dev] [Neutron] Issue with pymysql
Eugene Nikanorov
- [openstack-dev] [Nova] The unbearable lightness of specs
Sergey Nikitin
- [openstack-dev] [Ironic][Horizon][Tuskar-ui] Making a dashboard for Ironic
- [openstack-dev] [Ironic][Horizon][Tuskar-ui] Making a dashboard for Ironic
- [openstack-dev] [Ironic][Horizon][Tuskar-ui] Making a dashboard for Ironic
- [openstack-dev] [cognitive] any meeting details yet?
RJ Nowling
- [openstack-dev] [qa] SafeConfigParser.write duplicates defaults: bug or feature?
Timur Nurlygayanov
- [openstack-dev] [fuel] [HA] How long we need to wait for cloud recovery after some destructive scenarios?
Timur Nurlygayanov
- [openstack-dev] [fuel] [HA] How long we need to wait for cloud recovery after some destructive scenarios?
Timur Nurlygayanov
- [openstack-dev] [fuel] [HA] How long we need to wait for cloud recovery after some destructive scenarios?
Timur Nurlygayanov
- [openstack-dev] [Horizon] [tests] [dsvm] Tests failed because of timeout during the images upload
Timur Nurlygayanov
- [openstack-dev] [all][release] summit session summary: Release Versioning for Server Applications
Timur Nurlygayanov
- [openstack-dev] [puppet] RabbitMQ deprecation
Clayton O'Neill
- [openstack-dev] [glance] [nova] Glance bug with Kilo upgrade & Nova
Clayton O'Neill
- [openstack-dev] [glance] [nova] Glance bug with Kilo upgrade & Nova
Clayton O'Neill
- [openstack-dev] [puppet] drop monolithic plugins in neutron module
Clayton O'Neill
- [openstack-dev] [puppet] (officially) deprecate stable/{grizzly, havana} branches
Clayton O'Neill
- [openstack-dev] [Neutron] L3 agent rescheduling issue
Itsuro ODA
- [openstack-dev] [QA] [Ironic] [Inspector] Where should integration tests for non-core projects live now? (Was: Toward 2.0.0 release)
Ken'ichi Ohmichi
- [openstack-dev] [QA] [Ironic] [Inspector] Where should integration tests for non-core projects live now? (Was: Toward 2.0.0 release)
Ken'ichi Ohmichi
- [openstack-dev] [api][nova][ironic] Microversion API HTTP header
Ken'ichi Ohmichi
- [openstack-dev] [api][nova][ironic] Microversion API HTTP header
Ken'ichi Ohmichi
- [openstack-dev] [api][nova][ironic] Microversion API HTTP header
Ken'ichi Ohmichi
- [openstack-dev] [api][nova][ironic] Microversion API HTTP header
Ken'ichi Ohmichi
- [openstack-dev] [api][nova][ironic] Microversion API HTTP header
Ken'ichi Ohmichi
- [openstack-dev] [QA] [Ironic] [Inspector] Where should integration tests for non-core projects live now? (Was: Toward 2.0.0 release)
Ken'ichi Ohmichi
- [openstack-dev] [QA][Tempest] Proposing Jordan Pittier for Tempest Core
Ken'ichi Ohmichi
- [openstack-dev] [api][nova][ironic] Microversion API HTTP header
Ken'ichi Ohmichi
- [openstack-dev] [api] [Nova] [Ironic] [Magnum] Microversion guideline in API-WG
Ken'ichi Ohmichi
- [openstack-dev] [api][nova][ironic] Microversion API HTTP header
Ken'ichi Ohmichi
- [openstack-dev] [api] [Nova] [Ironic] [Magnum] Microversion guideline in API-WG
Ken'ichi Ohmichi
- [openstack-dev] [api] [Nova] [Ironic] [Magnum] Microversion guideline in API-WG
Ken'ichi Ohmichi
- [openstack-dev] [api][nova][ironic] Microversion API HTTP header
Ken'ichi Ohmichi
- [openstack-dev] [Murano] Help needed with TOSCA support in Murano
Georgy Okrokvertskhov
- [openstack-dev] [Murano] Help needed with TOSCA support in Murano
Georgy Okrokvertskhov
- [openstack-dev] [Murano] Help needed with TOSCA support in Murano
Georgy Okrokvertskhov
- [openstack-dev] [Murano] Help needed with TOSCA support in Murano
Georgy Okrokvertskhov
- [openstack-dev] [Murano] Help needed with TOSCA support in Murano
Georgy Okrokvertskhov
- [openstack-dev] [app-catalog][infra] Stale entries
Georgy Okrokvertskhov
- [openstack-dev] [app-catalog][infra] Stale entries
Georgy Okrokvertskhov
- [openstack-dev] stackforge projects are not second class citizens
Georgy Okrokvertskhov
- [openstack-dev] Interconnecting projects
Salvatore Orlando
- [openstack-dev] [all][infra][tc][ptl] Scaling up code review process (subdir cores)
Salvatore Orlando
- [openstack-dev] [all][infra][tc][ptl] Scaling up code review process (subdir cores)
Salvatore Orlando
- [openstack-dev] [neutron] Mechanism drivers and Neutron server forking?
Salvatore Orlando
- [openstack-dev] [Neutron] L3 agent rescheduling issue
Salvatore Orlando
- [openstack-dev] [Neutron] L3 agent rescheduling issue
Salvatore Orlando
- [openstack-dev] [neutron] - L3 scope-aware security groups
Salvatore Orlando
- [openstack-dev] [Neutron] API Extensions - Namespace URLs
Salvatore Orlando
- [openstack-dev] [api] [Nova] [Ironic] [Magnum] Microversion guideline in API-WG
Salvatore Orlando
- [openstack-dev] [Neutron] Quota enforcement
Salvatore Orlando
- [openstack-dev] [keystone] [nova] [oslo] [neutron][cross-project] Split Policy rules into two parts.
Salvatore Orlando
- [openstack-dev] [neutron] Microversioning work questions and kick-start
Salvatore Orlando
- [openstack-dev] [Neutron] Issue with pymysql
Salvatore Orlando
- [openstack-dev] [Openstack][Neutron][OVN] OVN-Neutron - TODO List
Salvatore Orlando
- [openstack-dev] [neutron] Microversioning work questions and kick-start
Salvatore Orlando
- [openstack-dev] [neutron] Microversioning work questions and kick-start
Salvatore Orlando
- [openstack-dev] [api][nova][ironic] Microversion API HTTP header
Salvatore Orlando
- [openstack-dev] [Neutron] Quota enforcement
Salvatore Orlando
- [openstack-dev] [Neutron] Quota enforcement
Salvatore Orlando
- [openstack-dev] [neutron][api] Neutron micro-versioning update
Salvatore Orlando
- [openstack-dev] [Neutron] Modular L2 Agent
Salvatore Orlando
- [openstack-dev] M Naming Poll ended - results still need to clear legal
Salvatore Orlando
- [openstack-dev] [openstack-infra] [neutron] Third Party CI Voting
Salvatore Orlando
- [openstack-dev] [openstack-infra] [neutron] Third Party CI Voting
Salvatore Orlando
- [openstack-dev] [Neutron] new RFE on quota enforcement
Salvatore Orlando
- [openstack-dev] [cross-project] RBAC Policy Basics
Osanai, Hisashi
- [openstack-dev] [cross-project] RBAC Policy Basics
Osanai, Hisashi
- [openstack-dev] [cross-project] RBAC Policy Basics
Osanai, Hisashi
- [openstack-dev] [cross-project] RBAC Policy Basics
Osanai, Hisashi
- [openstack-dev] [Magnum] Does Bay/Baymodel name should be a required option when creating a Bay/Baymodel
Adrian Otto
- [openstack-dev] [Magnum] Does Bay/Baymodel name should be a required option when creating a Bay/Baymodel
Adrian Otto
- [openstack-dev] [Magnum] Does Bay/Baymodel name should be a required option when creating a Bay/Baymodel
Adrian Otto
- [openstack-dev] [magnum] Proposing Kai Qiang Wu (Kennan) for Core for Magnum
Adrian Otto
- [openstack-dev] [Magnum] Does Bay/Baymodel name should be a required option when creating a Bay/Baymodel
Adrian Otto
- [openstack-dev] [magnum][horizon] Making a dashboard for Magnum - need a vote from the core team
Adrian Otto
- [openstack-dev] [magnum][horizon] Making a dashboard for Magnum - need a vote from the core team
Adrian Otto
- [openstack-dev] [magnum][horizon] Making a dashboard for Magnum - need a vote from the core team
Adrian Otto
- [openstack-dev] [Magnum] Does Bay/Baymodel name should be a required option when creating a Bay/Baymodel
Adrian Otto
- [openstack-dev] [api] [Nova] [Ironic] [Magnum] Microversion guideline in API-WG
Adrian Otto
- [openstack-dev] [api] [Nova] [Ironic] [Magnum] Microversion guideline in API-WG
Adrian Otto
- [openstack-dev] [magnum][horizon] Making a dashboard for Magnum - need a vote from the core team
Adrian Otto
- [openstack-dev] [tc][Solum] Add Solum to OpenStack Projects List
Adrian Otto
- [openstack-dev] [magnum][horizon] Making a dashboard for Magnum - need a vote from the core team
Adrian Otto
- [openstack-dev] [Magnum] Discuss configurable-coe-api-port Blueprint
Adrian Otto
- [openstack-dev] [Magnum] Essential and High priority blueprints
Adrian Otto
- [openstack-dev] [Magnum] Docker Native Networking
Adrian Otto
- [openstack-dev] [Magnum] Discuss configurable-coe-api-port Blueprint
Adrian Otto
- [openstack-dev] [magnum][horizon] Making a dashboard for Magnum - need a vote from the core team
Adrian Otto
- [openstack-dev] [Solum] Should logs be deleted when we delete an app?
Adrian Otto
- [openstack-dev] [Solum] Why do app names have to be unique?
Adrian Otto
- [openstack-dev] [magnum][horizon] Making a dashboard for Magnum - need a vote from the core team
Adrian Otto
- [openstack-dev] [Magnum] Discuss configurable-coe-api-port Blueprint
Adrian Otto
- [openstack-dev] [Magnum] TLS Support in Magnum
Adrian Otto
- [openstack-dev] [Magnum] TLS Support in Magnum
Adrian Otto
- [openstack-dev] [Magnum] Make functional tests voting
Adrian Otto
- [openstack-dev] [Magnum] TLS Support in Magnum
Adrian Otto
- [openstack-dev] [Magnum] Make functional tests voting
Adrian Otto
- [openstack-dev] [Magnum] TLS Support in Magnum
Adrian Otto
- [openstack-dev] [Magnum] TLS Support in Magnum
Adrian Otto
- [openstack-dev] [Solum] Should logs be deleted when we delete an app?
Adrian Otto
- [openstack-dev] [Magnum] TLS Support in Magnum
Adrian Otto
- [openstack-dev] [tc] adding magnum-ui to the openstack git namespace
Adrian Otto
- [openstack-dev] [Solum] Supporting swift downloads for operator languagepacks
Adrian Otto
- [openstack-dev] [Magnum] Docker Native Networking
Adrian Otto
- [openstack-dev] [Solum][app-catalog] [ Supporting swift downloads for operator languagepacks
Adrian Otto
- [openstack-dev] [Solum][app-catalog] [ Supporting swift downloads for operator languagepacks
Adrian Otto
- [openstack-dev] [Solum][app-catalog] [ Supporting swift downloads for operator languagepacks
Adrian Otto
- [openstack-dev] stackforge projects are not second class citizens
Adrian Otto
- [openstack-dev] [kolla][magnum] Medical semi-emergency with my tooth
Adrian Otto
- [openstack-dev] [nova] Network issue with libvirt-xen driver, iptables race
Anthony PERARD
- [openstack-dev] [Oslo][Automaton] Proposal for new core reviewer (min pae)
Min Pae
- [openstack-dev] [packaging] Adding packaging as an OpenStack project
James Page
- [openstack-dev] [packaging] Adding packaging as an OpenStack project
James Page
- [openstack-dev] [packaging] Adding packaging as an OpenStack project
James Page
- [openstack-dev] [packaging] Adding packaging as an OpenStack project
James Page
- [openstack-dev] [packaging] Adding packaging as an OpenStack project
James Page
- [openstack-dev] [packaging] Adding packaging as an OpenStack project
James Page
- [openstack-dev] [packaging] Adding packaging as an OpenStack project
James Page
- [openstack-dev] Debian already using Python 3.5: please gate on that
James Page
- [openstack-dev] [Openstack-operators] [openstack-operators][neutron[dhcp][dnsmask]: duplicate entries in addn_hosts causing no IP allocation
Shraddha Pandhe
- [openstack-dev] [Networking] Support for multiple gateways in neutron/nova-net subnets for provider networks
Shraddha Pandhe
- [openstack-dev] [Networking] Support for multiple gateways in neutron/nova-net subnets for provider networks
Shraddha Pandhe
- [openstack-dev] [Networking] Support for multiple gateways in neutron/nova-net subnets for provider networks
Shraddha Pandhe
- [openstack-dev] [Networking] Support for multiple gateways in neutron/nova-net subnets for provider networks
Shraddha Pandhe
- [openstack-dev] [Networking] Support for multiple gateways in neutron/nova-net subnets for provider networks
Shraddha Pandhe
- [openstack-dev] [Ceilometer][Gnocchi] question on integration with time-series databases
Simon Pasquier
- [openstack-dev] [Nova]
Sourabh Patwardhan
- [openstack-dev] [Nova]
Sourabh Patwardhan
- [openstack-dev] [all][infra][tc][ptl] Scaling up code review process (subdir cores)
Boris Pavlovic
- [openstack-dev] [all][infra][tc][ptl] Scaling up code review process (subdir cores)
Boris Pavlovic
- [openstack-dev] [all][infra][tc][ptl] Scaling up code review process (subdir cores)
Boris Pavlovic
- [openstack-dev] [all][infra][tc][ptl] Scaling up code review process (subdir cores)
Boris Pavlovic
- [openstack-dev] [all][infra][tc][ptl] Scaling up code review process (subdir cores)
Boris Pavlovic
- [openstack-dev] [all][infra][tc][ptl] Scaling up code review process (subdir cores)
Boris Pavlovic
- [openstack-dev] [all][infra][tc][ptl] Scaling up code review process (subdir cores)
Boris Pavlovic
- [openstack-dev] [all][infra][tc][ptl] Scaling up code review process (subdir cores)
Boris Pavlovic
- [openstack-dev] [all][infra][tc][ptl] Scaling up code review process (subdir cores)
Boris Pavlovic
- [openstack-dev] [all][infra][tc][ptl] Scaling up code review process (subdir cores)
Boris Pavlovic
- [openstack-dev] [all]Big Tent Mode within respective projects
Boris Pavlovic
- [openstack-dev] [puppet] Change abandonment policy
Boris Pavlovic
- [openstack-dev] [rally][scaling up development] Rally core team re-organization
Boris Pavlovic
- [openstack-dev] [rally][scaling up development] Rally core team re-organization
Boris Pavlovic
- [openstack-dev] [rally][scaling up development] Rally core team re-organization
Boris Pavlovic
- [openstack-dev] [rally][scaling up development] Rally core team re-organization
Boris Pavlovic
- [openstack-dev] [all][infra][tc][ptl] Scaling up code review process (subdir cores)
Boris Pavlovic
- [openstack-dev] [QA] [Ironic] [Inspector] Where should integration tests for non-core projects live now? (Was: Toward 2.0.0 release)
Boris Pavlovic
- [openstack-dev] [QA] [Ironic] [Inspector] Where should integration tests for non-core projects live now? (Was: Toward 2.0.0 release)
Boris Pavlovic
- [openstack-dev] [Neutron] Issue with pymysql
Boris Pavlovic
- [openstack-dev] stackforge projects are not second class citizens
Boris Pavlovic
- [openstack-dev] [kolla] gate failing sporadically
Jeff Peeler
- [openstack-dev] [kolla] Proposal for changing 1600UTC meeting to 1700 UTC
Jeff Peeler
- [openstack-dev] [kolla] Proposal for new core-reviewer Harm Waites
Jeff Peeler
- [openstack-dev] [all] [stable] No longer doing stable point releases
Flavio Percoco
- [openstack-dev] [all] [stable] No longer doing stable point releases
Flavio Percoco
- [openstack-dev] [Zaqar][all] Zaqar will stay... Lots of work ahead
Flavio Percoco
- [openstack-dev] [Zaqar][all] Zaqar will stay... Lots of work ahead
Flavio Percoco
- [openstack-dev] [Zaqar][all] Zaqar will stay... Lots of work ahead
Flavio Percoco
- [openstack-dev] [Glance] Liberty Priorities
Flavio Percoco
- [openstack-dev] [all] [stable] No longer doing stable point releases
Flavio Percoco
- [openstack-dev] [Glance] [all] Liberty summit: Updates in Glance
Flavio Percoco
- [openstack-dev] [Glance] [all] Liberty summit: Updates in Glance
Flavio Percoco
- [openstack-dev] [Glance] [all] Liberty summit: Updates in Glance
Flavio Percoco
- [openstack-dev] [Glance] [all] Liberty summit: Updates in Glance
Flavio Percoco
- [openstack-dev] [nova] [glance] How to deal with aborted image read?
Flavio Percoco
- [openstack-dev] Standard way to indicate a partial blueprint implementation?
Flavio Percoco
- [openstack-dev] [nova] [glance] How to deal with aborted image read?
Flavio Percoco
- [openstack-dev] [glance] [nova] Glance bug with Kilo upgrade & Nova
Flavio Percoco
- [openstack-dev] [glance] [nova] Glance bug with Kilo upgrade & Nova
Flavio Percoco
- [openstack-dev] [glance] [nova] Glance bug with Kilo upgrade & Nova
Flavio Percoco
- [openstack-dev] [glance] [nova] Glance bug with Kilo upgrade & Nova
Flavio Percoco
- [openstack-dev] [puppet][zaqar] Help needed creating Zaqar manifests for puppet.
Flavio Percoco
- [openstack-dev] [puppet][zaqar] Help needed creating Zaqar manifests for puppet.
Flavio Percoco
- [openstack-dev] [puppet] [fuel] more collaboration request
Flavio Percoco
- [openstack-dev] [puppet] [fuel] more collaboration request
Flavio Percoco
- [openstack-dev] [puppet] [fuel] more collaboration request
Flavio Percoco
- [openstack-dev] [puppet] [fuel] more collaboration request
Flavio Percoco
- [openstack-dev] [packaging] RPM Packaging for OpenStack IRC Meeting
Flavio Percoco
- [openstack-dev] stackforge projects are not second class citizens
Flavio Percoco
- [openstack-dev] [puppet] [zaqar] Adding puppet-zaqar Module to Puppet Modules Project
Flavio Percoco
- [openstack-dev] stackforge projects are not second class citizens
Flavio Percoco
- [openstack-dev] [all] FYI - dropping non RabbitMQ support in devstack
Flavio Percoco
- [openstack-dev] [oslo.messaging][zeromq] Next step
Flavio Percoco
- [openstack-dev] [all] [qpid] [zmq] [RabbitMQ] [oslo] Pending deprecation of driver(s).
Flavio Percoco
- [openstack-dev] [all] [qpid] [zmq] [RabbitMQ] [oslo] Pending deprecation of driver(s).
Flavio Percoco
- [openstack-dev] [oslo][messaging] Expanding the oslo.messaging core team
Flavio Percoco
- [openstack-dev] [all] [qpid] [zmq] [RabbitMQ] [oslo] Pending deprecation of driver(s).
Flavio Percoco
- [openstack-dev] [all] [qpid] [zmq] [RabbitMQ] [oslo] Pending deprecation of driver(s).
Flavio Percoco
- [openstack-dev] [all] [qpid] [zmq] [RabbitMQ] [oslo] Pending deprecation of driver(s).
Flavio Percoco
- [openstack-dev] [all] [qpid] [zmq] [RabbitMQ] [oslo] Pending deprecation of driver(s).
Flavio Percoco
- [openstack-dev] [cinder] Cutting Inactive Blueprints for L-1
Mike Perez
- [openstack-dev] [cinder] Rebranded Volume Drivers
Mike Perez
- [openstack-dev] [cinder] Rebranded Volume Drivers
Mike Perez
- [openstack-dev] [cinder] Will CI failures recently cause the corresponding driver removed from the L?
Mike Perez
- [openstack-dev] [Cinder] Volume creation fails in Horizon
Mike Perez
- [openstack-dev] [Cinder] Implementation of ABC MetaClasses
Mike Perez
- [openstack-dev] [cinder][stable] Cinder client broken in Juno
Mike Perez
- [openstack-dev] [nova][cinder][qa] encrypted volumes tests don't actually test encrypted volumes for most backends
Mike Perez
- [openstack-dev] [Ceilometer][Gnocchi] question on integration with time-series databases
Patrick Petit
- [openstack-dev] [all] [stable] No longer doing stable point releases
Alan Pevec
- [openstack-dev] [all] [stable] No longer doing stable point releases
Alan Pevec
- [openstack-dev] [all] [stable] No longer doing stable point releases
Alan Pevec
- [openstack-dev] Targeting icehouse-eol?
Alan Pevec
- [openstack-dev] [all] [stable] No longer doing stable point releases
Alan Pevec
- [openstack-dev] Why do we drop branches? (WAS: Re: Targeting icehouse-eol?)
Alan Pevec
- [openstack-dev] [all] [stable] No longer doing stable point releases
Alan Pevec
- [openstack-dev] [all] [stable] No longer doing stable point releases
Alan Pevec
- [openstack-dev] [all] [stable] No longer doing stable point releases
Alan Pevec
- [openstack-dev] [all] [stable] No longer doing stable point releases
Alan Pevec
- [openstack-dev] [all] [stable] No longer doing stable point releases
Alan Pevec
- [openstack-dev] [all] [stable] No longer doing stable point releases
Alan Pevec
- [openstack-dev] Targeting icehouse-eol?
Alan Pevec
- [openstack-dev] [stable] Call for testing: 2014.1.5 (last Icehouse point release) candidate tarballs
Alan Pevec
- [openstack-dev] [stable] Call for testing: 2014.1.5 (last Icehouse point release) candidate tarballs
Alan Pevec
- [openstack-dev] [Cinder] Getting `ValueError: Field `volume_id' cannot be None`
Thang Pham
- [openstack-dev] [Cinder] Getting `ValueError: Field `volume_id' cannot be None`
Thang Pham
- [openstack-dev] [neutron][hyper-v] Instance can't get fixed ip on hyper-v compute node
Alessandro Pilotti
- [openstack-dev] [Glance] [all] Liberty summit: Updates in Glance
Jay Pipes
- [openstack-dev] [Magnum] Does Bay/Baymodel name should be a required option when creating a Bay/Baymodel
Jay Pipes
- [openstack-dev] [nova] Add new VIF Type
Jay Pipes
- [openstack-dev] [nova] I think nova behaves poorly when booting multiple instances
Jay Pipes
- [openstack-dev] [nova][api] New micro-version needed for api bug fix or not?
Jay Pipes
- [openstack-dev] [all]Big Tent Mode within respective projects
Jay Pipes
- [openstack-dev] [all]Big Tent Mode within respective projects
Jay Pipes
- [openstack-dev] The Nova API in Kilo and Beyond
Jay Pipes
- [openstack-dev] [DevStack][Neutron] PHYSICAL_NETWORK vs. PUBLIC_PHYSICAL_NETWORK - rant
Jay Pipes
- [openstack-dev] [Nova] Liberty Priorties for Nova
Jay Pipes
- [openstack-dev] [Neutron] API Extensions - Namespace URLs
Jay Pipes
- [openstack-dev] [all][python3] use of six.iteritems()
Jay Pipes
- [openstack-dev] [nova] ImageRef vs bdm v2 in REST API
Jay Pipes
- [openstack-dev] [ops][tags][packaging] ops:packaging tag - a little common sense, please
Jay Pipes
- [openstack-dev] [all][python3] use of six.iteritems()
Jay Pipes
- [openstack-dev] [Openstack] Add table to Nova DB
Jay Pipes
- [openstack-dev] [nova] Should we add instance action event to live migration?
Jay Pipes
- [openstack-dev] stackforge projects are not second class citizens
Jay Pipes
- [openstack-dev] stackforge projects are not second class citizens
Jay Pipes
- [openstack-dev] [api][nova][ironic] Microversion API HTTP header
Jay Pipes
- [openstack-dev] [api][nova][ironic] Microversion API HTTP header
Jay Pipes
- [openstack-dev] [api][nova][ironic] Microversion API HTTP header
Jay Pipes
- [openstack-dev] [api][nova][ironic][keystone] Microversion API HTTP header
Jay Pipes
- [openstack-dev] [api][nova][ironic] Microversion API HTTP header
Jay Pipes
- [openstack-dev] [api][nova][ironic] Microversion API HTTP header
Jay Pipes
- [openstack-dev] [api][nova][ironic] Microversion API HTTP header
Jay Pipes
- [openstack-dev] stackforge projects are not second class citizens
Jay Pipes
- [openstack-dev] [api][nova][ironic] Microversion API HTTP header
Jay Pipes
- [openstack-dev] [api][nova][ironic] Microversion API HTTP header
Jay Pipes
- [openstack-dev] [api][nova][ironic] Microversion API HTTP header
Jay Pipes
- [openstack-dev] [nova] [neutron] Re: [Openstack-operators] How do your end users use networking?
Jay Pipes
- [openstack-dev] [packaging] Adding packaging as an OpenStack project
Jay Pipes
- [openstack-dev] [api][nova][ironic] Microversion API HTTP header
Jay Pipes
- [openstack-dev] [Neutron] Quota enforcement
Jay Pipes
- [openstack-dev] Change in openstack/neutron-specs[master]: Neutron API for Service Chaining
Jay Pipes
- [openstack-dev] Change in openstack/neutron-specs[master]: Neutron API for Service Chaining
Jay Pipes
- [openstack-dev] [Stackalytics] Complementary projects
Jay Pipes
- [openstack-dev] [Stackalytics] Complementary projects
Jay Pipes
- [openstack-dev] [nova] Stuck on VIF plugin script?
Jay Pipes
- [openstack-dev] [Nova] The unbearable lightness of specs
Jay Pipes
- [openstack-dev] [api][nova][ironic] Microversion API HTTP header
Jay Pipes
- [openstack-dev] [ceilometer][all] the max length of an id
Jay Pipes
- [openstack-dev] Newb looking to contribute
Jay Pipes
- [openstack-dev] Newb looking to contribute
Jay Pipes
- [openstack-dev] [api] [Nova] [Ironic] [Magnum] Microversion guideline in API-WG
Jay Pipes
- [openstack-dev] [nova] schedule instance based on CPU frequency ?
Jay Pipes
- [openstack-dev] [oslo] oslo releasing is noisy...
Jordan Pittier
- [openstack-dev] [oslo] Adopt mox3
Jordan Pittier
- [openstack-dev] [Nova] [Cinder] [Tempest] Regarding deleting snapshot when instance is OFF
Jordan Pittier
- [openstack-dev] [Nova] [Cinder] [Tempest] Regarding deleting snapshot when instance is OFF
Jordan Pittier
- [openstack-dev] [QA][Tempest] Proposing Jordan Pittier for Tempest Core
Jordan Pittier
- [openstack-dev] [Manila] Expected Manila behavior for creation of share from snapshot
Valeriy Ponomaryov
- [openstack-dev] [all][infra][tc][ptl] Scaling up code review process (subdir cores)
Valeriy Ponomaryov
- [openstack-dev] [Fuel][Plugins] differenciate node with the same role - the spec is available
Andriy Popovych
- [openstack-dev] [Fuel][Plugins] differenciate node with the same role - the spec is available
Andriy Popovych
- [openstack-dev] [congress] table with named parameters in rule's left side ?
Pospisil, Radek
- [openstack-dev] [congress] table with named parameters in rule's left side ?
Pospisil, Radek
- [openstack-dev] Hyper-V Meeting
Peter Pouliot
- [openstack-dev] Hyper-V meeting today
Peter Pouliot
- [openstack-dev] Hyper-V Meeting
Peter Pouliot
- [openstack-dev] Hyper-V meeting
Peter Pouliot
- [openstack-dev] [Fuel][Plugins] Using Gerrit workflow for Fuel Plugins Guides
Irina Povolotskaya
- [openstack-dev] [Fuel][Plugins] Certification schedule is shifted due to the Fuel GA date
Irina Povolotskaya
- [openstack-dev] [Fuel][Plugins] differenciate node with the same role - the spec is available
Irina Povolotskaya
- [openstack-dev] [os-ansible-deployment] Core team nomination
Jesse Pretorius
- [openstack-dev] [os-ansible-deployment] Feedback on Keystone Federation Spec
Jesse Pretorius
- [openstack-dev] [TripleO] a bad week for CI
Dan Prince
- [openstack-dev] [TripleO] package based overcloud upgrades
Dan Prince
- [openstack-dev] [TripleO] package based overcloud upgrades
Dan Prince
- [openstack-dev] [Fuel] Improvement of the blueprint specs template
Roman Prykhodchenko
- [openstack-dev] [Fuel] Improvement of the blueprint specs template
Roman Prykhodchenko
- [openstack-dev] [Fuel] Improvement of the blueprint specs template
Roman Prykhodchenko
- [openstack-dev] [Magnum] Add periodic task threading for conductor server
- [openstack-dev] [Magnum] TLS Support in Magnum
Madhuri Rai
- [openstack-dev] [Magnum] TLS Support in Magnum
Madhuri Rai
- [openstack-dev] [neutron][vpnaas] No VPNaaS weekly IRC meeting next week (June 23rd)
Sridhar Ramaswamy
- [openstack-dev] [Tacker][Telco][NFV]: Reminder - weekly IRC meeting tomorrow Jun 18th
Sridhar Ramaswamy
- [openstack-dev] [packaging] Adding packaging as an OpenStack project
Allison Randal
- [openstack-dev] [packaging] Adding packaging as an OpenStack project
Allison Randal
- [openstack-dev] [packaging] Adding packaging as an OpenStack project
Allison Randal
- [openstack-dev] [packaging] Adding packaging as an OpenStack project
Allison Randal
- [openstack-dev] [packaging] Adding packaging as an OpenStack project
Allison Randal
- [openstack-dev] [cinder] : DotHill FC/iSCSI Drivers ; Copyright attribution incident
Bandaru Nageswara Rao
- [openstack-dev] [Puppet] Keystone Module Now 'Puppet Approved'
Richard Raseley
- [openstack-dev] [puppet] Change abandonment policy
Richard Raseley
- [openstack-dev] [ops][tags][packaging] ops:packaging tag - a little common sense, please
Richard Raseley
- [openstack-dev] [puppet][zaqar] Help needed creating Zaqar manifests for puppet.
Richard Raseley
- [openstack-dev] [puppet][zaqar] Help needed creating Zaqar manifests for puppet.
Richard Raseley
- [openstack-dev] [nova] Should we add instance action event to live migration?
Richard Raseley
- [openstack-dev] [puppet] OpenStack Puppet configuration for HA deployment
Richard Raseley
- [openstack-dev] [puppet] [zaqar] Adding puppet-zaqar Module to Puppet Modules Project
Richard Raseley
- [openstack-dev] [puppet] OpenStack Puppet configuration for HA deployment
Richard Raseley
- [openstack-dev] [puppet] (officially) deprecate stable/{grizzly, havana} branches
Richard Raseley
- [openstack-dev] [puppet] Clarification of 'Puppet Modules' Project Scope
Richard Raseley
- [openstack-dev] [puppet] Clarification of 'Puppet Modules' Project Scope
Richard Raseley
- [openstack-dev] [HA] RFC: moving Pacemaker openstack-resource-agents to stackforge
Richard Raseley
- [openstack-dev] [Fuel][Fuel-library] Using librarian-puppet to manage upstream fuel-library modules
Richard Raseley
- [openstack-dev] [Barbican] Multiple KMIP servers on a single barbican
Nathan Reller
- [openstack-dev] Barbican : Retrieval of the secret in text/plain format generated from Barbican order resource
Nathan Reller
- [openstack-dev] [Barbican] Multiple KMIP servers on a single barbican
Nathan Reller
- [openstack-dev] [all] upcoming oslo releases
Matt Riedemann
- [openstack-dev] [Nova] Liberty mid-cycle meetup
Matt Riedemann
- [openstack-dev] Targeting icehouse-eol?
Matt Riedemann
- [openstack-dev] python-novaclient 2.26.0 released
Matt Riedemann
- [openstack-dev] [cinder][nova] Is volume connection_info modeled/documented anywhere?
Matt Riedemann
- [openstack-dev] [cinder][nova] modeling connection_info with a versioned object in os-brick
Matt Riedemann
- [openstack-dev] [Nova] Follow up actions from the Summit: please help
Matt Riedemann
- [openstack-dev] [nova] How to microversion API code which is not in API layer
Matt Riedemann
- [openstack-dev] [nova] Plan to consolidate FS-style libvirt volume drivers under a common base class
Matt Riedemann
- [openstack-dev] [nova] Plan to consolidate FS-style libvirt volume drivers under a common base class
Matt Riedemann
- [openstack-dev] [nova] Plan to consolidate FS-style libvirt volume drivers under a common base class
Matt Riedemann
- [openstack-dev] [nova][ceilometer] proposal to send bulk hypervisor stats data in periodic notifications
Matt Riedemann
- [openstack-dev] [nova] Plan to consolidate FS-style libvirt volume drivers under a common base class
Matt Riedemann
- [openstack-dev] [nova] Plan to consolidate FS-style libvirt volume drivers under a common base class
Matt Riedemann
- [openstack-dev] [nova] Plan to consolidate FS-style libvirt volume drivers under a common base class
Matt Riedemann
- [openstack-dev] [Nova]
Matt Riedemann
- [openstack-dev] DB2 CI enablement on Keystone
Matt Riedemann
- [openstack-dev] [all] DevStack switching from MySQL-python to PyMySQL
Matt Riedemann
- [openstack-dev] [nova][ceilometer] proposal to send bulk hypervisor stats data in periodic notifications
Matt Riedemann
- [openstack-dev] [nova][ceilometer] proposal to send bulk hypervisor stats data in periodic notifications
Matt Riedemann
- [openstack-dev] [nova][qa] Do we turn on voting for the tempest-dsvm-cells job?
Matt Riedemann
- [openstack-dev] [nova][qa] Do we turn on voting for the tempest-dsvm-cells job?
Matt Riedemann
- [openstack-dev] [nova][qa] Do we turn on voting for the tempest-dsvm-cells job?
Matt Riedemann
- [openstack-dev] [Nova] The unbearable lightness of specs
Matt Riedemann
- [openstack-dev] [Nova] The unbearable lightness of specs
Matt Riedemann
- [openstack-dev] [Nova] The unbearable lightness of specs
Matt Riedemann
- [openstack-dev] [nova][cinder][qa] encrypted volumes tests don't actually test encrypted volumes for most backends
Matt Riedemann
- [openstack-dev] [nova][ceilometer] proposal to send bulk hypervisor stats data in periodic notifications
Matt Riedemann
- [openstack-dev] [nova][ceilometer] proposal to send bulk hypervisor stats data in periodic notifications
Matt Riedemann
- [openstack-dev] [nova] gate is wedged
Matt Riedemann
- [openstack-dev] [nova] gate is wedged
Matt Riedemann
- [openstack-dev] [nova] gate is wedged
Matt Riedemann
- [openstack-dev] [magnum][horizon] Making a dashboard for Magnum - need a vote from the core team
Jason Rist
- [openstack-dev] [Magnum] Survey
P Rivera
- [openstack-dev] [cinder] Consider using Explicit type casts on filters
Vasco Rodrigues
- [openstack-dev] [cinder] Consider using Explicit type casts on filters
Vasco Rodrigues
- [openstack-dev] [Neutron] Python 3 and hacking rules.
Cyril Roelandt
- [openstack-dev] [Neutron] Python 3 and hacking rules.
Cyril Roelandt
- [openstack-dev] [Neutron] Modular L2 Agent
Mathieu Rohon
- [openstack-dev] [Ironic] weekly meetings and sub-team reports and people
Jim Rollenhagen
- [openstack-dev] [Ironic] [TC] Discussion: changing Ironic's release model
Jim Rollenhagen
- [openstack-dev] [api][nova][ironic] Microversion API HTTP header
Jim Rollenhagen
- [openstack-dev] [api] [Nova] [Ironic] [Magnum] Microversion guideline in API-WG
Jim Rollenhagen
- [openstack-dev] [nova][api] New micro-version needed for api bug fix or not?
Jens Rosenboom
- [openstack-dev] [nova][api] New micro-version needed for api bug fix or not?
Jens Rosenboom
- [openstack-dev] [all] [stable] No longer doing stable point releases
Matthias Runge
- [openstack-dev] [all] [stable] No longer doing stable point releases
Matthias Runge
- [openstack-dev] [javascript] Linters
Matthias Runge
- [openstack-dev] [packaging] Adding packaging as an OpenStack project
Matthias Runge
- [openstack-dev] [packaging] Adding packaging as an OpenStack project
Matthias Runge
- [openstack-dev] [Horizon] [tests] [dsvm] Tests failed because of timeout during the images upload
Matthias Runge
- [openstack-dev] [Keystone][OSC] Keystone v3 user create --project $projid does not add user to project?
Matthias Runge
- [openstack-dev] [gnochhi][ceilometer] help with gnocchi measures api (return empty)
SHTILMAN, Tomer (Tomer)
- [openstack-dev] [gnocchi][ceilometer] help with gnocchi measures api (return empty list)
SHTILMAN, Tomer (Tomer)
- [openstack-dev] [tc][Cue] Add Cue to OpenStack
Vipul Sabhaya
- [openstack-dev] [neutron] Regarding Flow classifiers existing proposals
Gal Sagie
- [openstack-dev] [Openstack][Neutron][OVN] OVN-Neutron - TODO List
Gal Sagie
- [openstack-dev] [Openstack][Neutron][OVN] OVN-Neutron - TODO List
Gal Sagie
- [openstack-dev] [Neutron] [QOS] Request for Additional QoS capabilities
Gal Sagie
- [openstack-dev] [Neutron] [QOS] Request for Additional QoS capabilities
Gal Sagie
- [openstack-dev] [neutron] How to catch security group updates in ML2 mechanism driver?
Gal Sagie
- [openstack-dev] [horizon] Prioritize tests over JSCS
Aaron D Sahlin
- [openstack-dev] Redfish
Nanda Devi Sahu
- [openstack-dev] [all] [stable] No longer doing stable point releases
Maish Saidel-Keesing
- [openstack-dev] [Openstack-operators] [ops][tags][packaging] [tc] ops:packaging tag - a little common sense, please
Maish Saidel-Keesing
- [openstack-dev] [nova][ceilometer] proposal to send bulk hypervisor stats data in periodic notifications
Maish Saidel-Keesing
- [openstack-dev] [Magnum] Continuing with heat-coe-templates
Angus Salkeld
- [openstack-dev] [nova][keystone] Nova calls to Keystone
Sajeesh Cimson Sasi
- [openstack-dev] [nova][keystone] Nova calls to Keystone
Sajeesh Cimson Sasi
- [openstack-dev] [nova][keystone] Nova calls to Keystone
Sajeesh Cimson Sasi
- [openstack-dev] [nova][keystone] Nova calls to Keystone
Sajeesh Cimson Sasi
- [openstack-dev] [os-ansible-deployment] Core team nomination
Hugh Saunders
- [openstack-dev] [Neutron] Proposing Rossella Sblendido for the Control Plane core team
Rossella Sblendido
- [openstack-dev] [Fuel] MOS 6.1 Release - Hard Code Freeze in action
Mike Scherbakov
- [openstack-dev] [Fuel] MOS 6.1 Release - Hard Code Freeze in action
Mike Scherbakov
- [openstack-dev] [Fuel][Fuel-Library] Nominate Aleksandr Didenko for fuel-library core
Mike Scherbakov
- [openstack-dev] [nova] Add new VIF Type
Andreas Scheuring
- [openstack-dev] [Nova] Liberty Priorties for Nova
Andreas Scheuring
- [openstack-dev] [nova] vif type libvirt-network
Andreas Scheuring
- [openstack-dev] [nova] vif type libvirt-network
Andreas Scheuring
- [openstack-dev] [nova] vif type libvirt-network
Andreas Scheuring
- [openstack-dev] [nova] vif type libvirt-network
Andreas Scheuring
- [openstack-dev] How does instance's tap device macaddress generate?
Andreas Scheuring
- [openstack-dev] [nova] vif type libvirt-network
Andreas Scheuring
- [openstack-dev] [nova] Adding vif_type to nova
Andreas Scheuring
- [openstack-dev] [neutron] new project: networking-macvtap
Andreas Scheuring
- [openstack-dev] [neutron] enriching port binding extension API dictionaries with key-values
Andreas Scheuring
- [openstack-dev] [neutron] enriching port binding extension API dictionaries with key-values
Andreas Scheuring
- [openstack-dev] [Neutron] net-create does not return on master branch
Liran Schour
- [openstack-dev] [puppet] [fuel] more collaboration request
Alex Schultz
- [openstack-dev] [Fuel][Fuel-library] Using librarian-puppet to manage upstream fuel-library modules
Alex Schultz
- [openstack-dev] Online Migrations.
Philip Schwartz
- [openstack-dev] Online Migrations.
Philip Schwartz
- [openstack-dev] Online Migrations.
Philip Schwartz
- [openstack-dev] Online Migrations.
Philip Schwartz
- [openstack-dev] [nova] Online Migrations.
Philip Schwartz
- [openstack-dev] [nova] Online Migrations.
Philip Schwartz
- [openstack-dev] [release][oslo] oslotest release 1.7.0 (liberty)
Victor Sergeyev
- [openstack-dev] Regarding the API support for Order and Consumer Resource
Asha Seshagiri
- [openstack-dev] Barbican : Regarding the API support for Order and Consumer Resource
Asha Seshagiri
- [openstack-dev] Barbican : Regarding the API support for Order and Consumer Resource
Asha Seshagiri
- [openstack-dev] Barbican : Retrieval of the secret in text/plain format generated from Barbican order resource
Asha Seshagiri
- [openstack-dev] Barbican : Retrieval of the secret in text/plain format generated from Barbican order resource
Asha Seshagiri
- [openstack-dev] Barbican : Retrieval of the secret in text/plain format generated from Barbican order resource
Asha Seshagiri
- [openstack-dev] Barbican : Retrieval of the secret in text/plain format generated from Barbican order resource
Asha Seshagiri
- [openstack-dev] Barbican : Retrieval of the secret in text/plain format generated from Barbican order resource
Asha Seshagiri
- [openstack-dev] Barbican : Retrieval of the secret in text/plain format generated from Barbican order resource
Asha Seshagiri
- [openstack-dev] [Stackalytics] Complementary projects
Ilya Shakhat
- [openstack-dev] [ceilometer] virtual mid-cycle planning
Nadya Shakhat
- [openstack-dev] [ceilometer] Aodh has been imported, next steps
Nadya Shakhat
- [openstack-dev] Developers in the Bay Area
Lisette Sheehan
- [openstack-dev] [trove]Put all alternative configurations in default trove.conf
Doug Shelley
- [openstack-dev] [Cinder] Getting `ValueError: Field `volume_id' cannot be None`
Deepak Shetty
- [openstack-dev] [Manila] Expected Manila behavior for creation of share from snapshot
Deepak Shetty
- [openstack-dev] [Cinder] Getting `ValueError: Field `volume_id' cannot be None`
Deepak Shetty
- [openstack-dev] [Cinder] Getting `ValueError: Field `volume_id' cannot be None`
Deepak Shetty
- [openstack-dev] [Cinder] Getting `ValueError: Field `volume_id' cannot be None`
Deepak Shetty
- [openstack-dev] [Cinder] Getting `ValueError: Field `volume_id' cannot be None`
Deepak Shetty
- [openstack-dev] [Manila] Expected Manila behavior for creation of share from snapshot
Deepak Shetty
- [openstack-dev] [Manila] Expected Manila behavior for creation of share from snapshot
Deepak Shetty
- [openstack-dev] [oslo.messaging][zeromq] Next step
Gordon Sim
- [openstack-dev] [oslo.messaging][zeromq] Next step
Gordon Sim
- [openstack-dev] [all] [qpid] [zmq] [RabbitMQ] [oslo] Pending deprecation of driver(s).
Gordon Sim
- [openstack-dev] [puppet] (officially) deprecate stable/{grizzly, havana} branches
David Moreau Simard
- [openstack-dev] [puppet][ceph] puppet-ceph CI status
David Moreau Simard
- [openstack-dev] [TripleO][Heat] Tuskar v. Heat responsibilities
James Slagle
- [openstack-dev] [TripleO] Splitting out dib-core
James Slagle
- [openstack-dev] [TripleO] diskimage-builder 1.0.0
James Slagle
- [openstack-dev] [kolla] Proposal for changing 1600UTC meeting to 1700 UTC
Smigiel, Dariusz
- [openstack-dev] How does instance's tap device mac address generate?
Radek Smigielski
- [openstack-dev] [devstack] RTNETLINK permission denied on setting IPv6 on br-ex
Angela Smith
- [openstack-dev] [nova] Mellanox CI Issues
Dan Smith
- [openstack-dev] Online Migrations.
Dan Smith
- [openstack-dev] Online Migrations.
Dan Smith
- [openstack-dev] Online Migrations.
Dan Smith
- [openstack-dev] Online Migrations.
Dan Smith
- [openstack-dev] [all] FYI - dropping non RabbitMQ support in devstack
Dan Smith
- [openstack-dev] [Nova] The unbearable lightness of specs
Dan Smith
- [openstack-dev] [grenade] future direction on partial upgrade support
Dan Smith
- [openstack-dev] [TripleO] package based overcloud upgrades
Dan Smith
- [openstack-dev] [TripleO] package based overcloud upgrades
Dan Smith
- [openstack-dev] [TripleO] package based overcloud upgrades
Dan Smith
- [openstack-dev] [Barbican] Multiple KMIP servers on a single barbican
Christopher N Solis
- [openstack-dev] Developers in the Bay Area
Fabrizio Soppelsa
- [openstack-dev] Request to post to this list EOM
Sousou, Imad
- [openstack-dev] OpenStack Diversity Working Group
Sousou, Imad
- [openstack-dev] [heat][tripleo]Recursive validation for easier composability
Thomas Spatzier
- [openstack-dev] [HA] RFC: moving Pacemaker openstack-resource-agents to stackforge
Adam Spiers
- [openstack-dev] [ClusterLabs] [HA] RFC: moving Pacemaker openstack-resource-agents to stackforge
Adam Spiers
- [openstack-dev] [neutron] [fwaas] -IPv6 support in Kilo
Mike Spreitzer
- [openstack-dev] [all] upcoming oslo releases
Davanum Srinivas
- [openstack-dev] [oslo.messaging][zeromq] Next step
Davanum Srinivas
- [openstack-dev] [all] upcoming oslo releases
Davanum Srinivas
- [openstack-dev] [magnum][horizon] Making a dashboard for Magnum - need a vote from the core team
Davanum Srinivas
- [openstack-dev] [Openstack-operators] [Fuel][Oslo][RabbitMQ][Shovel] Deprecate mirrored queues from HA AMQP cluster scenario
Davanum Srinivas
- [openstack-dev] [Oslo][Automaton] Proposal for new core reviewer (min pae)
Davanum Srinivas
- [openstack-dev] [oslo.vmware] Bump oslo.vmware to 1.0.0
Davanum Srinivas
- [openstack-dev] [oslo] Adopt mox3
Davanum Srinivas
- [openstack-dev] [oslo] Adopt mox3
Davanum Srinivas
- [openstack-dev] [oslo] Adopt mox3
Davanum Srinivas
- [openstack-dev] Getting rid of suds, which is unmaintained, and which we want out of Debian
Davanum Srinivas
- [openstack-dev] [oslo.vmware] Bump oslo.vmware to 1.0.0
Davanum Srinivas
- [openstack-dev] Getting rid of suds, which is unmaintained, and which we want out of Debian
Davanum Srinivas
- [openstack-dev] [Magnum] Make functional tests voting
Davanum Srinivas
- [openstack-dev] [api][nova][ironic] Microversion API HTTP header
Davanum Srinivas
- [openstack-dev] [all] FYI - dropping non RabbitMQ support in devstack
Davanum Srinivas
- [openstack-dev] [oslo][all] Request from Oslo team for Liberty Cycle
Davanum Srinivas
- [openstack-dev] [all] setup.py executable bit
Davanum Srinivas
- [openstack-dev] [all] FYI - dropping non RabbitMQ support in devstack
Davanum Srinivas
- [openstack-dev] [oslo][messaging] Expanding the oslo.messaging core team
Davanum Srinivas
- [openstack-dev] [oslo][oslo.service] Bootstrapping oslo.service core
Davanum Srinivas
- [openstack-dev] [Heat][Oslo] Versioned objects compatibility mode
Davanum Srinivas
- [openstack-dev] [Nova] Tracking optional requirements
Davanum Srinivas
- [openstack-dev] [Heat][Oslo] Versioned objects compatibility mode
Davanum Srinivas
- [openstack-dev] [all] devstack plugin writers guide
Davanum Srinivas
- [openstack-dev] [all] FYI - dropping non RabbitMQ support in devstack
Davanum Srinivas
- [openstack-dev] [all] FYI - dropping non RabbitMQ support in devstack
Davanum Srinivas
- [openstack-dev] [Oslo][Automaton] Proposal for new core (ruby loo)
Davanum Srinivas
- [openstack-dev] [all] [qpid] [zmq] [RabbitMQ] [oslo] Pending deprecation of driver(s).
Davanum Srinivas
- [openstack-dev] [requirements] converging the openstack-infra/project-config and openstack/requirements requirements checks
Davanum Srinivas
- [openstack-dev] [Oslo][Futurist] Proposal for new core reviewer (dtantsur)
Davanum Srinivas
- [openstack-dev] Newb looking to contribute
Davanum Srinivas
- [openstack-dev] [oslo] Ideas to detect Oslo regressions earlier
Davanum Srinivas
- [openstack-dev] [all] OpenStack CI harddisk failure - jobs are UNSTABLE
Davanum Srinivas
- [openstack-dev] [trove]Any process of redis configuration group
Peter Stachowski
- [openstack-dev] [Ironic} Mid-Cycle Date Poll
Stafford, John Richard
- [openstack-dev] [Ironic] Mid-Cycle Sprint
Stafford, John Richard
- [openstack-dev] [Ironic] Mid-Cycle Sprint
Stafford, John Richard
- [openstack-dev] [nova][security] Enable user password complexity verification
David Stanek
- [openstack-dev] [keystone][reseller] New way to get a project scoped token by name
David Stanek
- [openstack-dev] [all] [stable] No longer doing stable point releases
Jeremy Stanley
- [openstack-dev] [all] [stable] No longer doing stable point releases
Jeremy Stanley
- [openstack-dev] [all] [stable] No longer doing stable point releases
Jeremy Stanley
- [openstack-dev] [all] [stable] No longer doing stable point releases
Jeremy Stanley
- [openstack-dev] [all][release] summit session summary: Release Versioning for Server Applications
Jeremy Stanley
- [openstack-dev] [packaging] Adding packaging as an OpenStack project
Jeremy Stanley
- [openstack-dev] [packaging] Adding packaging as an OpenStack project
Jeremy Stanley
- [openstack-dev] [packaging] Adding packaging as an OpenStack project
Jeremy Stanley
- [openstack-dev] [all][infra][tc][ptl] Scaling up code review process (subdir cores)
Jeremy Stanley
- [openstack-dev] [all][infra][tc][ptl] Scaling up code review process (subdir cores)
Jeremy Stanley
- [openstack-dev] [all][infra][tc][ptl] Scaling up code review process (subdir cores)
Jeremy Stanley
- [openstack-dev] [all][infra][tc][ptl] Scaling up code review process (subdir cores)
Jeremy Stanley
- [openstack-dev] [packaging] Adding packaging as an OpenStack project
Jeremy Stanley
- [openstack-dev] [all][infra][tc][ptl] Scaling up code review process (subdir cores)
Jeremy Stanley
- [openstack-dev] [all][infra][tc][ptl] Scaling up code review process (subdir cores)
Jeremy Stanley
- [openstack-dev] [packaging] Adding packaging as an OpenStack project
Jeremy Stanley
- [openstack-dev] Why do we drop branches? (WAS: Re: Targeting icehouse-eol?)
Jeremy Stanley
- [openstack-dev] [all] [stable] No longer doing stable point releases
Jeremy Stanley
- [openstack-dev] [app-catalog][infra] Stale entries
Jeremy Stanley
- [openstack-dev] [all] [stable] No longer doing stable point releases
Jeremy Stanley
- [openstack-dev] [app-catalog][infra] Stale entries
Jeremy Stanley
- [openstack-dev] [all] [stable] No longer doing stable point releases
Jeremy Stanley
- [openstack-dev] [all] [stable] No longer doing stable point releases
Jeremy Stanley
- [openstack-dev] [all] [stable] No longer doing stable point releases
Jeremy Stanley
- [openstack-dev] [global-requirements][pbr] tarball and git requirements no longer supported in requirements.txt
Jeremy Stanley
- [openstack-dev] [all] [stable] No longer doing stable point releases
Jeremy Stanley
- [openstack-dev] [global-requirements][pbr] tarball and git requirements no longer supported in requirements.txt
Jeremy Stanley
- [openstack-dev] [all] [stable] No longer doing stable point releases
Jeremy Stanley
- [openstack-dev] Please Merge patches titled "Merge Tag ..."
Jeremy Stanley
- [openstack-dev] [murano] shellcheck all .sh scripts in murano-deployment
Jeremy Stanley
- [openstack-dev] [murano] shellcheck all .sh scripts in murano-deployment
Jeremy Stanley
- [openstack-dev] [qa] [all] DevStack switching from MySQL-python to PyMySQL
Jeremy Stanley
- [openstack-dev] [murano] shellcheck all .sh scripts in murano-deployment
Jeremy Stanley
- [openstack-dev] [Manila] Ask for help on supportting the 3-rd party CI for HDFS driver
Jeremy Stanley
- [openstack-dev] [Manila] Ask for help on supportting the 3-rd party CI for HDFS driver
Jeremy Stanley
- [openstack-dev] [app-catalog][infra] Stale entries
Jeremy Stanley
- [openstack-dev] [Manila] Ask for help on supportting the 3-rd party CI for HDFS driver
Jeremy Stanley
- [openstack-dev] Looking for help getting git-review to work over https
Jeremy Stanley
- [openstack-dev] Looking for help getting git-review to work over https
Jeremy Stanley
- [openstack-dev] Looking for help getting git-review to work over https
Jeremy Stanley
- [openstack-dev] [OpenStack-Infra] Nominating Joshua Hesketh for infra-root
Jeremy Stanley
- [openstack-dev] [OpenStack-Infra] Need help! Zuul can not connect to port 29418 of review.openstack.org
Jeremy Stanley
- [openstack-dev] [OpenStack-Infra] Need help! Zuul can not connect to port 29418 of review.openstack.org
Jeremy Stanley
- [openstack-dev] Announcing git-review 1.25.0
Jeremy Stanley
- [openstack-dev] Gerrit maintenance concluded
Jeremy Stanley
- [openstack-dev] [grenade] future direction on partial upgrade support
Jeremy Stanley
- [openstack-dev] [Ironic] ironic-lib library
Jeremy Stanley
- [openstack-dev] [all] setup.py executable bit
Jeremy Stanley
- [openstack-dev] [Security] Nominating Travis McPeak for Security CoreSec
Jeremy Stanley
- [openstack-dev] Debian already using Python 3.5: please gate on that
Jeremy Stanley
- [openstack-dev] [Security] Nominating Michael McCune for Security CoreSec
Jeremy Stanley
- [openstack-dev] [Nova] Tracking optional requirements
Jeremy Stanley
- [openstack-dev] [cinder][stable] Cinder client broken in Juno
Jeremy Stanley
- [openstack-dev] [requirements] converging the openstack-infra/project-config and openstack/requirements requirements checks
Jeremy Stanley
- [openstack-dev] [cinder][stable] Cinder client broken in Juno
Jeremy Stanley
- [openstack-dev] [Nova] The unbearable lightness of specs
Jeremy Stanley
- [openstack-dev] [Nova] The unbearable lightness of specs
Jeremy Stanley
- [openstack-dev] [all] OpenStack CI harddisk failure - jobs are UNSTABLE
Jeremy Stanley
- [openstack-dev] Why doesn't Gerrit email me?
Jeremy Stanley
- [openstack-dev] Why doesn't Gerrit email me?
Jeremy Stanley
- [openstack-dev] [Murano] Cloud Foundry Service Broker Api in Murano
Nikolay Starodubtsev
- [openstack-dev] [Murano] Cloud Foundry Service Broker Api in Murano
Nikolay Starodubtsev
- [openstack-dev] [murano] We're enabling trusts by default in murano liberty
Nikolay Starodubtsev
- [openstack-dev] [Nova] Abandoning old specs for Nova
Michael Still
- [openstack-dev] [nova] File injection, config drive and cloud-init
Michael Still
- [openstack-dev] [nova] Plan to consolidate FS-style libvirt volume drivers under a common base class
Michael Still
- [openstack-dev] [api] [Nova] [Ironic] [Magnum] Microversion guideline in API-WG
Michael Still
- [openstack-dev] [Nova] Tracking optional requirements
Michael Still
- [openstack-dev] [Nova] Tracking optional requirements
Michael Still
- [openstack-dev] [api] [Nova] [Ironic] [Magnum] Microversion guideline in API-WG
Michael Still
- [openstack-dev] [Nova] Tracking optional requirements
Michael Still
- [openstack-dev] [nova] How to properly detect and fence a compromised host (and why I dislike TrustedFilter)
Michael Still
- [openstack-dev] [Nova] Deadline for mid-cycle meetup signup
Michael Still
- [openstack-dev] [puppet] [ceph] Managing a ceph cluster's lifecycle with puppet
Stillwell, Bryan
- [openstack-dev] [cinder] Port Cinder to Python 3
Victor Stinner
- [openstack-dev] [oslo] oslo releasing is noisy...
Victor Stinner
- [openstack-dev] [oslo] oslo releasing is noisy...
Victor Stinner
- [openstack-dev] [release][oslo] oslotest release 1.7.0 (liberty)
Victor Stinner
- [openstack-dev] [oslo] Adopt mox3
Victor Stinner
- [openstack-dev] [all][python3] use of six.iteritems()
Victor Stinner
- [openstack-dev] Debian already using Python 3.5: please gate on that
Victor Stinner
- [openstack-dev] [glance] Progress of the Python 3 port
Victor Stinner
- [openstack-dev] Jenkins check failed on gate-glance_store-python34
Victor Stinner
- [openstack-dev] [cinder][glance][nova] Python 3 coming!
Victor Stinner
- [openstack-dev] Let's get rid of tablib and cliff-tablib
Victor Stinner
- [openstack-dev] [nova] gate is wedged
Victor Stinner
- [openstack-dev] [nova] gate is wedged
Victor Stinner
- [openstack-dev] [oslo] Ideas to detect Oslo regressions earlier
Victor Stinner
- [openstack-dev] [all][release] summit session summary: Release Versioning for Server Applications
Donald Stufft
- [openstack-dev] [Manila] Midcycle meetup dates
Sturdevant, Mark
- [openstack-dev] [Manila] Network path between admin network and shares
Sturdevant, Mark
- [openstack-dev] [Horizon] [tests] [dsvm] Tests failed because of timeout during the images upload
Timur Sufiev
- [openstack-dev] [Horizon] [UX] [Glance] Enabling Horizon->Glance images streaming: request for early feedback
Timur Sufiev
- [openstack-dev] [release][manila] python-manilaclient 1.2.0
Ben Swartzlander
- [openstack-dev] [Manila] Expected Manila behavior for creation of share from snapshot
Ben Swartzlander
- [openstack-dev] [Manila] Changing DB regarding IDs for future migration/replication/AZ support
Ben Swartzlander
- [openstack-dev] [Manila] Ask for help on supportting the 3-rd party CI for HDFS driver
Ben Swartzlander
- [openstack-dev] [Manila] Network path between admin network and shares
Ben Swartzlander
- [openstack-dev] [Manila] Midcycle meetup dates
Ben Swartzlander
- [openstack-dev] [Manila] Expected Manila behavior for creation of share from snapshot
Ben Swartzlander
- [openstack-dev] [Manila] State of 3rd party CI
Ben Swartzlander
- [openstack-dev] [Ironic] [Inspector] Toward 2.0.0 release
Yuiko Takada
- [openstack-dev] [Ironic] [Inspector] Toward 2.0.0 release
Yuiko Takada
- [openstack-dev] [QA] [Ironic] [Inspector] Where should integration tests for non-core projects live now? (Was: Toward 2.0.0 release)
Yuiko Takada
- [openstack-dev] How does instance's tap device macaddress generate?
Tapio Tallgren
- [openstack-dev] [cinder] Spec for volume migration improvement
Mitsuhiro Tanino
- [openstack-dev] [Ironic] ENROLL state and changing node driver
Dmitry Tantsur
- [openstack-dev] [Ironic] Time to decide something on the vendor tools repo
Dmitry Tantsur
- [openstack-dev] [Ironic] When to bump the microversion?
Dmitry Tantsur
- [openstack-dev] [Ironic] When to bump the microversion?
Dmitry Tantsur
- [openstack-dev] [Ironic] When to bump the microversion?
Dmitry Tantsur
- [openstack-dev] [Ironic] When to bump the microversion?
Dmitry Tantsur
- [openstack-dev] [Ironic] ENROLL state and changing node driver
Dmitry Tantsur
- [openstack-dev] [Ironic] When to bump the microversion?
Dmitry Tantsur
- [openstack-dev] [Ironic] [Inspector] Toward 2.0.0 release
Dmitry Tantsur
- [openstack-dev] [Ironic] [Inspector] Toward 2.0.0 release
Dmitry Tantsur
- [openstack-dev] [QA] [Ironic] [Inspector] Where should integration tests for non-core projects live now? (Was: Toward 2.0.0 release)
Dmitry Tantsur
- [openstack-dev] [QA] [Ironic] [Inspector] Where should integration tests for non-core projects live now? (Was: Toward 2.0.0 release)
Dmitry Tantsur
- [openstack-dev] [QA] [Ironic] [Inspector] Where should integration tests for non-core projects live now? (Was: Toward 2.0.0 release)
Dmitry Tantsur
- [openstack-dev] [api][nova][ironic] Microversion API HTTP header
Dmitry Tantsur
- [openstack-dev] [api][nova][ironic] Microversion API HTTP header
Dmitry Tantsur
- [openstack-dev] [api] [Nova] [Ironic] [Magnum] Microversion guideline in API-WG
Dmitry Tantsur
- [openstack-dev] [api][nova][ironic] Microversion API HTTP header
Dmitry Tantsur
- [openstack-dev] [Ironic] Adopting ironic-lib in Ironic
Dmitry Tantsur
- [openstack-dev] [api][nova][ironic] Microversion API HTTP header
Dmitry Tantsur
- [openstack-dev] [api] [Nova] [Ironic] [Magnum] Microversion guideline in API-WG
Dmitry Tantsur
- [openstack-dev] [api] [Nova] [Ironic] [Magnum] Microversion guideline in API-WG
Dmitry Tantsur
- [openstack-dev] [QA] [Ironic] [Inspector] Where should integration tests for non-core projects live now? (Was: Toward 2.0.0 release)
Dmitry Tantsur
- [openstack-dev] [api][nova][ironic] Microversion API HTTP header
Dmitry Tantsur
- [openstack-dev] stackforge projects are not second class citizens
Dmitry Tantsur
- [openstack-dev] [api] [Nova] [Ironic] [Magnum] Microversion guideline in API-WG
Dmitry Tantsur
- [openstack-dev] [Ironic] Proposal to add a new repository
Dmitry Tantsur
- [openstack-dev] [Ironic] Proposal to add a new repository
Dmitry Tantsur
- [openstack-dev] Redfish
Dmitry Tantsur
- [openstack-dev] [api] [Nova] [Ironic] [Magnum] Microversion guideline in API-WG
Dmitry Tantsur
- [openstack-dev] [api] [Nova] [Ironic] [Magnum] Microversion guideline in API-WG
Dmitry Tantsur
- [openstack-dev] [api][nova][ironic] Microversion API HTTP header
Dmitry Tantsur
- [openstack-dev] [api][nova][ironic] Microversion API HTTP header
Dmitry Tantsur
- [openstack-dev] [api] [Nova] [Ironic] [Magnum] Microversion guideline in API-WG
Dmitry Tantsur
- [openstack-dev] [api] [Nova] [Ironic] [Magnum] Microversion guideline in API-WG
Dmitry Tantsur
- [openstack-dev] [api] [Nova] [Ironic] [Magnum] Microversion guideline in API-WG
Dmitry Tantsur
- [openstack-dev] [api] [Nova] [Ironic] [Magnum] Microversion guideline in API-WG
Dmitry Tantsur
- [openstack-dev] [api] [Nova] [Ironic] [Magnum] Microversion guideline in API-WG
Dmitry Tantsur
- [openstack-dev] [api] [Nova] [Ironic] [Magnum] Microversion guideline in API-WG
Dmitry Tantsur
- [openstack-dev] Looking for help getting git-review to work over https
Yuriy Taraday
- [openstack-dev] [third-party] Weekly Third Party CI Working Group meeting Wednesday June 10th 1500UTC
Kurt Taylor
- [openstack-dev] [third-party] Weekly Third Party CI Working Group meeting change
Kurt Taylor
- [openstack-dev] [third-party] Third Party CI Working Group Meeting Tuesday June 23 1700UTC
Kurt Taylor
- [openstack-dev] Why doesn't Gerrit email me?
Louis Taylor
- [openstack-dev] Release naming for M open for nominations
Monty Taylor
- [openstack-dev] [Ironic] When to bump the microversion?
Monty Taylor
- [openstack-dev] Please Merge patches titled "Merge Tag ..."
Monty Taylor
- [openstack-dev] Starting the M Release Name Poll
Monty Taylor
- [openstack-dev] [puppet][murano] Developing puppet module for Murano
Monty Taylor
- [openstack-dev] [all] setup.py executable bit
Monty Taylor
- [openstack-dev] [Stackalytics] Complementary projects
Monty Taylor
- [openstack-dev] [Neutron][DevStack] Standing on the shoulders of giants - Linux Bridge testing at the gate
Monty Taylor
- [openstack-dev] M Naming Poll ended - results still need to clear legal
Monty Taylor
- [openstack-dev] [all][requirements] requirements reviews falling behind
Monty Taylor
- [openstack-dev] [Fuel][Fuel-library] Using librarian-puppet to manage upstream fuel-library modules
Monty Taylor
- [openstack-dev] [cinder][stable] Cinder client broken in Juno
Monty Taylor
- [openstack-dev] [devstack] apache wsgi application support
Monty Taylor
- [openstack-dev] Scheduler hints, API and Objects
Monty Taylor
- [openstack-dev] [api][nova][ironic] Microversion API HTTP header
Monty Taylor
- [openstack-dev] [cinder][glance][nova] Python 3 coming!
Monty Taylor
- [openstack-dev] [all] Any other downstream developers having problems with pbr?
Monty Taylor
- [openstack-dev] [TripleO] diskimage-builder 1.0.0
Monty Taylor
- [openstack-dev] [Magnum] Magnum installation problem with devstack kilo
Qiming Teng
- [openstack-dev] [Senlin] Project weekly meeting starts June 16 UTC1300
Qiming Teng
- [openstack-dev] [Senlin] Project weekly meeting starts June 16 UTC1300
Qiming Teng
- [openstack-dev] [Nova] Let's set instance.root_gb=0 for volume-backed instances
Feodor Tersin
- [openstack-dev] [all] [stable] No longer doing stable point releases
Matthew Thode
- [openstack-dev] [packaging] Adding packaging as an OpenStack project
Matthew Thode
- [openstack-dev] [packaging] Adding packaging as an OpenStack project
Matthew Thode
- [openstack-dev] [all] [stable] No longer doing stable point releases
Matthew Thode
- [openstack-dev] [all] [stable] No longer doing stable point releases
Matthew Thode
- [openstack-dev] Gentoo image availability
Matthew Thode
- [openstack-dev] [requirements] re-ordered specifiers in requirements.txt
Matthew Thode
- [openstack-dev] [cinder][nova] Is volume connection_info modeled/documented anywhere?
Duncan Thomas
- [openstack-dev] Getting rid of suds, which is unmaintained, and which we want out of Debian
Duncan Thomas
- [openstack-dev] [nova] Plan to consolidate FS-style libvirt volume drivers under a common base class
Duncan Thomas
- [openstack-dev] [nova] Plan to consolidate FS-style libvirt volume drivers under a common base class
Duncan Thomas
- [openstack-dev] [Cinder] Implementation of ABC MetaClasses
Duncan Thomas
- [openstack-dev] [cinder][stable] Cinder client broken in Juno
Duncan Thomas
- [openstack-dev] [cinder][stable] Cinder client broken in Juno
Duncan Thomas
- [openstack-dev] [cinder][oslo] Locks for create from volume/snapshot
Duncan Thomas
- [openstack-dev] [cinder][oslo] Locks for create from volume/snapshot
Duncan Thomas
- [openstack-dev] [cinder][oslo] Locks for create from volume/snapshot
Duncan Thomas
- [openstack-dev] [cinder][oslo] Locks for create from volume/snapshot
Duncan Thomas
- [openstack-dev] Fwd: [cinder][oslo] Locks for create from volume/snapshot
Duncan Thomas
- [openstack-dev] [cinder][stable] Cinder client broken in Juno
Duncan Thomas
- [openstack-dev] [cinder][stable] Cinder client broken in Juno
Duncan Thomas
- [openstack-dev] [Fuel][Plugins] differenciate node with the same role
Guillaume Thouvenin
- [openstack-dev] when trove-mgmt-client can be ready?
Li Tianqing
- [openstack-dev] [oslo_messaging]
Li Tianqing
- [openstack-dev] If the trove-mgmt-client is not begin by someone, i want to do this work.
Li Tianqing
- [openstack-dev] If the trove-mgmt-client is not begin by someone, i want to do this work.
Li Tianqing
- [openstack-dev] [openstack][trove] The default configuration for redis instance
Li Tianqing
- [openstack-dev] [Neutron] virtual machine can not get DHCP lease due packet has no checksum
Tidwell, Ryan
- [openstack-dev] [Neutron] virtual machine can not get DHCP lease due packet has no checksum
Tidwell, Ryan
- [openstack-dev] [QA] [openstack-qa] [tempest] UUIDs and names in tempest.conf file
Tikkanen, Viktor (Nokia - FI/Espoo)
- [openstack-dev] [new][app-catalog] App Catalog next steps
Alexander Tivelkov
- [openstack-dev] [murano] python versions
Alexander Tivelkov
- [openstack-dev] [all][api] New API Guidelines ready for cross project review
Everett Toews
- [openstack-dev] [api][Solum] Request for feedback on new API resource
Everett Toews
- [openstack-dev] [neutron][lbaas]Error at listener's barbican container validation
Phillip Toohill
- [openstack-dev] [magnum][horizon] Making a dashboard for Magnum - need a vote from the core team
Brad Topol
- [openstack-dev] [cinder][oslo] Locks for create from volume/snapshot
Avishay Traeger
- [openstack-dev] [cinder][oslo] Locks for create from volume/snapshot
Avishay Traeger
- [openstack-dev] [OpenStack-Infra][cinder] Request for re-integration of Oracle ZFSSA iSCSI Driver
Diem Tran
- [openstack-dev] [magnum][horizon] Making a dashboard for Magnum - need a vote from the core team
Thai Q Tran
- [openstack-dev] [horizon] Prioritize tests over JSCS
Thai Q Tran
- [openstack-dev] [horizon][i18n] Ordering of PO files
Thai Q Tran
- [openstack-dev] [horizon][i18n] Ordering of PO files
Thai Q Tran
- [openstack-dev] [javascript] [horizon] [merlin] [refstack] Javascript Linting
Thai Q Tran
- [openstack-dev] [Ironic][Horizon][Tuskar-ui] Making a dashboard for Ironic
Thai Q Tran
- [openstack-dev] [horizon] Angular dependencies and the hz.dashboard namespace
Thai Q Tran
- [openstack-dev] Targeting icehouse-eol?
Matthew Treinish
- [openstack-dev] [QA] [openstack-qa] [tempest] UUIDs and names in tempest.conf file
Matthew Treinish
- [openstack-dev] [qa] Status of account creds in the [identity] section of tempest.conf
Matthew Treinish
- [openstack-dev] [qa] Tempest bug triage questions
Matthew Treinish
- [openstack-dev] [QA][Tempest] Proposing Jordan Pittier for Tempest Core
Matthew Treinish
- [openstack-dev] [QA] Meeting Thursday June 25th at 22:00 UTC
Matthew Treinish
- [openstack-dev] [QA][Tempest] Proposing Jordan Pittier for Tempest Core
Matthew Treinish
- [openstack-dev] [neutron] Proposing Assaf Muller for the Neutron Core Reviewer Team
Somanchi Trinath
- [openstack-dev] [Neutron] Proposing YAMAMOTO Takashi for the Control Plane core team
Somanchi Trinath
- [openstack-dev] [neutron][stable] Kevin Benton added to neutron-stable-maint
Somanchi Trinath
- [openstack-dev] [TC] [All] [searchlight] Proposal for Project Searchlight
Tripp, Travis S
- [openstack-dev] [magnum][horizon] Making a dashboard for Magnum - need a vote from the core team
Tripp, Travis S
- [openstack-dev] [javascript] Linters
Tripp, Travis S
- [openstack-dev] [TC] [All] [searchlight] Proposal for Project Searchlight
Tripp, Travis S
- [openstack-dev] [javascript] Linters
Tripp, Travis S
- [openstack-dev] [javascript] [horizon] [merlin] [refstack] Javascript Linting
Tripp, Travis S
- [openstack-dev] [Horizon] Liberty Mid Cycle Meetup
Tripp, Travis S
- [openstack-dev] [Ironic] Time to decide something on the vendor tools repo
John Trowbridge
- [openstack-dev] [Ironic] Proposal to add a new repository
John Trowbridge
- [openstack-dev] [Ironic] Proposal to add a new repository
John Trowbridge
- [openstack-dev] [packaging] Adding packaging as an OpenStack project
Dean Troyer
- [openstack-dev] [murano] shellcheck all .sh scripts in murano-deployment
Dean Troyer
- [openstack-dev] [devstack] apache wsgi application support
Dean Troyer
- [openstack-dev] [api][nova][ironic] Microversion API HTTP header
Dean Troyer
- [openstack-dev] [all] grenade with external plugins for the big tent - how to use
Dean Troyer
- [openstack-dev] [api][nova][ironic] Microversion API HTTP header
Dean Troyer
- [openstack-dev] [devstack] Use devstack/master to install older releases
Dean Troyer
- [openstack-dev] [keystone][reseller] New way to get a project scoped token by name
Henrique Truta
- [openstack-dev] [keystone][reseller] New way to get a project scoped token by name
Henrique Truta
- [openstack-dev] [keystone] SPF Exception: Project tree deletion
Henrique Truta
- [openstack-dev] [puppet] Change abandonment policy
Sanjay Upadhyay
- [openstack-dev] [puppet] [fuel] more collaboration request
Sanjay Upadhyay
- [openstack-dev] [fuel] [HA] How long we need to wait for cloud recovery after some destructive scenarios?
Anastasia Urlapova
- [openstack-dev] [Fuel] Ceph Public Network Setting
Sergey Vasilenko
- [openstack-dev] [Fuel][Fuel-Library] Nominate Aleksandr Didenko for fuel-library core
Sergey Vasilenko
- [openstack-dev] [neutron][ml2] - generic port binding for ml2 and dvr
Vasudevan, Swaminathan (PNB Roseville)
- [openstack-dev] [api] [Nova] [Ironic] [Magnum] Microversion guideline in API-WG
Devananda van der Veen
- [openstack-dev] [Ironic] When to bump the microversion?
Devananda van der Veen
- [openstack-dev] [Ironic] ENROLL state and changing node driver
Devananda van der Veen
- [openstack-dev] [Ironic] When to bump the microversion?
Devananda van der Veen
- [openstack-dev] [api] [Nova] [Ironic] [Magnum] Microversion guideline in API-WG
Devananda van der Veen
- [openstack-dev] [nova] How to microversion API code which is not in API layer
Devananda van der Veen
- [openstack-dev] [api][nova][ironic] Microversion API HTTP header
Devananda van der Veen
- [openstack-dev] [Ironic][Horizon][Tuskar-ui] Making a dashboard for Ironic
Devananda van der Veen
- [openstack-dev] [api] [Nova] [Ironic] [Magnum] Microversion guideline in API-WG
Devananda van der Veen
- [openstack-dev] [Ironic] Proposal to add a new repository
Devananda van der Veen
- [openstack-dev] [Ironic] Proposal to add a new repository
Devananda van der Veen
- [openstack-dev] [Ironic] Proposal to add a new repository
Devananda van der Veen
- [openstack-dev] [api][nova][ironic] Microversion API HTTP header
Devananda van der Veen
- [openstack-dev] [Ironic] Mid-Cycle Sprint
Devananda van der Veen
- [openstack-dev] [api] [Nova] [Ironic] [Magnum] Microversion guideline in API-WG
Devananda van der Veen
- [openstack-dev] [nova] Mellanox CI Issues
Lenny Verkhovsky
- [openstack-dev] ThirdPartyCI: Tempest job fails with "Unexpected termination of the channel"
Lenny Verkhovsky
- [openstack-dev] [Ironic][Horizon][Tuskar-ui] Making a dashboard for Ironic
Mario Villaplana
- [openstack-dev] Barbican : Regarding the API support for Order and Consumer Resource
John Vrbanac
- [openstack-dev] [Zaqar][all] Zaqar will stay... Lots of work ahead
Ildikó Váncsa
- [openstack-dev] [Neutron] VLAN-aware VMs meeting
Ildikó Váncsa
- [openstack-dev] [Neutron] VLAN-aware VMs meeting
Ildikó Váncsa
- [openstack-dev] [Neutron] VLAN-aware VMs meeting
Ildikó Váncsa
- [openstack-dev] [ceilometer] Aodh has been imported, next steps
Ildikó Váncsa
- [openstack-dev] [ceilometer] Aodh has been imported, next steps
Ildikó Váncsa
- [openstack-dev] [ceilometer] Aodh has been imported, next steps
Ildikó Váncsa
- [openstack-dev] [all] [stable] No longer doing stable point releases
Dave Walker
- [openstack-dev] [all] [stable] No longer doing stable point releases
Dave Walker
- [openstack-dev] [packaging] Adding packaging as an OpenStack project
Dave Walker
- [openstack-dev] [packaging] Adding packaging as an OpenStack project
Dave Walker
- [openstack-dev] [all] [stable] No longer doing stable point releases
Dave Walker
- [openstack-dev] [all] [stable] No longer doing stable point releases
Dave Walker
- [openstack-dev] Debian already using Python 3.5: please gate on that
Dave Walker
- [openstack-dev] [cinder][stable] Cinder client broken in Juno
Dave Walker
- [openstack-dev] [neutron] - dnsmasq 'dhcp-authoritative' option broke multiple DHCP servers
Damon Wang
- [openstack-dev] [neutron] - dnsmasq 'dhcp-authoritative' option broke multiple DHCP servers
Damon Wang
- [openstack-dev] [Glance] [all] Liberty summit: Updates in Glance
Fei Long Wang
- [openstack-dev] [puppet] [zaqar] Adding puppet-zaqar Module to Puppet Modules Project
Fei Long Wang
- [openstack-dev] [Glance] [all] Proposal for Weekly Glance Drivers meeting.
Fei Long Wang
- [openstack-dev] [nova] How to properly detect and fence a compromised host (and why I dislike TrustedFilter)
Wang, Shane
- [openstack-dev] [neutron] dns-nameservers order not honored
Paul Ward
- [openstack-dev] [nova] How to properly detect and fence a compromised host (and why I dislike TrustedFilter)
Wei, Gang
- [openstack-dev] [kolla] Proposal for new core-reviewer Harm Waites
Harm Weites
- [openstack-dev] [kolla] Proposal for changing 1600UTC meeting to 1700 UTC
Harm Weites
- [openstack-dev] [Neutron] virtual machine can not get DHCP lease due packet has no checksum
Ian Wells
- [openstack-dev] [nova] Progressing/tracking work on libvirt / vif drivers
Ian Wells
- [openstack-dev] [nova] Progressing/tracking work on libvirt / vif drivers
Ian Wells
- [openstack-dev] [nova] vif type libvirt-network
Ian Wells
- [openstack-dev] [nova] File injection, config drive and cloud-init
Ian Wells
- [openstack-dev] [nova] Should we add instance action event to live migration?
Ian Wells
- [openstack-dev] [nova] vif type libvirt-network
Ian Wells
- [openstack-dev] [Neutron][LBaaS] No LBaaS agent?
Doug Wiegley
- [openstack-dev] [Neutron][LBaaS] No LBaaS agent?
Doug Wiegley
- [openstack-dev] [designate] and [lbaas] - GSLB API and backend support
Doug Wiegley
- [openstack-dev] [Neutron][LBaaS] No LBaaS agent?
Doug Wiegley
- [openstack-dev] [Neutron][LBaaS] No LBaaS agent?
Doug Wiegley
- [openstack-dev] [global-requirements][pbr] tarball and git requirements no longer supported in requirements.txt
Doug Wiegley
- [openstack-dev] [Neutron] Proposing Ann Kamyshnikova for the API & DB core reviewer team
Doug Wiegley
- [openstack-dev] Liberty mid-cycle meetups?
Doug Wiegley
- [openstack-dev] [designate] and [lbaas] - GSLB API and backend support
Doug Wiegley
- [openstack-dev] [openstack-infra] [neutron] Third Party CI Voting
Doug Wiegley
- [openstack-dev] [all][infra][tc][ptl] Scaling up code review process (subdir cores)
Ian Wienand
- [openstack-dev] [neutron] Mechanism drivers and Neutron server forking?
Terry Wilson
- [openstack-dev] [neutron] Mechanism drivers and Neutron server forking?
Terry Wilson
- [openstack-dev] [Magnum] Does Bay/Baymodel name should be a required option when creating a Bay/Baymodel
Eric Windisch
- [openstack-dev] [Magnum] Does Bay/Baymodel name should be a required option when creating a Bay/Baymodel
Eric Windisch
- [openstack-dev] [nova] Should we add instance action event to live migration?
Matt Van Winkle
- [openstack-dev] [Tacker] Tacker (NFV MANO VNFM) team meeting <June 4th>
Stephen Wong
- [openstack-dev] [Tacker][Telco][NFV] Reminder: Tacker (VNF Manager) Team Meeting <June 11>
Stephen Wong
- [openstack-dev] [keystone][barbican] Regarding exposing X-Group-xxxx in token validation
John Wood
- [openstack-dev] [keystone][barbican] Regarding exposing X-Group-xxxx in token validation
John Wood
- [openstack-dev] Barbican : Retrieval of the secret in text/plain format generated from Barbican order resource
John Wood
- [openstack-dev] Barbican : Retrieval of the secret in text/plain format generated from Barbican order resource
John Wood
- [openstack-dev] [Barbican] Multiple KMIP servers on a single barbican
John Wood
- [openstack-dev] [keystone][barbican] Regarding exposing X-Group-xxxx in token validation
John Wood
- [openstack-dev] [Fuel] [Plugins] modification disk configuration
Andrew Woodward
- [openstack-dev] [puppet] Change abandonment policy
Andrew Woodward
- [openstack-dev] [Fuel] Call for 7.0 feature design and review
Andrew Woodward
- [openstack-dev] [Fuel] vxlan support
Andrew Woodward
- [openstack-dev] [Fuel] Pre-5.1 and master builds ISO are available for download
Andrew Woodward
- [openstack-dev] [fuel] bp updates & spec maintenance
Andrew Woodward
- [openstack-dev] [Openstack-operators] [openstack-operators][neutron[dhcp][dnsmask]: duplicate entries in addn_hosts causing no IP allocation
Andrew Woodward
- [openstack-dev] [fuel] Fuel API settings reference
Andrew Woodward
- [openstack-dev] [puppet] OpenStack Puppet configuration for HA deployment
Andrew Woodward
- [openstack-dev] [puppet] [fuel] more collaboration request
Andrew Woodward
- [openstack-dev] [fuel] Fuel meeting participation.
Andrew Woodward
- [openstack-dev] [Fuel] Ceph Public Network Setting
Andrew Woodward
- [openstack-dev] [Fuel] Ceph Public Network Setting
Andrew Woodward
- [openstack-dev] [Fuel] Meeting Jun-25
Andrew Woodward
- [openstack-dev] [Fuel] Ceph Public Network Setting
Andrew Woodward
- [openstack-dev] [Fuel][Plugins] differenciate node with the same role
Andrew Woodward
- [openstack-dev] [puppet][ceph] puppet-ceph CI status
Andrew Woodward
- [openstack-dev] [fuel] Deprecation and backwards compaibility Policy
Andrew Woodward
- [openstack-dev] [puppet][ceph] puppet-ceph CI status
Andrew Woodward
- [openstack-dev] [Magnum] Magnum installation problem with devstack kilo
Kai Qiang Wu
- [openstack-dev] [Magnum] Does Bay/Baymodel name should be a required option when creating a Bay/Baymodel
Kai Qiang Wu
- [openstack-dev] [Magnum] Discuss mesos-bay-type Blueprint
Kai Qiang Wu
- [openstack-dev] [magnum] Proposing Kai Qiang Wu (Kennan) for Core for Magnum
Kai Qiang Wu
- [openstack-dev] [Magnum] Discuss configurable-coe-api-port Blueprint
Kai Qiang Wu
- [openstack-dev] [Magnum] Discuss configurable-coe-api-port Blueprint
Kai Qiang Wu
- [openstack-dev] [Magnum] Discuss configurable-coe-api-port Blueprint
Kai Qiang Wu
- [openstack-dev] How to configure a Rsync with password in OpenStack Swift
Andy Xie
- [openstack-dev] [api] [Nova] [Ironic] [Magnum] Microversion guideline in API-WG
Alex Xu
- [openstack-dev] [api] [Nova] [Ironic] [Magnum] Microversion guideline in API-WG
Alex Xu
- [openstack-dev] [Ironic] When to bump the microversion?
Alex Xu
- [openstack-dev] [Ironic] When to bump the microversion?
Alex Xu
- [openstack-dev] [api] [Nova] [Ironic] [Magnum] Microversion guideline in API-WG
Alex Xu
- [openstack-dev] [api][nova][ironic] Microversion API HTTP header
Alex Xu
- [openstack-dev] [api][nova][ironic] Microversion API HTTP header
Alex Xu
- [openstack-dev] [api][nova][ironic] Microversion API HTTP header
Alex Xu
- [openstack-dev] [api][nova][ironic] Microversion API HTTP header
Alex Xu
- [openstack-dev] [Nova] Approval dates for non-priority specs
Alex Xu
- [openstack-dev] [Magnum] Does Bay/Baymodel name should be a required option when creating a Bay/Baymodel
Haiwei Xu
- [openstack-dev] [Senlin] Project weekly meeting starts June 16 UTC1300
Haiwei Xu
- [openstack-dev] [nova][api] New micro-version needed for api bug fix or not?
Xu, Hejie
- [openstack-dev] [nova][api] New micro-version needed for api bug fix or not?
Xu, Hejie
- [openstack-dev] [nova][api] New micro-version needed for api bug fix or not?
Xu, Hejie
- [openstack-dev] [api] [Nova] [Ironic] [Magnum] Microversion guideline in API-WG
Xu, Hejie
- [openstack-dev] [api] [Nova] [Ironic] [Magnum] Microversion guideline in API-WG
Xu, Hejie
- [openstack-dev] [api] [Nova] [Ironic] [Magnum] Microversion guideline in API-WG
Xu, Hejie
- [openstack-dev] [api] [Nova] [Ironic] [Magnum] Microversion guideline in API-WG
Xu, Hejie
- [openstack-dev] [Neutron][LBaaS] No LBaaS agent?
Wanjing Xu
- [openstack-dev] [Neutron][LBaaS] No LBaaS agent?
Wanjing Xu
- [openstack-dev] [Neutron][LBaaS] No LBaaS agent?
Wanjing Xu
- [openstack-dev] [Neutron][LBaaS] No LBaaS agent?
Wanjing Xu
- [openstack-dev] [Neutron] Proposing YAMAMOTO Takashi for the Control Plane core team
Takashi Yamamoto
- [openstack-dev] DB2 CI enablement on Keystone
Feng Xi BJ Yan
- [openstack-dev] [Magnum] Magnum installation problem with devstack kilo
Baohua Yang
- [openstack-dev] [Magnum] Magnum installation problem with devstack kilo
Baohua Yang
- [openstack-dev] [Magnum] Docker Native Networking
Baohua Yang
- [openstack-dev] [kolla] Proposal for new core-reviewer Harm Waites
Sam Yaple
- [openstack-dev] [kolla] Proposal for changing 1600UTC meeting to 1700 UTC
Sam Yaple
- [openstack-dev] Dynamic Policy for Access Control Subteam Meeting
Yee, Guang
- [openstack-dev] Dynamic Policy for Access Control Subteam Meeting
Adam Young
- [openstack-dev] [keystone] [nova] [oslo] [cross-project] Dynamic Policy
Adam Young
- [openstack-dev] Dynamic Policy for Access Control Subteam Meeting
Adam Young
- [openstack-dev] [keystone] [nova] [oslo] [cross-project] Dynamic Policy
Adam Young
- [openstack-dev] [Glance][Keystone] Glance and trusts
Adam Young
- [openstack-dev] [keystone] [nova] [oslo] [cross-project] Dynamic Policy
Adam Young
- [openstack-dev] [keystone] [nova] [oslo] [cross-project] Dynamic Policy
Adam Young
- [openstack-dev] [Keystone] Domain and Project naming
Adam Young
- [openstack-dev] Dynamic Policy for Access Control Subteam Meeting
Adam Young
- [openstack-dev] Dynamic Policy for Access Control Subteam Meeting
Adam Young
- [openstack-dev] Dynamic Policy for Access Control Subteam Meeting
Adam Young
- [openstack-dev] Dynamic Policy for Access Control Subteam Meeting
Adam Young
- [openstack-dev] Dynamic Policy for Access Control Subteam Meeting
Adam Young
- [openstack-dev] [Keystone] Domain and Project naming
Adam Young
- [openstack-dev] [keystone] [nova] [oslo] [cross-project] Dynamic Policy
Adam Young
- [openstack-dev] [keystone][reseller] New way to get a project scoped token by name
Adam Young
- [openstack-dev] [Glance][Keystone] Glance and trusts
Adam Young
- [openstack-dev] [Keystone] Domain and Project naming
Adam Young
- [openstack-dev] [keystone][reseller] New way to get a project scoped token by name
Adam Young
- [openstack-dev] [Glance][Keystone] Glance and trusts
Adam Young
- [openstack-dev] [Glance][Keystone] Glance and trusts
Adam Young
- [openstack-dev] The Nova API in Kilo and Beyond
Adam Young
- [openstack-dev] [Keystone] Midcycle
Adam Young
- [openstack-dev] [keystone] [nova] [oslo] [neutron][cross-project] Split Policy rules into two parts.
Adam Young
- [openstack-dev] [keystone] [nova] [oslo] [neutron][cross-project] Split Policy rules into two parts.
Adam Young
- [openstack-dev] [keystone][puppet] Federation using ipsilon
Adam Young
- [openstack-dev] [keystone][puppet] Federation using ipsilon
Adam Young
- [openstack-dev] [api][nova][ironic] Microversion API HTTP header
Adam Young
- [openstack-dev] [Magnum] TLS Support in Magnum
Adam Young
- [openstack-dev] [devstack] apache wsgi application support
Adam Young
- [openstack-dev] [devstack] apache wsgi application support
Adam Young
- [openstack-dev] [cross-project] RBAC Policy Basics
Adam Young
- [openstack-dev] [Congress] Mid-cycle sprint
Adam Young
- [openstack-dev] [cross-project] RBAC Policy Basics
Adam Young
- [openstack-dev] [cross-project] RBAC Policy Basics
Adam Young
- [openstack-dev] [all] [qpid] [zmq] [RabbitMQ] [oslo] Pending deprecation of driver(s).
Adam Young
- [openstack-dev] [nova][keystone] Nova calls to Keystone
Adam Young
- [openstack-dev] M Naming Poll ended - results still need to clear legal
Adam Young
- [openstack-dev] [nova][keystone] Nova calls to Keystone
Adam Young
- [openstack-dev] [cross-project] RBAC Policy Basics
Adam Young
- [openstack-dev] [Nova][Keystone] The unbearable lightness of specs
Adam Young
- [openstack-dev] [Nova][Keystone] The unbearable lightness of specs
Adam Young
- [openstack-dev] [Nova] The unbearable lightness of specs
Adam Young
- [openstack-dev] Newb looking to contribute
Adam Young
- [openstack-dev] [murano] shellcheck all .sh scripts in murano-deployment
Igor Yozhikov
- [openstack-dev] [Neutron] Functional tests coverage
- [openstack-dev] Why do we drop branches? (WAS: Re: Targeting icehouse-eol?)
- [openstack-dev] Why do we drop branches? (WAS: Re: Targeting icehouse-eol?)
- [openstack-dev] Looking for help getting git-review to work over https
- [openstack-dev] Looking for help getting git-review to work over https
- [openstack-dev] Looking for help getting git-review to work over https
- [openstack-dev] Getting rid of suds, which is unmaintained, and which we want out of Debian
Pete Zaitcev
- [openstack-dev] [murano] python versions
Kirill Zaitsev
- [openstack-dev] [Murano] Nominating Kirill Zaitsev for murano-core
Kirill Zaitsev
- [openstack-dev] [murano] python versions
Kirill Zaitsev
- [openstack-dev] [Murano] python-openstackclient support
Kirill Zaitsev
- [openstack-dev] Tracking bugs in apps on launchpad
Kirill Zaitsev
- [openstack-dev] Tracking bugs in apps on launchpad
Kirill Zaitsev
- [openstack-dev] [Murano] python-openstackclient support
Kirill Zaitsev
- [openstack-dev] [murano] shellcheck all .sh scripts in murano-deployment
Kirill Zaitsev
- [openstack-dev] [murano] backporting changes to stable/juno and stable/kilo
Kirill Zaitsev
- [openstack-dev] [murano] shellcheck all .sh scripts in murano-deployment
Kirill Zaitsev
- [openstack-dev] [murano] shellcheck all .sh scripts in murano-deployment
Kirill Zaitsev
- [openstack-dev] [murano] We're enabling trusts by default in murano liberty
Kirill Zaitsev
- [openstack-dev] CLI problem
Ali Reza Zamani
- [openstack-dev] CLI problem
Ali Reza Zamani
- [openstack-dev] [neutron][ML3] moduler L3 router plugin
Zang, Rui
- [openstack-dev] [infra] how to trigger a set of jenkins jobs
- [openstack-dev] [Ceilometer] Meter rename discussion
Zhai, Edwin
- [openstack-dev] Kilo v3 identity problems
Amy Zhang
- [openstack-dev] Which middleware does keystone use for authentication and authorization?
Amy Zhang
- [openstack-dev] Kilo v3 identity problems
Amy Zhang
- [openstack-dev] [Neutron] service chaining feature development meeting at 1800 UTC June 4th
Cathy Zhang
- [openstack-dev] [neutron] Service Chain project IRC meeting minutes - 06/04/2015
Cathy Zhang
- [openstack-dev] [neutron] Regarding Flow classifiers existing proposals
Cathy Zhang
- [openstack-dev] [neutron] Regarding Flow classifiers existing proposals
Cathy Zhang
- [openstack-dev] [neutron] Service Chain project IRC meeting minutes - 06/04/2015
Cathy Zhang
- [openstack-dev] [neutron] Service Chain project IRC meeting minutes - 06/04/2015
Cathy Zhang
- [openstack-dev] [Neutron] service chaining feature development meeting at 10am pacific time June 11
Cathy Zhang
- [openstack-dev] [Neutron] service chaining feature development meeting at 10am pacific time June 11
Cathy Zhang
- [openstack-dev] [Neutron] service chaining feature development meeting at 10am pacific time June 11
Cathy Zhang
- [openstack-dev] [neutron] Regarding Flow classifiers existing proposals
Cathy Zhang
- [openstack-dev] [neutron] Service Chain project IRC meeting minutes - 06/11/2015
Cathy Zhang
- [openstack-dev] Change in openstack/neutron-specs[master]: Neutron API for Service Chaining
Cathy Zhang
- [openstack-dev] Change in openstack/neutron-specs[master]: Neutron API for Service Chaining
Cathy Zhang
- [openstack-dev] [Neutron] service chaining feature development meeting at 10am pacific time June 18
Cathy Zhang
- [openstack-dev] [neutron] Service Chain project IRC meeting minutes - 06/18/2015
Cathy Zhang
- [openstack-dev] [neutron] Service Chain project IRC meeting minutes - 06/25/2015
Cathy Zhang
- [openstack-dev] For those interested in reading distributed systems papers
Accela Zhao
- [openstack-dev] Proposal of nova-hyper driver
Peng Zhao
- [openstack-dev] Proposal of nova-hyper driver
Peng Zhao
- [openstack-dev] Proposal of nova-hyper driver
Peng Zhao
- [openstack-dev] [cinder] Consider using Explicit type casts on filters
Huang Zhiteng
- [openstack-dev] [Congress] Mid-cycle sprint
Zhou, Zhenzan
- [openstack-dev] [Congress] Mid-cycle sprint
Zhou, Zhenzan
- [openstack-dev] [Mistral] Proposal for the Resume Feature
Dmitri Zimine
- [openstack-dev] [Mistral][Murano] What's the latest/greatest on YAQL?
Dmitri Zimine
- [openstack-dev] [Mistral][Murano] What's the latest/greatest on YAQL?
Dmitri Zimine
- [openstack-dev] [openstack-infra][Infra][Neutron] Nominating intel-networking-ci for voting rights
Znoinski, Waldemar
- [openstack-dev] [openstack-infra][Infra][Neutron] Nominating intel-networking-ci for voting rights
Znoinski, Waldemar
- [openstack-dev] [nova][all] Architecture Diagrams in ascii art?
Markus Zoeller
- [openstack-dev] [nova][drivers] hypervisor support matrix: feature "serial console"
Markus Zoeller
- [openstack-dev] [nova] why is evacuate marked as missing for libvirt?
Markus Zoeller
- [openstack-dev] Can not connect to host review.openstack.orgport 29418
- [openstack-dev] How does instance's tap device mac address generate?
- [openstack-dev] How does instance's tap device macaddress generate?
- [openstack-dev] [OpenStack-Infra] Need help! Zuul can notconnect to port 29418 of review.openstack.org
- [openstack-dev] [ceilometer] can we get ceilometermiddleware to use a config file instead of transport_url?
gord chung
- [openstack-dev] [QA][Tempest] Proposing Jordan Pittier for Tempest Core
gord chung
- [openstack-dev] [ceilometer] can we get ceilometermiddleware to use a config file instead of transport_url?
gord chung
- [openstack-dev] [ceilometer] polling agent configuration speculation
gordon chung
- [openstack-dev] [all][python3] use of six.iteritems()
gordon chung
- [openstack-dev] [all][python3] use of six.iteritems()
gordon chung
- [openstack-dev] [all][python3] use of six.iteritems()
gordon chung
- [openstack-dev] [all][python3] use of six.iteritems()
gordon chung
- [openstack-dev] [ceilometer] midcycle meetup poll
gordon chung
- [openstack-dev] [Ceilometer] Meter rename discussion
gordon chung
- [openstack-dev] stackforge projects are not second class citizens
gordon chung
- [openstack-dev] [nova][ceilometer] proposal to send bulk hypervisor stats data in periodic notifications
gordon chung
- [openstack-dev] [ceilometer] When do we import aodh?
gordon chung
- [openstack-dev] [Ceilometer][Gnocchi] question on integration with time-series databases
gordon chung
- [openstack-dev] [Openstack] [Ceilometer] Ceilometer Python API Documentation
gordon chung
- [openstack-dev] [ceilometer][all] the max length of an id
gordon chung
- [openstack-dev] [ceilometer][all] the max length of an id
gordon chung
- [openstack-dev] [ceilometer][all] the max length of an id
gordon chung
- [openstack-dev] [ceilometer] Aodh has been imported, next steps
gordon chung
- [openstack-dev] [release][oslo] debtcollector release 0.5.0
doug at doughellmann.com
- [openstack-dev] [release][oslo] oslo.concurrency release 1.10.0 (liberty)
doug at doughellmann.com
- [openstack-dev] [release][oslo] oslo.config release 1.12.0 (liberty)
doug at doughellmann.com
- [openstack-dev] [release][oslo] oslo.context release 0.4.0 (liberty)
doug at doughellmann.com
- [openstack-dev] [release][oslo] oslo.db release 1.10.0 (liberty)
doug at doughellmann.com
- [openstack-dev] [release][oslo] oslo.i18n release 1.7.0 (liberty)
doug at doughellmann.com
- [openstack-dev] [release][oslo] oslo.log release 1.3.0 (liberty)
doug at doughellmann.com
- [openstack-dev] [release][oslo] oslo.messaging release 1.12.0 (liberty)
doug at doughellmann.com
- [openstack-dev] [release][oslo] oslo.policy release 0.5.0 (liberty)
doug at doughellmann.com
- [openstack-dev] [release][oslo] oslo.rootwrap release 1.8.0 (liberty)
doug at doughellmann.com
- [openstack-dev] [release][oslo] oslo.serialization release 1.6.0 (liberty)
doug at doughellmann.com
- [openstack-dev] [release][oslo] oslo.utils release 1.6.0 (liberty)
doug at doughellmann.com
- [openstack-dev] [release][oslo] oslo.versionedobjects release 0.3.0 (liberty)
doug at doughellmann.com
- [openstack-dev] [release][keystone] pycadf release 1.0.0 (liberty)
doug at doughellmann.com
- [openstack-dev] [release][oslo] oslo.messaging release 1.13.0 (liberty)
doug at doughellmann.com
- [openstack-dev] [release][oslo] stevedore release 1.5.0 (liberty)
doug at doughellmann.com
- [openstack-dev] [release][oslo] oslo.concurrency release 2.0.0 (liberty)
doug at doughellmann.com
- [openstack-dev] [release][oslo] oslo.config release 1.12.1 (liberty)
doug at doughellmann.com
- [openstack-dev] [release][oslo] oslo.db release 1.11.0 (liberty)
doug at doughellmann.com
- [openstack-dev] [release][oslo] oslo.log release 1.4.0 (liberty)
doug at doughellmann.com
- [openstack-dev] [release][oslo] oslo.messaging release 1.14.0 (liberty)
doug at doughellmann.com
- [openstack-dev] [release][oslo] oslo.middleware release 2.0.0 (liberty)
doug at doughellmann.com
- [openstack-dev] [release][oslo] oslo.policy release 0.6.0 (liberty)
doug at doughellmann.com
- [openstack-dev] [release][oslo] oslo.rootwrap release 2.0.0 (liberty)
doug at doughellmann.com
- [openstack-dev] [release][oslo] oslo.versionedobjects release 0.4.0 (liberty)
doug at doughellmann.com
- [openstack-dev] [release][oslo] oslo.vmware release 0.14.0 (liberty)
doug at doughellmann.com
- [openstack-dev] [release][oslo] oslosphinx release 3.0.0 (liberty)
doug at doughellmann.com
- [openstack-dev] [release][oslo] oslotest release 1.7.0 (liberty)
doug at doughellmann.com
- [openstack-dev] [release][oslo][stable] oslo.messaging release 1.8.3 (kilo)
doug at doughellmann.com
- [openstack-dev] [release][openstackclient] cliff release 1.13.0 (liberty)
doug at doughellmann.com
- [openstack-dev] [release][oslo] oslo.middleware release 2.1.0 (liberty)
doug at doughellmann.com
- [openstack-dev] [release][openstackclient] python-openstackclient release 1.4.0 (liberty)
doug at doughellmann.com
- [openstack-dev] [Glance][Keystone] Glance and trusts
stuart.mclaren at hp.com
- [openstack-dev] [glance] V3 Authentication for swift store
stuart.mclaren at hp.com
- [openstack-dev] [Sahara] [EDP] about get_job_status in oozie engine
lu jander
- [openstack-dev] [Sahara] [EDP] about get_job_status in oozie engine
lu jander
- [openstack-dev] [opnfv-tech-discuss] [Tricircle] Polling for weekly team meeting
- [openstack-dev] [opnfv-tech-discuss] [Tricircle] Polling for weekly team meeting
- [openstack-dev] [swift] Swift as Glance backend in multi-region scenario
- [openstack-dev] [Tricircle]New branch added
- [openstack-dev] [Tricircle] Ubernetes and Tricirle
- [openstack-dev] [nova][security] Enable user password complexity verification
- [openstack-dev] [cinder] Does zonemanager support virtual fabric?
- [openstack-dev] Need help! Zuul can not connect to port 29418 of review.openstack.org
- [openstack-dev] [cinder] Will CI failures recently cause the corresponding driver removed from the L?
- [openstack-dev] [OpenStack-Infra] Need help! Zuul can not connect to port 29418 of review.openstack.org
- [openstack-dev] [cinder] Huawei CI's problem have been solved, and is reporting normally now
- [openstack-dev] [all][api] API working group proposed guideline merge process
michael mccune
- [openstack-dev] [all][api] 3 new guidelines entering freeze period
michael mccune
- [openstack-dev] [sahara] Migrating to use Keystone Session objects
michael mccune
- [openstack-dev] [all][api] 1 new guideline entering freeze period
michael mccune
- [openstack-dev] [Security] Nominating Travis McPeak for Security CoreSec
michael mccune
- [openstack-dev] [Sahara] Why Sahara request user to give username/password for accessing the job binary in Swift ?
michael mccune
- [openstack-dev] [Sahara] Why Sahara request user to give username/password for accessing the job binary in Swift ?
michael mccune
- [openstack-dev] [all][api] New API Guidelines ready for cross project review
michael mccune
- [openstack-dev] [nova] Stuck on VIF plugin script?
Neil.Jerram at metaswitch.com
- [openstack-dev] [Nova] The unbearable lightness of specs
Neil.Jerram at metaswitch.com
- [openstack-dev] [devstack] apache wsgi application support
- [openstack-dev] Out Of Office
wo at mpstor.com
- [openstack-dev] Out Of Office
wo at mpstor.com
- [openstack-dev] Out Of Office
wo at mpstor.com
- [openstack-dev] Out Of Office
wo at mpstor.com
- [openstack-dev] Out Of Office
wo at mpstor.com
- [openstack-dev] Out Of Office
wo at mpstor.com
- [openstack-dev] Out Of Office
wo at mpstor.com
- [openstack-dev] Out Of Office
wo at mpstor.com
- [openstack-dev] Out Of Office
wo at mpstor.com
- [openstack-dev] Out Of Office
wo at mpstor.com
- [openstack-dev] Out Of Office
wo at mpstor.com
- [openstack-dev] Out Of Office
wo at mpstor.com
- [openstack-dev] Out Of Office
wo at mpstor.com
- [openstack-dev] Out Of Office
wo at mpstor.com
- [openstack-dev] [magnum][horizon] Making a dashboard for Magnum - need a vote from the core team
- [openstack-dev] [Ironic][Horizon][Tuskar-ui] Making a dashboard for Ironic
- [openstack-dev] [Ironic][Horizon][Tuskar-ui] Making a dashboard for Ironic
- [openstack-dev] [magnum][horizon] Making a dashboard for Magnum - need a vote from the core team
- [openstack-dev] [cinder][oslo] Locks for create from volume/snapshot
- [openstack-dev] [Neutron][bgpvpn] IRC meetings on BGP VPN interconnection API
thomas.morin at orange.com
- [openstack-dev] [Neutron][bgpvpn] IRC meetings on BGP VPN interconnection API
thomas.morin at orange.com
- [openstack-dev] [oslo.messaging][zeromq] Next step
- [openstack-dev] [oslo.messaging][zeromq] Next step
- [openstack-dev] [all] FYI - dropping non RabbitMQ support in devstack
- [openstack-dev] [all] FYI - dropping non RabbitMQ support in devstack
- [openstack-dev] Jenkins check failed on gate-glance_store-python34
- [openstack-dev] [oslo.messaging][zeromq] Next step
- [openstack-dev] [akanda] meeting time change
sean roberts
- [openstack-dev] [akanda] work breakdown for milestone 1
sean roberts
- [openstack-dev] [akanda] prep for m2
sean roberts
- [openstack-dev] [keystone]Why not common definition about normal HTTP status code like 2xx and 3xx?
- [openstack-dev] [keystone]Why not common definition about normal HTTP status code like 2xx and 3xx?
- [openstack-dev] [neutron][lbaas]Error at listener's barbican container validation
santosh sharma
- [openstack-dev] [Ironic] [Nova] How to pass additional information from Flavor to an Ironic driver
- [openstack-dev] [Cinder] [Taskflow]Review help to cinder bp:Implement function to manage/unmanage snapshots
hao wang
- [openstack-dev] [nova] Low Hanging Fruit etherpad
melanie witt
- [openstack-dev] [cinder] Does zonemanager support virtual fabric?
yang, xing
- [openstack-dev] [Manila] Ask for help on supportting the 3-rd party CI for HDFS driver
yang, xing
- [openstack-dev] [Manila] Ask for help on supportting the 3-rd party CI for HDFS driver
yang, xing
- [openstack-dev] [nova] RequestSpec object and Instance model
Nikola Đipanov
- [openstack-dev] [nova][scheduler] Updating Our Concept of Resources
Nikola Đipanov
- [openstack-dev] [all][infra][tc][ptl] Scaling up code review process (subdir cores)
Nikola Đipanov
- [openstack-dev] [all][infra][tc][ptl] Scaling up code review process (subdir cores)
Nikola Đipanov
- [openstack-dev] [rally][scaling up development] Rally core team re-organization
Nikola Đipanov
- [openstack-dev] [nova] Availability of device names for operations with volumes and BDM and other features.
Nikola Đipanov
- [openstack-dev] [Nova] The unbearable lightness of specs
Nikola Đipanov
- [openstack-dev] [Nova] The unbearable lightness of specs
Nikola Đipanov
- [openstack-dev] [Nova] The unbearable lightness of specs
Nikola Đipanov
- [openstack-dev] [Nova] The unbearable lightness of specs
Nikola Đipanov
- [openstack-dev] [Nova] The unbearable lightness of specs
Nikola Đipanov
- [openstack-dev] [Nova] The unbearable lightness of specs
Nikola Đipanov
- [openstack-dev] [Nova][Keystone] The unbearable lightness of specs
Nikola Đipanov
- [openstack-dev] [Nova] The unbearable lightness of specs
Nikola Đipanov
- [openstack-dev] [Nova] The unbearable lightness of specs
Nikola Đipanov
- [openstack-dev] [Nova] The unbearable lightness of specs
Nikola Đipanov
- [openstack-dev] [Nova] The unbearable lightness of specs
Nikola Đipanov
- [openstack-dev] [Nova] The unbearable lightness of specs
Nikola Đipanov
- [openstack-dev] [nova] schedule instance based on CPU frequency ?
Nikola Đipanov
- [openstack-dev] [Fuel] Ceph Public Network Setting
Zhou Zheng Sheng / 周征晟
- [openstack-dev] [Fuel] Ceph Public Network Setting
Zhou Zheng Sheng / 周征晟
- [openstack-dev] [Fuel] Ceph Public Network Setting
Zhou Zheng Sheng / 周征晟
- [openstack-dev] [Fuel] Ceph Public Network Setting
Zhou Zheng Sheng / 周征晟
- [openstack-dev] [Fuel] Ceph Public Network Setting
Zhou Zheng Sheng / 周征晟
- [openstack-dev] [Magnum] TLS Support in Magnum
- [openstack-dev] [Magnum] Add periodic task threading for conductor server
- [openstack-dev] Jenkins check failed on gate-glance_store-python34
- [openstack-dev] novnc console connection timetout
- [openstack-dev] novnc console connection timetout
- [openstack-dev] [opensatck-dev][trove]redis replication
- [openstack-dev] [opensatck-dev][trove]redis replication
- [openstack-dev] neutron
- [openstack-dev] Can not connect to host review.openstack.org port 29418
- [openstack-dev] [nova][security] Enable user password complexity verification
- [openstack-dev] [nova][security] Enable user password complexity verification
- [openstack-dev] [nova] Adding success message to succeed actions
- [openstack-dev] [nova] Adding success message to succeed actions
- [openstack-dev] [trove]Put all alternative configurations in default trove.conf
- [openstack-dev] [trove]Put all alternative configurationsin default trove.conf
- [openstack-dev] [trove]Put all alternativeconfigurationsin default trove.conf
- [openstack-dev] [trove]Any process of redis configuration group
- [openstack-dev] [trove]Any process of redis configuration group
- [openstack-dev] [magnum][horizon] Making a dashboard for Magnum- need a vote from the core team
Last message date:
Tue Jun 30 23:47:24 UTC 2015
Archived on: Tue Jun 30 23:47:29 UTC 2015
This archive was generated by Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).