[openstack-dev] [election] [TC] TC Candidacy

Kyle Mestery mestery at mestery.com
Tue Sep 29 13:21:23 UTC 2015

I'd like to announce my candidacy for the TC election.

A bit about me and my involvement with OpenStack: I've been
involved with OpenStack for a long time now in various capacities.
Most recently, I was the PTL for Neutron for the Juno, Kilo and
Liberty cycles. I've been a core reviewer on Neutron since July of
2013. I helped to write the Project Team Guide [1] by participating
in the sprint during it's creation. I founded and continue to lead
the Minnesota OpenStack Meetup [2]. I've spoken at many OpenStack
conferences and other Open Source conferences.

Given the "Big Tent" governance model we now find ourselves under,
my experience in leading Neutron as it adopted the "Neutron Stadium"
is very relevant to the current state of OpenStack. While leading
Neutron, the "Neutron Stadium" allowed many new project teams to
develop and grow. I hope to be able to work with new OpenStack
projects and guide them as they grow into OpenStack projects. I'd
also like to ensure the uniqueness which each projects brings to the
table isn't lost when it becomes an OpenStack project. While I
firmly believe each project must adopt the Four Opens [3] in order
to become an OpenStack project, it's important to not lose the
original spark which was lit to start these projects as they move
into the Big Tent.

If I'm elected, I will continue to dedicate time to work upstream
and help new and old projects. I'll work hard to assist anyone who
requests my help. And I'll continue to strive to do what I can
to ensure OpenStack's future success.

OpenStack has been an amazing community to be involved in. I am
fortunate to have been a part of this community for a long time now,
and should I be elected, I look forward to the chance to help guide
it while serving on the TC for the next two cycles!

Thank you!

Kyle Mestery
IRC: mestery

[1] http://docs.openstack.org/project-team-guide/
[2] http://www.meetup.com/Minnesota-OpenStack-Meetup/
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