[openstack-dev] [puppet][keystone] Choose domain names with 'composite namevar' or 'meaningless name'?

Cody Herriges cody at puppetlabs.com
Wed Sep 16 20:58:30 UTC 2015

I wrote my first composite namevar type a few years and ago and all the
magic is basically a single block of code inside the type...


It basically boils down to these three things:

* Pick your namevars
* Pick a delimiter
  - Personally I'd use @ here since we are talking about domains
* Build your self.title_patterns method, accounting for delimited names
and arbitrary names.

While it looks like the README never got updated, the java_ks example
supports both meaningful titles and arbitrary ones.

java_ks { 'activemq_puppetca_keystore':
  ensure       => latest,
  name         => 'puppetca',
  certificate  => '/etc/puppet/ssl/certs/ca.pem',
  target       => '/etc/activemq/broker.ks',
  password     => 'puppet',
  trustcacerts => true,

java_ks { 'broker.example.com:/etc/activemq/broker.ks':
  ensure      => latest,
  certificate =>
  private_key =>
  password    => 'puppet',

You'll notice the first being an arbitrary title and the second
utilizing a ":" as a delimiter and omitting the name and target parameters.

Another code example can be found in the package type.



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