[openstack-dev] [trove] [heat] Multi region support

Zane Bitter zbitter at redhat.com
Wed Sep 2 16:01:31 UTC 2015

On 01/09/15 19:47, Angus Salkeld wrote:
> On Wed, Sep 2, 2015 at 8:30 AM Lowery, Mathew <mlowery at ebay.com
> <mailto:mlowery at ebay.com>> wrote:
>     Thank you Zane for the clarifications!
>     I misunderstood #2 and that led to the other misunderstandings.
>     Further questions:
>     * Are nested stacks aware of their nested-ness? In other words,
>     given any
>     nested stack (colocated with parent stack or not), can I trace it
>     back to
>     the parent stack? (On a possibly related note, I see that adopting a
>     stack
> Yes, there is a link (url) to the parent_stack in the links section of
> show stack.

That's true only for resources which derive from StackResource, and 
which are manipulated through the RPC API. Mat was, I think, asking 
specifically about OS::Heat::Stack resources, which may (or may not) be 
in remote regions and are manipulated through the ReST API. Those ones 
are not aware of their nested-ness.

>     is an option to reassemble a new parent stack from its regional parts in
>     the event that the old parent stack is lost.)
>     * Has this design met the users' needs? In other words, are there any
>     plans to make major modifications to this design?
> AFAIK we have had zero feedback from the multi region feature.
> No more plans, but we would obviously love feedback and suggestions
> on how to improve region support.

Yeah, this has not been around so long that there has been a lot of 

I know people want to also do multi-cloud (i.e. where the remote region 
has a different keystone). It's tricky to implement because we need 
somewhere to store the credentials... we'll possibly end up saying that 
Keystone federation is required, and then we'll only have to pass the 
keystone auth URL in addition to what we already have.


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