[openstack-dev] [Horizon] [tests] [dsvm] Tests failed because of timeout during the images upload

Timur Sufiev tsufiev at mirantis.com
Tue Jun 16 12:28:11 UTC 2015


If old jQuery code (not AngularJS) is still used for processing 'Create
Image' form, then the spinner is shown just before submitting the form
contents [1] and hidden right after the request completes [2] in case the
form is being redrawn or the whole page is redrawn in case of redirect -
which in case of Image means that it was successfully created. Speaking of
your scenario it should be redirect. It could mean that either the request
to server takes too long, or the redirect doesn't redraw the page.


On Tue, Jun 16, 2015 at 12:31 PM Matthias Runge <mrunge at redhat.com> wrote:

> On 16/06/15 11:20, Timur Nurlygayanov wrote:
> > In this method integration tests try to upload image by the following
> > link [4]:
> > http://download.cirros-cloud.net/0.3.1/cirros-0.3.1-x86_64-uec.tar.gz
> >
> Imho it would be better to host this somewhere internal in infra rather
> than getting it from the net.
> Wouldn't that be an option for improvement? It would even make tests
> more reliable.
> Matthias
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