[openstack-dev] [puppet] [infra] split integration jobs

Jeremy Stanley fungi at yuggoth.org
Wed Sep 30 23:37:14 UTC 2015

On 2015-09-30 17:14:27 -0400 (-0400), Emilien Macchi wrote:
> I like #3 but we are going to consume more CI resources (that's why I
> put [infra] tag).

I don't think adding one more job is going to put a strain on our
available resources. In fact it consumes just about as much to run a
single job twice as long since we're constrained on the number of
running instances in our providers (ignoring for a moment the
spin-up/tear-down overhead incurred per job which, if you're
talking about long-running jobs anyway, is less wasteful than it is
for lots of very quick jobs). The number of puppet changes and
number of jobs currently run on each is considerably lower than a
lot of our other teams as well.
Jeremy Stanley

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