[openstack-dev] [ceilometer] Aodh has been imported, next steps

gordon chung gord at live.ca
Mon Jun 29 18:47:35 UTC 2015

On 29/06/2015 11:40 AM, Chris Dent wrote:
> On Mon, 29 Jun 2015, Julien Danjou wrote:
>> Hi team,
>> Aodh has been imported and is now available at:
>>  https://git.openstack.org/cgit/openstack/aodh/
> woot!
>> I'm pretty clear about the next steps for Aodh and what we need to
>> build, but something is still not clear to me. Do we go ahead and bite
>> the bullet and remove ceilometer-alarming from ceilometer in Liberty?

i think we should follow up with the packagers. if i understand 
correctly, the location of the code is not known from a user pov, it's 
the packagers that build the appropriate packages for them to use.

if from packagers pov, they just need to work against Aodh, then i would 
lean more to removing alarming from Ceilometer repo asap to avoid 
maintaining duplicate code bases and the eventual diversion of the two.

> This is the big question and is one of the things listed on the
> potential agenda for the mid-cylce. When we do the splits do we
> deprecate or delete the old code. Given the high chance of us
> missing some of potential issues it seems like hasing it some before
> the mid-cylce is a good idea.
> The two big overarching issues (that inform a lot of the details)
> that I'm aware of are:
> * If we delete then we need to make sure we're working hand in hand
>   with all of: downstream packagers, tempest, grenade, devstack,
>   etc.
> * If we deprecate will people bother to use the new stuff?

i would think/hope the experience from end user doesn't actually change. 
ie. all the same packaged services remain.

> I'm sure there are plenty of others.


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