I would like to ask community for the help to implement support for TOSCA in Murano: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/murano/+spec/support-tosca-format I was driving this feature and during OpenStack Summit in Paris we spent good amount of time discussing how we can implement support for TOSCA with folks from IBM working on TOSCA specification and came-up with following etherpad: https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/tosca-in-murano But unfortunately I was not able to spend enough time on this blueprint to move it forward to the actual implementation. If you are interested in having support for TOSCA in Murano and ready to work on the implementation of this feature, I would be happy to help you to drive this further. -- Serg Melikyan, Senior Software Engineer at Mirantis, Inc. http://mirantis.com | smelikyan at mirantis.com