September 2015 Archives by author
Starting: Tue Sep 1 00:06:56 UTC 2015
Ending: Wed Sep 30 23:58:51 UTC 2015
Messages: 2569
- [openstack-dev] [oslo][versionedobjects][ceilometer] explain the benefits of ceilometer+versionedobjects
Alec Hothan (ahothan)
- [openstack-dev] [app-catalog] PTL Candidacy
Alec Hothan (ahothan)
- [openstack-dev] [neutron] port delete allowed on VM
Ajay Kalambur (akalambu)
- [openstack-dev] [nova] pci-passtrough and neutron multi segment networks
Robert Li (baoli)
- [openstack-dev] [keystone] is all CLI commands supported in V3?
Carol Bouchard (caboucha)
- [openstack-dev] [neutron] Neutron debugging tool
Carol Bouchard (caboucha)
- [openstack-dev] [magnum] Discovery
Daneyon Hansen (danehans)
- [openstack-dev] [magnum] Discovery
Daneyon Hansen (danehans)
- [openstack-dev] [magnum] Discovery
Daneyon Hansen (danehans)
- [openstack-dev] [magnum]swarm + compose = k8s?
Daneyon Hansen (danehans)
- [openstack-dev] [keystone] is all CLI commands supported in V3?
Danny Choi (dannchoi)
- [openstack-dev] New PyCharm License
Deepika Gupta (deepika)
- [openstack-dev] New PyCharm License
Deepika Gupta (deepika)
- [openstack-dev] [Barbican] Providing service user read access to all tenant's certificates
Dave McCowan (dmccowan)
- [openstack-dev] [Barbican] Providing service user read access to all tenant's certificates
Dave McCowan (dmccowan)
- [openstack-dev] [Congress] Congress and Monasca Joint Session at Tokyo Design Summit
Fabio Giannetti (fgiannet)
- [openstack-dev] [neutron] Neutron debugging tool
Ganesh Narayanan (ganeshna)
- [openstack-dev] [horizon] URL Sanity
Rob Cresswell (rcresswe)
- [openstack-dev] [horizon] URL Sanity
Rob Cresswell (rcresswe)
- [openstack-dev] [Horizon] Horizon Productivity Suggestion
Rob Cresswell (rcresswe)
- [openstack-dev] [Horizon] Horizon Productivity Suggestion
Rob Cresswell (rcresswe)
- [openstack-dev] [tripleo] Plugin integration and environment file naming
Rob Pothier (rpothier)
- [openstack-dev] [Ironic] Suggestion to split install guide
Sam Betts (sambetts)
- [openstack-dev] [kolla][announce] Announcing release of Liberty-3 Milestone!
Steven Dake (stdake)
- [openstack-dev] [kolla][doc] Kolla documentation now live on!
Steven Dake (stdake)
- [openstack-dev] [kolla][ptl] Kolla PTL Candidacy
Steven Dake (stdake)
- [openstack-dev] [kolla] Followup to review in gerrit relating to RHOS + RDO types
Steven Dake (stdake)
- [openstack-dev] [kolla] Followup to review in gerrit relating to RHOS + RDO types
Steven Dake (stdake)
- [openstack-dev] [kolla] Followup to review in gerrit relating to RHOS + RDO types
Steven Dake (stdake)
- [openstack-dev] [kolla] Followup to review in gerrit relating to RHOS + RDO types
Steven Dake (stdake)
- [openstack-dev] [kolla] Followup to review in gerrit relating to RHOS + RDO types
Steven Dake (stdake)
- [openstack-dev] [magnum] Handling password for k8s
Steven Dake (stdake)
- [openstack-dev] [kolla] proposing Michal Jastrzebski (inc0) for core reviewer
Steven Dake (stdake)
- [openstack-dev] [Election] [TC} TC Candidacy
Steven Dake (stdake)
- [openstack-dev] [kolla] new yaml format for all.yml, need feedback
Steven Dake (stdake)
- [openstack-dev] [kolla] proposing Michal Jastrzebski (inc0) for core reviewer
Steven Dake (stdake)
- [openstack-dev] [magnum]swarm + compose = k8s?
Steven Dake (stdake)
- [openstack-dev] [puppet] should puppet-neutron manage third party software?
Steven Hillman (sthillma)
- [openstack-dev] 回复: [Ceilometer][Gnocchi] Gnocchi cannot deal with combined resource-id ?
Mehdi Abaakouk
- [openstack-dev] [Fuel] Nominate Evgeniy Konstantinov for fuel-docs core
Alexander Adamov
- [openstack-dev] [Fuel] Nominate Olga Gusarenko for fuel-docs core
Alexander Adamov
- [openstack-dev] [app-catalog] IRC Meeting Thursday September 3rd at 17:00UTC
Christopher Aedo
- [openstack-dev] [app-catalog] App Catalog IRC meeting minutes - 9/3/2015
Christopher Aedo
- [openstack-dev] [app-catalog] PTL Candidacy
Christopher Aedo
- [openstack-dev] [all] [ptl] Troubleshooting cross-project communications
Christopher Aedo
- [openstack-dev] [app-catalog] App Catalog IRC meeting minutes - 9/17/2015
Christopher Aedo
- [openstack-dev] [murano] [app-catalog] versions for murano assets in the catalog
Christopher Aedo
- [openstack-dev] [app-catalog] App Catalog core cleanup
Christopher Aedo
- [openstack-dev] [murano] [app-catalog] versions for murano assets in the catalog
Christopher Aedo
- [openstack-dev] [devstack] Is there a way to configure devstack for one flat external network using Kilo, Neutron?
Christopher Aedo
- [openstack-dev] [neutron][db] reviewers: please mind the branch a script belongs to
Miguel Angel Ajo
- [openstack-dev] [neutron][nova] QoS Neutron-Nova integration
Miguel Angel Ajo
- [openstack-dev] [all] gerri performance
Miguel Angel Ajo
- [openstack-dev] [neutron] How could an L2 agent extension access agent methods ?
Miguel Angel Ajo
- [openstack-dev] [all] -1 due to line length violation in commit messages
Miguel Angel Ajo
- [openstack-dev] [neutron] How could an L2 agent extension access agent methods ?
Miguel Angel Ajo
- [openstack-dev] [mistral] Displaying wf hierarchy in CLI
Renat Akhmerov
- [openstack-dev] [mistral] Displaying wf hierarchy in CLI
Renat Akhmerov
- [openstack-dev] [mistral] Displaying wf hierarchy in CLI
Renat Akhmerov
- [openstack-dev] [mistral][yaql] Addressing task result using YAQL function
Renat Akhmerov
- [openstack-dev] [mistral][yaql] Addressing task result using YAQL function
Renat Akhmerov
- [openstack-dev] [mistral] Team meeting - 09/07/2015
Renat Akhmerov
- [openstack-dev] [mistral][yaql] Addressing task result using YAQL function
Renat Akhmerov
- [openstack-dev] [mistral] Mistral Liberty-3 milestone has been released
Renat Akhmerov
- [openstack-dev] [mistral] Team meeting - 09/14/2015
Renat Akhmerov
- [openstack-dev] [mistral] Team meeting minutes/log
Renat Akhmerov
- [openstack-dev] [all][ptl][release] final liberty cycle client library releases needed
Renat Akhmerov
- [openstack-dev] [Mistral] Mistral PTL Candidacy
Renat Akhmerov
- [openstack-dev] [mistral][requirements] lockfile not in global requirements
Renat Akhmerov
- [openstack-dev] [mistral] Define better terms for WAITING and DELAYED states
Renat Akhmerov
- [openstack-dev] [all][ptl][release] final liberty cycle client library releases needed
Renat Akhmerov
- [openstack-dev] [mistral] Define better terms for WAITING and DELAYED states
Renat Akhmerov
- [openstack-dev] [all][ptl][release] final liberty cycle client library releases needed
Renat Akhmerov
- [openstack-dev] [mistral] Cancelling team meeting - 09/21/2015
Renat Akhmerov
- [openstack-dev] [mistral] Etherpad for Tokyo design summit topics
Renat Akhmerov
- [openstack-dev] [mistral] Mistral Liberty RC1 available
Renat Akhmerov
- [openstack-dev] [rating] CloudKitty's future and Big tent application
Stephane Albert
- [openstack-dev] Hardware requirements for OpenStack
Haider Ali
- [openstack-dev] [magnum] keystone pluggable model
Murali Allada
- [openstack-dev] [kolla] Followup to review in gerrit relating to RHOS + RDO types
Martin André
- [openstack-dev] [kolla] proposing Michal Jastrzebski (inc0) for core reviewer
Martin André
- [openstack-dev] GSLB
- [openstack-dev] GSLB
- [openstack-dev] [neutron] [floatingip] Selecting router for floatingip when subnet is connected to multiple routers
Venkata Anil
- [openstack-dev] [third-party][CI] Third-party oses in devstack-gate
Evgeny Antyshev
- [openstack-dev] [infra][third-party][CI] Third-party oses in devstack-gate
Evgeny Antyshev
- [openstack-dev] [CI] [zuul] Can not vote +/-1 verified into gerrit server
Evgeny Antyshev
- [openstack-dev] openstack-dahboard directory is not created
OpenStack Mailing List Archive
- [openstack-dev] openstack-dahboard directory is not created
OpenStack Mailing List Archive
- [openstack-dev] New PyCharm License
OpenStack Mailing List Archive
- [openstack-dev] [Sahara] Data locality when reading from Swift in MapReduce
OpenStack Mailing List Archive
- [openstack-dev] [openstack-operators][chef] Pre-release of new kitchen-openstack driver, Windows and 1.4 test-kitchen support
JJ Asghar
- [openstack-dev] [cinder] Using storage drivers outside of openstack/cinder
Tony Asleson
- [openstack-dev] [CI] [zuul] Can not vote +/-1 verified into gerrit server
Asselin, Ramy
- [openstack-dev] [CI] [zuul] Can not vote +/-1 verified into gerrit server
Asselin, Ramy
- [openstack-dev] [CI] [zuul] Can not vote +/-1 verified into gerrit server
Asselin, Ramy
- [openstack-dev] [third-party] Nodepool: OpenStackCloudException: Image creation failed: 403 Forbidden: Attribute 'is_public' is reserved. (HTTP 403)
Asselin, Ramy
- [openstack-dev] [third-party] Reminder of 3rd party ci working group meeting Tuesday at 1700 UTC in #openstack-meeting
Asselin, Ramy
- [openstack-dev] [puppet][keystone] Choose domain names with 'composite namevar' or 'meaningless name'?
Sofer Athlan-Guyot
- [openstack-dev] [puppet][keystone] Choose domain names with 'composite namevar' or 'meaningless name'?
Sofer Athlan-Guyot
- [openstack-dev] [puppet][keystone] Choose domain names with 'composite namevar' or 'meaningless name'?
Sofer Athlan-Guyot
- [openstack-dev] [puppet][keystone] Choose domain names with 'composite namevar' or 'meaningless name'?
Sofer Athlan-Guyot
- [openstack-dev] [puppet][keystone] Choose domain names with 'composite namevar' or 'meaningless name'?
Sofer Athlan-Guyot
- [openstack-dev] [puppet][keystone] Choose domain names with 'composite namevar' or 'meaningless name'?
Sofer Athlan-Guyot
- [openstack-dev] [puppet] use zuul-cloner when running rspec
Sofer Athlan-Guyot
- [openstack-dev] [puppet][keystone] Choose domain names with 'composite namevar' or 'meaningless name'?
Sofer Athlan-Guyot
- [openstack-dev] [heat] Backup resources and properties in the delete-path
Steve Baker
- [openstack-dev] [Heat] Scattered thoughts on the PTL election
Steve Baker
- [openstack-dev] [Tripleo][Heat][Nova][Ironic] Rich-network stuff and ironic hypervisor
Steve Baker
- [openstack-dev] [Heat] Integration Test Questions
Steve Baker
- [openstack-dev] [heat] Traditional question about Heat IRC meeting time.
Steve Baker
- [openstack-dev] [neutron][db] reviewers: please mind the branch a script belongs to
Carl Baldwin
- [openstack-dev] [nova] [neutron] [rally] Neutron or nova degradation?
Carl Baldwin
- [openstack-dev] [Neutron] Port forwarding
Carl Baldwin
- [openstack-dev] [neutron][L3][QA] DVR job failure rate and maintainability
Carl Baldwin
- [openstack-dev] [nova][neutron][devstack] New proposed 'default' network model
Carl Baldwin
- [openstack-dev] [neutron] What semantics are expected when booting a VM on an external network?
Carl Baldwin
- [openstack-dev] [neutron] What semantics are expected when booting a VM on an external network?
Carl Baldwin
- [openstack-dev] [Neutron] Separate floating IP pools?
Carl Baldwin
- [openstack-dev] [neutron][L3][QA] DVR job failure rate and maintainability
Carl Baldwin
- [openstack-dev] [networking-ovn] Neutron-DVR feature on OVN/L3
Carl Baldwin
- [openstack-dev] [neutron] [floatingip] Selecting router for floatingip when subnet is connected to multiple routers
Carl Baldwin
- [openstack-dev] [Neutron] Port Forwarding API
Carl Baldwin
- [openstack-dev] [networking-ovn] Neutron-DVR feature on OVN/L3
Carl Baldwin
- [openstack-dev] custom lbaas driver
Stephen Balukoff
- [openstack-dev] [neutron][lbaas] - Heat support for LbaasV2
Stephen Balukoff
- [openstack-dev] [Ironic] New dhcp provider using isc-dhcp-server
Ionut Balutoiu
- [openstack-dev] [nova][neutron][devstack] New proposed 'default' network model
Mohammad Banikazemi
- [openstack-dev] [nova][neutron][devstack] New proposed 'default' network model
Mohammad Banikazemi
- [openstack-dev] [nova][neutron][devstack] New proposed 'default' network model
Mohammad Banikazemi
- [openstack-dev] [election] TC] TC Candidacy
Barrett, Carol L
- [openstack-dev] [election][TC] TC Candidacy
Barrett, Carol L
- [openstack-dev] [cinder] L3 low pri review queue starvation
Tom Barron
- [openstack-dev] [cinder] L3 low pri review queue starvation
Tom Barron
- [openstack-dev] [cinder] PTL Non-Candidacy
Tom Barron
- [openstack-dev] [Fuel][Plugins] add health check for plugins
Samuel Bartel
- [openstack-dev] [Fuel][Plugins] add health check for plugins
Samuel Bartel
- [openstack-dev] [Blazar] Anyone interested?
Sylvain Bauza
- [openstack-dev] [Blazar] Anyone interested?
Sylvain Bauza
- [openstack-dev] [Blazar] Anyone interested?
Sylvain Bauza
- [openstack-dev] [Blazar] Anyone interested?
Sylvain Bauza
- [openstack-dev] Scheduler hints, API and Objects
Sylvain Bauza
- [openstack-dev] Scheduler hints, API and Objects
Sylvain Bauza
- [openstack-dev] [all][elections] PTL nomination period is now over
Sylvain Bauza
- [openstack-dev] [all][elections] PTL nomination period is now over
Sylvain Bauza
- [openstack-dev] [nova] About availability zones
Sylvain Bauza
- [openstack-dev] [nova] About availability zones
Sylvain Bauza
- [openstack-dev] [nova] How to properly detect and fence a compromised host (and why I dislike TrustedFilter)
Sylvain Bauza
- [openstack-dev] [nova][cinder] how to handle AZ bug 1496235?
Sylvain Bauza
- [openstack-dev] [nova][cinder] how to handle AZ bug 1496235?
Sylvain Bauza
- [openstack-dev] [nova][cinder] how to handle AZ bug 1496235?
Sylvain Bauza
- [openstack-dev] [nova][cinder] how to handle AZ bug 1496235?
Sylvain Bauza
- [openstack-dev] [nova][cinder] how to handle AZ bug 1496235?
Sylvain Bauza
- [openstack-dev] Compute API (Was Re: [nova][cinder] how to handle AZ bug 1496235?)
Sylvain Bauza
- [openstack-dev] Compute API (Was Re: [nova][cinder] how to handle AZ bug 1496235?)
Sylvain Bauza
- [openstack-dev] Compute API (Was Re: [nova][cinder] how to handle AZ bug 1496235?)
Sylvain Bauza
- [openstack-dev] Compute API (Was Re: [nova][cinder] how to handle AZ bug 1496235?)
Sylvain Bauza
- [openstack-dev] Compute API (Was Re: [nova][cinder] how to handle AZ bug 1496235?)
Sylvain Bauza
- [openstack-dev] [oslo.db][sqlalchemy] rollback after commit
Mike Bayer
- [openstack-dev] [neutron] PTL Non-Candidacy
John Belamaric
- [openstack-dev] [neutron] pypi packages for networking sub-projects
John Belamaric
- [openstack-dev] [Ansible][Infra] Moving ansible roles into big tent?
Paul Belanger
- [openstack-dev] [Ansible][Infra] Moving ansible roles into big tent?
Paul Belanger
- [openstack-dev] [Ansible][Infra] Moving ansible roles into big tent?
Paul Belanger
- [openstack-dev] [infra] PTL non-candidacy
Paul Belanger
- [openstack-dev] [magnum] Difference between certs stored in keystone and certs stored in barbican
Tim Bell
- [openstack-dev] [Ironic] Command structure for OSC plugin
Tim Bell
- [openstack-dev] [Ironic] Command structure for OSC plugin
Tim Bell
- [openstack-dev] [nova][cinder] how to handle AZ bug 1496235?
Tim Bell
- [openstack-dev] [Large Deployments Team][Performance Team] New informal working group suggestion
Dina Belova
- [openstack-dev] [Openstack-operators] [Large Deployments Team][Performance Team] New informal working group suggestion
Dina Belova
- [openstack-dev] [Large Deployments Team][Performance Team] New informal working group suggestion
Dina Belova
- [openstack-dev] [Neutron] Un-addressed Port spec and implementation
Kevin Benton
- [openstack-dev] [Neutron] cloud-init IPv6 support
Kevin Benton
- [openstack-dev] [Neutron] cloud-init IPv6 support
Kevin Benton
- [openstack-dev] [Openstack-operators] [Neutron] Allowing DNS suffix to be set per subnet (at least per tenant)
Kevin Benton
- [openstack-dev] cloud-init IPv6 support
Kevin Benton
- [openstack-dev] [Neutron] cloud-init IPv6 support
Kevin Benton
- [openstack-dev] OpenStack support for Amazon Concepts - was Re: cloud-init IPv6 support
Kevin Benton
- [openstack-dev] OpenStack support for Amazon Concepts - was Re: cloud-init IPv6 support
Kevin Benton
- [openstack-dev] [neutron] port delete allowed on VM
Kevin Benton
- [openstack-dev] [neutron][nova] - removing "INVALID drop" iptables rule
Kevin Benton
- [openstack-dev] [neutron][tempest] iptables-based security groups / accepting ingress ICMP
Kevin Benton
- [openstack-dev] [neutron] PTL Non-Candidacy
Kevin Benton
- [openstack-dev] [ironic] [tripleo] [kolla] Possible to support multiple compute drivers?
Kevin Benton
- [openstack-dev] [neutron] What semantics are expected when booting a VM on an external network?
Kevin Benton
- [openstack-dev] [neutron] What semantics are expected when booting a VM on an external network?
Kevin Benton
- [openstack-dev] [all][elections] PTL nomination period is now over
Kevin Benton
- [openstack-dev] [all][elections] PTL nomination period is now over
Kevin Benton
- [openstack-dev] [all][elections] PTL nomination period is now over
Kevin Benton
- [openstack-dev] [neutron] What semantics are expected when booting a VM on an external network?
Kevin Benton
- [openstack-dev] [all][elections] PTL nomination period is now over
Kevin Benton
- [openstack-dev] [neutron] What semantics are expected when booting a VM on an external network?
Kevin Benton
- [openstack-dev] [neutron] What semantics are expected when booting a VM on an external network?
Kevin Benton
- [openstack-dev] [neutron] Stumped...need help with neutronclient job failure
Kevin Benton
- [openstack-dev] Nova request to Neutron - can instance ID be added?
Kevin Benton
- [openstack-dev] [neutron] How could an L2 agent extension access agent methods ?
Kevin Benton
- [openstack-dev] [neutron] How could an L2 agent extension access agent methods ?
Kevin Benton
- [openstack-dev] [neutron + ovn] Does neutron ovn plugin support to setup multiple neutron networks for one container?
Kevin Benton
- [openstack-dev] [all] -1 due to line length violation in commit messages
Kevin Benton
- [openstack-dev] [neutron][lbaas] Proposing Michael Johnson for neutron-lbaas core team
Samuel Bercovici
- [openstack-dev] [keystone] creating new users with invalid mail addresses possible
Christian Berendt
- [openstack-dev] [OpenStack-docs] [docs][ptl] Docs PTL Candidacy
Christian Berendt
- [openstack-dev] [puppet] monasca,murano,mistral governance
Ivan Berezovskiy
- [openstack-dev] [neutron] PTL Non-Candidacy
Irena Berezovsky
- [openstack-dev] [neutron][nova][qos] network QoS support driven by VM flavor/image requirements
Irena Berezovsky
- [openstack-dev] [neutron] How could an L2 agent extension access agent methods ?
Irena Berezovsky
- [openstack-dev] [Nova] What is the no_device flag for in block device mapping?
Daniel P. Berrange
- [openstack-dev] [nova][neutron][SR-IOV] Hardware changes and shifting PCI addresses
Daniel P. Berrange
- [openstack-dev] [nova][neutron][SR-IOV] Hardware changes and shifting PCI addresses
Daniel P. Berrange
- [openstack-dev] [nova] live migration in Mitaka
Daniel P. Berrange
- [openstack-dev] [nova] live migration in Mitaka
Daniel P. Berrange
- [openstack-dev] [nova] live migration in Mitaka
Daniel P. Berrange
- [openstack-dev] [nova] live migration in Mitaka
Daniel P. Berrange
- [openstack-dev] [nova] live migration in Mitaka
Daniel P. Berrange
- [openstack-dev] [all] -1 due to line length violation in commit messages
Daniel P. Berrange
- [openstack-dev] [Openstack-operators] [cinder] [all] The future of Cinder API v1
Daniel P. Berrange
- [openstack-dev] [Glance] Feature Freeze Exception proposal
Bhandaru, Malini K
- [openstack-dev] [Glance] Feature Freeze Exception proposal
Bhandaru, Malini K
- [openstack-dev] [Glance] loading a new conf file
Bhandaru, Malini K
- [openstack-dev] [Glance] Feature Freeze Exception proposal
Bhandaru, Malini K
- [openstack-dev] [Glance] Feature Freeze Exception proposal
Bhandaru, Malini K
- [openstack-dev] [glance] [nova] Verification of glance images before boot
Bhandaru, Malini K
- [openstack-dev] [murano][merlin] murano APIv2 and murano future ui
Stéphane Bisinger
- [openstack-dev] [neutron][networking-ovn][vtep] Proposal: support for vtep-gateway in ovn
Amitabha Biswas
- [openstack-dev] [nova] Regarding NUMA Topology filtering logic.
Sudipto Biswas
- [openstack-dev] [dragonflow] Low OVS version for Ubuntu
Sudipto Biswas
- [openstack-dev] [trove] [heat] Multi region support
Zane Bitter
- [openstack-dev] [trove] [heat] Multi region support
Zane Bitter
- [openstack-dev] [Heat] convergence rally test results (so far)
Zane Bitter
- [openstack-dev] [Heat] convergence rally test results (so far)
Zane Bitter
- [openstack-dev] [Heat] Multi Node Stack - keystone federation
Zane Bitter
- [openstack-dev] [Heat] Multi Node Stack - keystone federation
Zane Bitter
- [openstack-dev] [tripleo] Upgrade plans for RDO Manager - Brainstorming
Zane Bitter
- [openstack-dev] [Heat] Multi Node Stack - keystone federation
Zane Bitter
- [openstack-dev] [heat] Backup resources and properties in the delete-path
Zane Bitter
- [openstack-dev] [Heat] Scattered thoughts on the PTL election
Zane Bitter
- [openstack-dev] [all] -1 due to line length violation in commit messages
Zane Bitter
- [openstack-dev] [all] -1 due to line length violation in commit messages
Zane Bitter
- [openstack-dev] [murano] Proposing Nikolai Starodubtsev for core
Filip Blaha
- [openstack-dev] [infra] PTL non-candidacy
James E. Blair
- [openstack-dev] Gerrit downtime on Friday 2015-09-11 at 23:00 UTC
James E. Blair
- [openstack-dev] [glance] proposed priorities for Mitaka
James E. Blair
- [openstack-dev] Do not modify (or read) ERROR_ON_CLONE in devstack gate jobs
James E. Blair
- [openstack-dev] Apache2 vs uWSGI vs ...
Boris Bobrov
- [openstack-dev] [Fuel] 7.0 Release - Hard Code Freeze in action
Eugene Bogdanov
- [openstack-dev] [Fuel] Changes to Fuel UI development process
Nikolay Bogdanov
- [openstack-dev] [nova] Fine-grained error reporting via the external API
Matthew Booth
- [openstack-dev] [nova] Fine-grained error reporting via the external API
Matthew Booth
- [openstack-dev] [Fuel][Fuel-Library] Nominating Alex Schultz to Fuel-Library Core
Dmitry Borodaenko
- [openstack-dev] [Fuel] Nominate Evgeniy Konstantinov for fuel-docs core
Dmitry Borodaenko
- [openstack-dev] [Fuel] Nominate Evgeniy Konstantinov for fuel-docs core
Dmitry Borodaenko
- [openstack-dev] [Fuel] Nominate Olga Gusarenko for fuel-docs core
Dmitry Borodaenko
- [openstack-dev] [Fuel] fuel-createmirror "command not found"
Dmitry Borodaenko
- [openstack-dev] [Fuel] Nominate Olga Gusarenko for fuel-docs core
Dmitry Borodaenko
- [openstack-dev] [Fuel] Install fuel-libraryX.Y as a package on slave nodes
Dmitry Borodaenko
- [openstack-dev] [fuel] PTL & Component Leads elections
Dmitry Borodaenko
- [openstack-dev] [fuel] PTL & Component Leads elections
Dmitry Borodaenko
- [openstack-dev] [fuel] PTL & Component Leads elections
Dmitry Borodaenko
- [openstack-dev] [fuel] PTL Candidacy
Dmitry Borodaenko
- [openstack-dev] [fuel] Nominate Svetlana Karslioglu for fuel-docs core
Dmitry Borodaenko
- [openstack-dev] [kolla] Followup to review in gerrit relating to RHOS + RDO types
Paul Bourke
- [openstack-dev] [kolla] proposing Michal Jastrzebski (inc0) for core reviewer
Paul Bourke
- [openstack-dev] [nova][neutron][devstack] New proposed 'default' network model
Clark Boylan
- [openstack-dev] Patches coming for .coveragerc
Clark Boylan
- [openstack-dev] [puppet] use zuul-cloner when running rspec
Clark Boylan
- [openstack-dev] [keystone] PTL non-candidacy
Lance Bragstad
- [openstack-dev] [keystone] creating new users with invalid mail addresses possible
Lance Bragstad
- [openstack-dev] [libraries] gate-tempest-dsvm-neutron-src test and major version bumps
Tony Breeds
- [openstack-dev] [ceilometerclient] Updating global-requirements caps.
Tony Breeds
- [openstack-dev] [oslo][release] stable/juno branch creation
Tony Breeds
- [openstack-dev] [all][Elections] Nominations for OpenStack PTLs (Program Technical Leads) are now open
Tony Breeds
- [openstack-dev] [all][Elections] Nominations for OpenStack PTLs (Program Technical Leads) are now open
Tony Breeds
- [openstack-dev] [oslo] Help with stable/juno branches / releases
Tony Breeds
- [openstack-dev] [all][elections] Last hours for PTL candidate announcements
Tony Breeds
- [openstack-dev] [all][gate] grende jobs failing.
Tony Breeds
- [openstack-dev] [all][gate] grende jobs failing.
Tony Breeds
- [openstack-dev] [all][gate] grende jobs failing.
Tony Breeds
- [openstack-dev] [all][gate] grende jobs failing.
Tony Breeds
- [openstack-dev] [Nova] Design Summit Topics for Nova
Tony Breeds
- [openstack-dev] [all][elections] PTL nomination period is now over
Tony Breeds
- [openstack-dev] Election tools work session in Tokyo
Tony Breeds
- [openstack-dev] [all][stable][release] 2015.1.2
Tony Breeds
- [openstack-dev] [all][elections] Candidate proposals for TC (Technical Committee) positions are now open
Tony Breeds
- [openstack-dev] [nova] [docs] Are cells still 'experimental'?
Lana Brindley
- [openstack-dev] What's Up, Doc? 4 September, 2015
Lana Brindley
- [openstack-dev] [docs][ptl] Docs PTL Candidacy
Lana Brindley
- [openstack-dev] What Up, Doc? 11 September, 2015
Lana Brindley
- [openstack-dev] [OpenStack-docs] [docs][ptl] Docs PTL Candidacy
Lana Brindley
- [openstack-dev] What's Up, Doc? 18 Sep 2015
Lana Brindley
- [openstack-dev] What's Up, Doc? 25 September 2015
Lana Brindley
- [openstack-dev] [all] -1 due to line length violation in commit messages
Ryan Brown
- [openstack-dev] Compute API (Was Re: [nova][cinder] how to handle AZ bug 1496235?)
Ryan Brown
- [openstack-dev] [heat] Convergence: Detecting and handling worker failures
Ryan Brown
- [openstack-dev] [TripleO] Defining a public API for tripleo-common
Ryan Brown
- [openstack-dev] [cinder] FFE Request - capacity-headroom
Jay Bryant
- [openstack-dev] [cinder] PTL Non-Candidacy
Jay S. Bryant
- [openstack-dev] [Cinder] Late Liberty patches should now be unblocked ...
Jay S. Bryant
- [openstack-dev] [glance] proposed priorities for Mitaka
Russell Bryant
- [openstack-dev] [networking-ovn] Neutron-DVR feature on OVN/L3
Russell Bryant
- [openstack-dev] [neutron] Does neutron ovn plugin support to setup multiple neutron networks for one container?
Russell Bryant
- [openstack-dev] [networking-ovn] Neutron-DVR feature on OVN/L3
Russell Bryant
- [openstack-dev] [neutron + ovn] Does neutron ovn plugin support to setup multiple neutron networks for one container?
Russell Bryant
- [openstack-dev] [neutron][networking-ovn][vtep] Proposal: support for vtep-gateway in ovn
Russell Bryant
- [openstack-dev] [neutron + ovn] Does neutron ovn plugin support to setup multiple neutron networks for one container?
Russell Bryant
- [openstack-dev] [neutron][networking-ovn][vtep] Proposal: support for vtep-gateway in ovn
Russell Bryant
- [openstack-dev] [neutron][networking-ovn][vtep] Proposal: support for vtep-gateway in ovn
Russell Bryant
- [openstack-dev] [all] -1 due to line length violation in commit messages
Russell Bryant
- [openstack-dev] [neutron + ovn] Does neutron ovn plugin support to setup multiple neutron networks for one container?
Russell Bryant
- [openstack-dev] [neutron + ovn] Does neutron ovn plugin support to setup multiple neutron networks for one container?
Russell Bryant
- [openstack-dev] [neutron + ovn] Does neutron ovn plugin support to setup multiple neutron networks for one container?
Russell Bryant
- [openstack-dev] [neutron + ovn] Does neutron ovn plugin support to setup multiple neutron networks for one container?
Russell Bryant
- [openstack-dev] [Heat] convergence rally test results (so far)
Clint Byrum
- [openstack-dev] [Neutron] cloud-init IPv6 support
Clint Byrum
- [openstack-dev] [Neutron] cloud-init IPv6 support
Clint Byrum
- [openstack-dev] [openstack-ansible] Security hardening
Clint Byrum
- [openstack-dev] [glance] proposed priorities for Mitaka
Clint Byrum
- [openstack-dev] [glance] proposed priorities for Mitaka
Clint Byrum
- [openstack-dev] [oslo.messaging][zmq]
Clint Byrum
- [openstack-dev] [puppet] service default value functions
Clint Byrum
- [openstack-dev] [Large Deployments Team][Performance Team] New informal working group suggestion
Clint Byrum
- [openstack-dev] [all] -1 due to line length violation in commit messages
Clint Byrum
- [openstack-dev] [all] -1 due to line length violation in commit messages
Clint Byrum
- [openstack-dev] [election] [tc] TC candidacy -- Let's do this
Clint Byrum
- [openstack-dev] [heat] Convergence: Detecting and handling worker failures
Clint Byrum
- [openstack-dev] [all] Criteria for applying vulnerability:managed tag
Tristan Cacqueray
- [openstack-dev] [all] Election Season, PTL and TC September/October 2015
Tristan Cacqueray
- [openstack-dev] [all][elections] PTL nomination period is now over
Tristan Cacqueray
- [openstack-dev] [all][elections] PTL nomination period is now over
Tristan Cacqueray
- [openstack-dev] [all][elections] PTL nomination period is now over
Tristan Cacqueray
- [openstack-dev] [all][elections] PTL nomination period is now over
Tristan Cacqueray
- [openstack-dev] [all][elections] PTL nomination period is now over
Tristan Cacqueray
- [openstack-dev] [all][elections] PTL nomination period is now over
Tristan Cacqueray
- [openstack-dev] [all][elections] PTL nomination period is now over
Tristan Cacqueray
- [openstack-dev] [all][elections] PTL Voting is now open
Tristan Cacqueray
- [openstack-dev] [elections] Last day to elect your PTL for Cinder, Glance, Ironic, Keystone, Mistral, Neutron and Oslo!
Tristan Cacqueray
- [openstack-dev] [elections] Last day to elect your PTL for Cinder, Glance, Ironic, Keystone, Mistral, Neutron and Oslo!
Tristan Cacqueray
- [openstack-dev] [all][elections] PTL Election Conclusion and Results
Tristan Cacqueray
- [openstack-dev] [magnum]swarm + compose = k8s?
Tom Cammann
- [openstack-dev] [oslo][doc] Oslo doc sprint 9/24-9/25
James Carey
- [openstack-dev] Question about generating an oslo.utils release
Paul Carlton
- [openstack-dev] [nova] live migration in Mitaka
Paul Carlton
- [openstack-dev] Migrating offline instances
Paul Carlton
- [openstack-dev] [nova] live migration in Mitaka
Paul Carlton
- [openstack-dev] [nova] live migration in Mitaka
Paul Carlton
- [openstack-dev] [nova] live migration in Mitaka
Paul Carlton
- [openstack-dev] [puppet] [security] applying for vulnerability:managed tag
Thierry Carrez
- [openstack-dev] [trove] Anyone using containers?
Thierry Carrez
- [openstack-dev] [all] Criteria for applying vulnerability:managed tag
Thierry Carrez
- [openstack-dev] [all] Base feature deprecation policy
Thierry Carrez
- [openstack-dev] FFE Request for completion of data driven assignment testing in Keystone
Thierry Carrez
- [openstack-dev] [all] Mitaka Design Summit - Proposed slot allocation
Thierry Carrez
- [openstack-dev] [all] Mitaka Design Summit - Proposed slot allocation
Thierry Carrez
- [openstack-dev] [all] Mitaka Design Summit - Proposed slot allocation
Thierry Carrez
- [openstack-dev] [ptl][release] flushing unreleased client library changes
Thierry Carrez
- [openstack-dev] [rootwrap] rootwrap and libraries - RFC
Thierry Carrez
- [openstack-dev] [rootwrap] rootwrap and libraries - RFC
Thierry Carrez
- [openstack-dev] [rootwrap] rootwrap and libraries - RFC
Thierry Carrez
- [openstack-dev] [nova] [all] Updated String Freeze Guidelines
Thierry Carrez
- [openstack-dev] [all][Elections] Nominations for OpenStack PTLs (Program Technical Leads) are now open
Thierry Carrez
- [openstack-dev] [all][TC] 'team:danger-not-diverse tag' and my concerns
Thierry Carrez
- [openstack-dev] [glance] proposed priorities for Mitaka
Thierry Carrez
- [openstack-dev] [all] Base feature deprecation policy
Thierry Carrez
- [openstack-dev] [relmgt] PTL non-candidacy
Thierry Carrez
- [openstack-dev] [all] [ptl] Troubleshooting cross-project communications
Thierry Carrez
- [openstack-dev] [all][elections] PTL nomination period is now over
Thierry Carrez
- [openstack-dev] [all] Cross-project workshop session suggestions
Thierry Carrez
- [openstack-dev] [openstack-operators][tc][tags] Rally tags
Thierry Carrez
- [openstack-dev] [rally][releases] New Rally release model
Thierry Carrez
- [openstack-dev] [stable] 2015.1.2 readiness check WAS : gate-trove-functional-dsvm-mysql needs some stable branch love
Thierry Carrez
- [openstack-dev] [releases] semver and dependency changes
Thierry Carrez
- [openstack-dev] [Keystone] [Manila] Liberty RC1 available
Thierry Carrez
- [openstack-dev] Election tools work session in Tokyo
Thierry Carrez
- [openstack-dev] [all][elections] PTL nomination period is now over
Thierry Carrez
- [openstack-dev] [Heat] [Zaqar] Liberty RC1 available
Thierry Carrez
- [openstack-dev] [releases] semver and dependency changes
Thierry Carrez
- [openstack-dev] [Cinder] [Designate] Liberty RC1 available
Thierry Carrez
- [openstack-dev] Mitaka travel tips ?
Thierry Carrez
- [openstack-dev] [Nova] [Trove] Liberty RC1 available
Thierry Carrez
- [openstack-dev] [Neutron] [Ceilometer] Liberty RC1 available
Thierry Carrez
- [openstack-dev] [ironic] Ironic is open for Mitaka development
Thierry Carrez
- [openstack-dev] [Glance] [Horizon] [Sahara] [Barbican] Liberty RC1 available
Thierry Carrez
- [openstack-dev] [ptls] Asserting that your projects follow at least the base deprecation policy
Thierry Carrez
- [openstack-dev] [all] Proposed Mitaka release schedule
Thierry Carrez
- [openstack-dev] [Ansible][Infra] Moving ansible roles into big tent?
Kevin Carter
- [openstack-dev] [openstack-ansible] PTL Non-Candidacy
Kevin Carter
- [openstack-dev] [openstack-ansible] Proposing Steve Lewis (stevelle) for core reviewer
Kevin Carter
- [openstack-dev] [docs][networking-sfc]
Paul Carver
- [openstack-dev] [puppet][keystone] Choose domain names with 'composite namevar' or 'meaningless name'?
David Chadwick
- [openstack-dev] [keystone] PTL non-candidacy
David Chadwick
- [openstack-dev] [puppet][keystone] Choose domain names with 'composite namevar' or 'meaningless name'?
David Chadwick
- [openstack-dev] [all][elections] PTL nomination period is now over
Kashyap Chamarthy
- [openstack-dev] custom lbaas driver
Srikumar Chari
- [openstack-dev] [nova] How to get notification for new compute node?
Sarbajit Chatterjee
- [openstack-dev] [Openstack] [Glance] [Horizon] [Sahara] [Barbican] Liberty RC1 available
Twinkle Chawla
- [openstack-dev] FW: [cinder] [third-party] ProphetStor CI account
Rick Chen
- [openstack-dev] [Congress] bugs for liberty release
Rui Chen
- [openstack-dev] [Congress] PTL candidacy
Rui Chen
- [openstack-dev] [tripleo] overcloud deployment workflow spec
Tzu-Mainn Chen
- [openstack-dev] [api][keystone][openstackclient] Standards for object name attributes and filtering
Chen, Wei D
- [openstack-dev] [keystone] PTL non-candidacy
Chen, Wei D
- [openstack-dev] [sahara] FFE request for nfs-as-a-data-source
Chen, Weiting
- [openstack-dev] [Neutron][horizon][neutron][L3][dvr][fwaas] FWaaS
Lin Hua Cheng
- [openstack-dev] [keystone] PTL non-candidacy
Lin Hua Cheng
- [openstack-dev] [Horizon] Horizon Productivity Suggestion
Lin Hua Cheng
- [openstack-dev] [murano] Proposing Nikolai Starodubtsev for core
Ekaterina Chernova
- [openstack-dev] [murano] [dashboard] Remove the owner filter from "Package Definitions" page
Ekaterina Chernova
- [openstack-dev] [murano][merlin] murano APIv2 and murano future ui
Ekaterina Chernova
- [openstack-dev] [murano] Fix order of arguments in assertEqual
Ekaterina Chernova
- [openstack-dev] [murano] Outreachy: Interest in contributing to open-source
Ekaterina Chernova
- [openstack-dev] [puppet][murano] Launchpad project created
Ekaterina Chernova
- [openstack-dev] Adding 'server_type' field to Baymodel
Vikas Choudhary
- [openstack-dev] [magnum] Difference between certs stored in keystone and certs stored in barbican
Vikas Choudhary
- [openstack-dev] [magnum] Difference between certs stored in keystone and certs stored in barbican
Vikas Choudhary
- [openstack-dev] [magnum] Difference between certs stored in keystone and certs stored in barbican
Vikas Choudhary
- [openstack-dev] [magnum] Is magnum db going to be removed for k8s resources?
Vikas Choudhary
- [openstack-dev] [magnum] Is magnum db going to be removed for k8s resources?
Vikas Choudhary
- [openstack-dev] [magnum] Is magnum db going to be removed for k8s resources?
Vikas Choudhary
- [openstack-dev] [Magnum] Implementing a baymodel attributes validation restful api
Vikas Choudhary
- [openstack-dev] [magnum] Handling password for k8s
Vikas Choudhary
- [openstack-dev] [magnum] Handling password for k8s
Vikas Choudhary
- [openstack-dev] [Kuryr] tox -egenconfig not working
Vikas Choudhary
- [openstack-dev] [neutron][db] reviewers: please mind the branch a script belongs to
Vikram Choudhary
- [openstack-dev] [neutron][nova] QoS Neutron-Nova integration
Vikram Choudhary
- [openstack-dev] [neutron] PTL Non-Candidacy
Vikram Choudhary
- [openstack-dev] [all]gerri performance
Vikram Choudhary
- [openstack-dev] [all] -1 due to line length violation in commit messages
Vikram Choudhary
- [openstack-dev] [all][elections] PTL Election Conclusion and Results
Vikram Choudhary
- [openstack-dev] [networking-ovn] Neutron-DVR feature on OVN/L3
Sisir Chowdhury
- [openstack-dev] FW: [cinder] Microsoft CI Still Disabled
Octavian Ciuhandu
- [openstack-dev] FW: [cinder] Microsoft CI Still Disabled
Octavian Ciuhandu
- [openstack-dev] [magnum] Difference between certs stored in keystone and certs stored in barbican
Clark, Robert Graham
- [openstack-dev] [magnum] Difference between certs stored in keystone and certs stored in barbican
Clark, Robert Graham
- [openstack-dev] [magnum] Difference between certs stored in keystone and certs stored in barbican
Clark, Robert Graham
- [openstack-dev] [magnum] Difference between certs stored in keystone and certs stored in barbican
Clark, Robert Graham
- [openstack-dev] [Security] Weekly meeting cancelled due to Mid-Cycle
Clark, Robert Graham
- [openstack-dev] [openstack-ansible] Security hardening
Clark, Robert Graham
- [openstack-dev] [all][elections] PTL nomination period is now over
Clark, Robert Graham
- [openstack-dev] [Security] Leadership / Participation in PTL elections.
Clark, Robert Graham
- [openstack-dev] [Neutron] Separate floating IP pools?
Clark, Robert Graham
- [openstack-dev] [Security] Weekly Meeting Agenda
Clark, Robert Graham
- [openstack-dev] [Barbican][Security] Automatic Certificate Management Environment
Clark, Robert Graham
- [openstack-dev] [Heat] convergence rally test results (so far)
Robert Collins
- [openstack-dev] [rootwrap] rootwrap and libraries - RFC
Robert Collins
- [openstack-dev] [rootwrap] rootwrap and libraries - RFC
Robert Collins
- [openstack-dev] [all] Base feature deprecation policy
Robert Collins
- [openstack-dev] [requirements] attention requirements-cores, please look out for constraints updates
Robert Collins
- [openstack-dev] [gate] broken by pyeclib 1.0.9 release
Robert Collins
- [openstack-dev] [gate] broken by pyeclib 1.0.9 release
Robert Collins
- [openstack-dev] [Glance] python-glanceclient 1.0.x back compat for v2 proposal.
Robert Collins
- [openstack-dev] [ceilometerclient] Updating global-requirements caps.
Robert Collins
- [openstack-dev] [glance] proposed priorities for Mitaka
Robert Collins
- [openstack-dev] [releases][requirements][keystone]something incompatible with our requirements
Robert Collins
- [openstack-dev] [releases][requirements][keystone]something incompatible with our requirements
Robert Collins
- [openstack-dev] [release][all] Release help needed - we are incompatible with ourselves
Robert Collins
- [openstack-dev] [testing] Python 3.4, eventlet and subunit
Robert Collins
- [openstack-dev] [releases] semver and dependency changes
Robert Collins
- [openstack-dev] Patches coming for .coveragerc
Robert Collins
- [openstack-dev] [releases] semver and dependency changes
Robert Collins
- [openstack-dev] [releases] semver and dependency changes
Robert Collins
- [openstack-dev] [releases] semver and dependency changes
Robert Collins
- [openstack-dev] [cinder] should we use fsync when writing iscsi config file?
Robert Collins
- [openstack-dev] [oslo] nominating Brant Knudson for Oslo core
Robert Collins
- [openstack-dev] [release][requirements] changes to the requirements-core team
Robert Collins
- [openstack-dev] [Devstack][Sahara][Cinder] BlockDeviceDriver support in Devstack
Sean Collins
- [openstack-dev] [Neutron] cloud-init IPv6 support
Sean M. Collins
- [openstack-dev] OpenStack support for Amazon Concepts - was Re: cloud-init IPv6 support
Sean M. Collins
- [openstack-dev] OpenStack support for Amazon Concepts - was Re: cloud-init IPv6 support
Sean M. Collins
- [openstack-dev] [nova][neutron][SR-IOV] Hardware changes and shifting PCI addresses
Sean M. Collins
- [openstack-dev] [L3][QA] DVR job failure rate and maintainability
Sean M. Collins
- [openstack-dev] [neutron][L3][QA] DVR job failure rate and maintainability
Sean M. Collins
- [openstack-dev] [neutron] What semantics are expected when booting a VM on an external network?
Sean M. Collins
- [openstack-dev] [Neutron] Effective Neutron
Sean M. Collins
- [openstack-dev] [Devstack][Sahara][Cinder] BlockDeviceDriver support in Devstack
Sean M. Collins
- [openstack-dev] [Large Deployments Team][Performance Team] New informal working group suggestion
Sean M. Collins
- [openstack-dev] [Openstack-operators] [Neutron] Allowing DNS suffix to be set per subnet (at least per tenant)
Daniel Comnea
- [openstack-dev] [neutron][horizon] Nice new Network Topology panel in Horizon
Daniel Comnea
- [openstack-dev] [Glance] glance core rotation part 1
Ian Cordasco
- [openstack-dev] [openstack-ansible] To NTP, or not to NTP, that is the question
Ian Cordasco
- [openstack-dev] [Ironic] Suggestion to split install guide
Bruno Cornec
- [openstack-dev] [relmgt] PTL non-candidacy
Bruno Cornec
- [openstack-dev] [relmgt] PTL non-candidacy
Bruno Cornec
- [openstack-dev] [Fuel][Plugins] Deployment order with custom role
Swann Croiset
- [openstack-dev] [Fuel][Plugins] Deployment order with custom role
Swann Croiset
- [openstack-dev] [Fuel][Plugins] Deployment order with custom role
Swann Croiset
- [openstack-dev] [Fuel][Plugins] request for update of fuel-plugin-builder on pypi
Swann Croiset
- [openstack-dev] questions about nova compute monitors extensions
Joe Cropper
- [openstack-dev] Getting Started : OpenStack
Victoria Martínez de la Cruz
- [openstack-dev] Call for mentors Outreachy Dec-March 2016
Victoria Martínez de la Cruz
- [openstack-dev] [Outreachy] New coordinator announcement and list of current applicants and mentors
Victoria Martínez de la Cruz
- [openstack-dev] [murano] Outreachy: Interest in contributing to open-source
Victoria Martínez de la Cruz
- [openstack-dev] [glance] [infra] [neutron] [swift] [trove] [zaqar] [murano] [docs] Outreachy: selecting a project to contribute to
Victoria Martínez de la Cruz
- [openstack-dev] [CINDER] [PTL Candidates] Questions
Erlon Cruz
- [openstack-dev] [Cinder] [Manila] Will NFS stay with Cinder as a reference implementation?
Erlon Cruz
- [openstack-dev] [cinder][neutron][all] New third-party-ci testing requirements for OpenStack Compatible mark
Erlon Cruz
- [openstack-dev] [Ansible][Infra] Moving ansible roles into big tent?
Ricardo Carrillo Cruz
- [openstack-dev] [all][elections] PTL nomination period is now over
Brian Curtin
- [openstack-dev] [all][elections] PTL nomination period is now over
Brian Curtin
- [openstack-dev] [cinder] PTL Non-Candidacy
D'Angelo, Scott
- [openstack-dev] [Cinder]Behavior when one cinder-volume service is down
D'Angelo, Scott
- [openstack-dev] [Cinder]Behavior when one cinder-volume service is down
D'Angelo, Scott
- [openstack-dev] [ceph-users] [puppet] Moving puppet-ceph to the Openstack big tent
Loic Dachary
- [openstack-dev] [ironic] 100% failure in pxe_ssh job
Sean Dague
- [openstack-dev] [ironic] 100% failure in pxe_ssh job
Sean Dague
- [openstack-dev] [heat] [gate] gate-heat-dsvm-functional-orig-mysql fails 100%
Sean Dague
- [openstack-dev] [nova] [docs] Are cells still 'experimental'?
Sean Dague
- [openstack-dev] [openstack-announce] [release][nova] python-novaclient release 2.28.0 (liberty)
Sean Dague
- [openstack-dev] [openstack-announce] [release][nova] python-novaclient release 2.28.0 (liberty)
Sean Dague
- [openstack-dev] Should v2 compatibility mode (v2.0 on v2.1) fixes be applicable for v2.1 too?
Sean Dague
- [openstack-dev] 9/4 state of the gate
Sean Dague
- [openstack-dev] [all] Base feature deprecation policy
Sean Dague
- [openstack-dev] [all] Base feature deprecation policy
Sean Dague
- [openstack-dev] [all] Base feature deprecation policy
Sean Dague
- [openstack-dev] [all] Base feature deprecation policy
Sean Dague
- [openstack-dev] Should v2 compatibility mode (v2.0 on v2.1) fixes be applicable for v2.1 too?
Sean Dague
- [openstack-dev] [rootwrap] rootwrap and libraries - RFC
Sean Dague
- [openstack-dev] [rootwrap] rootwrap and libraries - RFC
Sean Dague
- [openstack-dev] [rootwrap] rootwrap and libraries - RFC
Sean Dague
- [openstack-dev] [kilo-devstack] [disk-usage]
Sean Dague
- [openstack-dev] [rootwrap] rootwrap and libraries - RFC
Sean Dague
- [openstack-dev] [gate] broken by pyeclib 1.0.9 release
Sean Dague
- [openstack-dev] [rootwrap] rootwrap and libraries - RFC
Sean Dague
- [openstack-dev] [gate] broken by pyeclib 1.0.9 release
Sean Dague
- [openstack-dev] [nova] Fine-grained error reporting via the external API
Sean Dague
- [openstack-dev] [nova] changes in our tempest/devstack scenarios
Sean Dague
- [openstack-dev] [all] Consistent support for SSL termination proxies across all API services
Sean Dague
- [openstack-dev] [all] Consistent support for SSL termination proxies across all API services
Sean Dague
- [openstack-dev] [all] Consistent support for SSL termination proxies across all API services
Sean Dague
- [openstack-dev] [all] Consistent support for SSL termination proxies across all API services
Sean Dague
- [openstack-dev] [all] Consistent support for SSL termination proxies across all API services
Sean Dague
- [openstack-dev] [all] Consistent support for SSL termination proxies across all API services
Sean Dague
- [openstack-dev] [all] Consistent support for SSL termination proxies across all API services
Sean Dague
- [openstack-dev] [all] Consistent support for SSL termination proxies across all API services
Sean Dague
- [openstack-dev] [glance][nova] how to upgrade from v1 to v2?
Sean Dague
- [openstack-dev] [glance][nova] how to upgrade from v1 to v2?
Sean Dague
- [openstack-dev] Compute API (Was Re: [nova][cinder] how to handle AZ bug 1496235?)
Sean Dague
- [openstack-dev] [election] [tc] TC candidacy
Sean Dague
- [openstack-dev] [all] devstack default worker changes
Sean Dague
- [openstack-dev] [release][requirements] changes to the requirements-core team
Sean Dague
- [openstack-dev] [all] Proposed Mitaka release schedule
Sean Dague
- [openstack-dev] [Openstack-operators] [cinder] [all] The future of Cinder API v1
Sean Dague
- [openstack-dev] [Openstack-operators] [cinder] [all] The future of Cinder API v1
Sean Dague
- [openstack-dev] [nova] how to address boot from volume failures
Sean Dague
- [openstack-dev] [Fuel] Number of IP addresses in a public network
Andrey Danin
- [openstack-dev] [Fuel][Plugins] add health check for plugins
Andrey Danin
- [openstack-dev] [Fuel] Install fuel-libraryX.Y as a package on slave nodes
Andrey Danin
- [openstack-dev] [Fuel] Install fuel-libraryX.Y as a package on slave nodes
Andrey Danin
- [openstack-dev] [Fuel] Install fuel-libraryX.Y as a package on slave nodes
Andrey Danin
- [openstack-dev] [nova][ceilometer] cputime value resets on restart/shutdown
Julien Danjou
- [openstack-dev] [Aodh][Gnocchi] Change of Launchpad ownership
Julien Danjou
- [openstack-dev] [aodh][ceilometer] (re)introducing Aodh - OpenStack Alarming
Julien Danjou
- [openstack-dev] [puppet] [ceilometer] Puppetize OpenStack Aodh
Julien Danjou
- [openstack-dev] [Ceilometer][Gnocchi] Gnocchi cannot deal with combined resource-id ?
Julien Danjou
- [openstack-dev] [Ceilometer][Gnocchi] Gnocchi cannot deal with combined resource-id ?
Julien Danjou
- [openstack-dev] [Ceilometer][Gnocchi] Gnocchi cannot deal with combined resource-id ?
Julien Danjou
- [openstack-dev] 回复: [Ceilometer][Gnocchi] Gnocchi cannot deal with combined resource-id ?
Julien Danjou
- [openstack-dev] [Gnocchi] Some update on Grafana support
Julien Danjou
- [openstack-dev] [all] Consistent support for SSL termination proxies across all API services
Julien Danjou
- [openstack-dev] [all] Consistent support for SSL termination proxies across all API services
Julien Danjou
- [openstack-dev] [all] Consistent support for SSL termination proxies across all API services
Julien Danjou
- [openstack-dev] [all] Consistent support for SSL termination proxies across all API services
Julien Danjou
- [openstack-dev] repairing so many OpenStack components writing configuration files in /usr/etc
Julien Danjou
- [openstack-dev] [oslo] nominating Brant Knudson for Oslo core
Julien Danjou
- [openstack-dev] [all] -1 due to line length violation in commit messages
Julien Danjou
- [openstack-dev] [cinder] should we use fsync when writing iscsi config file?
Julien Danjou
- [openstack-dev] [all] Consistent support for SSL termination proxies across all API services
Julien Danjou
- [openstack-dev] [election] [tc] Candidacy for Mitaka
Julien Danjou
- [openstack-dev] [Ironic] Stepping down from IPA core
Michael Davies
- [openstack-dev] [Neutron] ImportError: cannot import name access
Wojciech Dec
- [openstack-dev] New PyCharm License
David_Paterson at
- [openstack-dev] [Congress] PTL candidacy
Ramki_Krishnan at
- [openstack-dev] [neutron] RFE process question
James Dempsey
- [openstack-dev] [neutron] RFE process question
James Dempsey
- [openstack-dev] [magnum] Difference between certs stored in keystone and certs stored in barbican
John Dennis
- [openstack-dev] [magnum] Difference between certs stored in keystone and certs stored in barbican
John Dennis
- [openstack-dev] [api] [wsme] [ceilometer] Replacing WSME with _____ ?
Chris Dent
- [openstack-dev] [Openstack-dev] Devstack broken - third party CI broken
Chris Dent
- [openstack-dev] [Openstack-dev] Devstack broken - third party CI broken
Chris Dent
- [openstack-dev] [Openstack-dev] Devstack broken - third party CI broken
Chris Dent
- [openstack-dev] [Openstack-dev] Devstack broken - third party CI broken
Chris Dent
- [openstack-dev] [ceilometer] using entry_points for configuration considered harmful
Chris Dent
- [openstack-dev] [Ceilometer][Gnocchi] Gnocchi cannot deal with combined resource-id ?
Chris Dent
- [openstack-dev] [Ceilometer] How to enable devstack plugins
Chris Dent
- [openstack-dev] [fuel][swift] Separate roles for Swift nodes
Daniel Depaoli
- [openstack-dev] [fuel][swift] Separate roles for Swift nodes
Daniel Depaoli
- [openstack-dev] [Swift] Swift 2.4.0 release
John Dickinson
- [openstack-dev] [PTL] The OpenStack UX team would like to know which roles are relevant to your project
John Dickinson
- [openstack-dev] [Fuel][Fuel-Library] Nominating Alex Schultz to Fuel-Library Core
Aleksandr Didenko
- [openstack-dev] [tripleo] Plugin integration and environment file naming
Jay Dobies
- [openstack-dev] [TripleO] Core reviewers for python-tripleoclient and tripleo-common
Jay Dobies
- [openstack-dev] [Fuel][Fuel-Library] Nominating Alex Schultz to Fuel-Library Core
Bogdan Dobrelya
- [openstack-dev] [murano] Proposing Nikolai Starodubtsev for core
Dmitro Dovbii
- [openstack-dev] [murano] Let's minimaze the list of pylint exceptions
Dmitro Dovbii
- [openstack-dev] [murano] [dashboard] Remove the owner filter from "Package Definitions" page
Dmitro Dovbii
- [openstack-dev] [keystone] FFE Request for Reseller
Rodrigo Duarte
- [openstack-dev] [keystone] PTL non-candidacy
Rodrigo Duarte
- [openstack-dev] [puppet][keystone] Choose domain names with 'composite namevar' or 'meaningless name'?
Gilles Dubreuil
- [openstack-dev] [puppet][keystone] Choose domain names with 'composite namevar' or 'meaningless name'?
Gilles Dubreuil
- [openstack-dev] [puppet][keystone] Choose domain names with 'composite namevar' or 'meaningless name'?
Gilles Dubreuil
- [openstack-dev] [puppet][keystone] Choose domain names with 'composite namevar' or 'meaningless name'?
Gilles Dubreuil
- [openstack-dev] [puppet][keystone] Choose domain names with 'composite namevar' or 'meaningless name'?
Gilles Dubreuil
- [openstack-dev] [puppet][keystone] Choose domain names with 'composite namevar' or 'meaningless name'?
Gilles Dubreuil
- [openstack-dev] [puppet][keystone] Choose domain names with 'composite namevar' or 'meaningless name'?
Gilles Dubreuil
- [openstack-dev] [nova-scheduler] Scheduler sub-group meeting - Cancel for 9/8?
Dugger, Donald D
- [openstack-dev] [nova-scheduler] Scheduler sub-group meeting - Agenda 9/14
Dugger, Donald D
- [openstack-dev] [nova-scheduler] no IRC meeting this week
Dugger, Donald D
- [openstack-dev] [nova-scheduler] Scheduler sub-group meeting - Agenda 9/21
Dugger, Donald D
- [openstack-dev] [cinder] PTL Non-Candidacy
Dulko, Michal
- [openstack-dev] [Cinder]Behavior when one cinder-volume service is down
Dulko, Michal
- [openstack-dev] [Cinder]Behavior when one cinder-volume service is down
Dulko, Michal
- [openstack-dev] Pycharm License for OpenStack developers
Dulko, Michal
- [openstack-dev] [nova] Servicegroup refactoring for the Control Plane - Mitaka
Dulko, Michal
- [openstack-dev] [heat] Convergence: Detecting and handling worker failures
Dulko, Michal
- [openstack-dev] [nova] CI for reliable live-migration
Timofei Durakov
- [openstack-dev] [nova] live migration in Mitaka
Timofei Durakov
- [openstack-dev] [mistral][yaql] Addressing task result using YAQL function
ELISHA, Moshe (Moshe)
- [openstack-dev] [nova][neutron][SR-IOV] Hardware changes and shifting PCI addresses
Brent Eagles
- [openstack-dev] [cinder] PTL Non-Candidacy
Patrick East
- [openstack-dev] [puppet] [sahara]
Denis Egorenko
- [openstack-dev] [puppet] [sahara]
Denis Egorenko
- [openstack-dev] [puppet] service default value functions
Denis Egorenko
- [openstack-dev] [cinder] L3 low pri review queue starvation
Gorka Eguileor
- [openstack-dev] [cinder] How to make a mock effactive for all method of a testclass
Gorka Eguileor
- [openstack-dev] [cinder] How to make a mock effactive for all method of a testclass
Gorka Eguileor
- [openstack-dev] [all] -1 due to line length violation in commit messages
Gorka Eguileor
- [openstack-dev] [all] -1 due to line length violation in commit messages
Gorka Eguileor
- [openstack-dev] [all] -1 due to line length violation in commit messages
Gorka Eguileor
- [openstack-dev] [Openstack-operators] [cinder] [all] The future of Cinder API v1
Gorka Eguileor
- [openstack-dev] [Cinder] [Manila] Will NFS stay with Cinder as a reference implementation?
Gorka Eguileor
- [openstack-dev] [Neutron][horizon][neutron][L3][dvr][fwaas] FWaaS
Eichberger, German
- [openstack-dev] [neutron] PTL Non-Candidacy
Eichberger, German
- [openstack-dev] [neutron][lbaas] Proposing Michael Johnson for neutron-lbaas core team
Eichberger, German
- [openstack-dev] [lbaas] [octavia] Proposing new meeting time Wednesday 16:00 UTC
Eichberger, German
- [openstack-dev] [lbaas] [octavia] Proposing new meeting time Wednesday 16:00 UTC
Eichberger, German
- [openstack-dev] FFE Request for completion of data driven assignment testing in Keystone
Morgan Fainberg
- [openstack-dev] FFE Request for completion of data driven assignment testing in Keystone
Morgan Fainberg
- [openstack-dev] This is what disabled-by-policy should look like to the user
Morgan Fainberg
- [openstack-dev] FFE Request for completion of data driven assignment testing in Keystone
Morgan Fainberg
- [openstack-dev] This is what disabled-by-policy should look like to the user
Morgan Fainberg
- [openstack-dev] [magnum]keystone version
Morgan Fainberg
- [openstack-dev] [keystone] PTL non-candidacy
Morgan Fainberg
- [openstack-dev] [keystone] creating new users with invalid mail addresses possible
Morgan Fainberg
- [openstack-dev] [puppet][keystone] Choose domain names with 'composite namevar' or 'meaningless name'?
Morgan Fainberg
- [openstack-dev] [puppet][keystone] Choose domain names with 'composite namevar' or 'meaningless name'?
Morgan Fainberg
- [openstack-dev] [puppet][keystone] Choose domain names with 'composite namevar' or 'meaningless name'?
Morgan Fainberg
- [openstack-dev] Pycharm License for OpenStack developers
Morgan Fainberg
- [openstack-dev] [all][elections] PTL nomination period is now over
Morgan Fainberg
- [openstack-dev] [all][elections] PTL nomination period is now over
Morgan Fainberg
- [openstack-dev] Apache2 vs uWSGI vs ...
Morgan Fainberg
- [openstack-dev] Apache2 vs uWSGI vs ...
Morgan Fainberg
- [openstack-dev] [releases][requirements][keystone]something incompatible with our requirements
Morgan Fainberg
- [openstack-dev] Apache2 vs uWSGI vs ...
Morgan Fainberg
- [openstack-dev] [all] -1 due to line length violation in commit messages
Morgan Fainberg
- [openstack-dev] [Barbican] Nominating Dave Mccowan for Barbican core
Farr, Kaitlin M.
- [openstack-dev] [Ironic] New dhcp provider using isc-dhcp-server
Jay Faulkner
- [openstack-dev] [Fuel] Branch stable/7.0 created in fuel-docs repository
Aleksandra Fedorova
- [openstack-dev] [Glance] glance core rotation part 1
Mikhail Fedosin
- [openstack-dev] [stable][glance] glance-stable-maint group refresher
Mikhail Fedosin
- [openstack-dev] [trove] Anyone using containers?
Tom Fifield
- [openstack-dev] Mitaka travel tips ?
Tom Fifield
- [openstack-dev] [puppet] hosting developer documentation on
Matt Fischer
- [openstack-dev] [puppet] Liberty Sprint Retrospective
Matt Fischer
- [openstack-dev] [puppet] monasca,murano,mistral governance
Matt Fischer
- [openstack-dev] [puppet] service default value functions
Matt Fischer
- [openstack-dev] [Openstack-operators] [puppet] feedback request about puppet-keystone
Matt Fischer
- [openstack-dev] [puppet] Fwd: Action required: stackforge/puppet-openstack project move
Matt Fischer
- [openstack-dev] [Openstack-operators] [cinder] [all] The future of Cinder API v1
Matt Fischer
- [openstack-dev] [Openstack-operators] [cinder] [all] The future of Cinder API v1
Matt Fischer
- [openstack-dev] [ops] Operator Local Patches
Matt Fischer
- [openstack-dev] [Horizon]Let's take care of our integration tests
Douglas Fish
- [openstack-dev] [Horizon]Let's take care of our integrationtests
Douglas Fish
- [openstack-dev] [openstack-infra] format/pep8 checks for translations?
Douglas Fish
- [openstack-dev] New PyCharm License
Henry Fourie
- [openstack-dev] [magnum] Difference between certs stored in keystone and certs stored in barbican
Fox, Kevin M
- [openstack-dev] [magnum] Difference between certs stored in keystone and certs stored in barbican
Fox, Kevin M
- [openstack-dev] [magnum] Difference between certs stored in keystone and certs stored in barbican
Fox, Kevin M
- [openstack-dev] [Heat] convergence rally test results (so far)
Fox, Kevin M
- [openstack-dev] cloud-init IPv6 support
Fox, Kevin M
- [openstack-dev] [Neutron] cloud-init IPv6 support
Fox, Kevin M
- [openstack-dev] This is what disabled-by-policy should look like to the user
Fox, Kevin M
- [openstack-dev] OpenStack support for Amazon Concepts - was Re: cloud-init IPv6 support
Fox, Kevin M
- [openstack-dev] OpenStack support for Amazon Concepts - was Re: cloud-init IPv6 support
Fox, Kevin M
- [openstack-dev] OpenStack support for Amazon Concepts - was Re: cloud-init IPv6 support
Fox, Kevin M
- [openstack-dev] [Heat] Multi Node Stack - keystone federation
Fox, Kevin M
- [openstack-dev] [Neutron] cloud-init IPv6 support
Fox, Kevin M
- [openstack-dev] [all] Something about being a PTL
Fox, Kevin M
- [openstack-dev] [Neutron] cloud-init IPv6 support
Fox, Kevin M
- [openstack-dev] SOS
Fox, Kevin M
- [openstack-dev] [ALL] Instance Users
Fox, Kevin M
- [openstack-dev] [Ironic] There is a function to display the VGA emulation screen of BMC in the baremetal node on the Horizon?
Fox, Kevin M
- [openstack-dev] [all][TC] 'team:danger-not-diverse tag' and my concerns
Fox, Kevin M
- [openstack-dev] [all][TC] 'team:danger-not-diverse tag' and my concerns
Fox, Kevin M
- [openstack-dev] [nova][neutron][devstack] New proposed 'default' network model
Fox, Kevin M
- [openstack-dev] [nova][neutron][devstack] New proposed 'default' network model
Fox, Kevin M
- [openstack-dev] [nova][neutron][devstack] New proposed 'default' network model
Fox, Kevin M
- [openstack-dev] [nova][neutron][devstack] New proposed 'default' network model
Fox, Kevin M
- [openstack-dev] [nova][neutron][devstack] New proposed 'default' network model
Fox, Kevin M
- [openstack-dev] [nova][neutron][devstack] New proposed 'default' network model
Fox, Kevin M
- [openstack-dev] [nova][neutron][devstack] New proposed 'default' network model
Fox, Kevin M
- [openstack-dev] [nova][neutron][devstack] New proposed 'default' network model
Fox, Kevin M
- [openstack-dev] [nova][neutron][devstack] New proposed 'default' network model
Fox, Kevin M
- [openstack-dev] [Barbican] Providing service user read access to all tenant's certificates
Fox, Kevin M
- [openstack-dev] [magnum] Associating patches with bugs/bps (Please don't hurt me)
Fox, Kevin M
- [openstack-dev] [all] Consistent support for SSL termination proxies across all API services
Fox, Kevin M
- [openstack-dev] Apache2 vs uWSGI vs ...
Fox, Kevin M
- [openstack-dev] [openstack-ansible] To NTP, or not to NTP, that is the question
Fox, Kevin M
- [openstack-dev] [neutron][lbaas] - Heat support for LbaasV2
Fox, Kevin M
- [openstack-dev] [neutron][lbaas] - Heat support for LbaasV2
Fox, Kevin M
- [openstack-dev] [neutron][lbaas] - Heat support for LbaasV2
Fox, Kevin M
- [openstack-dev] [neutron][lbaas] - Heat support for LbaasV2
Fox, Kevin M
- [openstack-dev] [neutron][lbaas] - Heat support for LbaasV2
Fox, Kevin M
- [openstack-dev] [neutron][lbaas] - Heat support for LbaasV2
Fox, Kevin M
- [openstack-dev] [neutron][lbaas] - Heat support for LbaasV2
Fox, Kevin M
- [openstack-dev] [neutron][lbaas] - Heat support for LbaasV2
Fox, Kevin M
- [openstack-dev] [murano] [app-catalog] versions for murano assets in the catalog
Fox, Kevin M
- [openstack-dev] CephFS native driver
Fox, Kevin M
- [openstack-dev] [all] -1 due to line length violation in commit messages
Fox, Kevin M
- [openstack-dev] [all] -1 due to line length violation in commit messages
Fox, Kevin M
- [openstack-dev] [glance] [nova] Verification of glance images before boot
Chris Friesen
- [openstack-dev] [cinder] LVM snapshot performance issue -- why isn't thin provisioning the default?
Chris Friesen
- [openstack-dev] [nova][neutron][SR-IOV] Hardware changes and shifting PCI addresses
Chris Friesen
- [openstack-dev] Pycharm License for OpenStack developers
Chris Friesen
- [openstack-dev] [cinder] LVM snapshot performance issue -- why isn't thin provisioning the default?
Chris Friesen
- [openstack-dev] [cinder] LVM snapshot performance issue -- why isn't thin provisioning the default?
Chris Friesen
- [openstack-dev] [cinder] LVM snapshot performance issue -- why isn't thin provisioning the default?
Chris Friesen
- [openstack-dev] Migrating offline instances
Chris Friesen
- [openstack-dev] [nova] live migration in Mitaka
Chris Friesen
- [openstack-dev] [nova] live migration in Mitaka
Chris Friesen
- [openstack-dev] [cinder] should we use fsync when writing iscsi config file?
Chris Friesen
- [openstack-dev] [cinder] should we use fsync when writing iscsi config file?
Chris Friesen
- [openstack-dev] [cinder] should we use fsync when writing iscsi config file?
Chris Friesen
- [openstack-dev] [cinder] should we use fsync when writing iscsi config file?
Chris Friesen
- [openstack-dev] [cinder] should we use fsync when writing iscsi config file?
Chris Friesen
- [openstack-dev] [cinder] should we use fsync when writing iscsi config file?
Chris Friesen
- [openstack-dev] [cinder] should we use fsync when writing iscsi config file?
Chris Friesen
- [openstack-dev] [cinder] should we use fsync when writing iscsi config file?
Chris Friesen
- [openstack-dev] [nova] live migration in Mitaka
Chris Friesen
- [openstack-dev] [Ironic] Stepping down from IPA core
Ramakrishnan G
- [openstack-dev] [murano] Proposing Nikolai Starodubtsev for core
GERSHENZON, Michal (Michal)
- [openstack-dev] [Ironic] Stepping down from IPA core
Josh Gachnang
- [openstack-dev] [sahara] Request for Feature Freeze Exception
Ethan Gafford
- [openstack-dev] [Openstack] [Horizon] [Sahara] FFE request for Sahara unified job interface map UI
Ethan Gafford
- [openstack-dev] [sahara] FFE request for heat wait condition support
Ethan Gafford
- [openstack-dev] [sahara] FFE request for scheduler and suspend EDP job for sahara
Ethan Gafford
- [openstack-dev] [sahara] FFE request for nfs-as-a-data-source
Ethan Gafford
- [openstack-dev] This is what disabled-by-policy should look like to the user
Mathieu Gagné
- [openstack-dev] This is what disabled-by-policy should look like to the user
Mathieu Gagné
- [openstack-dev] [nova][neutron][devstack] New proposed 'default' network model
Mathieu Gagné
- [openstack-dev] [nova][neutron][devstack] New proposed 'default' network model
Mathieu Gagné
- [openstack-dev] [nova][neutron][devstack] New proposed 'default' network model
Mathieu Gagné
- [openstack-dev] [nova][neutron][devstack] New proposed 'default' network model
Mathieu Gagné
- [openstack-dev] [nova][neutron][devstack] New proposed 'default' network model
Mathieu Gagné
- [openstack-dev] [all] Consistent support for SSL termination proxies across all API services
Mathieu Gagné
- [openstack-dev] [all] Consistent support for SSL termination proxies across all API services
Mathieu Gagné
- [openstack-dev] [all] Consistent support for SSL termination proxies across all API services
Mathieu Gagné
- [openstack-dev] [all] Consistent support for SSL termination proxies across all API services
Mathieu Gagné
- [openstack-dev] [nova][cinder] how to handle AZ bug 1496235?
Mathieu Gagné
- [openstack-dev] [nova][cinder] how to handle AZ bug 1496235?
Mathieu Gagné
- [openstack-dev] [nova][cinder] how to handle AZ bug 1496235?
Mathieu Gagné
- [openstack-dev] [nova][cinder] how to handle AZ bug 1496235?
Mathieu Gagné
- [openstack-dev] [nova][cinder] how to handle AZ bug 1496235?
Mathieu Gagné
- [openstack-dev] [Openstack-operators] [cinder] [all] The future of Cinder API v1
Mathieu Gagné
- [openstack-dev] [murano] Fix order of arguments in assertEqual
Bulat Gaifullin
- [openstack-dev] Instance STOPS/STARTS while taking snapshot
James Galvin
- [openstack-dev] [poppy] Nominate Sriram Madupasi Vasudevan for Poppy (CDN) to Core
Amit Gandhi
- [openstack-dev] [poppy] Nominate Tony Tan for Poppy (CDN) Core
Amit Gandhi
- [openstack-dev] [poppy] Nominate Tony Tan for Poppy (CDN) Core
Amit Gandhi
- [openstack-dev] [poppy] Nominate Sriram Madupasi Vasudevan for Poppy (CDN) to Core
Amit Gandhi
- [openstack-dev] [kosmos][designate][lbaas] Intial Kosmos source files for review in gerrit
Gandhi, Kunal
- [openstack-dev] [Ceilometer][Gnocchi] Gnocchi cannot deal with combined resource-id ?
Luo Gangyi
- [openstack-dev] [Ceilometer][Gnocchi] Gnocchi cannot deal with combined resource-id ?
Luo Gangyi
- [openstack-dev] 回复: [Ceilometer][Gnocchi] Gnocchi cannot deal with combined resource-id ?
Luo Gangyi
- [openstack-dev] [Ceilometer][Gnocchi] Gnocchi cannot deal withcombined resource-id ?
Luo Gangyi
- [openstack-dev] [Ceilometer][Gnocchi]Gnocchi cannot deal with combined resource-id ?
Luo Gangyi
- [openstack-dev] [nova] [docs] Are cells still 'experimental'?
John Garbutt
- [openstack-dev] [all] Mitaka Design Summit - Proposed slot allocation
John Garbutt
- [openstack-dev] OpenStack support for Amazon Concepts - was Re: cloud-init IPv6 support
John Garbutt
- [openstack-dev] OpenStack support for Amazon Concepts - was Re: cloud-init IPv6 support
John Garbutt
- [openstack-dev] [nova] Bug importance
John Garbutt
- [openstack-dev] [all] Cross-Project meeting, Tue Sept 8th, 21:00 UTC
John Garbutt
- [openstack-dev] [nova] API v2.1 reference documentation
John Garbutt
- [openstack-dev] [nova] [all] Updated String Freeze Guidelines
John Garbutt
- [openstack-dev] [Nova] Design Summit Topics for Nova
John Garbutt
- [openstack-dev] [nova] [all] Updated String Freeze Guidelines
John Garbutt
- [openstack-dev] [nova] PTL Candidacy
John Garbutt
- [openstack-dev] [glance] proposed priorities for Mitaka
John Garbutt
- [openstack-dev] [glance] proposed priorities for Mitaka
John Garbutt
- [openstack-dev] [Nova] Design Summit Topics for Nova
John Garbutt
- [openstack-dev] [all] [ptl] Troubleshooting cross-project communications
John Garbutt
- [openstack-dev] [nova] live migration in Mitaka
John Garbutt
- [openstack-dev] [Openstack-i18n] [nova][i18n] Is there any point in using _() inpython-novaclient?
John Garbutt
- [openstack-dev] [glance][nova] how to upgrade from v1 to v2?
John Garbutt
- [openstack-dev] [nova] Liberty and Nova Specs, Blueprints and Design Summit for Mitaka
John Garbutt
- [openstack-dev] [oslo.db][sqlalchemy] rollback after commit
- [openstack-dev] [Fuel] Remove MOS DEB repo from master node
Oleg Gelbukh
- [openstack-dev] [Fuel] Install fuel-libraryX.Y as a package on slave nodes
Oleg Gelbukh
- [openstack-dev] [Fuel] Core Reviewers groups restructure
Oleg Gelbukh
- [openstack-dev] [nova] API v2.1 reference documentation
Anne Gentle
- [openstack-dev] [all] [ptl] Troubleshooting cross-project communications
Anne Gentle
- [openstack-dev] [all] [ptl] Troubleshooting cross-project communications
Anne Gentle
- [openstack-dev] [all] [ptl] Troubleshooting cross-project communications
Anne Gentle
- [openstack-dev] [all][elections] PTL nomination period is now over
Anne Gentle
- [openstack-dev] [all][elections] PTL nomination period is now over
Anne Gentle
- [openstack-dev] [glance] [infra] [neutron] [swift] [trove] [zaqar] [murano] [docs] Outreachy: selecting a project to contribute to
Anne Gentle
- [openstack-dev] [election] [tc] Candidacy for Technical Committee
Anne Gentle
- [openstack-dev] [Neutron] cloud-init IPv6 support
Henry Gessau
- [openstack-dev] [neutron][horizon] Nice new Network Topology panel in Horizon
Henry Gessau
- [openstack-dev] [neutron][horizon] Nice new Network Topology panel in Horizon
Henry Gessau
- [openstack-dev] [gate] broken by pyeclib 1.0.9 release
Gohad, Tushar
- [openstack-dev] [gate] broken by pyeclib 1.0.9 release
Gohad, Tushar
- [openstack-dev] [horizon] Concern about XStatic-bootswatch imports from
Thomas Goirand
- [openstack-dev] [horizon] Concern about XStatic-bootswatch imports from
Thomas Goirand
- [openstack-dev] [horizon] python-selenium landed in Debian main today (in Debian Experimental for the moment)
Thomas Goirand
- [openstack-dev] [relmgt] PTL non-candidacy
Thomas Goirand
- [openstack-dev] repairing so many OpenStack components writing configuration files in /usr/etc
Thomas Goirand
- [openstack-dev] Announcing Liberty RC1 availability in Debian
Thomas Goirand
- [openstack-dev] [all] -1 due to line length violation in commit messages
Thomas Goirand
- [openstack-dev] Announcing Liberty RC1 availability in Debian
Thomas Goirand
- [openstack-dev] Nova request to Neutron - can instance ID be added?
Gregory Golberg
- [openstack-dev] [Fuel][Fuel-Library] Nominating Alex Schultz to Fuel-Library Core
Sergii Golovatiuk
- [openstack-dev] [Fuel][Plugins] request for update of fuel-plugin-builder on pypi
Sergii Golovatiuk
- [openstack-dev] [Fuel][Fuel-Library] Nominating Alex Schultz to Fuel-Library Core
Sergii Golovatiuk
- [openstack-dev] [Fuel] Install fuel-libraryX.Y as a package on slave nodes
Sergii Golovatiuk
- [openstack-dev] [Fuel] Remove MOS DEB repo from master node
Sergii Golovatiuk
- [openstack-dev] [openstack-ansible] To NTP, or not to NTP, that is the question
Sergii Golovatiuk
- [openstack-dev] [Fuel] Core Reviewers groups restructure
Sergii Golovatiuk
- [openstack-dev] Apache2 vs uWSGI vs ...
Sergii Golovatiuk
- [openstack-dev] Apache2 vs uWSGI vs ...
Sergii Golovatiuk
- [openstack-dev] Apache2 vs uWSGI vs ...
Sergii Golovatiuk
- [openstack-dev] [fuel][ptl] PTL candidacy
Sergii Golovatiuk
- [openstack-dev] [ironic] 100% failure in pxe_ssh job
Lucas Alvares Gomes
- [openstack-dev] [DevStack][Keystone][Ironic][Swit] FYI: Defaulting to Keystone v3 API
Lucas Alvares Gomes
- [openstack-dev] [Ironic] Command structure for OSC plugin
Lucas Alvares Gomes
- [openstack-dev] [Ironic] There is a function to display the VGA emulation screen of BMC in the baremetal node on the Horizon?
Lucas Alvares Gomes
- [openstack-dev] [Ironic] Stepping down from IPA core
Lucas Alvares Gomes
- [openstack-dev] SOS
- [openstack-dev] [Fuel] Core Reviewers groups restructure
Alexander Gordeev
- [openstack-dev] [fuel][shotgun] do we still use subs?
Alexander Gordeev
- [openstack-dev] 9/4 state of the gate
Joe Gordon
- [openstack-dev] [all][TC] 'team:danger-not-diverse tag' and my concerns
Joe Gordon
- [openstack-dev] [nfv][telcowg] Issues with vIMS and SBC submissions
Steve Gordon
- [openstack-dev] [Neutron] cloud-init IPv6 support
Steve Gordon
- [openstack-dev] [Neutron] cloud-init IPv6 support
Steve Gordon
- [openstack-dev] [ironic] [tripleo] [kolla] Possible to support multiple compute drivers?
Steve Gordon
- [openstack-dev] [nfv][telcowg] Telco Working Group meeting schedule
Steve Gordon
- [openstack-dev] [Openstack-operators] [nfv][telcowg] Telco Working Group meeting schedule
Steve Gordon
- [openstack-dev] [puppet] hosting developer documentation on
Iury Gregory
- [openstack-dev] [Fuel] Nominate Olga Gusarenko for fuel-docs core
Sheena Gregson
- [openstack-dev] [Fuel][Plugins] add health check for plugins
Sheena Gregson
- [openstack-dev] [nova] pci-passtrough and neutron multi segment networks
Vladyslav Gridin
- [openstack-dev] [sahara] Request for Feature Freeze Exception
Vitaly Gridnev
- [openstack-dev] [sahara] FFE request for heat wait condition support
Vitaly Gridnev
- [openstack-dev] [sahara] FFE request for scheduler and suspend EDP job for sahara
Vitaly Gridnev
- [openstack-dev] [Devstack][Sahara][Cinder] BlockDeviceDriver support in Devstack
Vitaly Gridnev
- [openstack-dev] [cinder] L3 low pri review queue starvation
John Griffith
- [openstack-dev] This is what disabled-by-policy should look like to the user
John Griffith
- [openstack-dev] This is what disabled-by-policy should look like to the user
John Griffith
- [openstack-dev] [cinder] Using storage drivers outside of openstack/cinder
John Griffith
- [openstack-dev] [cinder] PTL Non-Candidacy
John Griffith
- [openstack-dev] [fuel] [plugin] Release tagging
John Griffith
- [openstack-dev] [fuel] [plugin] Release tagging
John Griffith
- [openstack-dev] [Cinder]Behavior when one cinder-volume service is down
John Griffith
- [openstack-dev] [fuel] [plugin] Release tagging
John Griffith
- [openstack-dev] [Cinder]Behavior when one cinder-volume service is down
John Griffith
- [openstack-dev] [cinder] LVM snapshot performance issue -- why isn't thin provisioning the default?
John Griffith
- [openstack-dev] Pycharm License for OpenStack developers
John Griffith
- [openstack-dev] [all][elections] PTL nomination period is now over
John Griffith
- [openstack-dev] [all][elections] PTL nomination period is now over
John Griffith
- [openstack-dev] [cinder] LVM snapshot performance issue -- why isn't thin provisioning the default?
John Griffith
- [openstack-dev] [cinder] LVM snapshot performance issue -- why isn't thin provisioning the default?
John Griffith
- [openstack-dev] [cinder] LVM snapshot performance issue -- why isn't thin provisioning the default?
John Griffith
- [openstack-dev] [cinder] LVM snapshot performance issue -- why isn't thin provisioning the default?
John Griffith
- [openstack-dev] [cinder] LVM snapshot performance issue -- why isn't thin provisioning the default?
John Griffith
- [openstack-dev] [cinder] LVM snapshot performance issue -- why isn't thin provisioning the default?
John Griffith
- [openstack-dev] [CINDER] [PTL Candidates] Questions
John Griffith
- [openstack-dev] [cinder] should we use fsync when writing iscsi config file?
John Griffith
- [openstack-dev] [cinder] should we use fsync when writing iscsi config file?
John Griffith
- [openstack-dev] [nova][cinder] how to handle AZ bug 1496235?
John Griffith
- [openstack-dev] [OpenStack-Dev] Recent proposal to remove NetApp drivers
John Griffith
- [openstack-dev] [OpenStack-Dev] Recent proposal to remove NetApp drivers
John Griffith
- [openstack-dev] [cinder] The Absurdity of the Milestone-1 Deadline for Drivers
John Griffith
- [openstack-dev] [cinder] The Absurdity of the Milestone-1 Deadline for Drivers
John Griffith
- [openstack-dev] [Openstack-operators] [cinder] [all] The future of Cinder API v1
John Griffith
- [openstack-dev] [Openstack-operators] [cinder] [all] The future of Cinder API v1
John Griffith
- [openstack-dev] [glance][nova] how to upgrade from v1 to v2?
Rochelle Grober
- [openstack-dev] [election][TC] Candidacy
Rochelle Grober
- [openstack-dev] [puppet] Parameters possible default value
Yanis Guenane
- [openstack-dev] [puppet] service default value functions
Yanis Guenane
- [openstack-dev] [puppet] service default value functions
Yanis Guenane
- [openstack-dev] [i18n] PTL candidacy
Ying Chun Guo
- [openstack-dev] [magnum] Discovery
Egor Guz
- [openstack-dev] [magnum] [Kuryr] Handling password for k8s
Egor Guz
- [openstack-dev] [magnum]swarm + compose = k8s?
Egor Guz
- [openstack-dev] [magnum]swarm + compose = k8s?
Egor Guz
- [openstack-dev] [mistral] Define better terms for WAITING and DELAYED states
HADDLETON, Robert W (Bob)
- [openstack-dev] [neutron] PTL Non-Candidacy
Brian Haley
- [openstack-dev] [kolla] Followup to review in gerrit relating to RHOS + RDO types
Ryan Hallisey
- [openstack-dev] [kolla] proposing Michal Jastrzebski (inc0) for core reviewer
Ryan Hallisey
- [openstack-dev] Angular Directives / Tables
Donald Hansen
- [openstack-dev] [Heat] convergence rally test results (so far)
Steven Hardy
- [openstack-dev] [Heat] convergence rally test results (so far)
Steven Hardy
- [openstack-dev] [heat] [gate] gate-heat-dsvm-functional-orig-mysql fails 100%
Steven Hardy
- [openstack-dev] [TripleO][Heat] instance_user fallout, keeping the 'heat-admin' user working
Steven Hardy
- [openstack-dev] [all] Mitaka Design Summit - Proposed slot allocation
Steven Hardy
- [openstack-dev] [tripleo] Plugin integration and environment file naming
Steven Hardy
- [openstack-dev] [tripleo] Upgrades, Releases & Branches
Steven Hardy
- [openstack-dev] [TripleO] Core reviewers for python-tripleoclient and tripleo-common
Steven Hardy
- [openstack-dev] [heat] Backup resources and properties in the delete-path
Steven Hardy
- [openstack-dev] [tripleo] TripleO Updates & Upgrades [was: Upgrade plans for RDO Manager - Brainstorming]
Steven Hardy
- [openstack-dev] [all][elections] PTL nomination period is now over
Steven Hardy
- [openstack-dev] [all][elections] PTL nomination period is now over
Steven Hardy
- [openstack-dev] [heat] Traditional question about Heat IRC meeting time.
Steven Hardy
- [openstack-dev] [tripleo] How to selectively enable new services?
Steven Hardy
- [openstack-dev] [neutron] PTL Non-Candidacy
Shiv Haris
- [openstack-dev] [congress] IRC hangout
Shiv Haris
- [openstack-dev] [congress] IRC hangout
Shiv Haris
- [openstack-dev] [Congress] CLI equivalent
Shiv Haris
- [openstack-dev] [Congress] CLI equivalent
Shiv Haris
- [openstack-dev] [Congress] Congress Usecases VM
Shiv Haris
- [openstack-dev] [Congress] Congress Usecases VM
Shiv Haris
- [openstack-dev] [Congress] Congress Usecases VM
Shiv Haris
- [openstack-dev] [Congress] Congress Usecases VM
Shiv Haris
- [openstack-dev] [Congress] Congress Usecases VM
Shiv Haris
- [openstack-dev] [Congress] Congress Usecases VM
Shiv Haris
- [openstack-dev] [Congress] Congress Usecases VM
Shiv Haris
- [openstack-dev] [Congress] Congress Usecases VM
Shiv Haris
- [openstack-dev] [Neutron] cloud-init IPv6 support
Joshua Harlow
- [openstack-dev] OpenStack support for Amazon Concepts - was Re: cloud-init IPv6 support
Joshua Harlow
- [openstack-dev] [rootwrap] rootwrap and libraries - RFC
Joshua Harlow
- [openstack-dev] [all][TC] 'team:danger-not-diverse tag' and my concerns
Joshua Harlow
- [openstack-dev] [all][TC] 'team:danger-not-diverse tag' and my concerns
Joshua Harlow
- [openstack-dev] [oslo] mitaka summit planning/ideas
Joshua Harlow
- [openstack-dev] [oslo] PTL candidacy
Joshua Harlow
- [openstack-dev] [oslo][oslo.config] Reloading configuration of service
Joshua Harlow
- [openstack-dev] Pycharm License for OpenStack developers
Joshua Harlow
- [openstack-dev] [oslo][oslo.config] Reloading configuration of service
Joshua Harlow
- [openstack-dev] [oslo][oslo.config] Reloading configuration of service
Joshua Harlow
- [openstack-dev] [cinder] should we use fsync when writing iscsi config file?
Joshua Harlow
- [openstack-dev] [cinder] should we use fsync when writing iscsi config file?
Joshua Harlow
- [openstack-dev] [oslo] nominating Brant Knudson for Oslo core
Joshua Harlow
- [openstack-dev] [oslo.messaging][devstack] Pika RabbitMQ driver implementation
Joshua Harlow
- [openstack-dev] [oslo.messaging][devstack] Pika RabbitMQ driver implementation
Joshua Harlow
- [openstack-dev] Compute API (Was Re: [nova][cinder] how to handle AZ bug 1496235?)
Joshua Harlow
- [openstack-dev] [oslo][oslo.config] Reloading configuration of service
Joshua Harlow
- [openstack-dev] [magnum]swarm + compose = k8s?
Joshua Harlow
- [openstack-dev] [heat] Convergence: Detecting and handling worker failures
Joshua Harlow
- [openstack-dev] [election][TC] TC Candidacy
Joshua Harlow
- [openstack-dev] [magnum]swarm + compose = k8s?
Joshua Harlow
- [openstack-dev] [magnum]swarm + compose = k8s?
Joshua Harlow
- [openstack-dev] [magnum]swarm + compose = k8s?
Joshua Harlow
- [openstack-dev] [cinder] LVM snapshot performance issue -- why isn't thin provisioning the default?
Eric Harney
- [openstack-dev] [cinder] LVM snapshot performance issue -- why isn't thin provisioning the default?
Eric Harney
- [openstack-dev] [cinder] LVM snapshot performance issue -- why isn't thin provisioning the default?
Eric Harney
- [openstack-dev] [cinder] LVM snapshot performance issue -- why isn't thin provisioning the default?
Eric Harney
- [openstack-dev] [cinder] LVM snapshot performance issue -- why isn't thin provisioning the default?
Eric Harney
- [openstack-dev] [cinder] LVM snapshot performance issue -- why isn't thin provisioning the default?
Eric Harney
- [openstack-dev] [cinder] LVM snapshot performance issue -- why isn't thin provisioning the default?
Eric Harney
- [openstack-dev] [cinder] How to make a mock effactive for all method of a testclass
Eric Harney
- [openstack-dev] [cinder] should we use fsync when writing iscsi config file?
Eric Harney
- [openstack-dev] [cinder] snapshot and cloning for NFS backend
Eric Harney
- [openstack-dev] [neutron][lbaas] Is SSL offload config possible using non "admin" tenant?
Adam Harwell
- [openstack-dev] [neutron][lbaas] Is SSL offload config possible using non "admin" tenant?
Adam Harwell
- [openstack-dev] [neutron][lbaas] Is SSL offload config possible using non "admin" tenant?
Adam Harwell
- [openstack-dev] [Murano] Documentation on how to Start Contributing
Vahid S Hashemian
- [openstack-dev] [openstack-ansible] Security hardening
Major Hayden
- [openstack-dev] [openstack-ansible] Security hardening
Major Hayden
- [openstack-dev] [openstack-ansible] Security hardening
Major Hayden
- [openstack-dev] [openstack-ansible] Security hardening
Major Hayden
- [openstack-dev] [openstack-ansible] Security hardening
Major Hayden
- [openstack-dev] [openstack-ansible] PTL Non-Candidacy
Major Hayden
- [openstack-dev] [openstack-ansible] To NTP, or not to NTP, that is the question
Major Hayden
- [openstack-dev] [openstack-ansible] To NTP, or not to NTP, that is the question
Major Hayden
- [openstack-dev] GSLB
Hayes, Graham
- [openstack-dev] GSLB
Hayes, Graham
- [openstack-dev] [Designate] Topics for Design Summit
Hayes, Graham
- [openstack-dev] Intel PCI CI down today due to testing scripts bug
He, Yongli
- [openstack-dev] [Fuel] Remove MOS DEB repo from master node
Adam Heczko
- [openstack-dev] [Fuel] Remove MOS DEB repo from master node
Adam Heczko
- [openstack-dev] [Fuel] Bugs which we should accept in 7.0 after Hard Code Freeze
Adam Heczko
- [openstack-dev] Apache2 vs uWSGI vs ...
Adam Heczko
- [openstack-dev] Apache2 vs uWSGI vs ...
Adam Heczko
- [openstack-dev] [cinder] L3 low pri review queue starvation
Doug Hellmann
- [openstack-dev] [Ironic] Command structure for OSC plugin
Doug Hellmann
- [openstack-dev] [Ironic] Command structure for OSC plugin
Doug Hellmann
- [openstack-dev] [ptl][release] flushing unreleased client library changes
Doug Hellmann
- [openstack-dev] [ptl][release] flushing unreleased client library changes
Doug Hellmann
- [openstack-dev] [ptl][release] flushing unreleased client library changes
Doug Hellmann
- [openstack-dev] [ptl][release] flushing unreleased client library changes
Doug Hellmann
- [openstack-dev] [all] Base feature deprecation policy
Doug Hellmann
- [openstack-dev] [all] Base feature deprecation policy
Doug Hellmann
- [openstack-dev] [all] Base feature deprecation policy
Doug Hellmann
- [openstack-dev] [all] Base feature deprecation policy
Doug Hellmann
- [openstack-dev] [TripleO] Releasing tripleo-common on PyPI
Doug Hellmann
- [openstack-dev] [rootwrap] rootwrap and libraries - RFC
Doug Hellmann
- [openstack-dev] [all] Base feature deprecation policy
Doug Hellmann
- [openstack-dev] [rootwrap] rootwrap and libraries - RFC
Doug Hellmann
- [openstack-dev] [rootwrap] rootwrap and libraries - RFC
Doug Hellmann
- [openstack-dev] [rootwrap] rootwrap and libraries - RFC
Doug Hellmann
- [openstack-dev] [rootwrap] rootwrap and libraries - RFC
Doug Hellmann
- [openstack-dev] [ceilometer] using entry_points for configuration considered harmful
Doug Hellmann
- [openstack-dev] [glance] proposed priorities for Mitaka
Doug Hellmann
- [openstack-dev] [all][ptl][release] final liberty cycle client library releases needed
Doug Hellmann
- [openstack-dev] [all][ptl][release] final liberty cycle client library releases needed
Doug Hellmann
- [openstack-dev] [all][TC] 'team:danger-not-diverse tag' and my concerns
Doug Hellmann
- [openstack-dev] [glance] proposed priorities for Mitaka
Doug Hellmann
- [openstack-dev] [glance] proposed priorities for Mitaka
Doug Hellmann
- [openstack-dev] [glance] tasks (following "proposed priorities for Mitaka")
Doug Hellmann
- [openstack-dev] [glance] proposed priorities for Mitaka
Doug Hellmann
- [openstack-dev] [glance] proposed priorities for Mitaka
Doug Hellmann
- [openstack-dev] [glance] proposed priorities for Mitaka
Doug Hellmann
- [openstack-dev] [glance] proposed priorities for Mitaka
Doug Hellmann
- [openstack-dev] [all][ptl][release] final liberty cycle client library releases needed
Doug Hellmann
- [openstack-dev] [Ironic] [Inspector] Finishing Liberty (was: final liberty cycle client library releases needed)
Doug Hellmann
- [openstack-dev] [all][ptl][release] final liberty cycle client library releases needed
Doug Hellmann
- [openstack-dev] [all][ptl][release] final liberty cycle client library releases needed
Doug Hellmann
- [openstack-dev] [oslo] Help with stable/juno branches / releases
Doug Hellmann
- [openstack-dev] [nova][neutron][devstack] New proposed 'default' network model
Doug Hellmann
- [openstack-dev] [oslo][oslo.config] Reloading configuration of service
Doug Hellmann
- [openstack-dev] [relmgt] PTL Candidacy
Doug Hellmann
- [openstack-dev] [relmgt] PTL non-candidacy
Doug Hellmann
- [openstack-dev] [oslo][oslo.config] Reloading configuration of service
Doug Hellmann
- [openstack-dev] [all][elections] PTL nomination period is now over
Doug Hellmann
- [openstack-dev] [all][elections] PTL nomination period is now over
Doug Hellmann
- [openstack-dev] [releases][requirements][keystone]something incompatible with our requirements
Doug Hellmann
- [openstack-dev] [oslo.messaging][zmq]
Doug Hellmann
- [openstack-dev] [all][ptl][release] final liberty cycle client library releases needed
Doug Hellmann
- [openstack-dev] [all][ptl][release] final liberty cycle client library releases needed
Doug Hellmann
- [openstack-dev] [release][ptl][all] creating stable/liberty branches for non-oslo libraries today
Doug Hellmann
- [openstack-dev] [rally][releases] New Rally release model
Doug Hellmann
- [openstack-dev] [release][ptl][all] creating stable/liberty branches for non-oslo libraries today
Doug Hellmann
- [openstack-dev] [release][all] Release help needed - we are incompatible with ourselves
Doug Hellmann
- [openstack-dev] [releases] semver and dependency changes
Doug Hellmann
- [openstack-dev] [release][ptl][all] creating stable/liberty branches for non-oslo libraries today
Doug Hellmann
- [openstack-dev] [releases] semver and dependency changes
Doug Hellmann
- [openstack-dev] [sahara] fixing python-saharaclient gate jobs
Doug Hellmann
- [openstack-dev] [sahara][trove] fixing client gate jobs
Doug Hellmann
- [openstack-dev] [oslo] nominating Brant Knudson for Oslo core
Doug Hellmann
- [openstack-dev] [election][tc] TC Candidacy
Doug Hellmann
- [openstack-dev] [glance][nova] how to upgrade from v1 to v2?
Doug Hellmann
- [openstack-dev] [oslo] LnP tests for oslo.messaging
Doug Hellmann
- [openstack-dev] [all] -1 due to line length violation in commit messages
Doug Hellmann
- [openstack-dev] [glance][nova] how to upgrade from v1 to v2?
Doug Hellmann
- [openstack-dev] [glance][nova] how to upgrade from v1 to v2?
Doug Hellmann
- [openstack-dev] [glance][nova] how to upgrade from v1 to v2?
Doug Hellmann
- [openstack-dev] [all] Proposed Mitaka release schedule
Doug Hellmann
- [openstack-dev] [release][requirements] changes to the requirements-core team
Doug Hellmann
- [openstack-dev] [glance][nova] how to upgrade from v1 to v2?
Doug Hellmann
- [openstack-dev] Optional Dependencies
Doug Hellmann
- [openstack-dev] [oslo][oslo.config] Reloading configuration of service
Doug Hellmann
- [openstack-dev] [puppet] service default value functions
Cody Herriges
- [openstack-dev] [puppet][keystone] Choose domain names with 'composite namevar' or 'meaningless name'?
Cody Herriges
- [openstack-dev] [puppet] service default value functions
Cody Herriges
- [openstack-dev] [puppet] service default value functions
Cody Herriges
- [openstack-dev] [OpenStack-Infra] [infra] PTL non-candidacy
Joshua Hesketh
- [openstack-dev] [TripleO] Status of CI changes
Derek Higgins
- [openstack-dev] [TripleO] Status of CI changes
Derek Higgins
- [openstack-dev] [TripleO] trello
Derek Higgins
- [openstack-dev] [TripleO] trello
Derek Higgins
- [openstack-dev] [TripleO] trello
Derek Higgins
- [openstack-dev] [TripleO] Current meeting timeslot
Derek Higgins
- [openstack-dev] [TripleO] Core reviewers for python-tripleoclient and tripleo-common
Derek Higgins
- [openstack-dev] [TripleO] Current meeting timeslot
Derek Higgins
- [openstack-dev] [TripleO] Current meeting timeslot
Derek Higgins
- [openstack-dev] [TripleO] theme
Derek Higgins
- [openstack-dev] [Congress] Feedback on distributed architecture
Tim Hinrichs
- [openstack-dev] [Congress] bugs for liberty release
Tim Hinrichs
- [openstack-dev] [Congress] Ending feature freeze
Tim Hinrichs
- [openstack-dev] [congress] IRC hangout
Tim Hinrichs
- [openstack-dev] [Congress] PTL candidacy
Tim Hinrichs
- [openstack-dev] [Congress] Congress Usecases VM
Tim Hinrichs
- [openstack-dev] [Congress] Congress Usecases VM
Tim Hinrichs
- [openstack-dev] [Congress] stable/kilo
Tim Hinrichs
- [openstack-dev] [Congress] hands on lab
Tim Hinrichs
- [openstack-dev] [Congress] Congress Usecases VM
Tim Hinrichs
- [openstack-dev] [Congress] Congress and Monasca Joint Session at Tokyo Design Summit
Tim Hinrichs
- [openstack-dev] [Congress] Congress Usecases VM
Tim Hinrichs
- [openstack-dev] [neutron] PTL Non-Candidacy
Ichihara Hirofumi
- [openstack-dev] [defcore] Scoring for DefCore 2016.01 Guideline
Chris Hoge
- [openstack-dev] [glance][nova] how to upgrade from v1 to v2?
Chris Hoge
- [openstack-dev] [cinder][neutron][all] New third-party-ci testing requirements for OpenStack Compatible mark
Chris Hoge
- [openstack-dev] [glance][nova] how to upgrade from v1 to v2?
Chris Hoge
- [openstack-dev] [glance][nova] how to upgrade from v1 to v2?
Chris Hoge
- [openstack-dev] [cinder][neutron][all] New third-party-ci testing requirements for OpenStack Compatible mark
Chris Hoge
- [openstack-dev] [Ironic] There is a function to display the VGA emulation screen of BMC in the baremetal node on the Horizon?
Shinya Hoshino
- [openstack-dev] [Ironic] There is a function to display the VGA emulation screen of BMC in the baremetal node on the Horizon?
Shinya Hoshino
- [openstack-dev] [Ironic] There is a function to display the VGA emulation screen of BMC in the baremetal node on the Horizon?
Shinya Hoshino
- [openstack-dev] [Cinder] The devref for volume migration in Cinder
Sheng Bo Hou
- [openstack-dev] [Cinder] [Manila] Will NFS stay with Cinder as a reference implementation?
Sheng Bo Hou
- [openstack-dev] [neutron][db] reviewers: please mind the branch a script belongs to
Ihar Hrachyshka
- [openstack-dev] How to run fw testcases which are recently moved from tempest to neutron.
Ihar Hrachyshka
- [openstack-dev] [Openstack-operators] [Neutron] Allowing DNS suffix to be set per subnet (at least per tenant)
Ihar Hrachyshka
- [openstack-dev] [ptl][release] flushing unreleased client library changes
Ihar Hrachyshka
- [openstack-dev] [neutron] PTL Non-Candidacy
Ihar Hrachyshka
- [openstack-dev] [neutron] How could an L2 agent extension access agent methods ?
Ihar Hrachyshka
- [openstack-dev] [neutron] How could an L2 agent extension access agent methods ?
Ihar Hrachyshka
- [openstack-dev] [all][stable][release] 2015.1.2
Ihar Hrachyshka
- [openstack-dev] [all] -1 due to line length violation in commit messages
Ihar Hrachyshka
- [openstack-dev] [all] -1 due to line length violation in commit messages
Ihar Hrachyshka
- [openstack-dev] [all][stable][release][horizon] 2015.1.2
Ihar Hrachyshka
- [openstack-dev] [neutron] How could an L2 agent extension access agent methods ?
Ihar Hrachyshka
- [openstack-dev] [neutron] How could an L2 agent extension access agent methods ?
Ihar Hrachyshka
- [openstack-dev] [oslo] LnP tests for oslo.messaging
Huang, Oscar
- [openstack-dev] [all] Mitaka Design Summit - Proposed slot allocation
Zhipeng Huang
- [openstack-dev] [tricircle]Weekly Team Meeting 2015.09.09
Zhipeng Huang
- [openstack-dev] [tricircle]Weekly Team Meeting 2015.09.09
Zhipeng Huang
- [openstack-dev] VDI questions
John Hunter
- [openstack-dev] VDI questions
John Hunter
- [openstack-dev] [cinder] Using storage drivers outside of openstack/cinder
Walter A. Boring IV
- [openstack-dev] [cinder] PTL Non-Candidacy
Walter A. Boring IV
- [openstack-dev] [Cinder] PTL Candidacy
Walter A. Boring IV
- [openstack-dev] [CINDER] [PTL Candidates] Questions
Walter A. Boring IV
- [openstack-dev] [nova][cinder] how to handle AZ bug 1496235?
Walter A. Boring IV
- [openstack-dev] repairing so many OpenStack components writing configuration files in /usr/etc
Walter A. Boring IV
- [openstack-dev] [cinder] The Absurdity of the Milestone-1 Deadline for Drivers
Walter A. Boring IV
- [openstack-dev] [neutron] pushing changes through the gate
Hirofumi Ichihara
- [openstack-dev] [mistral][requirements] lockfile not in global requirements
Andreas Jaeger
- [openstack-dev] [mistral][requirements] lockfile not in global requirements
Andreas Jaeger
- [openstack-dev] [nova][i18n] Is there any point in using _() inpython-novaclient?
Andreas Jaeger
- [openstack-dev] [Openstack-i18n] [nova][i18n] Is there any point in using _() inpython-novaclient?
Andreas Jaeger
- [openstack-dev] [Openstack-i18n] [nova][i18n] Is there any point in using _() inpython-novaclient?
Andreas Jaeger
- [openstack-dev] [all] -1 due to line length violation in commit messages
Andreas Jaeger
- [openstack-dev] [kolla] proposing Michal Jastrzebski (inc0) for core reviewer
Jastrzebski, Michal
- [openstack-dev] [glance] image-create --is-public removed?
Neil Jerram
- [openstack-dev] [glance] image-create --is-public removed?
Neil Jerram
- [openstack-dev] [neutron] PTL Non-Candidacy
Neil Jerram
- [openstack-dev] [relmgt] PTL non-candidacy
Neil Jerram
- [openstack-dev] [neutron] What semantics are expected when booting a VM on an external network?
Neil Jerram
- [openstack-dev] [neutron] What semantics are expected when booting a VM on an external network?
Neil Jerram
- [openstack-dev] [neutron] What semantics are expected when booting a VM on an external network?
Neil Jerram
- [openstack-dev] [all][elections] PTL nomination period is now over
Neil Jerram
- [openstack-dev] [neutron] What semantics are expected when booting a VM on an external network?
Neil Jerram
- [openstack-dev] [release][all]Release help needed - we are incompatible with ourselves
Neil Jerram
- [openstack-dev] [Outreachy]New coordinator announcement and list of current applicants and mentors
Neil Jerram
- [openstack-dev] [all]gerri performance
Neil Jerram
- [openstack-dev] [neutron][lbaas] Proposing Michael Johnson for neutron-lbaas core team
Michael Johnson
- [openstack-dev] New PyCharm License
Johnston, Nate
- [openstack-dev] [horizon] URL Sanity
Richard Jones
- [openstack-dev] [horizon] python-selenium landed in Debian main today (in Debian Experimental for the moment)
Richard Jones
- [openstack-dev] [Horizon] Horizon Productivity Suggestion
Richard Jones
- [openstack-dev] [Infra] Meeting Tuesday September 8th at 19:00 UTC
Elizabeth K. Joseph
- [openstack-dev] [OpenStack-Infra] [infra] PTL non-candidacy
Elizabeth K. Joseph
- [openstack-dev] [Infra] Meeting Tuesday September 15th at 19:00 UTC
Elizabeth K. Joseph
- [openstack-dev] [all] New Gerrit translations change proposals from Zanata
Elizabeth K. Joseph
- [openstack-dev] [Infra] Meeting Tuesday September 29th at 19:00 UTC
Elizabeth K. Joseph
- [openstack-dev] [Congress] Congress Usecases VM
- [openstack-dev] [neutron][lbaas] - Heat support for LbaasV2
Banashankar KV
- [openstack-dev] [neutron][lbaas] - Heat support for LbaasV2
Banashankar KV
- [openstack-dev] [neutron][lbaas] - Heat support for LbaasV2
Banashankar KV
- [openstack-dev] [neutron][lbaas] - Heat support for LbaasV2
Banashankar KV
- [openstack-dev] [neutron][lbaas] - Heat support for LbaasV2
Banashankar KV
- [openstack-dev] [neutron][lbaas] - Heat support for LbaasV2
Banashankar KV
- [openstack-dev] [neutron][lbaas] - Heat support for LbaasV2
Banashankar KV
- [openstack-dev] [neutron][lbaas] - Heat support for LbaasV2
Banashankar KV
- [openstack-dev] [neutron][lbaas] - Heat support for LbaasV2
Banashankar KV
- [openstack-dev] [neutron][lbaas] - Heat support for LbaasV2
Banashankar KV
- [openstack-dev] [neutron][lbaas] - Heat support for LbaasV2
Banashankar KV
- [openstack-dev] [cinder] PTL Non-Candidacy
Silvan Kaiser
- [openstack-dev] [cinder][neutron][all] New third-party-ci testing requirements for OpenStack Compatible mark
Silvan Kaiser
- [openstack-dev] [Swift] ObjectController::async_update() latest change
Kirubakaran Kaliannan
- [openstack-dev] profiling Latency of single PUT operation on proxy + storage
Kirubakaran Kaliannan
- [openstack-dev] [Fuel][Fuel-Library] Nominating Alex Schultz to Fuel-Library Core
Sebastian Kalinowski
- [openstack-dev] [Fuel] Nominate Denis Dmitriev for fuel-qa(devops) core
Sebastian Kalinowski
- [openstack-dev] [Fuel] Number of IP addresses in a public network
Igor Kalnitsky
- [openstack-dev] [Fuel] Code review process in Fuel and related issues
Igor Kalnitsky
- [openstack-dev] [Fuel] Code review process in Fuel and related issues
Igor Kalnitsky
- [openstack-dev] [Fuel] Code review process in Fuel and related issues
Igor Kalnitsky
- [openstack-dev] [Fuel][Plugins] Deployment order with custom role
Igor Kalnitsky
- [openstack-dev] [Fuel][Plugins] Deployment order with custom role
Igor Kalnitsky
- [openstack-dev] [Fuel][Plugins] request for update of fuel-plugin-builder on pypi
Igor Kalnitsky
- [openstack-dev] [Fuel] Remove MOS DEB repo from master node
Igor Kalnitsky
- [openstack-dev] [Fuel] Remove MOS DEB repo from master node
Igor Kalnitsky
- [openstack-dev] [Fuel] Remove MOS DEB repo from master node
Igor Kalnitsky
- [openstack-dev] [Fuel] [Plugins] Fuel Plugin Builder 3.0.0 released
Igor Kalnitsky
- [openstack-dev] [fuel] PTL & Component Leads elections
Igor Kalnitsky
- [openstack-dev] [poppy] Nominate Sriram Madupasi Vasudevan for Poppy (CDN) to Core
Malini Kamalambal
- [openstack-dev] [poppy] Nominate Tony Tan for Poppy (CDN) Core
Malini Kamalambal
- [openstack-dev] [Barbican] Providing service user read access to all tenant's certificates
Kant, Arun
- [openstack-dev] [Ironic][Neutron] Ironic-Neutron Integration meeting cancelled for Sept 7th
Sukhdev Kapur
- [openstack-dev] [Neutron][ML2] ML2 late/early-cycle sprint announcement
Sukhdev Kapur
- [openstack-dev] [Neutron][ML2] ML2 late/early-cycle sprint announcement
Sukhdev Kapur
- [openstack-dev] [neutron] PTL Non-Candidacy
Sukhdev Kapur
- [openstack-dev] [neutron] pypi packages for networking sub-projects
Sukhdev Kapur
- [openstack-dev] [neutron] pypi packages for networking sub-projects
Sukhdev Kapur
- [openstack-dev] Openvswitch agent unit tests
Sławek Kapłoński
- [openstack-dev] Openvswitch agent unit tests
Sławek Kapłoński
- [openstack-dev] [Fuel] Core Reviewers groups restructure
Aleksey Kasatkin
- [openstack-dev] [Neutron] ImportError: cannot import name access
John Kasperski
- [openstack-dev] [nova][neutron][devstack] New proposed 'default' network model
Matt Kassawara
- [openstack-dev] [tempest] Is there a sandbox project how to use tempest test plugin interface?
Lajos Katona
- [openstack-dev] [tempest] Is there a sandbox project how to use tempest test plugin interface?
Lajos Katona
- [openstack-dev] [tempest] Is there a sandbox project how to use tempest test plugin interface?
Lajos Katona
- [openstack-dev] Pycharm License for OpenStack developers
Kekane, Abhishek
- [openstack-dev] Pycharm License for OpenStack developers
Kekane, Abhishek
- [openstack-dev] New PyCharm License
Kekane, Abhishek
- [openstack-dev] [oslo] incubator move to private modules
Kekane, Abhishek
- [openstack-dev] [murano] Fix order of arguments in assertEqual
Kekane, Abhishek
- [openstack-dev] [cinder] snapshot and cloning for NFS backend
Kekane, Abhishek
- [openstack-dev] [cinder] snapshot and cloning for NFS backend
Kekane, Abhishek
- [openstack-dev] [cinder] snapshot and cloning for NFS backend
Kekane, Abhishek
- [openstack-dev] [nova] Shared storage space count for Nova
Kekane, Abhishek
- [openstack-dev] [nova] Shared storage space count for Nova
Kekane, Abhishek
- [openstack-dev] [security][bandit] Looking to the future
Kelsey, Timothy John
- [openstack-dev] [openstack-ansible] Security hardening
Jeff Keopp
- [openstack-dev] [neutron] PTL Non-Candidacy
Fawad Khaliq
- [openstack-dev] [murano] suggestion on commit message title format for the murano-apps repository
Alexey Khivin
- [openstack-dev] [murano] suggestion on commit message title format for the murano-apps repository
Alexey Khivin
- [openstack-dev] [ceilometer] proposal to add Pradeep Kilambi to Ceilometer core
Pradeep Kilambi
- [openstack-dev] [OSSN 0052] Python-swiftclient exposes raw token values in debug logs
Nathan Kinder
- [openstack-dev] [OSSN 0055] Service accounts may have cloud admin privileges
Nathan Kinder
- [openstack-dev] [OSSN 0054] Potential Denial of Service in Horizon login
Nathan Kinder
- [openstack-dev] [OSSN 0058] Cinder LVMISCIDriver allows possible unauthenticated mounting of volumes
Nathan Kinder
- [openstack-dev] [OSSN 0056] Cached keystone tokens may be accepted after revocation
Nathan Kinder
- [openstack-dev] [OSSN 0053] Keystone token disclosure may result in malicious trust creation
Nathan Kinder
- [openstack-dev] [Neutron] Netaddr 0.7.16 and gate breakage
Sachi King
- [openstack-dev] [Cross Project] [Neutron] [Nova] Tox.ini changes for Constraints testing
Sachi King
- [openstack-dev] [Keystone] PTL Candidacy: Adam Young
Shinobu Kinjo
- [openstack-dev] [Manila] CephFS native driver
Shinobu Kinjo
- [openstack-dev] [Manila] CephFS native driver
Shinobu Kinjo
- [openstack-dev] [Manila] CephFS native driver
Shinobu Kinjo
- [openstack-dev] CephFS native driver
Shinobu Kinjo
- [openstack-dev] [Manila] CephFS native driver
Shinobu Kinjo
- [openstack-dev] [puppet] monasca,murano,mistral governance
Klein, Bradley
- [openstack-dev] [Fuel] Nominate Denis Dmitriev for fuel-qa(devops) core
Ivan Kliuk
- [openstack-dev] [keystone] creating new users with invalid mail addresses possible
Brant Knudson
- [openstack-dev] [all] New Gerrit translations change proposals from Zanata
Brant Knudson
- [openstack-dev] [cinder] How to make a mock effactive for all method of a testclass
Brant Knudson
- [openstack-dev] Optional Dependencies
Brant Knudson
- [openstack-dev] [tempest] Is there a sandbox project how to use tempest test plugin interface?
Marc Koderer
- [openstack-dev] [neutron] Neutron debugging tool
Nodir Kodirov
- [openstack-dev] [neutron] Neutron debugging tool
Nodir Kodirov
- [openstack-dev] [cinder] PTL Non-Candidacy
Ivan Kolodyazhny
- [openstack-dev] [Horizon] [Cinder] [Keystone] Showing Cinder quotas for non-admin users in Horizon
Ivan Kolodyazhny
- [openstack-dev] Cinder as generic volume manager
Ivan Kolodyazhny
- [openstack-dev] [Cinder] PTL Candidacy
Ivan Kolodyazhny
- [openstack-dev] [CINDER] [PTL Candidates] Questions
Ivan Kolodyazhny
- [openstack-dev] [nova][cinder] how to handle AZ bug 1496235?
Ivan Kolodyazhny
- [openstack-dev] [all] -1 due to line length violation in commit messages
Ivan Kolodyazhny
- [openstack-dev] [Cinder] Late Liberty patches should now be unblocked ...
Ivan Kolodyazhny
- [openstack-dev] [all] Proposed Mitaka release schedule
Ivan Kolodyazhny
- [openstack-dev] [cinder] [all] The future of Cinder API v1
Ivan Kolodyazhny
- [openstack-dev] [Openstack-operators] [cinder] [all] The future of Cinder API v1
Ivan Kolodyazhny
- [openstack-dev] [Devstack][Sahara][Cinder] BlockDeviceDriver support in Devstack
Ivan Kolodyazhny
- [openstack-dev] [Openstack-operators] [cinder] [all] The future of Cinder API v1
Ivan Kolodyazhny
- [openstack-dev] [cinder] [Sahara] Block Device Driver updates
Ivan Kolodyazhny
- [openstack-dev] [glance] image-create --is-public removed?
Nikhil Komawar
- [openstack-dev] [Glance] Feature Freeze Exception proposal
Nikhil Komawar
- [openstack-dev] [Glance] Feature Freeze Exception proposal
Nikhil Komawar
- [openstack-dev] [Glance] loading a new conf file
Nikhil Komawar
- [openstack-dev] [all] Mitaka Design Summit - Proposed slot allocation
Nikhil Komawar
- [openstack-dev] [Glance] Feature Freeze Exception proposal
Nikhil Komawar
- [openstack-dev] [Glance] Liberty RC reviews
Nikhil Komawar
- [openstack-dev] [Glance] Artifacts meeting canceled today.
Nikhil Komawar
- [openstack-dev] [Glance] Feature Freeze Exception proposal
Nikhil Komawar
- [openstack-dev] [Glance] New BP required for adding new json file to Glance metadefs?
Nikhil Komawar
- [openstack-dev] [glance] [nova] Verification of glance images before boot
Nikhil Komawar
- [openstack-dev] [Glance] Feature Freeze Exception proposal
Nikhil Komawar
- [openstack-dev] [Glance] FFE request for parallel scrubbing
Nikhil Komawar
- [openstack-dev] [glance] [nova] Verification of glance images before boot
Nikhil Komawar
- [openstack-dev] [Glance] python-glanceclient 1.0.x back compat for v2 proposal.
Nikhil Komawar
- [openstack-dev] [Glance] python-glanceclient 1.0.x back compat for v2 proposal.
Nikhil Komawar
- [openstack-dev] [glance] [nova] Verification of glance images before boot
Nikhil Komawar
- [openstack-dev] [Glance] glance core rotation part 1
Nikhil Komawar
- [openstack-dev] [glance] [nova] Verification of glance images before boot
Nikhil Komawar
- [openstack-dev] [Glance] glance core rotation part 1
Nikhil Komawar
- [openstack-dev] [all][ptl][release] final liberty cycle client library releases needed
Nikhil Komawar
- [openstack-dev] [Glance] PTL candidacy
Nikhil Komawar
- [openstack-dev] [all][elections] PTL nomination period is now over
Nikhil Komawar
- [openstack-dev] [all][elections] PTL nomination period is now over
Nikhil Komawar
- [openstack-dev] [all][elections] PTL nomination period is now over
Nikhil Komawar
- [openstack-dev] [Glance] glance core rotation part 1
Nikhil Komawar
- [openstack-dev] [release][ptl][all] creating stable/liberty branches for non-oslo libraries today
Nikhil Komawar
- [openstack-dev] [release][all] Release help needed - we are incompatible with ourselves
Nikhil Komawar
- [openstack-dev] [Glance][Solum] Using os-auth-token and os-image-url with glance client
Nikhil Komawar
- [openstack-dev] [glance][nova] how to upgrade from v1 to v2?
Nikhil Komawar
- [openstack-dev] [stable][glance] glance-stable-maint group refresher
Nikhil Komawar
- [openstack-dev] [mistral] Displaying wf hierarchy in CLI
Lingxian Kong
- [openstack-dev] [mistral] Displaying wf hierarchy in CLI
Lingxian Kong
- [openstack-dev] [Mistral] Mistral PTL Candidacy
Lingxian Kong
- [openstack-dev] [mistral][requirements] lockfile not in global requirements
Lingxian Kong
- [openstack-dev] [mistral] Cancelling team meeting today (09/28/2015)
Lingxian Kong
- [openstack-dev] [nova] live migration in Mitaka
Koniszewski, Pawel
- [openstack-dev] [nova] live migration in Mitaka
Koniszewski, Pawel
- [openstack-dev] [Fuel] Nominate Andrey Sledzinskiy for fuel-ostf core
Alexander Kostrikov
- [openstack-dev] [Fuel] Nominate Denis Dmitriev for fuel-qa(devops) core
Alexander Kostrikov
- [openstack-dev] [nova][vmware] compute log files are flooded with unnecessary data
Gary Kotton
- [openstack-dev] [nova] periodic task
Gary Kotton
- [openstack-dev] [nova][vmware][qa] vmware nsx CI appears gone
Gary Kotton
- [openstack-dev] [nova] Bug importance
Gary Kotton
- [openstack-dev] [nova] Bug importance
Gary Kotton
- [openstack-dev] [neutron] PTL Non-Candidacy
Gary Kotton
- [openstack-dev] [Neutron] Effective Neutron
Gary Kotton
- [openstack-dev] New PyCharm License
Gary Kotton
- [openstack-dev] [all] gerri performance
Gary Kotton
- [openstack-dev] [Fuel] Remove MOS DEB repo from master node
Vladimir Kozhukalov
- [openstack-dev] [Fuel] Remove MOS DEB repo from master node
Vladimir Kozhukalov
- [openstack-dev] [Fuel] Install fuel-libraryX.Y as a package on slave nodes
Vladimir Kozhukalov
- [openstack-dev] [Fuel] Install fuel-libraryX.Y as a package on slave nodes
Vladimir Kozhukalov
- [openstack-dev] [Fuel] Install fuel-libraryX.Y as a package on slave nodes
Vladimir Kozhukalov
- [openstack-dev] [Fuel] Install fuel-libraryX.Y as a package on slave nodes
Vladimir Kozhukalov
- [openstack-dev] [Fuel] Remove MOS DEB repo from master node
Vladimir Kozhukalov
- [openstack-dev] [Fuel] Remove MOS DEB repo from master node
Vladimir Kozhukalov
- [openstack-dev] [Fuel] Let's change the way we distribute Fuel (was: [Fuel] Remove MOS DEB repo from master node)
Vladimir Kozhukalov
- [openstack-dev] [Fuel] Remove MOS DEB repo from master node
Vladimir Kozhukalov
- [openstack-dev] [Fuel] Remove MOS DEB repo from master node
Vladimir Kozhukalov
- [openstack-dev] [Fuel] Remove MOS DEB repo from master node
Vladimir Kozhukalov
- [openstack-dev] [Fuel][UI] Bower is gone
Vitaly Kramskikh
- [openstack-dev] [heat] [gate] gate-heat-dsvm-functional-orig-mysql fails 100%
Sergey Kraynev
- [openstack-dev] [Tripleo][Heat][Nova][Ironic] Rich-network stuff and ironic hypervisor
Sergey Kraynev
- [openstack-dev] [Heat] Integration Test Questions
Sergey Kraynev
- [openstack-dev] [Heat] Integration Test Questions
Sergey Kraynev
- [openstack-dev] [neutron][lbaas] - Heat support for LbaasV2
Sergey Kraynev
- [openstack-dev] [neutron][lbaas] - Heat support for LbaasV2
Sergey Kraynev
- [openstack-dev] [neutron][lbaas] - Heat support for LbaasV2
Sergey Kraynev
- [openstack-dev] [heat] Traditional question about Heat IRC meeting time.
Sergey Kraynev
- [openstack-dev] [Heat] Assumptions regarding extensions to OpenStack api's
Sergey Kraynev
- [openstack-dev] [ironic] 100% failure in pxe_ssh job
Julia Kreger
- [openstack-dev] [all] Something about being a PTL
Michael Krotscheck
- [openstack-dev] [ironic] [javascript] ironic-webclient seeks more reviewers and contributors
Michael Krotscheck
- [openstack-dev] [all] [neutron] [ux] [nova] Nova Network/Neutron Migration Survey
Kruithof, Piet
- [openstack-dev] [Openstack-operators] [neutron] [nova] Nova Network/Neutron Migration Survey - need response from folks currently using Nova Networks in their deployments
Kruithof, Piet
- [openstack-dev] [PTL] The OpenStack UX team would like to know which roles are relevant to your project
Kruithof, Piet
- [openstack-dev] [Fuel][Fuel-Library] Nominating Alex Schultz to Fuel-Library Core
Vladimir Kuklin
- [openstack-dev] [Fuel] Nominate Evgeniy Konstantinov for fuel-docs core
Vladimir Kuklin
- [openstack-dev] [Fuel] Install fuel-libraryX.Y as a package on slave nodes
Vladimir Kuklin
- [openstack-dev] [Fuel] Remove MOS DEB repo from master node
Vladimir Kuklin
- [openstack-dev] [Fuel] Remove MOS DEB repo from master node
Vladimir Kuklin
- [openstack-dev] [Fuel] Remove MOS DEB repo from master node
Vladimir Kuklin
- [openstack-dev] [Fuel] Remove MOS DEB repo from master node
Vladimir Kuklin
- [openstack-dev] [fuel] PTL & Component Leads elections
Vladimir Kuklin
- [openstack-dev] Apache2 vs uWSGI vs ...
Vladimir Kuklin
- [openstack-dev] Apache2 vs uWSGI vs ...
Vladimir Kuklin
- [openstack-dev] [Fuel] Core Reviewers groups restructure
Vladimir Kuklin
- [openstack-dev] [fuel] PTL & Component Leads elections
Vladimir Kuklin
- [openstack-dev] [fuel] PTL & Component Leads elections
Vladimir Kuklin
- [openstack-dev] [Fuel] Fuel PTL Candidacy
Vladimir Kuklin
- [openstack-dev] [Fuel][PTL] PTL Candidates Q&A Session
Vladimir Kuklin
- [openstack-dev] [fuel] PTL & Component Leads elections
Vladimir Kuklin
- [openstack-dev] [Solum] PTL Candidacy
Devdatta Kulkarni
- [openstack-dev] [Glance][Solum] Using os-auth-token and os-image-url with glance client
Devdatta Kulkarni
- [openstack-dev] [Glance][Solum] Using os-auth-token and os-image-url with glance client
Devdatta Kulkarni
- [openstack-dev] [Glance][Solum] Using os-auth-token and os-image-url with glance client
Devdatta Kulkarni
- [openstack-dev] [Solum] Proposal to change weekly IRC meeting time
Devdatta Kulkarni
- [openstack-dev] [magnum]swarm + compose = k8s?
Devdatta Kulkarni
- [openstack-dev] [kolla] Followup to review in gerrit relating to RHOS + RDO types
Swapnil Kulkarni
- [openstack-dev] [kolla] proposing Michal Jastrzebski (inc0) for core reviewer
Swapnil Kulkarni
- [openstack-dev] [nova][cinder] how to handle AZ bug 1496235?
Ikuo Kumagai
- [openstack-dev] [election][TC] TC Candidacy
Amrith Kumar
- [openstack-dev] Intel PCI CI down today due to testing scripts bug
Anita Kuno
- [openstack-dev] [puppet] hosting developer documentation on
Anita Kuno
- [openstack-dev] [cinder][third-party] StorPool Cinder CI
Anita Kuno
- [openstack-dev] [puppet] hosting developer documentation on
Anita Kuno
- [openstack-dev] [OpenStack-Infra] Gerrit downtime on Friday 2015-09-11 at 23:00 UTC
Anita Kuno
- [openstack-dev] [all] [ptl] Troubleshooting cross-project communications
Anita Kuno
- [openstack-dev] [all][elections] PTL nomination period is now over
Anita Kuno
- [openstack-dev] [all][elections] PTL nomination period is now over
Anita Kuno
- [openstack-dev] [oslo][doc] Oslo doc sprint 9/24-9/25
Anita Kuno
- [openstack-dev] [puppet] should puppet-neutron manage third party software?
Anita Kuno
- [openstack-dev] [OpenStack-Dev] Recent proposal to remove NetApp drivers
Anita Kuno
- [openstack-dev] [cinder][neutron][all] New third-party-ci testing requirements for OpenStack Compatible mark
Anita Kuno
- [openstack-dev] [murano] Fix order of arguments in assertEqual
Andrey Kurilin
- [openstack-dev] [nova][python-novaclient] Functional test fail due to publicURL endpoint for volume service not found
Andrey Kurilin
- [openstack-dev] [glance] Models and validation for v2
Kairat Kushaev
- [openstack-dev] [glance] Models and validation for v2
Kairat Kushaev
- [openstack-dev] [Glance] Feature Freeze Exception proposal
Kuvaja, Erno
- [openstack-dev] [glance] differences between def detail() and def index() in glance/registry/api/v1/
Kuvaja, Erno
- [openstack-dev] [Glance] glance core rotation part 1
Kuvaja, Erno
- [openstack-dev] [all][TC] 'team:danger-not-diverse tag' and my concerns
Kuvaja, Erno
- [openstack-dev] [all][ptl][release] final liberty cycle client library releases needed
Kuvaja, Erno
- [openstack-dev] [glance] proposed priorities for Mitaka
Kuvaja, Erno
- [openstack-dev] [glance] proposed priorities for Mitaka
Kuvaja, Erno
- [openstack-dev] Cross-Project Meeting Tue 29th of Sep, 21:00 UTC
Kuvaja, Erno
- [openstack-dev] [stable][glance] glance-stable-maint group refresher
Kuvaja, Erno
- [openstack-dev] [Fuel] Code review process in Fuel and related issues
Evgeniy L
- [openstack-dev] [lbaas] [octavia] Proposing new meeting time Wednesday 16:00 UTC
Bertrand LALLAU
- [openstack-dev] [mistral][yaql] Addressing task result using YAQL function
Stan Lagun
- [openstack-dev] [murano] Proposing Nikolai Starodubtsev for core
Stan Lagun
- [openstack-dev] [oslo.messaging]
Nader Lahouti
- [openstack-dev] [murano] Fix order of arguments in assertEqual
Tetiana Lashchova
- [openstack-dev] [nova] [docs] Are cells still 'experimental'?
Andrew Laski
- [openstack-dev] Scheduler hints, API and Objects
Andrew Laski
- [openstack-dev] Scheduler hints, API and Objects
Andrew Laski
- [openstack-dev] Scheduler hints, API and Objects
Andrew Laski
- [openstack-dev] [nova][cinder] how to handle AZ bug 1496235?
Andrew Laski
- [openstack-dev] [nova][cinder] how to handle AZ bug 1496235?
Andrew Laski
- [openstack-dev] [nova][cinder] how to handle AZ bug 1496235?
Andrew Laski
- [openstack-dev] [nova][cinder] how to handle AZ bug 1496235?
Andrew Laski
- [openstack-dev] [nova][cinder] how to handle AZ bug 1496235?
Andrew Laski
- [openstack-dev] Compute API (Was Re: [nova][cinder] how to handle AZ bug 1496235?)
Andrew Laski
- [openstack-dev] [glance][nova] how to upgrade from v1 to v2?
Andrew Laski
- [openstack-dev] [glance][nova] how to upgrade from v1 to v2?
Andrew Laski
- [openstack-dev] [glance][nova] how to upgrade from v1 to v2?
Andrew Laski
- [openstack-dev] Compute API (Was Re: [nova][cinder] how to handle AZ bug 1496235?)
Andrew Laski
- [openstack-dev] Compute API (Was Re: [nova][cinder] how to handle AZ bug 1496235?)
Andrew Laski
- [openstack-dev] [nova] how to address boot from volume failures
Andrew Laski
- [openstack-dev] [magnum] Is magnum db going to be removed for k8s resources?
Jay Lau
- [openstack-dev] [magnum] Is magnum db going to be removed for k8s resources?
Jay Lau
- [openstack-dev] [Magnum]bay/baymodel sharing for multi-tenants
Jay Lau
- [openstack-dev] [magnum]swarm + compose = k8s?
Jay Lau
- [openstack-dev] [Fuel] Remove MOS DEB repo from master node
Adam Lawson
- [openstack-dev] [Fuel] fuel-createmirror "command not found"
Adam Lawson
- [openstack-dev] [relmgt] PTL non-candidacy
Ed Leafe
- [openstack-dev] [all][elections] PTL nomination period is now over
Ed Leafe
- [openstack-dev] [election][tc] TC Candidacy
Ed Leafe
- [openstack-dev] [Barbican] Nominating Dave Mccowan for Barbican core
Ade Lee
- [openstack-dev] Tracing a request (NOVA)
Alexis Lee
- [openstack-dev] [neutron] [oslo.privsep] Any progress on privsep?
Angus Lees
- [openstack-dev] [DevStack][Keystone][Ironic][Swit][Barbican] FYI: Defaulting to Keystone v3 API
Jamie Lennox
- [openstack-dev] [keystone]how to get service_catalog
Jamie Lennox
- [openstack-dev] [DevStack][Keystone][Ironic][Swit][Barbican] FYI: Defaulting to Keystone v3 API
Jamie Lennox
- [openstack-dev] [Keystone][Glance] keystonemiddleware & multiple keystone endpoints
Jamie Lennox
- [openstack-dev] [keystone]how to get service_catalog
Jamie Lennox
- [openstack-dev] [magnum] keystone pluggable model
Jamie Lennox
- [openstack-dev] [all] Consistent support for SSL termination proxies across all API services
Jamie Lennox
- [openstack-dev] [Fuel] Nominate Andrey Sledzinskiy for fuel-ostf core
Tatyana Leontovich
- [openstack-dev] [Fuel] Nominate Andrey Sledzinskiy for fuel-ostf core
Tatyana Leontovich
- [openstack-dev] [Fuel] Nominate Denis Dmitriev for fuel-qa(devops) core
Tatyana Leontovich
- [openstack-dev] [neutron][sriov] SRIOV-VM could not work well with normal VM
Moshe Levi
- [openstack-dev] [cinder]Review request for data transfer between encrypted volumes and images
Li, Xiaoyan
- [openstack-dev] [nova] ProviderFirewallRules still available?
Hans Lindgren
- [openstack-dev] [ops] Operator Local Patches
Kris G. Lindgren
- [openstack-dev] [Openstack-operators] [Large Deployments Team][Performance Team] New informal working group suggestion
Kris G. Lindgren
- [openstack-dev] [ops] Operator Local Patches
Kris G. Lindgren
- [openstack-dev] [magnum]swarm + compose = k8s?
Kris G. Lindgren
- [openstack-dev] questions about nova compute monitors extensions
Hou Gang HG Liu
- [openstack-dev] questions about nova compute monitors extensions
Hou Gang HG Liu
- [openstack-dev] [ec2api][puppet] EC2 api puppet module
Marcos Fermin Lobo
- [openstack-dev] [ec2api][murano][rdo] RPMs for ec2api and murano
Marcos Fermin Lobo
- [openstack-dev] [neutron][lbaas] Barbican container lookup fron lbaas
Varun Lodaya
- [openstack-dev] [neutron][lbaas] Barbican container lookup fron lbaas
Varun Lodaya
- [openstack-dev] [neutron] PTL Non-Candidacy
Brandon Logan
- [openstack-dev] [neutron][lbaas] Proposing Michael Johnson for neutron-lbaas core team
Brandon Logan
- [openstack-dev] [neutron][lbaas] - Heat support for LbaasV2
Brandon Logan
- [openstack-dev] [neutron][lbaas] - Heat support for LbaasV2
Brandon Logan
- [openstack-dev] [neutron][lbaas] - Heat support for LbaasV2
Brandon Logan
- [openstack-dev] [neutron][lbaas] - Heat support for LbaasV2
Brandon Logan
- [openstack-dev] [neutron][lbaas] - Heat support for LbaasV2
Brandon Logan
- [openstack-dev] [neutron][lbaas] - Heat support for LbaasV2
Brandon Logan
- [openstack-dev] [lbaas] [octavia] Proposing new meeting time Wednesday 16:00 UTC
Brandon Logan
- [openstack-dev] [ironic] weekly subteam status report
Ruby Loo
- [openstack-dev] [all] Base feature deprecation policy
Ruby Loo
- [openstack-dev] [Ironic] Suggestion to split install guide
Ruby Loo
- [openstack-dev] [ironic] weekly subteam status report
Ruby Loo
- [openstack-dev] [ironic] Liberty soft freeze
Ruby Loo
- [openstack-dev] [ironic] weekly subteam status report
Ruby Loo
- [openstack-dev] [ironic] subteam leads
Ruby Loo
- [openstack-dev] [ironic] weekly subteam status report
Ruby Loo
- [openstack-dev] [trove] [heat] Multi region support
Lowery, Mathew
- [openstack-dev] [trove] Anyone using containers?
Lowery, Mathew
- [openstack-dev] [trove] [heat] Multi region support
Lowery, Mathew
- [openstack-dev] [magnum] Steps to upload magnum images
Hongbin Lu
- [openstack-dev] [magnum] Vote for our weekly meeting schedule
Hongbin Lu
- [openstack-dev] [magnum] Maintaining cluster API in upgrades
Hongbin Lu
- [openstack-dev] [magnum][ptl] Magnum PTL Candidacy
Hongbin Lu
- [openstack-dev] [all][elections] PTL nomination period is now over
Hongbin Lu
- [openstack-dev] [magnum] Associating patches with bugs/bps (Please don't hurt me)
Hongbin Lu
- [openstack-dev] [magnum] Handling password for k8s
Hongbin Lu
- [openstack-dev] [magnum]swarm + compose = k8s?
Hongbin Lu
- [openstack-dev] [magnum] New Core Reviewers
Hongbin Lu
- [openstack-dev] [sahara] mitaka summit session ideas
Sergey Lukjanov
- [openstack-dev] [sahara] FFE request for heat wait condition support
Sergey Lukjanov
- [openstack-dev] [sahara] Request for Feature Freeze Exception
Sergey Lukjanov
- [openstack-dev] [sahara] FFE request for nfs-as-a-data-source
Sergey Lukjanov
- [openstack-dev] [sahara] FFE request for scheduler and suspend EDP job for sahara
Sergey Lukjanov
- [openstack-dev] [sahara] FFE for Ambari plugin
Sergey Lukjanov
- [openstack-dev] [all][ptl][release] final liberty cycle client library releases needed
Sergey Lukjanov
- [openstack-dev] [sahara] PTL candidacy
Sergey Lukjanov
- [openstack-dev] [fuel] PTL & Component Leads elections
Sergey Lukjanov
- [openstack-dev] [Neutron] DHCP configuration
Germy Lure
- [openstack-dev] [Neutron] Port forwarding
Germy Lure
- [openstack-dev] [Neutron] Port forwarding
Germy Lure
- [openstack-dev] [Neutron] Port forwarding
Germy Lure
- [openstack-dev] [Neutron] Port forwarding
Germy Lure
- [openstack-dev] [Horizon]Let's take care of our integration tests
David Lyle
- [openstack-dev] [Horizon]Let's take care of our integration tests
David Lyle
- [openstack-dev] [Horizon]Let's take care of our integration tests
David Lyle
- [openstack-dev] [Horizon]Let's take care of our integration tests
David Lyle
- [openstack-dev] [UX] Creating acount at Invision
David Lyle
- [openstack-dev] [horizon] PTL Candidacy
David Lyle
- [openstack-dev] [horizon] Mitaka Summit Topic Proposals
David Lyle
- [openstack-dev] [neutron][lbaas] - Heat support for LbaasV2
Ethan Lynn
- [openstack-dev] New PyCharm License
Noorul Islam K M
- [openstack-dev] [neutron] pushing changes through the gate
Armando M.
- [openstack-dev] [neutron] pushing changes through the gate
Armando M.
- [openstack-dev] [neutron] pushing changes through the gate
Armando M.
- [openstack-dev] [docs][networking-sfc]
Armando M.
- [openstack-dev] [neutron] RFE process question
Armando M.
- [openstack-dev] [neutron] PTL Non-Candidacy
Armando M.
- [openstack-dev] [nova][neutron][devstack] New proposed 'default' network model
Armando M.
- [openstack-dev] [nova][neutron][devstack] New proposed 'default' network model
Armando M.
- [openstack-dev] [nova][neutron][devstack] New proposed 'default' network model
Armando M.
- [openstack-dev] [nova][neutron][devstack] New proposed 'default' network model
Armando M.
- [openstack-dev] [nova][neutron][devstack] New proposed 'default' network model
Armando M.
- [openstack-dev] [nova][neutron][devstack] New proposed 'default' network model
Armando M.
- [openstack-dev] [nova][neutron][devstack] New proposed 'default' network model
Armando M.
- [openstack-dev] [nova][neutron][devstack] New proposed 'default' network model
Armando M.
- [openstack-dev] [Neutron] PTL Candidacy
Armando M.
- [openstack-dev] [gate] requirement conflict on Babel breaks grenade jobs
Armando M.
- [openstack-dev] [Neutron] Effective Neutron
Armando M.
- [openstack-dev] [neutron][networking-ovn][vtep] Proposal: support for vtep-gateway in ovn
Armando M.
- [openstack-dev] [cinder][neutron][all] New third-party-ci testing requirements for OpenStack Compatible mark
Armando M.
- [openstack-dev] [neutron] congrats to armax!
Armando M.
- [openstack-dev] [Openstack-operators] [neutron] [nova] Nova Network/Neutron Migration Survey - need response from folks currently using Nova Networks in their deployments
Armando M.
- [openstack-dev] [Neutron] Defeact management
Armando M.
- [openstack-dev] Should v2 compatibility mode (v2.0 on v2.1) fixes be applicable for v2.1 too?
- [openstack-dev] [QA] Meeting Thursday September 17th at 9:00 UTC
- [openstack-dev] [dragonflow] Low OVS version for Ubuntu
Li Ma
- [openstack-dev] [neutron] RFE process question
Li Ma
- [openstack-dev] [neutron] Please help review this RFE
Li Ma
- [openstack-dev] [dragonflow] Low OVS version for Ubuntu
Li Ma
- [openstack-dev] [neutron] [oslo.privsep] Any progress on privsep?
Li Ma
- [openstack-dev] [neutron] [oslo.privsep] Any progress on privsep?
Li Ma
- [openstack-dev] [neutron] Neutron debugging tool
Li Ma
- [openstack-dev] [puppet] CI: make heat, Ironic, glance beaker non voting on trusty
Emilien Macchi
- [openstack-dev] [ec2api][puppet] EC2 api puppet module
Emilien Macchi
- [openstack-dev] [puppet] weekly meeting #49
Emilien Macchi
- [openstack-dev] [puppet] hosting developer documentation on
Emilien Macchi
- [openstack-dev] [puppet] hosting developer documentation on
Emilien Macchi
- [openstack-dev] [puppet] hosting developer documentation on
Emilien Macchi
- [openstack-dev] [tripleo] Upgrade plans for RDO Manager - Brainstorming
Emilien Macchi
- [openstack-dev] [puppet] hosting developer documentation on
Emilien Macchi
- [openstack-dev] [puppet] hosting developer documentation on
Emilien Macchi
- [openstack-dev] [all] Mitaka Design Summit - Proposed slot allocation
Emilien Macchi
- [openstack-dev] [puppet] Liberty Sprint Retrospective
Emilien Macchi
- [openstack-dev] [puppet] Tokyo Summit
Emilien Macchi
- [openstack-dev] [puppet] weekly meeting #50
Emilien Macchi
- [openstack-dev] [puppet] weekly meeting #50
Emilien Macchi
- [openstack-dev] [Ansible][Infra] Moving ansible roles into big tent?
Emilien Macchi
- [openstack-dev] [puppet]Fwd: Delorean with CBS Liberty deps repos
Emilien Macchi
- [openstack-dev] [puppet] [ceilometer] Puppetize OpenStack Aodh
Emilien Macchi
- [openstack-dev] [puppet] PTL Candidacy
Emilien Macchi
- [openstack-dev] [puppet] weekly meeting #51
Emilien Macchi
- [openstack-dev] [puppet] monasca,murano,mistral governance
Emilien Macchi
- [openstack-dev] [puppet] monasca,murano,mistral governance
Emilien Macchi
- [openstack-dev] [puppet] weekly meeting #51
Emilien Macchi
- [openstack-dev] [puppet] service default value functions
Emilien Macchi
- [openstack-dev] [puppet] weekly meeting #52
Emilien Macchi
- [openstack-dev] [puppet] feedback request about puppet-keystone
Emilien Macchi
- [openstack-dev] [puppet] Tokyo Summit - dev + ops
Emilien Macchi
- [openstack-dev] [puppet] weekly meeting #52
Emilien Macchi
- [openstack-dev] [puppet] service default value functions
Emilien Macchi
- [openstack-dev] [puppet] use zuul-cloner when running rspec
Emilien Macchi
- [openstack-dev] [puppet] use zuul-cloner when running rspec
Emilien Macchi
- [openstack-dev] [puppet] use zuul-cloner when running rspec
Emilien Macchi
- [openstack-dev] [puppet] use zuul-cloner when running rspec
Emilien Macchi
- [openstack-dev] [puppet] should puppet-neutron manage third party software?
Emilien Macchi
- [openstack-dev] [Openstack-operators] [puppet] feedback request about puppet-keystone
Emilien Macchi
- [openstack-dev] [puppet] Fwd: Action required: stackforge/puppet-openstack project move
Emilien Macchi
- [openstack-dev] [puppet] weekly meeting #53
Emilien Macchi
- [openstack-dev] [puppet] weekly meeting #53
Emilien Macchi
- [openstack-dev] [puppet] Fwd: Action required: stackforge/puppet-openstack project move
Emilien Macchi
- [openstack-dev] [puppet] should puppet-neutron manage third party software?
Emilien Macchi
- [openstack-dev] [puppet] [infra] split integration jobs
Emilien Macchi
- [openstack-dev] [puppet] prepare 5.2.0 and 6.1.0 releases
Emilien Macchi
- [openstack-dev] [puppet] should puppet-neutron manage third party software?
Emilien Macchi
- [openstack-dev] [OpenStack-Infra] [infra] PTL non-candidacy
Edgar Magana
- [openstack-dev] [neutron] PTL Non-Candidacy
Edgar Magana
- [openstack-dev] [Neutron] Effective Neutron
Edgar Magana
- [openstack-dev] [all][elections] PTL nomination period is now over
Edgar Magana
- [openstack-dev] [neutron][lbaas] Proposing Michael Johnson for neutron-lbaas core team
Edgar Magana
- [openstack-dev] [puppet] should puppet-neutron manage third party software?
Edgar Magana
- [openstack-dev] [all][elections] PTL Election Conclusion and Results
Edgar Magana
- [openstack-dev] [election] [TC] TC Candidacy
Edgar Magana
- [openstack-dev] [Cinder] PTL Candidacy
Nikesh Kumar Mahalka
- [openstack-dev] [cinder] PTL Non-Candidacy
Nikesh Kumar Mahalka
- [openstack-dev] Apache2 vs uWSGI vs ...
Alexander Makarov
- [openstack-dev] [mistral][yaql] Addressing task result using YAQL function
Nikolay Makhotkin
- [openstack-dev] [mistral] Team meeting minutes
Nikolay Makhotkin
- [openstack-dev] [mistral] Define better terms for WAITING and DELAYED states
Nikolay Makhotkin
- [openstack-dev] [mistral] Cancelling team meeting today (09/28/2015)
Nikolay Makhotkin
- [openstack-dev] [Fuel] Bugs which we should accept in 7.0 after Hard Code Freeze
Andrew Maksimov
- [openstack-dev] [Heat] Assumptions regarding extensions to OpenStack api's
Pratik Mallya
- [openstack-dev] [puppet] hosting developer documentation on
Gui Maluf
- [openstack-dev] [puppet] hosting developer documentation on
Gui Maluf
- [openstack-dev] [puppet][swift] Applying security recommendations within puppet-swift
Gui Maluf
- [openstack-dev] [Trove] PTL Non-Candidacy
Nikhil Manchanda
- [openstack-dev] [cinder] LVM snapshot performance issue -- why isn't thin provisioning the default?
Philipp Marek
- [openstack-dev] [openstack-operators][Rally] Rally plugins reference is available
Aleksandr Maretskiy
- [openstack-dev] [cinder] PTL Non-Candidacy
Martin, Kurt Frederick (ESSN Storage MSDU)
- [openstack-dev] [DevStack][Keystone][Ironic][Swit][Barbican] FYI: Defaulting to Keystone v3 API
Steve Martinelli
- [openstack-dev] [magnum]keystone version
Steve Martinelli
- [openstack-dev] [nova][i18n] Is there any point in using _() inpython-novaclient?
Steve Martinelli
- [openstack-dev] [keystone] FFE Request for Reseller
Steve Martinelli
- [openstack-dev] [DevStack][Keystone][Ironic][Swit][Barbican] FYI: Defaulting to Keystone v3 API
Steve Martinelli
- [openstack-dev] [openstackclient] add lin hua cheng to osc-core
Steve Martinelli
- [openstack-dev] [keystone][ptl] PTL Candidacy
Steve Martinelli
- [openstack-dev] [all][elections] PTL nomination period is nowover
Steve Martinelli
- [openstack-dev] repairing so many OpenStack components writing configuration files in /usr/etc
Steve Martinelli
- [openstack-dev] [oslo] nominating Brant Knudson for Oslo core
Steve Martinelli
- [openstack-dev] [Glance][Solum] Using os-auth-token and os-image-url with glance client
Steve Martinelli
- [openstack-dev] [cinder][ThirdPartyCI]CloudFounders OpenvStorage CI - request to re-add the cinder driver
Eduard Matei
- [openstack-dev] Fwd: [cinder][ThirdPartyCI]CloudFounders OpenvStorage CI - request to re-add the cinder driver
Eduard Matei
- [openstack-dev] [Openstack-dev] Devstack broken - third party CI broken
Eduard Matei
- [openstack-dev] [Openstack-dev] Devstack broken - third party CI broken
Eduard Matei
- [openstack-dev] [Cinder]Behavior when one cinder-volume service is down
Eduard Matei
- [openstack-dev] [Cinder]Behavior when one cinder-volume service is down
Eduard Matei
- [openstack-dev] [Cinder]Behavior when one cinder-volume service is down
Eduard Matei
- [openstack-dev] [api][keystone][openstackclient] Standards for object name attributes and filtering
Dolph Mathews
- [openstack-dev] FFE Request for moving inherited assignment to core in Keystone
Dolph Mathews
- [openstack-dev] [all] Something about being a PTL
Dolph Mathews
- [openstack-dev] [keystone] PTL non-candidacy
Dolph Mathews
- [openstack-dev] [keystone] creating new users with invalid mail addresses possible
Dolph Mathews
- [openstack-dev] [devstack][keystone][ironic] Use only Keystone v3 API in DevStack
Dolph Mathews
- [openstack-dev] [all][TC] 'team:danger-not-diverse tag' and my concerns
Dolph Mathews
- [openstack-dev] [all][elections] PTL nomination period is now over
Dolph Mathews
- [openstack-dev] Apache2 vs uWSGI vs ...
Dolph Mathews
- [openstack-dev] [TripleO] Releasing tripleo-common on PyPI
Dougal Matthews
- [openstack-dev] [TripleO] Remove Tuskar from tripleo-common and python-tripleoclient
Dougal Matthews
- [openstack-dev] [TripleO] Remove Tuskar from tripleo-common and python-tripleoclient
Dougal Matthews
- [openstack-dev] [TripleO] Defining a public API for tripleo-common
Dougal Matthews
- [openstack-dev] [neutron] PTL Non-Candidacy
Mark McClain
- [openstack-dev] [openstack-ansible] Proposing Steve Lewis (stevelle) for core reviewer
Andy McCrae
- [openstack-dev] [rootwrap] rootwrap and libraries - RFC
Sean McGinnis
- [openstack-dev] [rootwrap] rootwrap and libraries - RFC
Sean McGinnis
- [openstack-dev] [Cinder] PTL Candidacy
Sean McGinnis
- [openstack-dev] [cinder] PTL Non-Candidacy
Sean McGinnis
- [openstack-dev] [CINDER] [PTL Candidates] Questions
Sean McGinnis
- [openstack-dev] [cinder] The Absurdity of the Milestone-1 Deadline for Drivers
Sean McGinnis
- [openstack-dev] [cinder] snapshot and cloning for NFS backend
Sean McGinnis
- [openstack-dev] [Openstack] [Horizon] [Sahara] FFE request for Sahara unified job interface map UI
Trevor McKay
- [openstack-dev] [Glance] glance core rotation part 1
Alex Meade
- [openstack-dev] [cinder] PTL Non-Candidacy
David Medberry
- [openstack-dev] [puppet][keystone] Keystone resource naming with domain support - no '::domain' if 'Default'
Rich Megginson
- [openstack-dev] correction: Re: [puppet][keystone] Keystone resource naming with domain support - no '::domain' if 'Default'
Rich Megginson
- [openstack-dev] [puppet][keystone] plan for domain name handling
Rich Megginson
- [openstack-dev] [puppet][keystone] Choose domain names with 'composite namevar' or 'meaningless name'?
Rich Megginson
- [openstack-dev] [puppet][keystone] Choose domain names with 'composite namevar' or 'meaningless name'?
Rich Megginson
- [openstack-dev] [puppet][keystone] Choose domain names with 'composite namevar' or 'meaningless name'?
Rich Megginson
- [openstack-dev] [puppet][keystone] Choose domain names with 'composite namevar' or 'meaningless name'?
Rich Megginson
- [openstack-dev] [puppet][keystone] Choose domain names with 'composite namevar' or 'meaningless name'?
Rich Megginson
- [openstack-dev] [puppet][keystone] Choose domain names with 'composite namevar' or 'meaningless name'?
Rich Megginson
- [openstack-dev] [puppet][keystone] Choose domain names with 'composite namevar' or 'meaningless name'?
Rich Megginson
- [openstack-dev] [murano] Proposing Nikolai Starodubtsev for core
Serg Melikyan
- [openstack-dev] [murano] PTL Candidacy
Serg Melikyan
- [openstack-dev] [puppet] monasca,murano,mistral governance
Serg Melikyan
- [openstack-dev] [murano] [app-catalog] versions for murano assets in the catalog
Serg Melikyan
- [openstack-dev] [infra][third-party][CI] Third-party oses in devstack-gate
Daniel Mellado
- [openstack-dev] Pycharm License for OpenStack developers
Andrew Melton
- [openstack-dev] [magnum] Discovery
Andrew Melton
- [openstack-dev] New PyCharm License
Andrew Melton
- [openstack-dev] New PyCharm License
Andrew Melton
- [openstack-dev] New PyCharm License
Andrew Melton
- [openstack-dev] New PyCharm License
Andrew Melton
- [openstack-dev] New PyCharm License
Andrew Melton
- [openstack-dev] [magnum] Difference between certs stored in keystone and certs stored in barbican
Douglas Mendizábal
- [openstack-dev] [barbican] No IRC meeting tomorrow September 7
Douglas Mendizábal
- [openstack-dev] [Barbican] Nominating Dave Mccowan for Barbican core
Douglas Mendizábal
- [openstack-dev] [Barbican] Nominating Dave Mccowan for Barbican core
Douglas Mendizábal
- [openstack-dev] [all][elections] PTL nomination period is now over
Douglas Mendizábal
- [openstack-dev] [all][elections] PTL nomination period is now over
Douglas Mendizábal
- [openstack-dev] [neutron][lbaas] Barbican container lookup fron lbaas
Douglas Mendizábal
- [openstack-dev] [neutron][lbaas] Barbican container lookup fron lbaas
Douglas Mendizábal
- [openstack-dev] [Barbican][Security] Automatic Certificate Management Environment
Douglas Mendizábal
- [openstack-dev] Optional Dependencies
Douglas Mendizábal
- [openstack-dev] Hardware requirements for OpenStack
Xiandong Meng
- [openstack-dev] [magnum] Should pod/rc/service 'bay_uuid' be foreign key for Bay 'uuid' ?
Vilobh Meshram
- [openstack-dev] [magnum] Unit Tests Objects from Bay
Vilobh Meshram
- [openstack-dev] [nova] Servicegroup refactoring for the Control Plane - Mitaka
Vilobh Meshram
- [openstack-dev] [neutron] pushing changes through the gate
Kyle Mestery
- [openstack-dev] [neutron] FFE process for Liberty
Kyle Mestery
- [openstack-dev] [neutron] Mitaka Design Summit ideas
Kyle Mestery
- [openstack-dev] [all] Something about being a PTL
Kyle Mestery
- [openstack-dev] [Neutron] Allow for per-subnet dhcp options
Kyle Mestery
- [openstack-dev] [neutron] PTL Non-Candidacy
Kyle Mestery
- [openstack-dev] [neutron] PTL Non-Candidacy
Kyle Mestery
- [openstack-dev] [nova][neutron][devstack] New proposed 'default' network model
Kyle Mestery
- [openstack-dev] [relmgt] PTL non-candidacy
Kyle Mestery
- [openstack-dev] [neutron][lbaas] Proposing Michael Johnson for neutron-lbaas core team
Kyle Mestery
- [openstack-dev] [Neutron] Effective Neutron
Kyle Mestery
- [openstack-dev] [all][elections] PTL nomination period is now over
Kyle Mestery
- [openstack-dev] [all][elections] PTL nomination period is now over
Kyle Mestery
- [openstack-dev] [cinder][neutron][all] New third-party-ci testing requirements for OpenStack Compatible mark
Kyle Mestery
- [openstack-dev] [all] -1 due to line length violation in commit messages
Kyle Mestery
- [openstack-dev] [election] [TC] TC Candidacy
Kyle Mestery
- [openstack-dev] [Neutron] Release of a neutron sub-project
Kyle Mestery
- [openstack-dev] [neutron] pypi packages for networking sub-projects
Kyle Mestery
- [openstack-dev] [Neutron] Release of a neutron sub-project
Kyle Mestery
- [openstack-dev] [neutron] pypi packages for networking sub-projects
Kyle Mestery
- [openstack-dev] [all][TC] 'team:danger-not-diverse tag' and my concerns
Jim Meyer
- [openstack-dev] [openstack-ansible] To NTP, or not to NTP, that is the question
Jim Meyer
- [openstack-dev] [neutron] PTL Non-Candidacy
Paul Michali
- [openstack-dev] [neutron] Stumped...need help with neutronclient job failure
Paul Michali
- [openstack-dev] [neutron][lbaas] Proposing Michael Johnson for neutron-lbaas core team
Al Miller
- [openstack-dev] [Heat] Use block_device_mapping_v2 for swap?
Rabi Mishra
- [openstack-dev] [nova] [api] Nova currently handles list with limit=0 quite different for different objects.
Kevin L. Mitchell
- [openstack-dev] [neutron] PTL Candidancy
Ryan Moats
- [openstack-dev] [neutron][L3][QA] DVR job failure rate and maintainability
Ryan Moats
- [openstack-dev] [neutron] congrats to armax!
Ryan Moats
- [openstack-dev] [nova][cinder] how to handle AZ bug 1496235?
Sam Morrison
- [openstack-dev] [nova][cinder] how to handle AZ bug 1496235?
Sam Morrison
- [openstack-dev] [nova][cinder] how to handle AZ bug 1496235?
Sam Morrison
- [openstack-dev] [Openstack-operators] [cinder] [all] The future of Cinder API v1
Sam Morrison
- [openstack-dev] [openstack-ansible] To NTP, or not to NTP, that is the question
Matthew Mosesohn
- [openstack-dev] [Openstack] [ANN] OpenStack Kilo on Ubuntu fully automated with Ansible! Ready for NFV L2 Bridges via Heat!
Jose Manuel Ferrer Mosteiro
- [openstack-dev] [Ansible][Infra] Moving ansible roles into big tent?
Yolanda Robla Mota
- [openstack-dev] KILO: neutron port-update --allowed-address-pairs action=clear throws an exception
Akihiro Motoki
- [openstack-dev] KILO: neutron port-update --allowed-address-pairs action=clear throws an exception
Akihiro Motoki
- [openstack-dev] How to run fw testcases which are recently moved from tempest to neutron.
Assaf Muller
- [openstack-dev] [nova] [neutron] [rally] Neutron or nova degradation?
Assaf Muller
- [openstack-dev] [neutron] PTL Non-Candidacy
Assaf Muller
- [openstack-dev] [nova][neutron][devstack] New proposed 'default' network model
Assaf Muller
- [openstack-dev] [dragonflow] Low OVS version for Ubuntu
Assaf Muller
- [openstack-dev] [magnum] Associating patches with bugs/bps (Please don't hurt me)
Assaf Muller
- [openstack-dev] Openvswitch agent unit tests
Assaf Muller
- [openstack-dev] [all] -1 due to line length violation in commit messages
Assaf Muller
- [openstack-dev] [all] -1 due to line length violation in commit messages
Assaf Muller
- [openstack-dev] Openvswitch agent unit tests
Assaf Muller
- [openstack-dev] [puppet] hosting developer documentation on
Colleen Murphy
- [openstack-dev] [Nova] What is the no_device flag for in block device mapping?
Murray, Paul (HP Cloud)
- [openstack-dev] [nova] live migration in Mitaka
Murray, Paul (HP Cloud)
- [openstack-dev] [nova] live migration in Mitaka
Murray, Paul (HP Cloud)
- [openstack-dev] [glance][nova] how to upgrade from v1 to v2?
Sabari Murugesan
- [openstack-dev] Ceilometer M Midcycle
Jason Myers
- [openstack-dev] [puppet] service default value functions
Martin Mágr
- [openstack-dev] [rpm-packaging] PTL Candidacy
Dirk Müller
- [openstack-dev] [Policy][Group-based-policy]
Sumit Naiksatam
- [openstack-dev] [Fuel] Code review process in Fuel and related issues
Tomasz Napierala
- [openstack-dev] [Fuel][Fuel-Library] Nominating Alex Schultz to Fuel-Library Core
Tomasz Napierala
- [openstack-dev] [fuel] PTL & Component Leads elections
Tomasz Napierala
- [openstack-dev] FFE Request for completion of data driven assignment testing in Keystone
Henry Nash
- [openstack-dev] FFE Request for list role assignment in tree blueprint in Keystone
Henry Nash
- [openstack-dev] FFE Request for completion of data driven assignment testing in Keystone
Henry Nash
- [openstack-dev] FFE Request for moving inherited assignment to core in Keystone
Henry Nash
- [openstack-dev] [keystone] PTL non-candidacy
Henry Nash
- [openstack-dev] [TripleO] Releasing tripleo-common on PyPI
Ben Nemec
- [openstack-dev] [TripleO] Core reviewers for python-tripleoclient and tripleo-common
Ben Nemec
- [openstack-dev] [TripleO] Remove Tuskar from tripleo-common and python-tripleoclient
Ben Nemec
- [openstack-dev] [all] Consistent support for SSL termination proxies across all API services
Ben Nemec
- [openstack-dev] [all] Consistent support for SSL termination proxies across all API services
Ben Nemec
- [openstack-dev] [oslo] nominating Brant Knudson for Oslo core
Ben Nemec
- [openstack-dev] [TripleO] theme
Ben Nemec
- [openstack-dev] [magnum] Steps to upload magnum images
Ton Ngo
- [openstack-dev] [Magnum] API response on k8s failure
Ton Ngo
- [openstack-dev] [magnum] Handling password for k8s
Ton Ngo
- [openstack-dev] [magnum] Handling password for k8s
Ton Ngo
- [openstack-dev] [magnum] Handling password for k8s
Ton Ngo
- [openstack-dev] [magnum]swarm + compose = k8s?
Ton Ngo
- [openstack-dev] [ironic] 100% failure in pxe_ssh job
Sergey Nikitin
- [openstack-dev] [QA] Meeting Thursday September 3rd at 9:00 UTC
Ken'ichi Ohmichi
- [openstack-dev] Scheduler hints, API and Objects
Ken'ichi Ohmichi
- [openstack-dev] Scheduler hints, API and Objects
Ken'ichi Ohmichi
- [openstack-dev] Scheduler hints, API and Objects
Ken'ichi Ohmichi
- [openstack-dev] Scheduler hints, API and Objects
Ken'ichi Ohmichi
- [openstack-dev] Scheduler hints, API and Objects
Ken'ichi Ohmichi
- [openstack-dev] Should v2 compatibility mode (v2.0 on v2.1) fixes be applicable for v2.1 too?
Ken'ichi Ohmichi
- [openstack-dev] [nova] API v2.1 reference documentation
Ken'ichi Ohmichi
- [openstack-dev] [murano] Fix order of arguments in assertEqual
Ken'ichi Ohmichi
- [openstack-dev] [oslo.messaging]
Georgy Okrokvertskhov
- [openstack-dev] [neutron] Neutron debugging tool
Salvatore Orlando
- [openstack-dev] [neutron] Neutron debugging tool
Salvatore Orlando
- [openstack-dev] [neutron][networking-ovn][vtep] Proposal: support for vtep-gateway in ovn
Salvatore Orlando
- [openstack-dev] [Barbican] Nominating Dave Mccowan for Barbican core
Juan Antonio Osorio
- [openstack-dev] [magnum] Difference between certs stored in keystone and certs stored in barbican
Adrian Otto
- [openstack-dev] [magnum] Difference between certs stored in keystone and certs stored in barbican
Adrian Otto
- [openstack-dev] [magnum]keystone version
Adrian Otto
- [openstack-dev] [Magnum] API response on k8s failure
Adrian Otto
- [openstack-dev] [all][elections] PTL nomination period is now over
Adrian Otto
- [openstack-dev] [magnum] Associating patches with bugs/bps (Please don't hurt me)
Adrian Otto
- [openstack-dev] [magnum] Associating patches with bugs/bps (Please don't hurt me)
Adrian Otto
- [openstack-dev] [magnum] Discovery
Adrian Otto
- [openstack-dev] [magnum] Associating patches with bugs/bps (Please don't hurt me)
Adrian Otto
- [openstack-dev] [magnum]swarm + compose = k8s?
Adrian Otto
- [openstack-dev] [magnum]swarm + compose = k8s?
Adrian Otto
- [openstack-dev] [magnum]swarm + compose = k8s?
Adrian Otto
- [openstack-dev] [magnum]swarm + compose = k8s?
Adrian Otto
- [openstack-dev] [magnum] New Core Reviewers
Adrian Otto
- [openstack-dev] [Ironic] New dhcp provider using isc-dhcp-server
Shraddha Pandhe
- [openstack-dev] Screenshots in reviews on Gerrit
Pančur, Matjaž
- [openstack-dev] [Fuel][Plugins] request for update of fuel-plugin-builder on pypi
Simon Pasquier
- [openstack-dev] [Heat] convergence rally test results (so far)
Anant Patil
- [openstack-dev] [heat] Convergence: Detecting and handling worker failures
Anant Patil
- [openstack-dev] [heat] Convergence: Detecting and handling worker failures
Anant Patil
- [openstack-dev] [heat] Convergence: Detecting and handling worker failures
Anant Patil
- [openstack-dev] [Nova] Placing VMs based on multiple criteria
Sourabh Patwardhan
- [openstack-dev] [nova] [neutron] [rally] Neutron or nova degradation?
Andrey Pavlov
- [openstack-dev] [Rally] PTL candidacy
Boris Pavlovic
- [openstack-dev] [openstack-operators][tc][tags] Rally tags
Boris Pavlovic
- [openstack-dev] [rally][releases] New Rally release model
Boris Pavlovic
- [openstack-dev] [openstack-operators][tc][tags] Rally tags
Boris Pavlovic
- [openstack-dev] [openstack-operators][Rally] Rally plugins reference is available
Boris Pavlovic
- [openstack-dev] [OPNFV] [Functest] Tempest & Rally
Boris Pavlovic
- [openstack-dev] [OPNFV] [Functest] Tempest & Rally
Boris Pavlovic
- [openstack-dev] [ironic] [tripleo] [kolla] Possible to support multiple compute drivers?
Jeff Peeler
- [openstack-dev] [ironic] [tripleo] [kolla] Possible to support multiple compute drivers?
Jeff Peeler
- [openstack-dev] [ironic] [tripleo] [kolla] Possible to support multiple compute drivers?
Jeff Peeler
- [openstack-dev] Fwd: [kolla] Planned maintenance for Delorean instance - September 14-15
Jeff Peeler
- [openstack-dev] [Ironic] Suggestion to split install guide
Jeff Peeler
- [openstack-dev] [kolla] Followup to review in gerrit relating to RHOS + RDO types
Jeff Peeler
- [openstack-dev] [magnum] Associating patches with bugs/bps (Please don't hurt me)
Jeff Peeler
- [openstack-dev] [kolla] proposing Michal Jastrzebski (inc0) for core reviewer
Jeff Peeler
- [openstack-dev] [kolla] new yaml format for all.yml, need feedback
Jeff Peeler
- [openstack-dev] [neutron] PTL Non-Candidacy
Livnat Peer
- [openstack-dev] [cinder][third-party] StorPool Cinder CI
Peter Penchev
- [openstack-dev] Compute API (Was Re: [nova][cinder] how to handle AZ bug 1496235?)
James Penick
- [openstack-dev] [nova][cinder] how to handle AZ bug 1496235?
James Penick
- [openstack-dev] Compute API (Was Re: [nova][cinder] how to handle AZ bug 1496235?)
James Penick
- [openstack-dev] [Glance] Feature Freeze Exception proposal
Flavio Percoco
- [openstack-dev] [all] Mitaka Design Summit - Proposed slot allocation
Flavio Percoco
- [openstack-dev] [zaqar] Mitaka summit brainstorm
Flavio Percoco
- [openstack-dev] [all] Something about being a PTL
Flavio Percoco
- [openstack-dev] [Glance] python-glanceclient 1.0.x back compat for v2 proposal.
Flavio Percoco
- [openstack-dev] [glance] [nova] Verification of glance images before boot
Flavio Percoco
- [openstack-dev] [zaqar][all] PTL No-Candidacy
Flavio Percoco
- [openstack-dev] [Glance] PTL Candidacy
Flavio Percoco
- [openstack-dev] [Glance] glance core rotation part 1
Flavio Percoco
- [openstack-dev] [glance] [nova] Verification of glance images before boot
Flavio Percoco
- [openstack-dev] [glance] [nova] Verification of glance images before boot
Flavio Percoco
- [openstack-dev] [all][TC] 'team:danger-not-diverse tag' and my concerns
Flavio Percoco
- [openstack-dev] [glance] proposed priorities for Mitaka
Flavio Percoco
- [openstack-dev] [glance] proposed priorities for Mitaka
Flavio Percoco
- [openstack-dev] [glance] proposed priorities for Mitaka
Flavio Percoco
- [openstack-dev] [glance] proposed priorities for Mitaka
Flavio Percoco
- [openstack-dev] [glance] tasks (following "proposed priorities for Mitaka")
Flavio Percoco
- [openstack-dev] [glance] proposed priorities for Mitaka
Flavio Percoco
- [openstack-dev] [glance] proposed priorities for Mitaka
Flavio Percoco
- [openstack-dev] [glance] proposed priorities for Mitaka
Flavio Percoco
- [openstack-dev] [glance] The current state of glance v2 in public clouds
Flavio Percoco
- [openstack-dev] [defcore] Scoring for DefCore 2016.01 Guideline
Flavio Percoco
- [openstack-dev] [all][elections] PTL nomination period is now over
Flavio Percoco
- [openstack-dev] [all][elections] PTL nomination period is now over
Flavio Percoco
- [openstack-dev] [all][elections] PTL nomination period is now over
Flavio Percoco
- [openstack-dev] [all][elections] PTL nomination period is now over
Flavio Percoco
- [openstack-dev] [all][elections] PTL nomination period is now over
Flavio Percoco
- [openstack-dev] [all][elections] PTL nomination period is now over
Flavio Percoco
- [openstack-dev] Apache2 vs uWSGI vs ...
Flavio Percoco
- [openstack-dev] [all][elections] PTL nomination period is now over
Flavio Percoco
- [openstack-dev] [all] Cross-Project track topic proposals
Flavio Percoco
- [openstack-dev] [all] Cross-Project track topic proposals
Flavio Percoco
- [openstack-dev] [oslo] nominating Brant Knudson for Oslo core
Flavio Percoco
- [openstack-dev] [Glance][Solum] Using os-auth-token and os-image-url with glance client
Flavio Percoco
- [openstack-dev] [glance][nova] how to upgrade from v1 to v2?
Flavio Percoco
- [openstack-dev] [glance][nova] how to upgrade from v1 to v2?
Flavio Percoco
- [openstack-dev] [glance][nova] how to upgrade from v1 to v2?
Flavio Percoco
- [openstack-dev] [all] Proposed Mitaka release schedule
Flavio Percoco
- [openstack-dev] [cinder] Design Summit Topics
Mike Perez
- [openstack-dev] [cinder] PTL Non-Candidacy
Mike Perez
- [openstack-dev] [glance] proposed priorities for Mitaka
Mike Perez
- [openstack-dev] Cross-Project meeting, Tue Sept 15th, 21:00 UTC
Mike Perez
- [openstack-dev] [all] [ptl] Troubleshooting cross-project communications
Mike Perez
- [openstack-dev] [all] [ptl] Troubleshooting cross-project communications
Mike Perez
- [openstack-dev] Cross-Project meeting, Tue Sept 22nd, 21:00 UTC
Mike Perez
- [openstack-dev] [election][TC] TC Candidacy
Mike Perez
- [openstack-dev] [cinder] The Absurdity of the Milestone-1 Deadline for Drivers
Mike Perez
- [openstack-dev] [depfreeze] [keystone] Set minimum version for passlib
Alan Pevec
- [openstack-dev] [requirements] attention requirements-cores, please look out for constraints updates
Alan Pevec
- [openstack-dev] [stable] 2015.1.2 readiness check WAS : gate-trove-functional-dsvm-mysql needs some stable branch love
Alan Pevec
- [openstack-dev] Patches coming for .coveragerc
Alan Pevec
- [openstack-dev] [all][stable][release] 2015.1.2
Alan Pevec
- [openstack-dev] [neutron] PTL Non-Candidacy
Ben Pfaff
- [openstack-dev] [Fuel][Fuel-Library] Nominating Alex Schultz to Fuel-Library Core
Bartlomiej Piotrowski
- [openstack-dev] Debug tool for neutron
Jay Pipes
- [openstack-dev] [Fuel] Code review process in Fuel and related issues
Jay Pipes
- [openstack-dev] [Fuel][Fuel-Library] Nominating Alex Schultz to Fuel-Library Core
Jay Pipes
- [openstack-dev] [Fuel] Code review process in Fuel and related issues
Jay Pipes
- [openstack-dev] [ironic] [tripleo] [kolla] Possible to support multiple compute drivers?
Jay Pipes
- [openstack-dev] [cinder] PTL Non-Candidacy
Jay Pipes
- [openstack-dev] [nova][neutron][SR-IOV] Hardware changes and shifting PCI addresses
Jay Pipes
- [openstack-dev] [relmgt] PTL non-candidacy
Jay Pipes
- [openstack-dev] [openstack-ansible] To NTP, or not to NTP, that is the question
Jay Pipes
- [openstack-dev] [all] devstack default worker changes
Jay Pipes
- [openstack-dev] [nova] Shared storage space count for Nova
Jay Pipes
- [openstack-dev] [glance] Models and validation for v2
Jay Pipes
- [openstack-dev] [Openstack-dev] Devstack broken - third party CI broken
Jordan Pittier
- [openstack-dev] [Devstack][Sahara][Cinder] BlockDeviceDriver support in Devstack
Jordan Pittier
- [openstack-dev] Announcing Liberty RC1 availability in Debian
Jordan Pittier
- [openstack-dev] [oslo.db][sqlalchemy] rollback after commit
Roman Podoliaka
- [openstack-dev] [Neutron] Release of a neutron sub-project
Vadivel Poonathan
- [openstack-dev] [Neutron] Release of a neutron sub-project
Vadivel Poonathan
- [openstack-dev] [glance] [nova] Verification of glance images before boot
Poulos, Brianna L.
- [openstack-dev] [glance] [nova] Verification of glance images before boot
Poulos, Brianna L.
- [openstack-dev] [Fuel] Nominate Evgeniy Konstantinov for fuel-docs core
Irina Povolotskaya
- [openstack-dev] [Fuel][Plugins] SDK is updated with the latest information
Irina Povolotskaya
- [openstack-dev] [Fuel] Nominate Olga Gusarenko for fuel-docs core
Irina Povolotskaya
- [openstack-dev] [fuel] [plugin] Release tagging - possible problem
Irina Povolotskaya
- [openstack-dev] [Policy][Group-based-policy]
Sagar Pradhan
- [openstack-dev] [Policy][Group-based-policy]
Sagar Pradhan
- [openstack-dev] [openstack-ansible] Security hardening
Jesse Pretorius
- [openstack-dev] [openstack-ansible][compass] Support of Offline Install
Jesse Pretorius
- [openstack-dev] [openstack-ansible] PTL Non-Candidacy
Jesse Pretorius
- [openstack-dev] [openstack-ansible] To NTP, or not to NTP, that is the question
Jesse Pretorius
- [openstack-dev] [openstack-ansible] Mitaka Summit sessions
Jesse Pretorius
- [openstack-dev] [openstack-ansible] To NTP, or not to NTP, that is the question
Jesse Pretorius
- [openstack-dev] [openstack-ansible] Proposing Steve Lewis (stevelle) for core reviewer
Jesse Pretorius
- [openstack-dev] [stackalytics] Broken stats after project rename
Jesse Pretorius
- [openstack-dev] [TripleO][Heat] instance_user fallout, keeping the 'heat-admin' user working
Dan Prince
- [openstack-dev] [TripleO][Heat] instance_user fallout, keeping the 'heat-admin' user working
Dan Prince
- [openstack-dev] [TripleO] PTL candidacy
Dan Prince
- [openstack-dev] [TripleO] theme
Dan Prince
- [openstack-dev] [TripleO] theme
Dan Prince
- [openstack-dev] [TripleO] theme
Dan Prince
- [openstack-dev] [TripleO] theme
Dan Prince
- [openstack-dev] [Neutron] Allow for per-subnet dhcp options
Jonathan Proulx
- [openstack-dev] [Neutron] Allow for per-subnet dhcp options
Jonathan Proulx
- [openstack-dev] [TripleO] Releasing tripleo-common on PyPI
Jan Provaznik
- [openstack-dev] [tripleo] Upgrade plans for RDO Manager - Brainstorming
Jan Provaznik
- [openstack-dev] [Fuel] python-jobs now vote on Fuel Client
Roman Prykhodchenko
- [openstack-dev] [Neutron] Kuryr - Spec
Antoni Segura Puimedon
- [openstack-dev] [Fuel] Nominate Evgeniy Konstantinov for fuel-docs core
Dmitry Pyzhov
- [openstack-dev] [Fuel] Install fuel-libraryX.Y as a package on slave nodes
Dmitry Pyzhov
- [openstack-dev] [Fuel] Install fuel-libraryX.Y as a package on slave nodes
Dmitry Pyzhov
- [openstack-dev] [Fuel] Remove MOS DEB repo from master node
Dmitry Pyzhov
- [openstack-dev] [magnum] debugging functional testing on gate
- [openstack-dev] [neutron + ovn] Does neutron ovn plugin support to setup multiple neutron networks for one container?
Murali R
- [openstack-dev] [neutron + ovn] Does neutron ovn plugin support to setup multiple neutron networks for one container?
Murali R
- [openstack-dev] [neutron + ovn] Does neutron ovn plugin support to setup multiple neutron networks for one container?
Murali R
- [openstack-dev] [Glance] New BP required for adding new json file to Glance metadefs?
Ramakrishna, Deepti
- [openstack-dev] [Glance] New BP required for adding new json file to Glance metadefs?
Ramakrishna, Deepti
- [openstack-dev] [Large Deployments Team][Performance Team] New informal working group suggestion
Sandeep Raman
- [openstack-dev] [Tacker][NFV] Heads up: switch over to master
Sridhar Ramaswamy
- [openstack-dev] [Tacker][NFV] Proposal for experimental features
Sridhar Ramaswamy
- [openstack-dev] [freezer] Public IRC meetings every Thursday at 4PM (GTM0)
Ramirez Garcia, Guillermo
- [openstack-dev] [puppet] Moving puppet-ceph to the Openstack big tent
Richard Raseley
- [openstack-dev] os-cloud-config support for custom .ssh configs
Lennart Regebro
- [openstack-dev] [Barbican] Nominating Dave Mccowan for Barbican core
Nathan Reller
- [openstack-dev] [Barbican] Providing service user read access to all tenant's certificates
Nathan Reller
- [openstack-dev] [sahara] Request for Feature Freeze Exception
Sergey Reshetnyak
- [openstack-dev] [sahara] FFE request for heat wait condition support
Sergey Reshetnyak
- [openstack-dev] [sahara] FFE for Ambari plugin
Sergey Reshetnyak
- [openstack-dev] [nova][vmware][qa] vmware nsx CI appears gone
Matt Riedemann
- [openstack-dev] [openstack-announce] [release][nova] python-novaclient release 2.27.0 (liberty)
Matt Riedemann
- [openstack-dev] subunit2html location on images changing
Matt Riedemann
- [openstack-dev] [nova][i18n] Is there any point in using _() in python-novaclient?
Matt Riedemann
- [openstack-dev] 9/4 state of the gate
Matt Riedemann
- [openstack-dev] 9/4 state of the gate
Matt Riedemann
- [openstack-dev] [nova] Bug importance
Matt Riedemann
- [openstack-dev] [nova][i18n] Is there any point in using _() inpython-novaclient?
Matt Riedemann
- [openstack-dev] [nova][qa] Microsoft Hyper-V CI removed from nova-ci group until fixed
Matt Riedemann
- [openstack-dev] [rootwrap] rootwrap and libraries - RFC
Matt Riedemann
- [openstack-dev] [gate] broken by pyeclib 1.0.9 release
Matt Riedemann
- [openstack-dev] [gate] broken by pyeclib 1.0.9 release
Matt Riedemann
- [openstack-dev] [oslo] Help with stable/juno branches / releases
Matt Riedemann
- [openstack-dev] [nova][neutron][devstack] New proposed 'default' network model
Matt Riedemann
- [openstack-dev] how to get current memory utilization of an instance
Matt Riedemann
- [openstack-dev] [all][gate] grende jobs failing.
Matt Riedemann
- [openstack-dev] [all][elections] PTL nomination period is now over
Matt Riedemann
- [openstack-dev] [all][elections] PTL nomination period is now over
Matt Riedemann
- [openstack-dev] Patches coming for .coveragerc
Matt Riedemann
- [openstack-dev] [nova] How to properly detect and fence a compromised host (and why I dislike TrustedFilter)
Matt Riedemann
- [openstack-dev] [nova] How to properly detect and fence a compromised host (and why I dislike TrustedFilter)
Matt Riedemann
- [openstack-dev] [nova] where the aggregate and cell document is
Matt Riedemann
- [openstack-dev] [nova][cinder] how to handle AZ bug 1496235?
Matt Riedemann
- [openstack-dev] [nova][cinder] how to handle AZ bug 1496235?
Matt Riedemann
- [openstack-dev] [nova][cinder] how to handle AZ bug 1496235?
Matt Riedemann
- [openstack-dev] [nova][cinder] how to handle AZ bug 1496235?
Matt Riedemann
- [openstack-dev] [nova][cinder] how to handle AZ bug 1496235?
Matt Riedemann
- [openstack-dev] [nova][cinder] how to handle AZ bug 1496235?
Matt Riedemann
- [openstack-dev] [nova][cinder] how to handle AZ bug 1496235?
Matt Riedemann
- [openstack-dev] [nova][cinder] how to handle AZ bug 1496235?
Matt Riedemann
- [openstack-dev] [all] devstack default worker changes
Matt Riedemann
- [openstack-dev] [ops] Operator Local Patches
Matt Riedemann
- [openstack-dev] [TripleO] trello
Jason Rist
- [openstack-dev] [Blazar] Anyone interested?
Pierre Riteau
- [openstack-dev] [Large Deployments Team][Performance Team] New informal working group suggestion
Rogon, Kamil
- [openstack-dev] [ironic] 100% failure in pxe_ssh job
Jim Rollenhagen
- [openstack-dev] [ironic] 100% failure in pxe_ssh job
Jim Rollenhagen
- [openstack-dev] [ironic] 100% failure in pxe_ssh job
Jim Rollenhagen
- [openstack-dev] [Ironic] Liberty release plans
Jim Rollenhagen
- [openstack-dev] [Ironic] Introducing ironic-lib 0.1.0
Jim Rollenhagen
- [openstack-dev] [all] Mitaka Design Summit - Proposed slot allocation
Jim Rollenhagen
- [openstack-dev] OpenStack support for Amazon Concepts - was Re: cloud-init IPv6 support
Jim Rollenhagen
- [openstack-dev] [Ironic] Command structure for OSC plugin
Jim Rollenhagen
- [openstack-dev] [Ironic] Introducing Ironic 4.1.0
Jim Rollenhagen
- [openstack-dev] [ironic] [tripleo] [kolla] Possible to support multiple compute drivers?
Jim Rollenhagen
- [openstack-dev] [Ironic] Summit session brainstorming
Jim Rollenhagen
- [openstack-dev] [Ironic] Suggestion to split install guide
Jim Rollenhagen
- [openstack-dev] [Ironic] PTL Candidacy
Jim Rollenhagen
- [openstack-dev] [ironic] [tripleo] Deprecating the bash ramdisk
Jim Rollenhagen
- [openstack-dev] [ironic] Liberty soft freeze
Jim Rollenhagen
- [openstack-dev] Apache2 vs uWSGI vs ...
Jim Rollenhagen
- [openstack-dev] [all] Consistent support for SSL termination proxies across all API services
Jim Rollenhagen
- [openstack-dev] New PyCharm License
Jim Rollenhagen
- [openstack-dev] [all] Consistent support for SSL termination proxies across all API services
Jim Rollenhagen
- [openstack-dev] [all] Cross-Project track topic proposals
Jim Rollenhagen
- [openstack-dev] [ironic] Ironic is open for Mitaka development
Jim Rollenhagen
- [openstack-dev] [all] -1 due to line length violation in commit messages
Jim Rollenhagen
- [openstack-dev] [release][ironic] Ironic 4.2.0 release
Jim Rollenhagen
- [openstack-dev] [Ironic] Preparing for functional testing in Ironic. Will likely break any in-flight patches.
Jim Rollenhagen
- [openstack-dev] [storlets] Review requests suggestion
Eran Rom
- [openstack-dev] [nova] live migration in Mitaka
Rosa, Andrea (HP Cloud Services)
- [openstack-dev] [Glance] Feature Freeze Exception proposal
Brian Rosmaita
- [openstack-dev] [glance] tasks (following "proposed priorities for Mitaka")
Brian Rosmaita
- [openstack-dev] [glance][nova] how to upgrade from v1 to v2?
Brian Rosmaita
- [openstack-dev] [Magnum] API response on k8s failure
Ryan Rossiter
- [openstack-dev] [magnum] Maintaining cluster API in upgrades
Ryan Rossiter
- [openstack-dev] [magnum] Is magnum db going to be removed for k8s resources?
Ryan Rossiter
- [openstack-dev] [magnum] Associating patches with bugs/bps (Please don't hurt me)
Ryan Rossiter
- [openstack-dev] [magnum]swarm + compose = k8s?
Ryan Rossiter
- [openstack-dev] [horizon] Concern about XStatic-bootswatch imports from
Matthias Runge
- [openstack-dev] [horizon] Concern about XStatic-bootswatch imports from
Matthias Runge
- [openstack-dev] openstack-dahboard directory is not created
Matthias Runge
- [openstack-dev] [all][stable][release] 2015.1.2
Matthias Runge
- [openstack-dev] [all][stable][release] 2015.1.2
Matthias Runge
- [openstack-dev] [all][stable][release][horizon] 2015.1.2
Matthias Runge
- [openstack-dev] [murano] Proposing Nikolai Starodubtsev for core
Victor Ryzhenkin
- [openstack-dev] [Heat] Multi Node Stack - keystone federation
SHTILMAN, Tomer (Tomer)
- [openstack-dev] [Heat] Multi Node Stack - keystone federation
SHTILMAN, Tomer (Tomer)
- [openstack-dev] [Heat] Multi Node Stack - keystone federation
SHTILMAN, Tomer (Tomer)
- [openstack-dev] [all][TC] 'team:danger-not-diverse tag' and my concerns
Vipul Sabhaya
- [openstack-dev] [Cue] PTL Candidacy
Vipul Sabhaya
- [openstack-dev] [Neutron] Port forwarding
Gal Sagie
- [openstack-dev] [Neutron] Un-addressed Port spec and implementation
Gal Sagie
- [openstack-dev] [Neutron] Allowing DNS suffix to be set per subnet (at least per tenant)
Gal Sagie
- [openstack-dev] [Neutron] Port forwarding
Gal Sagie
- [openstack-dev] [Neutron] RFE Bugs - Add Tags to resources and Port Forwarding
Gal Sagie
- [openstack-dev] [Neutron] Port forwarding
Gal Sagie
- [openstack-dev] [Neutron] Port forwarding
Gal Sagie
- [openstack-dev] [Neutron][ML2] ML2 late/early-cycle sprint announcement
Gal Sagie
- [openstack-dev] [neutron] RFE process question
Gal Sagie
- [openstack-dev] [neutron] PTL Non-Candidacy
Gal Sagie
- [openstack-dev] [dragonflow] Low OVS version for Ubuntu
Gal Sagie
- [openstack-dev] [Neutron] Kuryr - Spec
Gal Sagie
- [openstack-dev] [Neutron] Port Forwarding API
Gal Sagie
- [openstack-dev] [Neutron] Port Forwarding API
Gal Sagie
- [openstack-dev] ceilometer code debugging
Nanda Devi Sahu
- [openstack-dev] [Neutron] Allowing DNS suffix to be set per subnet (at least per tenant)
Maish Saidel-Keesing
- [openstack-dev] [Neutron] Allowing DNS suffix to be set per subnet (at least per tenant)
Maish Saidel-Keesing
- [openstack-dev] [Neutron] Allowing DNS suffix to be set per subnet (at least per tenant)
Maish Saidel-Keesing
- [openstack-dev] [glance] [nova] Verification of glance images before boot
Maish Saidel-Keesing
- [openstack-dev] [Election] [TC] TC Candidacy
Maish Saidel-Keesing
- [openstack-dev] [trove] [heat] Multi region support
Angus Salkeld
- [openstack-dev] [Heat] convergence rally test results (so far)
Angus Salkeld
- [openstack-dev] [Heat] convergence rally test results (so far)
Angus Salkeld
- [openstack-dev] [Heat] convergence rally test results (so far)
Angus Salkeld
- [openstack-dev] Murano code flow for custom development and combining murano with horizon in devstack
Sumanth Sathyanarayana
- [openstack-dev] [murano] Murano code flow for custom development and combining murano with horizon in devstack
Sumanth Sathyanarayana
- [openstack-dev] [ CloudKitty ] New release
Christophe Sauthier
- [openstack-dev] [Neutron] PTL Candidacy
Rossella Sblendido
- [openstack-dev] [Fuel] Code review process in Fuel and related issues
Mike Scherbakov
- [openstack-dev] [Fuel] Remove MOS DEB repo from master node
Mike Scherbakov
- [openstack-dev] [Fuel] Install fuel-libraryX.Y as a package on slave nodes
Mike Scherbakov
- [openstack-dev] [Fuel] IRC meeting today
Mike Scherbakov
- [openstack-dev] [Fuel] Bugs which we should accept in 7.0 after Hard Code Freeze
Mike Scherbakov
- [openstack-dev] [fuel] PTL & Component Leads elections
Mike Scherbakov
- [openstack-dev] [Fuel] Core Reviewers groups restructure
Mike Scherbakov
- [openstack-dev] [Fuel] Core Reviewers groups restructure
Mike Scherbakov
- [openstack-dev] [Fuel] Remove nova-network as a deployment option in Fuel?
Mike Scherbakov
- [openstack-dev] [ec2api][puppet] EC2 api puppet module
Alex Schultz
- [openstack-dev] [Fuel] Install fuel-libraryX.Y as a package on slave nodes
Alex Schultz
- [openstack-dev] [Fuel] Install fuel-libraryX.Y as a package on slave nodes
Alex Schultz
- [openstack-dev] [Fuel] Remove MOS DEB repo from master node
Alex Schultz
- [openstack-dev] [Fuel] Remove MOS DEB repo from master node
Alex Schultz
- [openstack-dev] [fuel][swift] Separate roles for Swift nodes
Alex Schultz
- [openstack-dev] [fuel][fuel-library] modules managed with librarian round 2
Alex Schultz
- [openstack-dev] [fuel][swift] Separate roles for Swift nodes
Alex Schultz
- [openstack-dev] [puppet] service default value functions
Alex Schultz
- [openstack-dev] [puppet] service default value functions
Alex Schultz
- [openstack-dev] [puppet] service default value functions
Alex Schultz
- [openstack-dev] [puppet][swift] Applying security recommendations within puppet-swift
Alex Schultz
- [openstack-dev] [puppet][swift] Applying security recommendations within puppet-swift
Alex Schultz
- [openstack-dev] [puppet] use zuul-cloner when running rspec
Alex Schultz
- [openstack-dev] [puppet] use zuul-cloner when running rspec
Alex Schultz
- [openstack-dev] [puppet] use zuul-cloner when running rspec
Alex Schultz
- [openstack-dev] [election][TC] TC Candidacy
Philip Schwartz
- [openstack-dev] Barbican : Unable to run barbican CURL commands after starting/restarting barbican using the service file
Asha Seshagiri
- [openstack-dev] (NOVA) Is there a Queue maintained for instance requests
Dhvanan Shah
- [openstack-dev] [stackalytics] Broken stats after project rename
Ilya Shakhat
- [openstack-dev] [Blazar] Anyone interested?
- [openstack-dev] [all] [ptl] Troubleshooting cross-project communications
- [openstack-dev] [openstack-ansible][compass] Support of Offline Install
Weidong Shao
- [openstack-dev] [openstack-ansible][compass] Support of Offline Install
Weidong Shao
- [openstack-dev] [Nova] understanding SSL behavior
Rahul Sharma
- [openstack-dev] [puppet] need help understanding specific puppet logs in openstack installation
Rahul Sharma
- [openstack-dev] [Heat] Integration Test Questions
Pavlo Shchelokovskyy
- [openstack-dev] [heat] Traditional question about Heat IRC meeting time.
Pavlo Shchelokovskyy
- [openstack-dev] [all][stable][release] 2015.1.2
Chuck Short
- [openstack-dev] [Fuel] Nominate Andrey Sledzinskiy for fuel-ostf core
Dmitriy Shulyak
- [openstack-dev] Mitaka travel tips ?
David Moreau Simard
- [openstack-dev] [puppet] Moving puppet-ceph to the Openstack big tent
David Moreau Simard
- [openstack-dev] [TripleO][Heat] instance_user fallout, keeping the 'heat-admin' user working
James Slagle
- [openstack-dev] [TripleO][Heat] instance_user fallout, keeping the 'heat-admin' user working
James Slagle
- [openstack-dev] [TripleO] Status of CI changes
James Slagle
- [openstack-dev] [TripleO] Mitaka proposed design sessions
James Slagle
- [openstack-dev] [TripleO] Core reviewers for python-tripleoclient and tripleo-common
James Slagle
- [openstack-dev] [TripleO] Current meeting timeslot
James Slagle
- [openstack-dev] [ironic] [tripleo] Deprecating the bash ramdisk
James Slagle
- [openstack-dev] [TripleO] Core reviewers for python-tripleoclient and tripleo-common
James Slagle
- [openstack-dev] [TripleO] theme
James Slagle
- [openstack-dev] [Fuel] Nominate Denis Dmitriev for fuel-qa(devops) core
Andrey Sledzinskiy
- [openstack-dev] [cinder] Brocade CI
Angela Smith
- [openstack-dev] [oslo][versionedobjects][ceilometer] explain the benefits of ceilometer+versionedobjects
Dan Smith
- [openstack-dev] [Manila] CephFS native driver
John Spray
- [openstack-dev] [Manila] CephFS native driver
John Spray
- [openstack-dev] [Manila] CephFS native driver
John Spray
- [openstack-dev] [Manila] CephFS native driver
John Spray
- [openstack-dev] [Manila] CephFS native driver
John Spray
- [openstack-dev] [nova][neutron][devstack] New proposed 'default' network model
Mike Spreitzer
- [openstack-dev] [nova][neutron][devstack] New proposed 'default' network model
Mike Spreitzer
- [openstack-dev] [nova][neutron][devstack] New proposed 'default' network model
Mike Spreitzer
- [openstack-dev] [devstack] Is there a way to configure devstack for one flat external network using Kilo, Neutron?
Mike Spreitzer
- [openstack-dev] Compute API (Was Re: [nova][cinder] how to handle AZ bug 1496235?)
Mike Spreitzer
- [openstack-dev] [magnum]swarm + compose = k8s?
Mike Spreitzer
- [openstack-dev] [all] -1 due to line length violation in commit messages
Mike Spreitzer
- [openstack-dev] [oslo] Oslo meeting - Cancel for Sept 7th, 2015
Davanum Srinivas
- [openstack-dev] [nova] Bug importance
Davanum Srinivas
- [openstack-dev] Question about generating an oslo.utils release
Davanum Srinivas
- [openstack-dev] [oslo][release] stable/juno branch creation
Davanum Srinivas
- [openstack-dev] [devstack][keystone][ironic] Use only Keystone v3 API in DevStack
Davanum Srinivas
- [openstack-dev] [all][ptl][release] final liberty cycle client library releases needed
Davanum Srinivas
- [openstack-dev] [oslo] PTL candidacy
Davanum Srinivas
- [openstack-dev] [fuel] [plugin] Release tagging
Davanum Srinivas
- [openstack-dev] [all][gate] grende jobs failing.
Davanum Srinivas
- [openstack-dev] [all][gate] grende jobs failing.
Davanum Srinivas
- [openstack-dev] Apache2 vs uWSGI vs ...
Davanum Srinivas
- [openstack-dev] Apache2 vs uWSGI vs ...
Davanum Srinivas
- [openstack-dev] [fuel] PTL & Component Leads elections
Davanum Srinivas
- [openstack-dev] [oslo.messaging][zmq]
Davanum Srinivas
- [openstack-dev] [fuel] PTL & Component Leads elections
Davanum Srinivas
- [openstack-dev] [release][all] Release help needed - we are incompatible with ourselves
Davanum Srinivas
- [openstack-dev] [release][all]Release help needed - we are incompatible with ourselves
Davanum Srinivas
- [openstack-dev] [oslo][doc] Oslo doc sprint 9/24-9/25
Davanum Srinivas
- [openstack-dev] [oslo][doc] Oslo doc sprint 9/24-9/25
Davanum Srinivas
- [openstack-dev] [oslo] nominating Brant Knudson for Oslo core
Davanum Srinivas
- [openstack-dev] [Openstack-i18n] [nova][i18n] Is there any point in using _() inpython-novaclient?
Davanum Srinivas
- [openstack-dev] [oslo][doc] Oslo Doc Sprint final Tally (was Re: [oslo][doc] Oslo doc sprint 9/24-9/25)
Davanum Srinivas
- [openstack-dev] [Neutron] Release of a neutron sub-project
Davanum Srinivas
- [openstack-dev] [magnum] New Core Reviewers
Davanum Srinivas
- [openstack-dev] FFE Request for completion of data driven assignment testing in Keystone
David Stanek
- [openstack-dev] [keystone] creating new users with invalid mail addresses possible
David Stanek
- [openstack-dev] [keystone] PTL non-candidacy
David Stanek
- [openstack-dev] [keystone] PTL Candidacy
David Stanek
- [openstack-dev] Apache2 vs uWSGI vs ...
David Stanek
- [openstack-dev] [releases][requirements][keystone]something incompatible with our requirements
David Stanek
- [openstack-dev] Apache2 vs uWSGI vs ...
David Stanek
- [openstack-dev] [all] Criteria for applying vulnerability:managed tag
Jeremy Stanley
- [openstack-dev] [Murano] Documentation on how to Start Contributing
Jeremy Stanley
- [openstack-dev] [heat] [gate] gate-heat-dsvm-functional-orig-mysql fails 100%
Jeremy Stanley
- [openstack-dev] [openstack-announce] [release][nova] python-novaclient release 2.27.0 (liberty)
Jeremy Stanley
- [openstack-dev] [all] Criteria for applying vulnerability:managed tag
Jeremy Stanley
- [openstack-dev] [all] Base feature deprecation policy
Jeremy Stanley
- [openstack-dev] [infra] PTL non-candidacy
Jeremy Stanley
- [openstack-dev] [infra] PTL candidacy
Jeremy Stanley
- [openstack-dev] [congress] IRC hangout
Jeremy Stanley
- [openstack-dev] [nova][neutron][devstack] New proposed 'default' network model
Jeremy Stanley
- [openstack-dev] [all][elections] PTL nomination period is now over
Jeremy Stanley
- [openstack-dev] [releases] semver and dependency changes
Jeremy Stanley
- [openstack-dev] Patches coming for .coveragerc
Jeremy Stanley
- [openstack-dev] [release][all]Release help needed - we are incompatible with ourselves
Jeremy Stanley
- [openstack-dev] New PyCharm License
Jeremy Stanley
- [openstack-dev] Election tools work session in Tokyo
Jeremy Stanley
- [openstack-dev] [all] Criteria for applying vulnerability:managed tag
Jeremy Stanley
- [openstack-dev] [all] gerri performance
Jeremy Stanley
- [openstack-dev] [puppet] use zuul-cloner when running rspec
Jeremy Stanley
- [openstack-dev] [all] -1 due to line length violation in commit messages
Jeremy Stanley
- [openstack-dev] [all] -1 due to line length violation in commit messages
Jeremy Stanley
- [openstack-dev] [OpenStack-Dev] Recent proposal to remove NetApp drivers
Jeremy Stanley
- [openstack-dev] [puppet] Fwd: Action required: stackforge/puppet-openstack project move
Jeremy Stanley
- [openstack-dev] [TripleO] theme
Jeremy Stanley
- [openstack-dev] [all] -1 due to line length violation in commit messages
Jeremy Stanley
- [openstack-dev] [puppet] [infra] split integration jobs
Jeremy Stanley
- [openstack-dev] Weekly Meeting on Sep 1
Nikolay Starodubtsev
- [openstack-dev] [Blazar] Anyone interested?
Nikolay Starodubtsev
- [openstack-dev] [murano] Let's minimaze the list of pylint exceptions
Nikolay Starodubtsev
- [openstack-dev] [Blazar] Anyone interested?
Nikolay Starodubtsev
- [openstack-dev] [Blazar] Anyone interested?
Nikolay Starodubtsev
- [openstack-dev] [Blazar] Anyone interested?
Nikolay Starodubtsev
- [openstack-dev] [murano] Let's minimaze the list of pylint exceptions
Nikolay Starodubtsev
- [openstack-dev] [murano] Proposing Nikolai Starodubtsev for core
Nikolay Starodubtsev
- [openstack-dev] [murano][merlin] murano APIv2 and murano future ui
Nikolay Starodubtsev
- [openstack-dev] [murano][merlin] murano APIv2 and murano future ui
Nikolay Starodubtsev
- [openstack-dev] [murano][merlin] murano APIv2 and murano future ui
Nikolay Starodubtsev
- [openstack-dev] [nova] [docs] Are cells still 'experimental'?
Michael Still
- [openstack-dev] [cinder] How to link a change to the completed cinder-python3 blueprint?
Victor Stinner
- [openstack-dev] [oslo] nominating Brant Knudson for Oslo core
Victor Stinner
- [openstack-dev] [all] -1 due to line length violation in commit messages
Victor Stinner
- [openstack-dev] [tripleo] Plugin integration and environment file naming
Jiří Stránský
- [openstack-dev] [tripleo] Plugin integration and environment file naming
Jiří Stránský
- [openstack-dev] [horizon] [keystone] [docs] Two kinds of 'region' entity: finding better names for them
Timur Sufiev
- [openstack-dev] [Horizon] [Cinder] [Keystone] Showing Cinder quotas for non-admin users in Horizon
Timur Sufiev
- [openstack-dev] [Horizon] [Cinder] [Keystone] Showing Cinder quotas for non-admin users in Horizon
Timur Sufiev
- [openstack-dev] [Rally] PTL candidacy
Ramit Surana
- [openstack-dev] [Manila] Gate breakage and technical FFEs
Ben Swartzlander
- [openstack-dev] [Manila] Gate breakage and technical FFEs
Ben Swartzlander
- [openstack-dev] [Manila] Gate breakage and technical FFEs
Ben Swartzlander
- [openstack-dev] [ptl][release] flushing unreleased client library changes
Ben Swartzlander
- [openstack-dev] [ptl][release] flushing unreleased client library changes
Ben Swartzlander
- [openstack-dev] [Manila] Feature Freeze
Ben Swartzlander
- [openstack-dev] [all] Base feature deprecation policy
Ben Swartzlander
- [openstack-dev] [all] Base feature deprecation policy
Ben Swartzlander
- [openstack-dev] [all] [ptl] Troubleshooting cross-project communications
Ben Swartzlander
- [openstack-dev] [Manila] CephFS native driver
Ben Swartzlander
- [openstack-dev] [cinder] The Absurdity of the Milestone-1 Deadline for Drivers
Ben Swartzlander
- [openstack-dev] [cinder] The Absurdity of the Milestone-1 Deadline for Drivers
Ben Swartzlander
- [openstack-dev] [cinder] The Absurdity of the Milestone-1 Deadline for Drivers
Ben Swartzlander
- [openstack-dev] [Heat] Integration Test Questions
Sabeen Syed
- [openstack-dev] [all][TC] 'team:danger-not-diverse tag' and my concerns
Shamail Tahir
- [openstack-dev] [all] [ptl] Troubleshooting cross-project communications
Shamail Tahir
- [openstack-dev] [Ceilometer] Meters
Abhishek Talwar
- [openstack-dev] [kilo-devstack] [disk-usage]
Abhishek Talwar
- [openstack-dev] how to get current memory utilization of an instance
Abhishek Talwar
- [openstack-dev] how to get current memory utilization of an instance
Abhishek Talwar
- [openstack-dev] help
Swapnil Tamse
- [openstack-dev] [Ironic] Stepping down from IPA core
Tan, Lin
- [openstack-dev] [Fuel] Remove MOS DEB repo from master node
Yaguang Tang
- [openstack-dev] [Fuel] Remove MOS DEB repo from master node
Yaguang Tang
- [openstack-dev] [cinder] should we use fsync when writing iscsi config file?
Mitsuhiro Tanino
- [openstack-dev] [cinder] should we use fsync when writing iscsi config file?
Mitsuhiro Tanino
- [openstack-dev] [cinder] should we use fsync when writing iscsi config file?
Mitsuhiro Tanino
- [openstack-dev] [all] Mitaka Design Summit - Proposed slot allocation
Dmitry Tantsur
- [openstack-dev] [TripleO] Releasing tripleo-common on PyPI
Dmitry Tantsur
- [openstack-dev] [Ironic] Command structure for OSC plugin
Dmitry Tantsur
- [openstack-dev] [Ironic] Suggestion to split install guide
Dmitry Tantsur
- [openstack-dev] [Ironic] Suggestion to split install guide
Dmitry Tantsur
- [openstack-dev] [all][ptl][release] final liberty cycle client library releases needed
Dmitry Tantsur
- [openstack-dev] [Ironic] [Inspector] Finishing Liberty (was: final liberty cycle client library releases needed)
Dmitry Tantsur
- [openstack-dev] [Ironic] [Inspector] Finishing Liberty
Dmitry Tantsur
- [openstack-dev] [Ironic] [Inspector] Finishing Liberty (was: final liberty cycle client library releases needed)
Dmitry Tantsur
- [openstack-dev] [ironic] [inspector] Liberty soft freeze
Dmitry Tantsur
- [openstack-dev] [Ironic] Stepping down from IPA core
Dmitry Tantsur
- [openstack-dev] [Ironic] New dhcp provider using isc-dhcp-server
Dmitry Tantsur
- [openstack-dev] [all] -1 due to line length violation in commit messages
Dmitry Tantsur
- [openstack-dev] [TripleO] Defining a public API for tripleo-common
Dmitry Tantsur
- [openstack-dev] [Fuel] Let's change the way we distribute Fuel (was: [Fuel] Remove MOS DEB repo from master node)
Yuriy Taraday
- [openstack-dev] [Fuel] Let's change the way we distribute Fuel (was: [Fuel] Remove MOS DEB repo from master node)
Yuriy Taraday
- [openstack-dev] [neutron] [oslo.privsep] Any progress on privsep?
Yuriy Taraday
- [openstack-dev] [third-party] Third party CI working group chair
Kurt Taylor
- [openstack-dev] This is what disabled-by-policy should look like to the user
Monty Taylor
- [openstack-dev] This is what disabled-by-policy should look like to the user
Monty Taylor
- [openstack-dev] This is what disabled-by-policy should look like to the user
Monty Taylor
- [openstack-dev] OpenStack support for Amazon Concepts - was Re: cloud-init IPv6 support
Monty Taylor
- [openstack-dev] [glance] proposed priorities for Mitaka
Monty Taylor
- [openstack-dev] [glance] tasks (following "proposed priorities for Mitaka")
Monty Taylor
- [openstack-dev] [glance] proposed priorities for Mitaka
Monty Taylor
- [openstack-dev] [glance] The current state of glance v2 in public clouds
Monty Taylor
- [openstack-dev] [nova][neutron][devstack] New proposed 'default' network model
Monty Taylor
- [openstack-dev] [glance] proposed priorities for Mitaka
Monty Taylor
- [openstack-dev] [glance] proposed priorities for Mitaka
Monty Taylor
- [openstack-dev] [nova][neutron][devstack] New proposed 'default' network model
Monty Taylor
- [openstack-dev] [nova][neutron][devstack] New proposed 'default' network model
Monty Taylor
- [openstack-dev] [nova][neutron][devstack] New proposed 'default' network model
Monty Taylor
- [openstack-dev] [nova][neutron][devstack] New proposed 'default' network model
Monty Taylor
- [openstack-dev] [all][elections] PTL nomination period is now over
Monty Taylor
- [openstack-dev] [releases][requirements][keystone]something incompatible with our requirements
Monty Taylor
- [openstack-dev] [releases][requirements][keystone]something incompatible with our requirements
Monty Taylor
- [openstack-dev] openstack-dahboard directory is not created
Monty Taylor
- [openstack-dev] Patches coming for .coveragerc
Monty Taylor
- [openstack-dev] [Heat] Assumptions regarding extensions to OpenStack api's
Monty Taylor
- [openstack-dev] [glance][nova] how to upgrade from v1 to v2?
Monty Taylor
- [openstack-dev] Compute API (Was Re: [nova][cinder] how to handle AZ bug 1496235?)
Monty Taylor
- [openstack-dev] [election][TC] TC Candidacy
Monty Taylor
- [openstack-dev] [magnum]swarm + compose = k8s?
Monty Taylor
- [openstack-dev] [aodh][ceilometer] (re)introducing Aodh - OpenStack Alarming
Qiming Teng
- [openstack-dev] [Heat] Integration Test Questions
Qiming Teng
- [openstack-dev] [Heat] Integration Test Questions
Qiming Teng
- [openstack-dev] New PyCharm License
Qiming Teng
- [openstack-dev] [nova] Fine-grained error reporting via the external API
Feodor Tersin
- [openstack-dev] [nova] About availability zones
Feodor Tersin
- [openstack-dev] New PyCharm License
Bharath Thiruveedula
- [openstack-dev] [Ansible][Infra] Moving ansible roles into big tent?
Matthew Thode
- [openstack-dev] [openstack-ansible] Security hardening
Matthew Thode
- [openstack-dev] [openstack-ansible] Security hardening
Matthew Thode
- [openstack-dev] [openstack-ansible] Security hardening
Matthew Thode
- [openstack-dev] [openstack-ansible][compass] Support of Offline Install
Matthew Thode
- [openstack-dev] [release][ptl][all] creating stable/liberty branches for non-oslo libraries today
Matthew Thode
- [openstack-dev] FW: [cinder] Microsoft CI Still Disabled
Duncan Thomas
- [openstack-dev] FW: [cinder] Microsoft CI Still Disabled
Duncan Thomas
- [openstack-dev] This is what disabled-by-policy should look like to the user
Duncan Thomas
- [openstack-dev] [Cinder]Behavior when one cinder-volume service is down
Duncan Thomas
- [openstack-dev] [Cinder] PTL Candidacy
Duncan Thomas
- [openstack-dev] [Cinder] PTL Candidacy
Duncan Thomas
- [openstack-dev] [cinder] LVM snapshot performance issue -- why isn't thin provisioning the default?
Duncan Thomas
- [openstack-dev] [cinder] LVM snapshot performance issue -- why isn't thin provisioning the default?
Duncan Thomas
- [openstack-dev] [all] Consistent support for SSL termination proxies across all API services
Duncan Thomas
- [openstack-dev] [Openstack-i18n] [nova][i18n] Is there any point in using _() inpython-novaclient?
Duncan Thomas
- [openstack-dev] [CINDER] [PTL Candidates] Questions
Duncan Thomas
- [openstack-dev] [nova][cinder] how to handle AZ bug 1496235?
Duncan Thomas
- [openstack-dev] Compute API (Was Re: [nova][cinder] how to handle AZ bug 1496235?)
Duncan Thomas
- [openstack-dev] Compute API (Was Re: [nova][cinder] how to handle AZ bug 1496235?)
Duncan Thomas
- [openstack-dev] Compute API (Was Re: [nova][cinder] how to handle AZ bug 1496235?)
Duncan Thomas
- [openstack-dev] Compute API (Was Re: [nova][cinder] how to handle AZ bug 1496235?)
Duncan Thomas
- [openstack-dev] [cinder] The Absurdity of the Milestone-1 Deadline for Drivers
Duncan Thomas
- [openstack-dev] [Cinder] [Manila] Will NFS stay with Cinder as a reference implementation?
Duncan Thomas
- [openstack-dev] [Openstack-operators] [cinder] [all] The future of Cinder API v1
Duncan Thomas
- [openstack-dev] [openstack-ansible] Proposing Steve Lewis (stevelle) for core reviewer
Matt Thompson
- [openstack-dev] [neutron] subnetallocation is in core resource, while there is a extension for it?
Tidwell, Ryan
- [openstack-dev] [neutron][tempest] iptables-based security groups / accepting ingress ICMP
Tikkanen, Viktor (Nokia - FI/Espoo)
- [openstack-dev] [OPNFV] [Functest] Tempest & Rally
Tikkanen, Viktor (Nokia - FI/Espoo)
- [openstack-dev] [murano] Proposing Nikolai Starodubtsev for core
Alexander Tivelkov
- [openstack-dev] [murano] [dashboard] Remove the owner filter from "Package Definitions" page
Alexander Tivelkov
- [openstack-dev] [all][api] New API Guidelines Ready for Cross Project Review
Everett Toews
- [openstack-dev] [api][keystone][openstackclient] Standards for object name attributes and filtering
Everett Toews
- [openstack-dev] [neutron][lbaas] Proposing Michael Johnson for neutron-lbaas core team
Phillip Toohill
- [openstack-dev] [keystone] PTL non-candidacy
Brad Topol
- [openstack-dev] [tempest] Is there a sandbox project how to use tempest test plugin interface?
Matthew Treinish
- [openstack-dev] [QA] Mitaka Summit Session Planning
Matthew Treinish
- [openstack-dev] repairing so many OpenStack components writing configuration files in /usr/etc
Matthew Treinish
- [openstack-dev] repairing so many OpenStack components writing configuration files in /usr/etc
Matthew Treinish
- [openstack-dev] [neutron] Stumped...need help with neutronclient job failure
Matthew Treinish
- [openstack-dev] [neutron] PTL Non-Candidacy
Somanchi Trinath
- [openstack-dev] [horizon] Patterns for Angular Panels
Tripp, Travis S
- [openstack-dev] [searchlight] PTL Candidacy
Tripp, Travis S
- [openstack-dev] [Horizon] Horizon Productivity Suggestion
Tripp, Travis S
- [openstack-dev] [Ironic] Command structure for OSC plugin
Dean Troyer
- [openstack-dev] [Ironic] Command structure for OSC plugin
Dean Troyer
- [openstack-dev] [all] Base feature deprecation policy
Dean Troyer
- [openstack-dev] [openstackclient] add lin hua cheng to osc-core
Dean Troyer
- [openstack-dev] [keystone] FFE Request for Reseller
Henrique Truta
- [openstack-dev] [Fuel] Nominate Andrey Sledzinskiy for fuel-ostf core
Dmitry Tyzhnenko
- [openstack-dev] [Fuel] Nominate Denis Dmitriev for fuel-qa(devops) core
Dmitry Tyzhnenko
- [openstack-dev] Getting Started : OpenStack
Bhagyashree Uday
- [openstack-dev] Getting Started : OpenStack
Bhagyashree Uday
- [openstack-dev] [oslo.messaging][devstack] Pika RabbitMQ driver implementation
Dmitriy Ukhlov
- [openstack-dev] [oslo.messaging][devstack] Pika RabbitMQ driver implementation
Dmitriy Ukhlov
- [openstack-dev] [Fuel] Nominate Evgeniy Konstantinov for fuel-docs core
Anastasia Urlapova
- [openstack-dev] [Fuel][Fuel-Library] Nominating Alex Schultz to Fuel-Library Core
Anastasia Urlapova
- [openstack-dev] [Fuel] Nominate Andrey Sledzinskiy for fuel-ostf core
Anastasia Urlapova
- [openstack-dev] [Fuel] Nominate Andrey Sledzinskiy for fuel-ostf core
Anastasia Urlapova
- [openstack-dev] [Fuel] Nominate Denis Dmitriev for fuel-qa(devops) core
Anastasia Urlapova
- [openstack-dev] [Fuel] Nominate Denis Dmitriev for fuel-qa(devops) core
Anastasia Urlapova
- [openstack-dev] [Fuel] Nominate Evgeniy Konstantinov for fuel-docs core
Sergey Vasilenko
- [openstack-dev] [Fuel][Fuel-Library] Nominating Alex Schultz to Fuel-Library Core
Sergey Vasilenko
- [openstack-dev] [Fuel][Fuel-Library] Nominating Alex Schultz to Fuel-Library Core
Sergey Vasilenko
- [openstack-dev] [Rally][Meeting][Agenda]
Roman Vasilets
- [openstack-dev] [openstack-operators][tc][tags] Rally tags
Roman Vasilets
- [openstack-dev] [Rally][Meeting][Agenda]
Roman Vasilets
- [openstack-dev] [poppy] Nominate Tony Tan for Poppy (CDN) Core
Sriram Madapusi Vasudevan
- [openstack-dev] [Ceilometer] Meters
Srikanth Vavilapalli
- [openstack-dev] [Ironic] Suggestion to split install guide
Devananda van der Veen
- [openstack-dev] [devstack][keystone][ironic] Use only Keystone v3 API in DevStack
Devananda van der Veen
- [openstack-dev] [devstack][keystone][ironic] Use only Keystone v3 API in DevStack
Devananda van der Veen
- [openstack-dev] [ironic] PTL candidacy
Devananda van der Veen
- [openstack-dev] [neutron][lbaas] Is SSL offload config possible using non "admin" tenant?
Vijay Venkatachalam
- [openstack-dev] [neutron][lbaas] Is SSL offload config possible using non "admin" tenant?
Vijay Venkatachalam
- [openstack-dev] [Barbican] Providing service user read access to all tenant's certificates
Vijay Venkatachalam
- [openstack-dev] [Barbican] Providing service user read access to all tenant's certificates
Vijay Venkatachalam
- [openstack-dev] [Barbican] Providing service user read access to all tenant's certificates
Vijay Venkatachalam
- [openstack-dev] [Barbican] Providing service user read access to all tenant's certificates
Vijay Venkatachalam
- [openstack-dev] [neutron][lbaas] Is SSL offload config possible using non "admin" tenant?
Vijay Venkatachalam
- [openstack-dev] [Barbican] Providing service user read access to all tenant's certificates
Vijay Venkatachalam
- [openstack-dev] [Barbican] Providing service user read access to all tenant's certificates
Vijay Venkatachalam
- [openstack-dev] [neutron][lbaas] Is SSL offload config possible using non "admin" tenant?
Vijay Venkatachalam
- [openstack-dev] [Horizon]Let's take care of our integration tests
Rajat Vig
- [openstack-dev] [nova][oslo][policy] oslo.policy adoption in Nova.
Sergey Vilgelm
- [openstack-dev] [Ironic] Stepping down from IPA core
John Villalovos
- [openstack-dev] [Ironic] Preparing for functional testing in Ironic. Will likely break any in-flight patches.
Villalovos, John L
- [openstack-dev] [glance] The current state of glance v2 in public clouds
Mark Voelker
- [openstack-dev] [glance][nova] how to upgrade from v1 to v2?
Mark Voelker
- [openstack-dev] [glance][nova] how to upgrade from v1 to v2?
Mark Voelker
- [openstack-dev] [glance][nova] how to upgrade from v1 to v2?
Mark Voelker
- [openstack-dev] [glance][nova] how to upgrade from v1 to v2?
Mark Voelker
- [openstack-dev] [glance][nova] how to upgrade from v1 to v2?
Mark Voelker
- [openstack-dev] [glance][nova] how to upgrade from v1 to v2?
Mark Voelker
- [openstack-dev] [Openstack-operators] [cinder] [all] The future of Cinder API v1
Mark Voelker
- [openstack-dev] [Openstack-operators] [cinder] [all] The future of Cinder API v1
Mark Voelker
- [openstack-dev] [Trove] PTL Candidacy
Craig Vyvial
- [openstack-dev] [Blazar] Anyone interested?
Ildikó Váncsa
- [openstack-dev] Does neutron ovn plugin support to setup multiple neutron networks for one container?
WANG, Ming Hao (Tony T)
- [openstack-dev] [neutron] Does neutron ovn plugin support to setup multiple neutron networks for one container?
WANG, Ming Hao (Tony T)
- [openstack-dev] [neutron] Does neutron ovn plugin support to setup multiple neutron networks for one container?
WANG, Ming Hao (Tony T)
- [openstack-dev] [neutron + ovn] Does neutron ovn plugin support to setup multiple neutron networks for one container?
WANG, Ming Hao (Tony T)
- [openstack-dev] [neutron + ovn] Does neutron ovn plugin support to setup multiple neutron networks for one container?
WANG, Ming Hao (Tony T)
- [openstack-dev] [neutron + ovn] Does neutron ovn plugin support to setup multiple neutron networks for one container?
WANG, Ming Hao (Tony T)
- [openstack-dev] [neutron + ovn] Does neutron ovn plugin support to setup multiple neutron networks for one container?
WANG, Ming Hao (Tony T)
- [openstack-dev] [neutron + ovn] Does neutron ovn plugin support to setup multiple neutron networks for one container?
WANG, Ming Hao (Tony T)
- [openstack-dev] [neutron + ovn] Does neutron ovn plugin support to setup multiple neutron networks for one container?
WANG, Ming Hao (Tony T)
- [openstack-dev] [Glance] Feature Freeze Exception proposal
Fei Long Wang
- [openstack-dev] [glance] differences between def detail() and def index() in glance/registry/api/v1/
Fei Long Wang
- [openstack-dev] [zaqar][all] PTL No-Candidacy
Fei Long Wang
- [openstack-dev] [zaqar] Zaqar PTL Candidacy
Fei Long Wang
- [openstack-dev] [Glance] glance core rotation part 1
Fei Long Wang
- [openstack-dev] [glance][nova] how to upgrade from v1 to v2?
Fei Long Wang
- [openstack-dev] Infra needs Gerrit developers
Wayne Warren
- [openstack-dev] [CI] [zuul] Can not vote +/-1 verified into gerrit server
Watanabe, Isao
- [openstack-dev] [CI] [zuul] Can not vote +/-1 verified into gerrit server
Watanabe, Isao
- [openstack-dev] [CI] [zuul] Can not vote +/-1 verified into gerrit server
Watanabe, Isao
- [openstack-dev] [kolla] proposing Michal Jastrzebski (inc0) for core reviewer
Harm Weites
- [openstack-dev] [Neutron] cloud-init IPv6 support
Ian Wells
- [openstack-dev] [all] -1 due to line length violation in commit messages
Ian Wells
- [openstack-dev] [horizon] Concern about XStatic-bootswatch imports from
Diana Whitten
- [openstack-dev] [horizon] Concern about XStatic-bootswatch imports from
Diana Whitten
- [openstack-dev] custom lbaas driver
Doug Wiegley
- [openstack-dev] [nova][neutron][devstack] New proposed 'default' network model
Doug Wiegley
- [openstack-dev] [nova][neutron][devstack] New proposed 'default' network model
Doug Wiegley
- [openstack-dev] [nova][neutron][devstack] New proposed 'default' network model
Doug Wiegley
- [openstack-dev] [nova][neutron][devstack] New proposed 'default' network model
Doug Wiegley
- [openstack-dev] [neutron][lbaas] Proposing Michael Johnson for neutron-lbaas core team
Doug Wiegley
- [openstack-dev] [neutron][lbaas] Proposing Michael Johnson for neutron-lbaas core team
Doug Wiegley
- [openstack-dev] [neutron][lbaas] - Heat support for LbaasV2
Doug Wiegley
- [openstack-dev] [neutron][lbaas] - Heat support for LbaasV2
Doug Wiegley
- [openstack-dev] [lbaas] [octavia] Proposing new meeting time Wednesday 16:00 UTC
Doug Wiegley
- [openstack-dev] [all] -1 due to line length violation in commit messages
Doug Wiegley
- [openstack-dev] [murano] Fix order of arguments in assertEqual
Ian Wienand
- [openstack-dev] [nova] Question regarding fix for 1392527
Sean Wilcox
- [openstack-dev] [openstack-ansible] Proposing Steve Lewis (stevelle) for core reviewer
Dave Wilde
- [openstack-dev] [Large Deployments Team][Performance Team] New informal working group suggestion
Matt Van Winkle
- [openstack-dev] [Barbican] Nominating Dave Mccowan for Barbican core
John Wood
- [openstack-dev] Barbican : Unable to run barbican CURL commands after starting/restarting barbican using the service file
John Wood
- [openstack-dev] [fuel] Weekly IRC meeting 9/24
Andrew Woodward
- [openstack-dev] [puppet] Moving puppet-ceph to the Openstack big tent
Andrew Woodward
- [openstack-dev] [puppet] [infra] split integration jobs
Andrew Woodward
- [openstack-dev] [Neutron] Allowing DNS suffix to be set per subnet (at least per tenant)
Steve Wormley
- [openstack-dev] Adding 'server_type' field to Baymodel
Kai Qiang Wu
- [openstack-dev] [neutron] Fail to get ipv4 address from dhcp
Huan Xie
- [openstack-dev] [neutron] Fail to get ipv4 address from dhcp
Huan Xie
- [openstack-dev] [CI] [zuul] Can not vote +/-1 verified into gerrit server
Xie, Xianshan
- [openstack-dev] [CI] [zuul] Can not vote +/-1 verified into gerrit server
Xie, Xianshan
- [openstack-dev] [cinder] FFE Request - capacity-headroom
Xin, Xiaohui
- [openstack-dev] [nova] Nova API sub-team meeting
Alex Xu
- [openstack-dev] Scheduler hints, API and Objects
Alex Xu
- [openstack-dev] Scheduler hints, API and Objects
Alex Xu
- [openstack-dev] [nova] Nova API sub-team meeting
Alex Xu
- [openstack-dev] Should v2 compatibility mode (v2.0 on v2.1) fixes be applicable for v2.1 too?
Alex Xu
- [openstack-dev] [nova] Nova API sub-team meeting
Alex Xu
- [openstack-dev] [nova] Nova API sub-team meeting
Alex Xu
- [openstack-dev] [nova] [api] Nova currently handles list with limit=0 quite different for different objects.
Alex Xu
- [openstack-dev] [nova] Nova API sub-team meeting
Alex Xu
- [openstack-dev] New Pycharm License
Baohua Yang
- [openstack-dev] [kolla] Followup to review in gerrit relating to RHOS + RDO types
Sam Yaple
- [openstack-dev] [kolla] Followup to review in gerrit relating to RHOS + RDO types
Sam Yaple
- [openstack-dev] [kolla] Followup to review in gerrit relating to RHOS + RDO types
Sam Yaple
- [openstack-dev] [kolla] Followup to review in gerrit relating to RHOS + RDO types
Sam Yaple
- [openstack-dev] [kolla] proposing Michal Jastrzebski (inc0) for core reviewer
Sam Yaple
- [openstack-dev] [kolla] new yaml format for all.yml, need feedback
Sam Yaple
- [openstack-dev] [keystone] PTL non-candidacy
Yee, Guang
- [openstack-dev] [devstack][keystone][ironic] Use only Keystone v3 API in DevStack
Yee, Guang
- [openstack-dev] Apache2 vs uWSGI vs ...
Yee, Guang
- [openstack-dev] [Congress] CLI equivalent
Alex Yip
- [openstack-dev] [Congress] hands on lab
Alex Yip
- [openstack-dev] [Congress] hands on lab
Alex Yip
- [openstack-dev] [Congress] Congress Usecases VM
Alex Yip
- [openstack-dev] [Congress] Congress Usecases VM
Alex Yip
- [openstack-dev] [murano] Outreachy: Interest in contributing to open-source
Amate Yolande
- [openstack-dev] Tracing a request (NOVA)
Akira Yoshiyama
- [openstack-dev] This is what disabled-by-policy should look like to the user
Adam Young
- [openstack-dev] [depfreeze] [keystone] Set minimum version for passlib
Adam Young
- [openstack-dev] This is what disabled-by-policy should look like to the user
Adam Young
- [openstack-dev] [keystone] PTL non-candidacy
Adam Young
- [openstack-dev] [Keystone] PTL Candidacy: Adam Young
Adam Young
- [openstack-dev] Apache2 vs uWSGI vs ...
Adam Young
- [openstack-dev] Apache2 vs uWSGI vs ...
Adam Young
- [openstack-dev] Apache2 vs uWSGI vs ...
Adam Young
- [openstack-dev] [PTL] The OpenStack UX team would like to know which roles are relevant to your project
Adam Young
- [openstack-dev] [Horizon] Feature Freeze Exception: shelving commands
- [openstack-dev] [all] Consistent support for SSL termination proxies across all API services
- [openstack-dev] [all] Consistent support for SSL termination proxies across all API services
- [openstack-dev] [UX] Creating acount at Invision
Hossein Zabolzadeh
- [openstack-dev] [murano] [dashboard] Remove the owner filter from "Package Definitions" page
Kirill Zaitsev
- [openstack-dev] [murano] suggestion on commit message title format for the murano-apps repository
Kirill Zaitsev
- [openstack-dev] Murano code flow for custom development and combining murano with horizon in devstack
Kirill Zaitsev
- [openstack-dev] [murano] Murano code flow for custom development and combining murano with horizon in devstack
Kirill Zaitsev
- [openstack-dev] Infra needs Gerrit developers
- [openstack-dev] [heat]Refactor wsgi implementation of heat
- [openstack-dev] [heat] Convergence: Detecting and handling worker failures
- [openstack-dev] [Ceilometer][Aodh] event-alarm fire policy
Zhai, Edwin
- [openstack-dev] [Ceilometer][Aodh] event-alarm fire policy
Zhai, Edwin
- [openstack-dev] [Ceilometer] How to enable devstack plugins
Zhai, Edwin
- [openstack-dev] [Ceilometer] How to enable devstack plugins
Zhai, Edwin
- [openstack-dev] [neutron] Service Chain project IRC meeting minutes - 09/17/2015
Cathy Zhang
- [openstack-dev] [neutron] pypi packages for networking sub-projects
Cathy Zhang
- [openstack-dev] [nova][oslo][policy] oslo.policy adoption in Nova.
Lei Zhang
- [openstack-dev] [glance] differences between def detail() and def index() in glance/registry/api/v1/
Su Zhang
- [openstack-dev] SOS
Jerry Zhao
- [openstack-dev] [magnum]swarm + compose = k8s?
Peng Zhao
- [openstack-dev] [nova] Nova currently handles list with limit=0 quite different for different objects.
Zhenyu Zheng
- [openstack-dev] [nova] [api] Nova currently handles list with limit=0 quite different for different objects.
Zhenyu Zheng
- [openstack-dev] [nova] [api] Nova currently handles list with limit=0 quite different for different objects.
Zhenyu Zheng
- [openstack-dev] [nova] About availability zones
Zhenyu Zheng
- [openstack-dev] [nova] [api] Nova currently handles list with limit=0 quite different for different objects.
Zhenyu Zheng
- [openstack-dev] [nova] About availability zones
Zhenyu Zheng
- [openstack-dev] [nova][python-novaclient] Functional test fail due to publicURL endpoint for volume service not found
Zhenyu Zheng
- [openstack-dev] [Congress] bugs for liberty release
Zhou, Zhenzan
- [openstack-dev] [Congress] PTL candidacy
Zhou, Zhenzan
- [openstack-dev] [Congress] Congress Usecases VM
Zhou, Zhenzan
- [openstack-dev] New PyCharm License
Xiangfei Zhu
- [openstack-dev] [mistral][yaql] Addressing task result using YAQL function
Dmitri Zimine
- [openstack-dev] [mistral][yaql] Addressing task result using YAQL function
Dmitri Zimine
- [openstack-dev] [nova][infra] Intel NFV CI, testing hugepages, numa topology, cpu pinning
Znoinski, Waldemar
- [openstack-dev] [nova][bugs] more specific tags?
Markus Zoeller
- [openstack-dev] [nova] Liberty-RC1: Identification of release critical bugs (urgent)
Markus Zoeller
- [openstack-dev] KILO: neutron port-update --allowed-address-pairs action=clear throws an exception
masoom alam
- [openstack-dev] KILO: neutron port-update --allowed-address-pairs action=clear throws an exception
masoom alam
- [openstack-dev] KILO: neutron port-update --allowed-address-pairs action=clear throws an exception
masoom alam
- [openstack-dev] KILO: neutron port-update --allowed-address-pairs action=clear throws an exception
masoom alam
- [openstack-dev] KILO: neutron port-update --allowed-address-pairs action=clear throws an exception
masoom alam
- [openstack-dev] KILO: neutron port-update --allowed-address-pairs action=clear throws an exception
masoom alam
- [openstack-dev] How to run fw testcases which are recently moved from tempest to neutron.
- [openstack-dev] [Neutron][horizon][neutron][L3][dvr][fwaas] FWaaS
- [openstack-dev] Fwd: Re: [neutron][L3][dvr][fwaas] FWaaS
- [openstack-dev] Fwd: Re: [neutron][L3][dvr][fwaas] FWaaS
- [openstack-dev] [nova][ceilometer] cputime value resets on restart/shutdown
gord chung
- [openstack-dev] [nova][ceilometer] cputime value resets on restart/shutdown
gord chung
- [openstack-dev] [oslo][versionedobjects][ceilometer] explain the benefits of ceilometer+versionedobjects
gord chung
- [openstack-dev] [oslo][versionedobjects][ceilometer] explain the benefits of ceilometer+versionedobjects
gord chung
- [openstack-dev] [ceilometer] proposal to add Pradeep Kilambi to Ceilometer core
gord chung
- [openstack-dev] [ceilometer] proposal to add Liusheng to Ceilometer core
gord chung
- [openstack-dev] [oslo][versionedobjects][ceilometer] explain the benefits of ceilometer+versionedobjects
gord chung
- [openstack-dev] [all] Mitaka Design Summit - Proposed slot allocation
gord chung
- [openstack-dev] [Ceilometer] Meters
gord chung
- [openstack-dev] [aodh][ceilometer] (re)introducing Aodh - OpenStack Alarming
gord chung
- [openstack-dev] [all] Base feature deprecation policy
gord chung
- [openstack-dev] Getting Started : OpenStack
gord chung
- [openstack-dev] [ceilometer][aodh][gnocchi] Tokyo design session planning
gord chung
- [openstack-dev] [ceilometerclient] Updating global-requirements caps.
gord chung
- [openstack-dev] [all][TC] 'team:danger-not-diverse tag' and my concerns
gord chung
- [openstack-dev] [oslo][versionedobjects][ceilometer] explain the benefits of ceilometer+versionedobjects
gord chung
- [openstack-dev] [ceilometer] Ceilometer M Midcycle
gord chung
- [openstack-dev] [ceilometer] PTL candidacy
gord chung
- [openstack-dev] [ceilometer] how to get current memory utilization of an instance
gord chung
- [openstack-dev] ceilometer code debugging
gord chung
- [openstack-dev] [ceilometer] OpenStack Telemetry user survey
gord chung
- [openstack-dev] [neutron][lbaas] Proposing Michael Johnson for neutron-lbaas core team
sleipnir012 at
- [openstack-dev] [neutron] subnetallocation is in core resource, while there is a extension for it?
- [openstack-dev] [nova] where the aggregate and cell document is
- [openstack-dev] [glance] [nova] Verification of glance images before boot
stuart.mclaren at
- [openstack-dev] [glance] proposed priorities for Mitaka
stuart.mclaren at
- [openstack-dev] [glance] proposed priorities for Mitaka
stuart.mclaren at
- [openstack-dev] [sahara] FFE request for scheduler and suspend EDP job for sahara
lu jander
- [openstack-dev] [sahara] FFE request for scheduler and suspend EDP job for sahara
lu jander
- [openstack-dev] [Keystone][Glance] keystonemiddleware & multiple keystone endpoints
- [openstack-dev] [Keystone][Glance] keystonemiddleware & multiple keystone endpoints
- [openstack-dev] [tricircle]Weekly Team Meeting 2015.09.09
- [openstack-dev] Re keystone to keystone federation
sreeja kannagundla
- [openstack-dev] [Ceilometer][Aodh] event-alarm fire policy
- [openstack-dev] [Ceilometer]heavy time cost of event-list
- [openstack-dev] [cinder] How to make a mock effactive for all method of a testclass
- [openstack-dev] [Novadocker] Resizing docker containers
aman mangal
- [openstack-dev] [sahara] Request for Feature Freeze Exception
michael mccune
- [openstack-dev] [sahara] FFE request for heat wait condition support
michael mccune
- [openstack-dev] [Openstack] [Horizon] [Sahara] FFE request for Sahara unified job interface map UI
michael mccune
- [openstack-dev] Getting Started : OpenStack
michael mccune
- [openstack-dev] [Sahara] FFE request for improved secret storage
michael mccune
- [openstack-dev] [Barbican] Nominating Dave Mccowan for Barbican core
michael mccune
- [openstack-dev] [sahara] FFE request for nfs-as-a-data-source
michael mccune
- [openstack-dev] [sahara] mitaka summit session ideas
michael mccune
- [openstack-dev] [sahara] hadoop-openstack.jar and proxy users
michael mccune
- [openstack-dev] [Sahara] FFE request for improved secret storage
michael mccune
- [openstack-dev] [Security] Weekly Meeting Agenda
michael mccune
- [openstack-dev] [oslo][oslo.config] Reloading configuration of service
- [openstack-dev] [oslo][oslo.config] Reloading configuration of service
- [openstack-dev] [oslo][oslo.config] Reloading configuration of service
- [openstack-dev] [oslo][oslo.config] Reloading configuration of service
- [openstack-dev] [neutron] How could an L2 agent extension access agent methods ?
thomas.morin at
- [openstack-dev] [neutron] How could an L2 agent extension access agent methods ?
thomas.morin at
- [openstack-dev] [neutron] How could an L2 agent extension access agent methods ?
thomas.morin at
- [openstack-dev] [neutron] How could an L2 agent extension access agent methods ?
thomas.morin at
- [openstack-dev] [oslo.messaging][zmq]
- [openstack-dev] [oslo] nominating Brant Knudson for Oslo core
- [openstack-dev] [akanda] outstanding issues from last meeting
sean roberts
- [openstack-dev] [Congress] Congress Usecases VM
himanshu sharma
- [openstack-dev] [neutron][L3][QA] DVR job failure rate and maintainability
- [openstack-dev] [Neutron] Port Forwarding API
- [openstack-dev] KILO: neutron port-update --allowed-address-pairs action=clear throws an exception
- [openstack-dev] KILO: neutron port-update --allowed-address-pairs action=clear throws an exception
- [openstack-dev] Debug tool for neutron
bharath thiruveedula
- [openstack-dev] [Neutron] Targeting "Logging API for SG and FW rules" feature to L-3 milestone
HoangCX at
- [openstack-dev] [cinder] L3 low pri review queue starvation
hao wang
- [openstack-dev] [zaqar] Zaqar PTL Candidacy
hao wang
- [openstack-dev] [cinder] PTL Non-Candidacy
hao wang
- [openstack-dev] [Cinder] PTL Candidacy
hao wang
- [openstack-dev] [kolla] Followup to review in gerrit relating to RHOS + RDO types
harm at
- [openstack-dev] [nova] API v2.1 reference documentation
melanie witt
- [openstack-dev] [Nova] Design Summit Topics for Nova
melanie witt
- [openstack-dev] [glance][nova] how to upgrade from v1 to v2?
melanie witt
- [openstack-dev] [cinder] LVM snapshot performance issue -- why isn't thin provisioning the default?
yang, xing
- [openstack-dev] [cinder] LVM snapshot performance issue -- why isn't thin provisioning the default?
yang, xing
- [openstack-dev] [neutron][sriov] SRIOV-VM could not work well with normal VM
- [openstack-dev] [neutron] Fail to get ipv4 address from dhcp
- [openstack-dev] Scheduler hints, API and Objects
Nikola Đipanov
- [openstack-dev] Scheduler hints, API and Objects
Nikola Đipanov
- [openstack-dev] [magnum]keystone version
- [openstack-dev] [magnum]keystone version
- [openstack-dev] [keystone]how to get service_catalog
- [openstack-dev] [keystone]how to get service_catalog
- [openstack-dev] [keystone]how to get service_catalog
- [openstack-dev] [magnum] Handling password for k8s
- [openstack-dev] [magnum] Discovery
- [openstack-dev] [magnum]swarm + compose = k8s?
- [openstack-dev] [magnum]swarm + compose = k8s?
- [openstack-dev] [magnum]swarm + compose = k8s?
- [openstack-dev] SOS
- [openstack-dev] [cinder] PTL Non-Candidacy
Last message date:
Wed Sep 30 23:58:51 UTC 2015
Archived on: Wed Sep 30 23:58:54 UTC 2015
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