[openstack-dev] [Glance] [all] Proposal for Weekly Glance Drivers meeting.
Nikhil Komawar
nik.komawar at gmail.com
Tue Jun 16 17:23:24 UTC 2015
FYI, We will be closing the vote on Friday, June 19 at 1700 UTC.
On 6/15/15 7:41 PM, Nikhil Komawar wrote:
> Hi,
> As per the discussion during the last weekly Glance meeting (14:51:42at
> http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/glance/2015/glance.2015-06-11-14.00.log.html
> ), we will begin a short drivers' meeting where anyone can come and get
> more feedback.
> The purpose is to enable those who need multiple drivers in the same
> place; easily co-ordinate, schedule & collaborate on the specs, get
> core-reviewers assigned to their specs etc. This will also enable more
> synchronous style feedback, help with more collaboration as well as with
> dedicated time for giving quality input on the specs. All are welcome to
> attend and attendance from drivers is not mandatory but encouraged.
> Initially it would be a 30 min meeting and if need persists we will
> extend the period.
> Please vote on the proposed time and date:
> https://review.openstack.org/#/c/192008/ (Note: Run the tests for your
> vote to ensure we are considering feasible & non-conflicting times.) We
> will start the meeting next week unless there are strong conflicts.
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