[openstack-dev] Barbican : Retrieval of the secret in text/plain format generated from Barbican order resource

Asha Seshagiri asha.seshagiri at gmail.com
Wed Jun 3 20:51:18 UTC 2015

Hi All,

Unable to retrieve the secret in text/plain format  generated from Barbican
order resource

Please find the curl command and responses for

*Order creation with payload content type as text/plain* :

[root at barbican-automation ~]# curl -X POST -H
'content-type:application/json' -H
"X-Auth-Token:9b211b06669249bb89665df068828ee8" \
> -d '{"type" : "key", "meta": {"name": "secretname2","algorithm": "aes",
"bit_length":256,  "mode": "cbc", "payload_content_type": *"text/plain"*}}'


*Retrieval of the order by ORDER ID in order to get to know the secret
generated by Barbican*

[root at barbican-automation ~]# curl -H 'Accept: application/json' -H
"X-Auth-Token:9b211b06669249bb89665df068828ee8" \
> -k  *
{"status": "ACTIVE", "sub_status": "Unknown", "updated":
"2015-06-03T19:08:13", "created": "2015-06-03T19:08:12", "order_ref": "",
"secret_ref": "*
"creator_id": "cedd848a8a9e410196793c601c03b99a", "meta": {"name":
"secretname2", "algorithm": "aes", "payload_content_type": "text/plain",
"mode": "cbc", "bit_length": 256, "expiration": null},
"sub_status_message": "Unknown", "type": "key"}[root at barbican-automation ~]#

*Retrieval of the secret failing with the content type text/plain*

[root at barbican-automation ~]# curl -H 'Accept:text/plain' -H
"X-Auth-Token:9b211b06669249bb89665df068828ee8" -k
*{"code": 500, "description": "Secret payload retrieval failure seen -
please contact site administrator.", "title": "Internal Server Error"}*

I would like to know wheather this is a bug from Barbican side  since
Barbican allows creation of the order resource with text/plain as the
payload_content type but the retrieval of the secret payload with the
content type text/plain is not allowed.

Any help would highly be appreciated.
*Thanks and Regards,*
*Asha Seshagiri*
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