[openstack-dev] [javascript] Linters

Tripp, Travis S travis.tripp at hp.com
Tue Jun 9 04:50:27 UTC 2015

We¹ve adopted the John Papa style guide for Angular in horizon [0]. On
cursory inspection ES lint seems to have an angular specific plugin [1]
that could be very useful to us, but we¹d need to evaluate it in depth. It
looks like there was some discussion on the style guide on this not too
long ago [2]. The jscs rules we have [3] are very generic code formatting
type rules that are helpful, but don't really provide any angular specific
help. Here are the jshint rules [4]. It would be quite nice to put all
this goodness across tools into a single tool configuration if possible.

[1] https://www.npmjs.com/package/eslint-plugin-angular
[2] https://github.com/johnpapa/angular-styleguide/issues/194
[3] https://github.com/openstack/horizon/blob/master/.jscsrc
[4] https://github.com/openstack/horizon/blob/master/.jshintrc

On 6/8/15, 9:59 PM, "gustavo panizzo (gfa)" <gfa at zumbi.com.ar> wrote:

>On 2015-06-06 03:26, Michael Krotscheck wrote:
>> Right now, there are several JS linters in use in OpenStack: JSHint,
>> JSCS, and Eslint. I really would like to only use one of them, so that I
>> can figure out how to sanely share the configuration between projects.
>> Can all those who have a strong opinion please stand up and state their
>> opinions?
>what about https://bitbucket.org/dcs/jsmin/ it's license is free
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