December 2018 Archives by date
Starting: Sat Dec 1 11:17:27 UTC 2018
Ending: Mon Dec 31 07:16:53 UTC 2018
Messages: 908
- [dev][nova] Yay Friday gate regressions!
Michael Still
- [openstack-dev] [kuryr] can we start kuryr libnetwork in container inside the nova VM.
Vikrant Aggarwal
- [openstack-dev] Stepping down from Neutron core team
Hirofumi Ichihara
- Proposing KaiFeng Wang for ironic-core
Julia Kreger
- [openstack-dev] Stepping down from Neutron core team
Miguel Lavalle
- [dev][qa][devstack] Release management for QA toold and plugins
Ghanshyam Mann
- [openstack-dev] Stepping down from Neutron core team
Ranjan Krchaubey
- [Interop-wg] [dev] [cinder] [qa] Strict Validation for Volume API using JSON Schema
Ghanshyam Mann
- [openstack-dev] [nova] about notification in nova
- [Searchlight] Meeting today at 13:30 UTC
Trinh Nguyen
- [openstack-dev] [nova] about notification in nova
Zhenyu Zheng
- [openstack-dev] [nova] about notification in nova
Ranjan Krchaubey
- [forum][tc] Summary of the Vision for OpenStack Clouds session
Zane Bitter
- Proposing KaiFeng Wang for ironic-core
shiina.hironori at
- [openstack-dev] Stepping down from Neutron core team
Slawomir Kaplonski
- [openstack-dev] [TripleO][Edge] Reduce base layer of containers for security and size of images (maintenance) sakes
Bogdan Dobrelya
- [openstack-dev] [TripleO][Edge] Reduce base layer of containers for security and size of images (maintenance) sakes
Bogdan Dobrelya
- [openstack-dev][sahara] Sahara APIv2 Worklist
Telles Nobrega
- [openstack-dev] Stepping down from Neutron core team
Ranjan Krchaubey
- Proposing KaiFeng Wang for ironic-core
Jim Rollenhagen
- [Searchlight] Cancel meeting today
Trinh Nguyen
- [openstack-ansible] Evaluating meeting schedule + method
Mohammed Naser
- [Openstack] unexpected distribution of compute instances in queens
Jay Pipes
- [nova][ops] Migrating instances with old extra specs info.
Roman Dobosz
- [openstack-dev] Stepping down from Neutron core team
Nate Johnston
- [Openstack-operators] Spice screen in horizon
Jawad Ahmed
- [goal][python3] week R-18 update
Doug Hellmann
- [nova][ops] Migrating instances with old extra specs info.
Jay Pipes
- [Searchlight][Zuul] tox failed tests at zuul check only
Trinh Nguyen
- [nova][ops] Migrating instances with old extra specs info.
Sean Mooney
- [nova][ops] Migrating instances with old extra specs info.
Roman Dobosz
- [nova][ops] Migrating instances with old extra specs info.
Roman Dobosz
- [nova] When can/should we remove old nova-status upgrade checks?
Matt Riedemann
- [Searchlight][Zuul] tox failed tests at zuul check only
Clark Boylan
- [Searchlight][Zuul] tox failed tests at zuul check only
Trinh Nguyen
- [nova] When can/should we remove old nova-status upgrade checks?
Jay Pipes
- [nova][ops] Migrating instances with old extra specs info.
Jay Pipes
- [nova] When can/should we remove old nova-status upgrade checks?
Eric Fried
- [nova] When can/should we remove old nova-status upgrade checks?
Eric Fried
- [Searchlight][infra] tox failed tests at zuul check only
Jeremy Stanley
- [all][uc] OpenStack UC Meeting @ 1900 UTC
Melvin Hillsman
- Fwd: [Action Needed] Update your Zoom clients
Melvin Hillsman
- [all]Forum summary: Expose SIGs and WGs
Rico Lin
- [ptl][release] Proposed changes for cycle-with-intermediary services releases
Sean McGinnis
- OpenStack Summit Berlin Videos Now Available
Jimmy McArthur
- [tc] agenda for Technical Committee Meeting 6 Dec 2018 @ 1400 UTC
Doug Hellmann
- [openstack-dev] [kuryr] can we start kuryr libnetwork in container inside the nova VM.
Michał Dulko
- [senlin] New meeting time for odd weeks
Jude Cross
- OpenStack Summit Berlin Videos Now Available
Arkady.Kanevsky at
- [oslo] Berlin Summit Recap
Ben Nemec
- [ops][docs] The Contributor Guide: Ops Feedback Session Summary
Doug Hellmann
- OpenStack Summit Berlin Videos Now Available
Melvin Hillsman
- OpenStack Summit Berlin Videos Now Available
Matt Riedemann
- [Openstack] unexpected distribution of compute instances in queens
Mike Carden
- OpenStack Summit Berlin Videos Now Available
Jimmy McArthur
- [nova][ops] Migrating instances with old extra specs info.
Roman Dobosz
- OpenStack Summit Berlin Videos Now Available
Matt Riedemann
- OpenStack Summit Berlin Videos Now Available
Jimmy McArthur
- OpenStack Summit Berlin Videos Now Available
David Medberry
- OpenStack Summit Berlin Videos Now Available
David Medberry
- [infra] A change to Zuul's queuing behavior
James E. Blair
- [infra] A change to Zuul's queuing behavior
Chris Friesen
- [openstack-dev] [Neutron] Propose Nate Johnston for Neutron core
Miguel Lavalle
- OpenStack Summit Berlin Videos Now Available
Duc Truong
- [openstack-dev] [Neutron] Propose Hongbin Lu for Neutron core
Miguel Lavalle
- OpenStack Summit Berlin Videos Now Available
Jimmy McArthur
- [Openstack-operators] [openstack-dev][magnum] kubernetes images for magnum rocky
Spyros Trigazis
- [openstack-dev] [Neutron] Propose Hongbin Lu for Neutron core
Slawomir Kaplonski
- [openstack-dev] [Neutron] Propose Nate Johnston for Neutron core
Slawomir Kaplonski
- [all] Etcd as DLM
Ben Nemec
- [sigs] Monthly Update
Melvin Hillsman
- [Openstack-operators] [openstack-dev][magnum] kubernetes images for magnum rocky
Spyros Trigazis
- OpenStack Summit Berlin Videos Now Available
Sean Mooney
- [infra] A change to Zuul's queuing behavior
Sean Mooney
- [all] Etcd as DLM
Julia Kreger
- [all] The old mailing lists are now retired
Jeremy Stanley
- [Searchlight][infra] tox failed tests at zuul check only
Trinh Nguyen
- [openstack-dev][magnum] kubernetes images for magnum rocky
Spyros Trigazis
- [all] Etcd as DLM
Fox, Kevin M
- [Openstack] unexpected distribution of compute instances in queens
Mike Carden
- [openstack-dev] [Neutron] Propose Hongbin Lu for Neutron core
LIU Yulong
- [openstack-dev] [Neutron] Propose Nate Johnston for Neutron core
LIU Yulong
- [all] Etcd as DLM
Julia Kreger
- [Openstack] unexpected distribution of compute instances in queens
Alex Schultz
- [openstack-dev] [Neutron] Bugs deputy report week of November 26th
Miguel Lavalle
- [Openstack] unexpected distribution of compute instances in queens
Mike Carden
- [openlab] Weekly Meeting
Melvin Hillsman
- [Openstack] unexpected distribution of compute instances in queens
Tobias Urdin
- [Openstack] unexpected distribution of compute instances in queens
Zufar Dhiyaulhaq
- [nova] When can/should we remove old nova-status upgrade checks?
Balázs Gibizer
- [dev] [tc][all] TC office hours is started now on #openstack-tc
Ghanshyam Mann
- [all] Etcd as DLM
Gorka Eguileor
- [dev][nova][placement][qa] opinion on adding placement tests support in Tempest
Ghanshyam Mann
- [Openstack] unexpected distribution of compute instances in queens
Chris Dent
- [Nova] Increase size limits for user data
Flavio Percoco
- [dev][nova][placement][qa] opinion on adding placement tests support in Tempest
Chris Dent
- [neutron] [octavia] Manual deployment step for octavia on packstack
Vikrant Aggarwal
- [dev][nova][placement][qa] opinion on adding placement tests support in Tempest
Lajos Katona
- [all] Etcd as DLM
Jay Pipes
- [dev][nova][placement][qa] opinion on adding placement tests support in Tempest
Jay Pipes
- [all] Etcd as DLM
Thierry Carrez
- [Nova] Increase size limits for user data
Dan Prince
- [openstack-dev] [magnum] [Rocky] K8 deployment on fedora-atomic is failed
Vikrant Aggarwal
- [all] Etcd as DLM
Jay Pipes
- [openstack-dev] [Neutron] Propose Hongbin Lu for Neutron core
Bernard Cafarelli
- [ops] last week's Ops Meetups team minutes
Chris Morgan
- [Nova] Increase size limits for user data
Flavio Percoco
- [ops] Ops Meetup proposal, Berlin, early 2019
Chris Morgan
- [all][FEMDC] Etcd as DLM
Bogdan Dobrelya
- [openstack-dev] [Neutron] Propose Nate Johnston for Neutron core
Brian Haley
- [openstack-dev] [Neutron] Propose Hongbin Lu for Neutron core
Brian Haley
- [Nova] Increase size limits for user data
Matt Riedemann
- [tripleo][openstack-ansible] collaboration on os_tempest role update II
Chandan kumar
- [Nova] Increase size limits for user data
Jay Pipes
- [openstack-dev] [kuryr] kuryr libnetwork installation inside the vm is failing
Daniel Mellado
- [sigs] Monthly Update
Michael McCune
- [dev][neutron] neutron-lib work items
Boden Russell
- [tc] Adapting office hours schedule to demand
Thierry Carrez
- [Openstack] unexpected distribution of compute instances in queens
Zufar Dhiyaulhaq
- [Release-job-failures][release][tripleo] Tag of openstack/tripleo-heat-templates failed
Doug Hellmann
- Octavia Production Deployment Confused
Zufar Dhiyaulhaq
- Octavia Production Deployment Confused
Zufar Dhiyaulhaq
- Octavia Production Deployment Confused
Zufar Dhiyaulhaq
- [Release-job-failures][release][tripleo] Tag of openstack/tripleo-heat-templates failed
Emilien Macchi
- [all] Etcd as DLM
Ben Nemec
- [all][FEMDC] Etcd as DLM
Fox, Kevin M
- [dev][nova][placement][qa] opinion on adding placement tests support in Tempest
Dan Smith
- [Release-job-failures] Release of openstack/networking-ansible failed
Doug Hellmann
- [all] Etcd as DLM
Fox, Kevin M
- [Release-job-failures][release][tripleo] Tag of openstack/tripleo-heat-templates failed
Doug Hellmann
- [Release-job-failures][release][tripleo] Tag of openstack/tripleo-heat-templates failed
Emilien Macchi
- Octavia Production Deployment Confused
M. Ranganathan
- Octavia Production Deployment Confused
- [tc][all] Train Community Goals
Lance Bragstad
- [all] Etcd as DLM
Julia Kreger
- [tc] Adapting office hours schedule to demand
Chris Dent
- [all][FEMDC] Etcd as DLM
Julia Kreger
- [tc] Adapting office hours schedule to demand
Lance Bragstad
- [tripleo] [validations] Replacement of undercloud_conf module
Emilien Macchi
- Berlin Summit recap on Edge
Ildiko Vancsa
- [tc][all] Train Community Goals
Julia Kreger
- [tc] Adapting office hours schedule to demand
Julia Kreger
- [dev][nova][placement][qa] opinion on adding placement tests support in Tempest
Chris Dent
- [ptl] [openstack-map] New tags for OpenStack Project Map
Jimmy McArthur
- [dev] [os-vif][nova][neutron][kuryr] os-vif serialisation, persistence and version compatiablity moving to v2.0
Michał Dulko
- [dev][nova][placement][qa] opinion on adding placement tests support in Tempest
Archit Modi
- [tc][all] Train Community Goals
Dmitry Tantsur
- [all] Etcd as DLM
Mike Bayer
- [tripleo] cleanup upgrade_tasks
Emilien Macchi
- [Openstack] unexpected distribution of compute instances in queens
Mike Carden
- [tripleo] [validations] Replacement of undercloud_conf module
Dan Prince
- [tripleo] cleanup upgrade_tasks
Dan Prince
- Octavia Production Deployment Confused
Lingxian Kong
- [Openstack] unexpected distribution of compute instances in queens
Chris Dent
- [ironic] Time to discuss clean/deploy steps
Julia Kreger
- [ptl] [openstack-map] New tags for OpenStack Project Map
Sean Mooney
- [Openstack] unexpected distribution of compute instances in queens
Sean Mooney
- [Nova] Increase size limits for user data
Michael Johnson
- [Openstack] unexpected distribution of compute instances in queens
Mike Carden
- Octavia Production Deployment Confused
Michael Johnson
- [Nova] Increase size limits for user data
Michael Still
- [TC] Forum TC Vision Retrospective summary
Julia Kreger
- Octavia Production Deployment Confused
Zufar Dhiyaulhaq
- [tc][all][self-healing-sig] Train Community Goals
Adam Spiers
- Octavia Production Deployment Confused
Zufar Dhiyaulhaq
- [self-healing-sig] reminder: self-healing SIG IRC meetings tomorrow (Wed)
Adam Spiers
- [openstack-ansible] avoid approving changes hitting centos-7 jobs
Mohammed Naser
- [tripleo] [validations] Replacement of undercloud_conf module
Emilien Macchi
- [dev] [tc][all] TC office hours is started now on #openstack-tc
Ghanshyam Mann
- [tripleo] cleanup upgrade_tasks
Emilien Macchi
- [openstack-dev] [puppet] [stable] Deprecation of newton branches
Tony Breeds
- [openstack][diskimage-builder] How to install software packages at building murano-agent image
- [cyborg] IRC meeting for Dec 5th
Li Liu
- [ptl] [openstack-map] New tags for OpenStack Project Map
Lingxian Kong
- [scientific-sig] No IRC Meeting today
Stig Telfer
- [tripleo] [validations] Replacement of undercloud_conf module
Bogdan Dobrelya
- [TC] Forum TC Vision Retrospective summary
Thierry Carrez
- [dev][nova][placement][qa] opinion on adding placement tests support in Tempest
Lajos Katona
- [all] Etcd as DLM
Gorka Eguileor
- [tripleo] [validations] Replacement of undercloud_conf module
Florian Fuchs
- [loci] Release management for LOCI
Thierry Carrez
- [dev][qa][devstack] Release management for QA toold and plugins
Thierry Carrez
- [dev][nova][placement][qa] opinion on adding placement tests support in Tempest
Ghanshyam Mann
- [all][tc][Edge][FEMDC][tripleo][akraino][starlingx] Chronicles Of A Causal Consistency
Bogdan Dobrelya
- [tc] Adapting office hours schedule to demand
Ghanshyam Mann
- [openstack-dev] [all][qa] Migrating devstack jobs to Bionic (Ubuntu LTS 18.04)
Ghanshyam Mann
- [tripleo] Spec for upgrades including operating system upgrade
Jiří Stránský
- [tripleo] [validations] Replacement of undercloud_conf module
Dan Prince
- [ironic] Time to discuss clean/deploy steps
Jim Rollenhagen
- [openstack-dev] [all][qa] Migrating devstack jobs to Bionic (Ubuntu LTS 18.04)
Luigi Toscano
- [openstack-dev] [all][qa] Migrating devstack jobs to Bionic (Ubuntu LTS 18.04)
Luigi Toscano
- [ptl] [openstack-map] New tags for OpenStack Project Map
Jimmy McArthur
- [cloudkitty] IRC Meeting of the 7/12 will exceptionally happen at 9h AM UTC
Luka Peschke
- [all] Etcd as DLM
Doug Hellmann
- [TC] Forum TC Vision Retrospective summary
Doug Hellmann
- Proposing KaiFeng Wang for ironic-core
Ruby Loo
- [all] Etcd as DLM
Mike Bayer
- [glance] is glance-cache deprecated
Sumit Jamgade
- [tc][all] Train Community Goals
Doug Hellmann
- [glance] is glance-cache deprecated
Brian Rosmaita
- [Searchlight][infra] tox failed tests at zuul check only
Trinh Nguyen
- [Searchlight][infra] tox failed tests at zuul check only
Clark Boylan
- [Searchlight][infra] tox failed tests at zuul check only
Jeremy Stanley
- [Searchlight][infra] tox failed tests at zuul check only
Trinh Nguyen
- [dev] How to develop changes in a series
Eric Fried
- [Searchlight][infra] tox failed tests at zuul check only
Trinh Nguyen
- [Searchlight][infra] tox failed tests at zuul check only
Jeremy Stanley
- [dev] How to develop changes in a series
Clark Boylan
- OpenStack Summit Berlin Videos Now Available
melanie witt
- [openstack][diskimage-builder] How to install software packages at building murano-agent image
Clark Boylan
- OpenStack Summit Berlin Videos Now Available
Jimmy McArthur
- [openstack-dev] [nova] Stein forum session notes
melanie witt
- [dev] How to develop changes in a series
Ben Nemec
- [dev] How to develop changes in a series
Doug Hellmann
- [dev][nova] time for another spec review day?
melanie witt
- [TC] Forum TC Vision Retrospective summary
Julia Kreger
- Proposing KaiFeng Wang for ironic-core
Vladyslav Drok
- [dev][goal][python3][qa][devstack][ptl] changing devstack's python 3 behavior
Doug Hellmann
- [dev] How to develop changes in a series
William M Edmonds
- [dev] How to develop changes in a series
Jeremy Stanley
- [dev] How to develop changes in a series
William M Edmonds
- What's Happening in the Open Infrastructure Community
Allison Price
- [nova][dev] Bug about disabled compute during scheduling
Matt Riedemann
- Anyone using ScaleIO block storage?
Kimball (US), Conrad
- [goals][upgrade-checkers] Week R-18 Update
Matt Riedemann
- Anyone using ScaleIO block storage?
Julia Kreger
- Octavia Production Deployment Confused
Michael Johnson
- [tripleo] PTL on vacations
Juan Antonio Osorio Robles
- [tripleo] No weekly meeting on December 25
Juan Antonio Osorio Robles
- [nova][dev] Bug about disabled compute during scheduling
Surya Seetharaman
- Anyone using ScaleIO block storage?
Burak Hoban
- [loci] How to add some agent to loci images
- Anyone using ScaleIO block storage?
Sa Pham
- [openstack-dev] [all][qa] Migrating devstack jobs to Bionic (Ubuntu LTS 18.04)
Ghanshyam Mann
- [tc] Adapting office hours schedule to demand
Sean McGinnis
- [tc][all] Train Community Goals
Sean McGinnis
- [release] Release countdown for week R-17, Dec 10-14
Sean McGinnis
- Anyone using ScaleIO block storage?
Burak Hoban
- Anyone using ScaleIO block storage?
Sa Pham
- [TripleO] Configure SR-IOV VFs in tripleo
- [openstack-dev] [puppet] [stable] Deprecation of newton branches
Tobias Urdin
- [all][ptl][heat][senlin][magnum][vitrage] New SIG for Autoscaling? plus, Session Summary: Autoscaling Integration, improvement, and feedback
Ifat Afek
- [glance] is glance-cache deprecated
Sumit Jamgade
- [openstack-dev] [tripleo] Workflows Squad changes
Dougal Matthews
- Anyone using ScaleIO block storage?
Burak Hoban
- [dev][nova][glance] Interesting bug about deleting shelved server snapshot
Matt Riedemann
- Networking-sfc Installation on Openstack Queens
Navdeep Uniyal
- Networking-sfc Installation on Openstack Queens
Navdeep Uniyal
- [dev][nova][glance] Interesting bug about deleting shelved server snapshot
Sean Mooney
- Networking-sfc Installation on Openstack Queens
Sean Mooney
- [dev][nova][glance] Interesting bug about deleting shelved server snapshot
Matt Riedemann
- [tc][all] Train Community Goals
Lance Bragstad
- Anyone using ScaleIO block storage?
Balázs Gibizer
- [dev][nova][glance] Interesting bug about deleting shelved server snapshot
Sean Mooney
- [tc][all] Train Community Goals
Jay Bryant
- Anyone using ScaleIO block storage?
Jay Bryant
- [tc][all] Train Community Goals
Arkady.Kanevsky at
- [ops] Anyone using ScaleIO block storage?
Jeremy Stanley
- [ops] Anyone using ScaleIO block storage?
Jay Bryant
- [dev][nova][glance] Interesting bug about deleting shelved server snapshot
Brian Rosmaita
- [nova] What to do with the legacy notification interface?
Balázs Gibizer
- Anyone using ScaleIO block storage?
Julia Kreger
- [ops] Anyone using ScaleIO block storage?
Julia Kreger
- [tc][all] Train Community Goals
Artem Goncharov
- [nova] What to do with the legacy notification interface?
Matt Riedemann
- [barbican][nova] booting instance from snapshot or unshelve with image signature verification enabled
Pavlo Shchelokovskyy
- [sdk] Establishing SDK Validation Baseline
Melvin Hillsman
- [sdk] Establishing SDK Validation Baseline
Michael McCune
- [octavia] Routing between lb-mgmt-net and amphora
Paul Bourke
- [senlin] Cancelling this week's meeting
Duc Truong
- [loci] How to add some agent to loci images
Chris Hoge
- [tc] agenda for Technical Committee Meeting 6 Dec 2018 @ 1400 UTC
Doug Hellmann
- [tc] Technical Committee status update for 6 December
Doug Hellmann
- [tc] Technical Committee status update for 6 December
Ben Nemec
- [octavia] Routing between lb-mgmt-net and amphora
M. Ranganathan
- [tc] Technical Committee status update for 6 December
Doug Hellmann
- [ops] Disk QoS in Cinder and Nova flavour
Jean-Philippe Méthot
- [tc] Adapting office hours schedule to demand
Jeremy Stanley
- [dev][nova] time for another spec review day?
melanie witt
- [tc][all] Train Community Goals
Matt Riedemann
- [tc][all] Train Community Goals
Matt Riedemann
- [tc][all] Train Community Goals
Lance Bragstad
- [openstack-dev] [puppet] [stable] Deprecation of newton branches
Tony Breeds
- [sdk] Establishing SDK Validation Baseline
Matt Riedemann
- [infra] Update on test throughput and Zuul backlogs
Clark Boylan
- [sdk] Establishing SDK Validation Baseline
Melvin Hillsman
- [sdk] Establishing SDK Validation Baseline
Melvin Hillsman
- [infra] Update on test throughput and Zuul backlogs
Matt Riedemann
- [infra] Update on test throughput and Zuul backlogs
melanie witt
- [infra] Update on test throughput and Zuul backlogs
melanie witt
- [sdk] Establishing SDK Validation Baseline
Melvin Hillsman
- [loci][openstack-helm] How to add some agent to loci images
- [tc] Technical Committee status update for 6 December
Tony Breeds
- [Searchlight][Zuul] tox failed tests at zuul check only
Trinh Nguyen
- [infra] Update on test throughput and Zuul backlogs
Tristan Cacqueray
- [nova] What to do with the legacy notification interface?
Balázs Gibizer
- [sdk] Establishing SDK Validation Baseline
Dmitry Tantsur
- [placement] update 18-49
Chris Dent
- [sdk] Establishing SDK Validation Baseline
Thierry Carrez
- [sdk] Establishing SDK Validation Baseline
Michael McCune
- [octavia] Routing between lb-mgmt-net and amphora
Paul Bourke
- [ironic] Time to discuss clean/deploy steps
Julia Kreger
- [nova] Moving nova-cells-v1 job to the experimental queue
Matt Riedemann
- [dev][keystone] Keystone Team Update - Week of 3 December 2018
Colleen Murphy
- [Searchlight][Zuul] tox failed tests at zuul check only
Trinh Nguyen
- [placement] update 18-49 - aggregate allocation ratios
Matt Riedemann
- [nova] slides now available for project update and project onboarding sessions
melanie witt
- [cinder] [tempest] Ideas for test cases
Sofia Enriquez
- [Searchlight][Zuul] tox failed tests at zuul check only
Clark Boylan
- On trust and risk, Australia's Assistance and Access Bill
Jeremy Stanley
- [sdk] Establishing SDK Validation Baseline
Michael McCune
- On trust and risk, Australia's Assistance and Access Bill
Julia Kreger
- On trust and risk, Australia's Assistance and Access Bill
Michael McCune
- [octavia] Routing between lb-mgmt-net and amphora
M. Ranganathan
- [infra] A change to Zuul's queuing behavior
Matt Riedemann
- [dev] How to develop changes in a series
Kendall Nelson
- [ops][docs] The Contributor Guide: Ops Feedback Session Summary
Kendall Nelson
- [infra] A change to Zuul's queuing behavior
James E. Blair
- [dev] quick report on microstack
Pete Vander Giessen
- [Searchlight][Zuul] tox failed tests at zuul check only
Trinh Nguyen
- [Neutron]
Bino Oetomo
- [OpenStack][Neutron] WARNING neutron.pecan_wsgi.controllers.root
Soheil Pourbafrani
- [openstack-dev] [magnum] [Rocky] K8 deployment on fedora-atomic is failed
Vikrant Aggarwal
- [Neutron]
Slawomir Kaplonski
- [infra] Update on test throughput and Zuul backlogs
Matt Riedemann
- [Neutron]
Bino Oetomo
- [cinder] [tempest] Ideas for test cases
Ghanshyam Mann
- [infra] Update on test throughput and Zuul backlogs
Ghanshyam Mann
- [infra] Update on test throughput and Zuul backlogs
Ghanshyam Mann
- [infra] A change to Zuul's queuing behavior
Ghanshyam Mann
- [infra] A change to Zuul's queuing behavior
Jeremy Stanley
- [Neutron][ovs-dpdk]
Zilhazur Rahman
- [Neutron]
Bino Oetomo
- [neutron] [octavia] Manual deployment step for octavia on packstack
Vikrant Aggarwal
- [Release-job-failures] Tag of openstack/freezer failed
Tony Breeds
- Add port to router using python
Bino Oetomo
- apologize
Bino Oetomo
- [openstack-dev] [nova][cinder][qa] Should we enable multiattach in tempest-full?
Ghanshyam Mann
- [Neutron]
Slawomir Kaplonski
- [Neutron]
Bino Oetomo
- [horizon]Javascript files contains "conf" in their file name
Rikimaru Honjo
- [vitrage] Removing the static-physical datasource
Ifat Afek
- [loci][openstack-helm] How to add some agent to loci images
Jean-Philippe Evrard
- [Neutron][ovs-dpdk]
Sean Mooney
- On trust and risk, Australia's Assistance and Access Bill
Joshua Hesketh
- [neutron] bug deputy report for week of December 3
Bence Romsics
- [Release-job-failures] Tag of openstack/freezer failed
Jeremy Stanley
- [oslo] How to use library "oslo.messaging"
Thành Nguyễn Bá
- [nova] Fail to detach vhostuser vif type from VM
Arches, Maria (Nokia - HU/Budapest)
- [Release-job-failures] Tag of openstack/freezer failed
Doug Hellmann
- [oslo] How to use library "oslo.messaging"
Doug Hellmann
- [ironic] Meetings cancelled for the holdiays, Resuming January 7th
Julia Kreger
- [openstack-dev] [nova][cinder][qa] Should we enable multiattach in tempest-full?
Matt Riedemann
- [oslo] How to use library "oslo.messaging"
Ken Giusti
- [oslo] How to use library "oslo.messaging"
Doug Hellmann
- Openstacl magnum Queens api error
Ignazio Cassano
- [openstack-dev] [Neutron] Propose Nate Johnston for Neutron core
Miguel Lavalle
- [openstack-dev] [Neutron] Propose Hongbin Lu for Neutron core
Miguel Lavalle
- [infra] OpenDev feedback forum session summary
Jeremy Stanley
- [openstack-dev] [Neutron] Propose Hongbin Lu for Neutron core
Miguel Lavalle
- [charms] No meetings until January 7th
Frode Nordahl
- [charms] No meetings until January 7th
Ryan Beisner
- [dev][goal][python3][qa][devstack][ptl] changing devstack's python 3 behavior
Ben Nemec
- [dev][goal][python3][qa][devstack][ptl] changing devstack's python 3 behavior
Doug Hellmann
- Fwd: Openstacl magnum Queens api error
Ignazio Cassano
- [openstack-dev] [nova][cinder][qa] Should we enable multiattach in tempest-full?
Matt Riedemann
- [k8s] K8s-SIG-OpenStack Update
Chris Hoge
- On trust and risk, Australia's Assistance and Access Bill
Anita Kuno
- [neutron][ironic] Add Support for Smart NIC with baremetal
Moshe Levi
- [neutron][ironic] Add Support for Smart NIC with baremetal
Moshe Levi
- [dev][goal][python3][qa][devstack][ptl] changing devstack's python 3 behavior
Ben Nemec
- [neutron] Subnet onboard and changing API definitions in neutron-lib
Ryan Tidwell
- [tc][forum] Summary for "community outreach when cultures, time zones, and languages differ" session
Julia Kreger
- [nova][dev] Stein blueprint tracking status
melanie witt
- [neutron][stadium] Switch from ryu to os-ken
Hongbin Lu
- [loci][openstack-helm] How to add some agent to loci images
Jaesuk Ahn
- [OpenStack-Infra] [infra] OpenDev feedback forum session summary
Joshua Hesketh
- The 2nd Vietnam OSUG upstream contribution mentoring webinar
Trinh Nguyen
- [Searchlight] Weekly report for the week of Stein R-19 & R-18
Trinh Nguyen
- [Searchlight][Zuul] tox failed tests at zuul check only
Trinh Nguyen
- [dev] [tc][all] TC office hours is started now on #openstack-tc
Ghanshyam Mann
- [vitrage][monasca] Monasca datasource for Vitrage
Ifat Afek
- [os-api-ref][doc] Removing inactive cores
Stephen Finucane
- [Searchlight][Zuul] tox failed tests at zuul check only
Jeremy Stanley
- [tc][all] Documenting the role of the TC
Thierry Carrez
- [neutron][ironic] Add Support for Smart NIC with baremetal
Julia Kreger
- [scientific] No Scientific SIG meeting this week
Blair Bethwaite
- [sahara][ops][tripleo][openstack-ansible][puppet-openstack][kolla][i18n] Upcoming split of the sahara repository[sahara][ops][tripleo][openstack-ansible][puppet-openstack][kolla][i18n] Upcoming split of the sahara repository
Luigi Toscano
- [all][ptl][heat][senlin][magnum][vitrage][watcher] New SIG for Autoscaling?
Adam Spiers
- [sahara][ops][tripleo][openstack-ansible][puppet-openstack][kolla][i18n] Upcoming split of the sahara repository[sahara][ops][tripleo][openstack-ansible][puppet-openstack][kolla][i18n] Upcoming split of the sahara repository
Michael McCune
- [all]Forum summary: Expose SIGs and WGs
Matt Riedemann
- [sahara][ops][tripleo][openstack-ansible][puppet-openstack][kolla][i18n] Upcoming split of the sahara repository[sahara][ops][tripleo][openstack-ansible][puppet-openstack][kolla][i18n] Upcoming split of the sahara repository
Thomas Goirand
- [oslo][tooz][requirements] Tooz etcd3 tests blocked on grpcio>=1.16.0
Ben Nemec
- [sahara][ops][tripleo][openstack-ansible][puppet-openstack][kolla][i18n] Upcoming split of the sahara repository[sahara][ops][tripleo][openstack-ansible][puppet-openstack][kolla][i18n] Upcoming split of the sahara repository
Luigi Toscano
- [oslo][tooz][requirements] Tooz etcd3 tests blocked on grpcio>=1.16.0
Matthew Thode
- [oslo][tooz][requirements] Tooz etcd3 tests blocked on grpcio>=1.16.0
Matthew Thode
- [Searchlight][Zuul] tox failed tests at zuul check only
Trinh Nguyen
- [dev] [tc][all] TC office hours is started now on #openstack-tc
Ghanshyam Mann
- [tosca-parser] Need new release of tosca-parser library
Singh, Niraj
- [oslo][tooz][requirements] Tooz etcd3 tests blocked on grpcio>=1.16.0
Tony Breeds
- [cyborg] IRC meeting for Dec 11th
Li Liu
- [Searchlight][Zuul] tox failed tests at zuul check only
Trinh Nguyen
- [oslo][tooz][requirements] Tooz etcd3 tests blocked on grpcio>=1.16.0
Clark Boylan
- [tosca-parser] Need new release of tosca-parser library
Tony Breeds
- [oslo][tooz][requirements] Tooz etcd3 tests blocked on grpcio>=1.16.0
Tony Breeds
- [oslo][tooz][requirements] Tooz etcd3 tests blocked on grpcio>=1.16.0
Matthew Thode
- [oslo][tooz][requirements] Tooz etcd3 tests blocked on grpcio>=1.16.0
Matthew Thode
- [tosca-parser] Need new release of tosca-parser library
Bob Haddleton
- [tripleo][openstack-ansible] collaboration on os_tempest role update II - Dec 12, 2018
Chandan kumar
- [tosca-parser] Need new release of tosca-parser library
Rico Lin
- [neutron] gate issue
Slawomir Kaplonski
- [heat] changing our meeting time, and no meeting this week
Rico Lin
- [Searchlight][Zuul] tox failed tests at zuul check only
Trinh Nguyen
- openstack queens magnum swarm error
Ignazio Cassano
- openstack queens magnum error
Ignazio Cassano
- openstack magnum queens swarm error
Ignazio Cassano
- [openstack-dev] [all][qa] Migrating devstack jobs to Bionic (Ubuntu LTS 18.04)
Ghanshyam Mann
- [all]Forum summary: Expose SIGs and WGs
Adam Spiers
- [Searchlight][Zuul] tox failed tests at zuul check only
Trinh Nguyen
- [all][security-sig][meta-sig] Forum summary: Expose SIGs and WGs
Adam Spiers
- [all][security-sig][meta-sig] Forum summary: Expose SIGs and WGs
Josephine Seifert
- [all][security-sig][meta-sig] Forum summary: Expose SIGs and WGs
Jeremy Stanley
- [barbican][castellan] failures in barbican/castellan cross test job
Doug Hellmann
- [openstack-dev] [all][qa] Migrating devstack jobs to Bionic (Ubuntu LTS 18.04)
Doug Hellmann
- [all][security-sig][meta-sig] Forum summary: Expose SIGs and WGs
Jeremy Stanley
- [vitrage][monasca] Monasca datasource for Vitrage
Bedyk, Witold
- [all][security-sig][meta-sig] Forum summary: Expose SIGs and WGs
Adam Spiers
- [all][security-sig][meta-sig] Forum summary: Expose SIGs and WGs
Gage Hugo
- [ops] [nova] How to get CPUtime and wallclokctime consumed by a project (without using ceilometer) ?
Massimo Sgaravatto
- [all][security-sig][meta-sig] Forum summary: Expose SIGs and WGs
Josephine Seifert
- [i18n] Team meeting Thursday 07:00 UTC #openstack-meeting
Frank Kloeker
- [oslo][meeting] agenda topics - RFE Configuration mapping tool for upgrade priority tracking
Herve Beraud
- [oslo][tooz][requirements] Tooz etcd3 tests blocked on grpcio>=1.16.0
Ben Nemec
- [openstack-dev] [all][qa] Migrating devstack jobs to Bionic (Ubuntu LTS 18.04)
Matt Riedemann
- [openstack-dev] [all][qa] Migrating devstack jobs to Bionic (Ubuntu LTS 18.04)
Matt Riedemann
- Magnum Fedora atomic 27
Ignazio Cassano
- Magnum Fedora atomic 27
Octavian Ciuhandu
- [docs] New meeting time and format (was: [i18n] Team meeting Thursday 07:00 UTC #openstack-meeting)
Petr Kovar
- Magnum Fedora atomic 27
Ignazio Cassano
- Magnum Fedora atomic 27
Octavian Ciuhandu
- Magnum Fedora atomic 27
Ignazio Cassano
- [openstack-dev] [nova] Metadata API cross joining "instance_metadata" and "instance_system_metadata"
Matt Riedemann
- Gate fracas (status) update
Matt Riedemann
- Proposal to move cinder backup tests out of the integrated gate
Matt Riedemann
- Proposal to move cinder backup tests out of the integrated gate
Slawomir Kaplonski
- Magnum Fedora atomic 27
Feilong Wang
- [openstack-dev] [magnum] [Rocky] K8 deployment on fedora-atomic is failed
Feilong Wang
- Backporting networking-ansible to Queens
Dan Radez
- [all][security-sig][meta-sig] Forum summary: Expose SIGs and WGs
Zane Bitter
- Fwd: openstack queens magnum error
Feilong Wang
- Meaning of role name: auditor versus reader
Adam Young
- [cinder][ops][docs] policy configuration howto
Brian Rosmaita
- Fwd: openstack queens magnum error
Ignazio Cassano
- Fwd: openstack queens magnum error
Ignazio Cassano
- can't login to baremetal deploid with ironic
Manuel Sopena Ballesteros
- [Neutron] [Upgrade] No meeting on Dec. 13th
Lujin Luo
- can't login to a compute node deployed using ironic
Manuel Sopena Ballesteros
- [vitrage][monasca] Monasca datasource for Vitrage
Ifat Afek
- Fwd: openstack queens magnum error
Tobias Urdin
- [neutron] gate issue
Slawomir Kaplonski
- Proposal to move cinder backup tests out of the integrated gate
Ghanshyam Mann
- Fwd: openstack queens magnum error
Ignazio Cassano
- Magnum Fedora atomic 27
Ignazio Cassano
- [manila] no meeting 13 December 2018
Tom Barron
- [dev] [infra] [devstack] [qa] [kuryr] DevStack's etcd performance on gate VM's
Michał Dulko
- can't login to baremetal deploid with ironic
Iury Gregory
- Proposal to move cinder backup tests out of the integrated gate
Chris Dent
- [dev] [infra] [devstack] [qa] [kuryr] DevStack's etcd performance on gate VM's
Ben Nemec
- [all]Forum summary: Expose SIGs and WGs
Thierry Carrez
- [all][security-sig][meta-sig] Forum summary: Expose SIGs and WGs
Thierry Carrez
- [cinder][ops][docs][keystone] policy configuration howto
Ben Nemec
- Proposal to move cinder backup tests out of the integrated gate
Tom Barron
- Meaning of role name: auditor versus reader
cristian.calin at
- [keystone] Re: Meaning of role name: auditor versus reader
Colleen Murphy
- [dev] [tc][all] TC office hours is started now on #openstack-tc
Ghanshyam Mann
- Proposal to move cinder backup tests out of the integrated gate
Jay Bryant
- queens heat db deadlock
Ignazio Cassano
- Proposal to move cinder backup tests out of the integrated gate
Jay Bryant
- Proposal to move cinder backup tests out of the integrated gate
Tom Barron
- [tc][all] Train Community Goals
Jean-Philippe Evrard
- [dev] [infra] [devstack] [qa] [kuryr] DevStack's etcd performance on gate VM's
Michał Dulko
- [keystone] Re: Meaning of role name: auditor versus reader
Lance Bragstad
- [dev] [infra] [devstack] [qa] [kuryr] DevStack's etcd performance on gate VM's
Clark Boylan
- can't login to baremetal deploid with ironic
Julia Kreger
- [TripleO] SELinux support
Mikhail Fedosin
- [glance]functional-py35 fails due to subunit.praser error
Abhishek Kekane
- [all][meta-sig] SIG best practices
Adam Spiers
- [glance] functional-py35 job fails due to subunit.praser error
Abhishek Kekane
- Neutron performance Ocata
Matteo Dacrema
- [loci] Release management for LOCI
Chris Hoge
- Proposal to move cinder backup tests out of the integrated gate
Matt Riedemann
- Proposal to move cinder backup tests out of the integrated gate
Matt Riedemann
- Proposal to move cinder backup tests out of the integrated gate
Matt Riedemann
- [cinder][ops][docs][keystone] policy configuration howto
Lance Bragstad
- [glance] functional-py35 job fails due to subunit.praser error
Clark Boylan
- [tc][all] Train Community Goals
Doug Hellmann
- [senlin] Senlin Monthly(ish) Newsletter Nov/Dec 2018
Duc Truong
- [glance] functional-py35 job fails due to subunit.praser error
Matthew Treinish
- [glance] functional-py35 job fails due to subunit.praser error
Slawomir Kaplonski
- [glance] functional-py35 job fails due to subunit.praser error
Matt Riedemann
- [cinder] [tempest] Ideas for test cases
Sofia Enriquez
- Nova live migration fails - InvalidCPUInfo: Unacceptable CPU info: CPU doesn't have compatibility.
Torin Woltjer
- Nova live migration fails - InvalidCPUInfo: Unacceptable CPU info: CPU doesn't have compatibility.
Matt Riedemann
- Nova live migration fails - InvalidCPUInfo: Unacceptable CPU info: CPU doesn't have compatibility.
Erik McCormick
- [TripleO] - Blueprint - tripleo-routed-networks-templates
Harald Jensås
- Neutron performance Ocata
Sa Pham
- can't login to baremetal deploid with ironic
Manuel Sopena Ballesteros
- NTP failed on deploy
Lior Fellus
- can't login to a compute node deployed using ironic
Clark Boylan
- [tosca-parser] Need new release of tosca-parser library
Singh, Niraj
- [dev][openstacksdk] openstacksdk and dogpile 0.7.0+ cache errors
Ian Wienand
- [cyborg][ResMgmt]Cyborg Ecosystem Building Planning For 2019
Zhipeng Huang
- [glance] functional-py35 job fails due to subunit.praser error
Abhishek Kekane
- Queens magnum external network
Ignazio Cassano
- Fwd: openstack queens magnum error
Ignazio Cassano
- can't login to baremetal deploid with ironic
Iury Gregory
- [tosca-parser] Need new release of tosca-parser library
Tony Breeds
- [magnum] region_name needs to be configured in magnum.conf
Zufar Dhiyaulhaq
- [magnum] region_name needs to be configured in magnum.conf
Ignazio Cassano
- [magnum] region_name needs to be configured in magnum.conf
Zufar Dhiyaulhaq
- deploy compute node failed
Lior Fellus
- [tosca-parser] Need new release of tosca-parser library
Bob Haddleton
- [openstack-dev] [keystone] Keystone support of Multi-Factor Authentication ?
Waines, Greg
- [openstack-dev] [keystone] Keystone support of Multi-Factor Authentication ?
Colleen Murphy
- [dev][openstacksdk] openstacksdk and dogpile 0.7.0+ cache errors
Mike Bayer
- [tc] Creation of OSF project confirmation guidelines
Thierry Carrez
- [dev][openstacksdk][infra] openstacksdk and dogpile 0.7.0+ cache errors
Jeremy Stanley
- Nova live migration fails - InvalidCPUInfo: Unacceptable CPU info: CPU doesn't have compatibility.
Jonathan D. Proulx
- Nova live migration fails - InvalidCPUInfo: Unacceptable CPU info: CPU doesn't have compatibility.
Torin Woltjer
- [dev][openstacksdk][infra] openstacksdk and dogpile 0.7.0+ cache errors
Morgan Fainberg
- Nova live migration fails - InvalidCPUInfo: Unacceptable CPU info: CPU doesn't have compatibility.
Erik McCormick
- [dev][keystone] Keystone Team Update - Week of 10 December 2018
Colleen Murphy
- Nova live migration fails - InvalidCPUInfo: Unacceptable CPU info: CPU doesn't have compatibility.
Chris Friesen
- Nova live migration fails - InvalidCPUInfo: Unacceptable CPU info: CPU doesn't have compatibility.
Mattia Belluco
- [goals][upgrade-checkers] Week R-17 Update
Matt Riedemann
- [glance] functional-py35 job fails due to subunit.praser error
Doug Hellmann
- Open Infrastructure Summit Denver Contributor Discount Information
Kendall Waters
- [dev][openstacksdk][infra] openstacksdk and dogpile 0.7.0+ cache errors
Mike Bayer
- [dev][openstacksdk][infra] openstacksdk and dogpile 0.7.0+ cache errors
Mike Bayer
- Open Infrastructure Summit Denver Contributor Discount Information
Erik McCormick
- [magnum] region_name needs to be configured in magnum.conf
Ignazio Cassano
- [TripleO] OVB 2.0 Update
Ben Nemec
- [dev][openstacksdk][infra] openstacksdk and dogpile 0.7.0+ cache errors
Jeremy Stanley
- [dev][openstacksdk][infra] openstacksdk and dogpile 0.7.0+ cache errors
Morgan Fainberg
- Open Infrastructure Summit Denver Contributor Discount Information
Kendall Waters
- [neutron][stadium] Switch from ryu to os-ken
Michael Johnson
- Nova live migration fails - InvalidCPUInfo: Unacceptable CPU info: CPU doesn't have compatibility.
Torin Woltjer
- bug openstack queens magnum
Ignazio Cassano
- [dev][openstacksdk][infra] openstacksdk and dogpile 0.7.0+ cache errors
Mike Bayer
- [dev][openstacksdk][infra] openstacksdk and dogpile 0.7.0+ cache errors
Morgan Fainberg
- [dev][openstacksdk][infra] openstacksdk and dogpile 0.7.0+ cache errors
Jeremy Stanley
- [openlab] Maintenance Notification
Melvin Hillsman
- [vitrage][monasca] Monasca datasource for Vitrage
Joseph Davis
- [OpenStack][RabbitMQ] nove-compute running on controller node can not connect to rabbitmq
Soheil Pourbafrani
- [openstack-community] Asking for suggestion of video conference tool for team and webinar
Trinh Nguyen
- Openstack Magnum
Alfredo De Luca
- [magnum] cluster node fail to establish connection (wrong IP address)
Zufar Dhiyaulhaq
- [magnum] region_name needs to be configured in magnum.conf
Zufar Dhiyaulhaq
- [magnum] region_name needs to be configured in magnum.conf
Ignazio Cassano
- [magnum] cluster node fail to establish connection (wrong IP address)
Ignazio Cassano
- [magnum] region_name needs to be configured in magnum.conf
Zufar Dhiyaulhaq
- [magnum] region_name needs to be configured in magnum.conf
Ignazio Cassano
- [magnum] cluster node fail to establish connection (wrong IP address)
Zufar Dhiyaulhaq
- [magnum] region_name needs to be configured in magnum.conf
Ignazio Cassano
- [magnum] cluster node fail to establish connection (wrong IP address)
Zufar Dhiyaulhaq
- [magnum] cluster node fail to establish connection (wrong IP address)
Ignazio Cassano
- [magnum] cluster node fail to establish connection (wrong IP address)
Zufar Dhiyaulhaq
- [magnum] cluster node fail to establish connection (wrong IP address)
Zufar Dhiyaulhaq
- [magnum] cluster node fail to establish connection (wrong IP address)
Ignazio Cassano
- [magnum] cluster node fail to establish connection (wrong IP address)
Zufar Dhiyaulhaq
- [magnum] cluster node fail to establish connection (wrong IP address)
Zufar Dhiyaulhaq
- [magnum] cluster node fail to establish connection (wrong IP address)
Ignazio Cassano
- [vitrage][monasca] Monasca datasource for Vitrage
Ifat Afek
- Openstack Magnum
Ignazio Cassano
- Magnum queens requirements
Ignazio Cassano
- Magnum queens requirements
Feilong Wang
- Magnum queens requirements
Feilong Wang
- Openstack Magnum
Alfredo De Luca
- [sdk] Establishing SDK Validation Baseline
Melvin Hillsman
- queens heat db deadlock
Zane Bitter
- [Searchlight] Team meeting today at 13:30 UTC
Trinh Nguyen
- [Devstack][Freezer] ElasticSearch installation fails
Trinh Nguyen
- [dev][openstacksdk][infra] openstacksdk and dogpile 0.7.0+ cache errors
Ian Wienand
- queens heat db deadlock
Ignazio Cassano
- Openstack Magnum
Ignazio Cassano
- Magnum queens requirements
Ignazio Cassano
- queens heat db deadlock
Ignazio Cassano
- queens heat db deadlock
Ignazio Cassano
- [magnum] Core reviewers update
Spyros Trigazis
- Openstack Magnum
Alfredo De Luca
- Openstack Magnum
Spyros Trigazis
- [tosca-parser] Failing to get functions from capabilities
Michael Still
- Openstack Magnum
Ignazio Cassano
- [dev] [horizon] [tc] [release] [PTI] is tox a requirement even if tox is not used?
Akihiro Motoki
- [dev] [neutron] policy-in-code status update
Akihiro Motoki
- [mistral] Standing down as PTL
Dougal Matthews
- [mistral] Standing down as PTL
Renat Akhmerov
- [neutron] Bug deputy report, December 10 - December 16
Bernard Cafarelli
- [tripleo] undercloud / standalone have switched to podman by default
Emilien Macchi
- [tripleo] undercloud / standalone have switched to podman by default
Marios Andreou
- Instance Unable to connect to Data/Management Network
Zufar Dhiyaulhaq
- [dev] lower-constraints job moving to py36
Chris Dent
- [tosca-parser] Failing to get functions from capabilities
Bob Haddleton
- [dev] [horizon] [tc] [release] [PTI] is tox a requirement even if tox is not used?
Jeremy Stanley
- [dev] [horizon] [tc] [release] [PTI] is tox a requirement even if tox is not used?
Sean Mooney
- [sdk] Establishing SDK Validation Baseline
Michael McCune
- [sdk] Establishing SDK Validation Baseline
Artem Goncharov
- [oslo] How to use library "oslo.messaging"
Thành Nguyễn Bá
- [sdk] Establishing SDK Validation Baseline
Melvin Hillsman
- [publiccloud]Choice of deployment tools
- [all] Service-specific configuration options
Stephen Finucane
- [dev] [horizon] [tc] [release] [PTI] is tox a requirement even if tox is not used?
Sean McGinnis
- [tc] Adapting office hours schedule to demand
Doug Hellmann
- [tc] Adapting office hours schedule to demand
Doug Hellmann
- [publiccloud]Choice of deployment tools
Melvin Hillsman
- [tc] Adapting office hours schedule to demand
Jeremy Stanley
- [tc] Adapting office hours schedule to demand
Lance Bragstad
- [publiccloud]Choice of deployment tools
Arkady.Kanevsky at
- [tc] Technical Committee Status for 17 Dec 2081
Doug Hellmann
- [publiccloud]Choice of deployment tools
- [sdk] Establishing SDK Validation Baseline
Michael McCune
- [tc] Technical Committee Status for 17 Dec 2081
Ben Nemec
- [tc] Technical Committee Status for 17 Dec 2081
Doug Hellmann
- [Oslo] End of year schedule and plans
Ben Nemec
- [sdk] Establishing SDK Validation Baseline
Melvin Hillsman
- [tosca-parser] Failing to get functions from capabilities
Michael Still
- queens heat db deadlock
Joe Topjian
- [ptl] [user survey] Cinder Superuser Article Addressing User Survey Feedback
Allison Price
- [sdk] Establishing SDK Validation Baseline
Michael McCune
- Gate fracas (status) update
Clark Boylan
- [tc] Adapting office hours schedule to demand
Sean McGinnis
- [tosca-parser] Failing to get functions from capabilities
Bob Haddleton
- [tosca-parser] Failing to get functions from capabilities
Michael Still
- [openstack-dev] [nova] Metadata API cross joining "instance_metadata" and "instance_system_metadata"
Matt Riedemann
- [KOLLA][MONASCA] monasca containers not running
Manuel Sopena Ballesteros
- [all] Service-specific configuration options
Doug Hellmann
- [tosca-parser] Failing to get functions from capabilities
Bob Haddleton
- [tosca-parser] Failing to get functions from capabilities
Michael Still
- [tosca-parser] Failing to get functions from capabilities
Bob Haddleton
- [tc] Adapting office hours schedule to demand
Zane Bitter
- [all] Service-specific configuration options
Matt Riedemann
- [cyborg] IRC meeting for Dec 18th
Li Liu
- queens heat db deadlock
Ignazio Cassano
- [loci] Release management for LOCI
Tony Breeds
- [publiccloud]Choice of deployment tools
Nick Jones
- [publiccloud]Choice of deployment tools
Tobias Rydberg
- [nova] implementation options for nova spec: show-server-numa-topology
- [dev] [tc][all] TC office hours is started now on #openstack-tc
Ghanshyam Mann
- [glance] (Silly) question about container_format and disk_format
Andre Florath
- Instance Unable to connect to Data/Management Network
Ignazio Cassano
- [tc] Adapting office hours schedule to demand
Chris Dent
- [KOLLA][MONASCA] monasca containers not running
Doug Szumski
- [openstack-dev] [nova] Metadata API cross joining "instance_metadata" and "instance_system_metadata"
Jay Pipes
- [TripleO] flattening tripleo-heat-templates: what about pacemaker?
Cédric Jeanneret
- Openstack Magnum
Alfredo De Luca
- [tc] Adapting office hours schedule to demand
Doug Hellmann
- [keystone] Re: Meaning of role name: auditor versus reader
cristian.calin at
- [tc] Adapting office hours schedule to demand
Sean McGinnis
- can't login to a compute node deployed using ironic
Doug Szumski
- [TripleO] flattening tripleo-heat-templates: what about pacemaker?
Dan Prince
- [oslo][migrator] RFE Configuration mapping tool for upgrade - coordinate teams
Herve Beraud
- Firefox context search text across openstack related websites like codesearch, logstash, launchpad
Sorin Sbarnea
- [tc] Adapting office hours schedule to demand
Jeremy Stanley
- [publiccloud]Choice of deployment tools
Arkady.Kanevsky at
- [Ops] ops meetups team meeting 2018-12-18
Chris Morgan
- Backporting networking-ansible to Queens
Dan Radez
- Denver Open Infrastructure Summit CFP Open
Ashlee Ferguson
- queens heat db deadlock
Mike Bayer
- [neutron][qos] IRC meeting Jan 1, 2019
Rodolfo Alonso
- [publiccloud]Choice of deployment tools
- Openstack Magnum
Alfredo De Luca
- [neutron] Subnet onboard and changing API definitions in neutron-lib
Bernard Cafarelli
- [kuryr] Meetings canceled due to holidays, we'll be back on Jan 7th
Daniel Mellado
- [openstack-dev] [nova] Metadata API cross joining "instance_metadata" and "instance_system_metadata"
Matt Riedemann
- Backporting networking-ansible to Queens
Matt Riedemann
- [openstack-dev] [keystone] Keystone support of Multi-Factor Authentication ?
Adrian Turjak
- [devstack][neutron] truble with setting local.conf with neutron
Jea-Min Lim
- queens heat db deadlock
Jay Pipes
- [tc][all] Train Community Goals
Adrian Turjak
- queens heat db deadlock
Ignazio Cassano
- [devstack][neutron] truble with setting local.conf with neutron
Slawomir Kaplonski
- [neutron] CI meetings cancelled
Slawomir Kaplonski
- [octavia] Octavia weekly IRC meeting is cancelled December 26th.
Michael Johnson
- [octavia][lbaas] Octavia v1 API will be retired along with neutron-lbaas in 2019.
Michael Johnson
- [neutron] Subnet onboard and changing API definitions in neutron-lib
Miguel Lavalle
- [dev] [tc][all] TC office hours is started now on #openstack-tc
Ghanshyam Mann
- [tc] Adapting office hours schedule to demand
Ghanshyam Mann
- [nova][ops] Trying to get per-instance live migration timeout action spec unstuck
Matt Riedemann
- [swift]Putting Swift storage disks to sleep
Vedartham Bharath
- [placement] How do we migrate DB manipulating data?
- Watcher team meeting
Чадин Александр Сергеевич
- [tripleo][openstack-ansible] collaboration on os_tempest role update IV - Dec 19, 2018
Chandan kumar
- [scientific-sig] IRC meeting today, 1100UTC: 2018 retrospective, 2019 conferences, etc
Stig Telfer
- Devstack failure “Oslo.concurrency”
d.lake at
- openstack magnum on queens kubectl errors
Ignazio Cassano
- [dev][ops][monasca] Additional meeting time
Bedyk, Witold
- [requirements] adding pre-commit to requirements blacklist (skip check)
Sorin Sbarnea
- [Release-job-failures] Release of openstack/karma-subunit-reporter failed
Thierry Carrez
- [Release-job-failures] Release of openstack/karma-subunit-reporter failed
Herve Beraud
- [tripleo][openstack-ansible] collaboration on os_tempest role update IV - Dec 19, 2018
Mohammed Naser
- [tripleo][ci] Reducing merge time by moving nv job to experimental
Felix Enrique Llorente Pastora
- [tc][all] Train Community Goals
Thomas Goirand
- [tripleo][ci] Reducing merge time by moving nv job to experimental
Alex Schultz
- [tripleo][ci] Reducing merge time by moving nv job to experimental
Alex Schultz
- [nova] review guide for the bandwidth patches
Balázs Gibizer
- Failed live migration and duplicate attachments
Torin Woltjer
- [Cinder] cinder-volume connection problem when creating the instance
Minjun Hong
- [networking-ovs-dpdk] Issue creating br-ex...
d.lake at
- Devstack failure “Oslo.concurrency”
Doug Hellmann
- RE: Devstack failure “Oslo.concurrency”
d.lake at
- [Cinder] cinder-volume connection problem when creating the instance
Sean McGinnis
- [swift] Putting Swift storage disks to sleep
John Dickinson
- Re: Devstack failure “Oslo.concurrency”
Ben Nemec
- [nova][dev] tracking spec reviews ahead of spec freeze
melanie witt
- [oslo][migrator] RFE Configuration mapping tool for upgrade - coordinate teams
Ben Nemec
- [nova] When can/should we remove old nova-status upgrade checks?
Matt Riedemann
- [nova][vitrage] Nova extended server attributes
Ifat Afek
- [nova][ops] Trying to get per-instance live migration timeout action spec unstuck
Chris Friesen
- [nova][vitrage] Nova extended server attributes
Matt Riedemann
- [openstack-dev] [Neutron] Propose Ryan Tidwell for neutron-dynamic-routing core
Miguel Lavalle
- [swift] Putting Swift storage disks to sleep
Vedartham Bharath
- [glance][dev] Regarding "Eliminate Redundant Downloads of Uncached Images" project
Vedartham Bharath
- Failed live migration and duplicate attachments
Matt Riedemann
- [oslo][migrator] RFE Configuration mapping tool for upgrade - coordinate teams
Doug Hellmann
- FW: [networking-ovs-dpdk] Issue creating br-ex...
d.lake at
- Failed live migration and duplicate attachments
Matt Riedemann
- [publiccloud-wg][sigs] Reminder weekly meeting Public Cloud WG
Tobias Rydberg
- Devstack - yet more problems on install
d.lake at
- Devstack - yet more problems on install
Sean McGinnis
- [first contact] Cancelling Next Meeting
Kendall Nelson
- FW: [networking-ovs-dpdk] Issue creating br-ex...
Brian Haley
- [Openstack] unexpected distribution of compute instances in queens
Mike Carden
- [dev] How to develop changes in a series
Nadathur, Sundar
- [devstack][neutron] truble with setting local.conf with neutron
Jea-Min Lim
- [dev] How to develop changes in a series
Jeremy Stanley
- [ironic][neutron] Baremetal node cannot get back IP address from neutron
Dave.Chen at
- [opensetack-discuss][Openstack-Helm] Patches for upgrade rally
Jae Sang Lee
- [nova][ops] Trying to get per-instance live migration timeout action spec unstuck
Juvonen, Tomi (Nokia - FI/Espoo)
- [nova][dev] tracking spec reviews ahead of spec freeze
- [ironic][neutron] Baremetal node cannot get back IP address from neutron
Dave.Chen at
- [nova][dev] tracking spec reviews ahead of spec freeze
melanie witt
- queens heat db deadlock
Zane Bitter
- [tripleo][ci] Reducing merge time by moving nv job to experimental
Felix Enrique Llorente Pastora
- [oslo][migrator] RFE Configuration mapping tool for upgrade - coordinate teams
Nguyen Hung, Phuong
- [storyboard] it's all gone quiet
Mark Goddard
- [dev][qa] Cancelling QA Office Hour for next two weeks
Ghanshyam Mann
- FW: [networking-ovs-dpdk] Issue creating br-ex...
d.lake at
- [oslo][migrator] RFE Configuration mapping tool for upgrade - coordinate teams
Herve Beraud
- [all] Please help document dependencies between services
Thierry Carrez
- [Heat][Octavia] Is autoscaling feature missing?
Viktor Shulhin
- [edge] Zero Touch Provisioning
- [openstack-dev] [Neutron] Propose Ryan Tidwell for neutron-dynamic-routing core
Tobias Urdin
- [openstack-dev] [Neutron] Propose Ryan Tidwell for neutron-dynamic-routing core
Slawomir Kaplonski
- [edge] Zero Touch Provisioning
Jay Pipes
- [storyboard][infra] it's all gone quiet
Jeremy Stanley
- queens heat db deadlock
Jay Pipes
- [tripleo][ci] Reducing merge time by moving nv job to experimental
Jeremy Stanley
- [edge] Zero Touch Provisioning
Zhipeng Huang
- Devstack - yet more problems on install
d.lake at
- [watcher] core reviewers update
Чадин Александр Сергеевич
- [ptl][goals][python3] please update your team's status in the wiki
Doug Hellmann
- [nova][vitrage] Nova extended server attributes
Ifat Afek
- [Heat][Octavia] Is autoscaling feature missing?
Rabi Mishra
- [openstack-ansible][cinder] Multiple backends for Cinder
Cecilia Di Maulo
- [edge] Zero Touch Provisioning
- [openstack-dev] [Neutron] Propose Ryan Tidwell for neutron-dynamic-routing core
Akihiro Motoki
- [edge] Zero Touch Provisioning
- [edge] Zero Touch Provisioning
Jay Pipes
- [nova] review guide for the bandwidth patches
Bence Romsics
- [neutron] [upgrade] No meeting on Dec. 27th
Lujin Luo
- [edge] Zero Touch Provisioning
- [nova] review guide for the bandwidth patches
Balázs Gibizer
- Failed live migration and duplicate attachments
Torin Woltjer
- [edge] Zero Touch Provisioning
Jay Pipes
- [edge] Zero Touch Provisioning
- [Cinder] cinder-volume connection problem when creating the instance
Minjun Hong
- [nova] review guide for the bandwidth patches
Jay Pipes
- [nova] implementation options for nova spec: show-server-numa-topology
Matt Riedemann
- [IRONIC] vif attached to baremetal node DOWN
Manuel Sopena Ballesteros
- [dev] [infra] [devstack] [qa] [kuryr] DevStack's etcd performance on gate VM's
Michał Dulko
- [nova] review guide for the bandwidth patches
Balázs Gibizer
- [openstack-ansible][cinder] Multiple backends for Cinder
Jay Bryant
- [tc] Adapting office hours schedule to demand
Doug Hellmann
- [Cinder] Image Name of all Instances does not show up
Minjun Hong
- [magnum] Magnum missing project ID for octavia client
Zufar Dhiyaulhaq
- [Cinder][horizon] Image Name of all Instances does not show up
Sean Mooney
- [tripleo][ci] Reducing merge time by moving nv job to experimental
Ben Nemec
- [Cinder][horizon] Image Name of all Instances does not show up
Minjun Hong
- [tc] Technical Committee Status for 17 Dec 2081
Lance Bragstad
- [tc] Adapting office hours schedule to demand
Thierry Carrez
- FW: [networking-ovs-dpdk] Issue creating br-ex...
Sean Mooney
- [nova] review guide for the bandwidth patches
Matt Riedemann
- [nova] review guide for the bandwidth patches
Matt Riedemann
- [loci] Stable Branches in Loci
Chris Hoge
- [nova] review guide for the bandwidth patches
Matt Riedemann
- [openstack-dev] [neutron] [neutron-interconnection] neutron-interconnection core reviewers
Miguel Lavalle
- [tc] Technical Committee Status for 17 Dec 2081
Doug Hellmann
- Use cases mapping to MVP architectures - FEEDBACK NEEDED
Ildiko Vancsa
- [nova] Granular locks in the API
Matt Riedemann
- [edge][all] Use cases mapping to MVP architectures - FEEDBACK NEEDED
Ildiko Vancsa
- Devstack - yet more problems on install
Brian Haley
- [openstack-dev] [Neutron] Propose Ryan Tidwell for neutron-dynamic-routing core
Brian Haley
- [nova] Granular locks in the API
Lance Bragstad
- [openstack-dev] [Neutron] Propose Ryan Tidwell for neutron-dynamic-routing core
Hongbin Lu
- [release] Release countdown for week R-15, Dec 24-28
Sean McGinnis
- [openstack-dev] [Neutron] Propose Ryan Tidwell for neutron-dynamic-routing core
Nate Johnston
- [openstack-dev][tripleo] TripleO CI Summary: Sprint 23
Rafael Folco
- [cinder][ops][docs][keystone] policy configuration howto
Brian Rosmaita
- [nova] Granular locks in the API
Matt Riedemann
- Failed live migration and duplicate attachments
Matt Riedemann
- [Cinder][horizon] Image Name of all Instances does not show up
Sa Pham
- [cinder][ops][docs][keystone] policy configuration howto
Lance Bragstad
- [nova] Granular locks in the API
Lance Bragstad
- [nova] implementation options for nova spec: show-server-numa-topology
- [nova] implementation options for nova spec: show-server-numa-topology
Matt Riedemann
- Backporting networking-ansible to Queens
Tony Breeds
- [edge] Zero Touch Provisioning
Zhipeng Huang
- [dev][tc] Feedback on adding the 'API Version Based Feature Discovery' in OpenStack Technical Vision
Ghanshyam Mann
- [glance][dev] Regarding "Eliminate Redundant Downloads of Uncached Images" project
Vedartham Bharath
- [nova] implementation options for nova spec: show-server-numa-topology
- [nova] Persistent memory resource tracking model
Rui Zang
- [stable][kolla] EOL kolla ocata branch
Eduardo Gonzalez
- [placement] How do we migrate DB manipulating data?
Chris Dent
- [tripleo][ci] Reducing merge time by moving nv job to experimental
Felix Enrique Llorente Pastora
- [edge] Zero Touch Provisioning
Jay Pipes
- [placement] How do we migrate DB manipulating data?
Jay Pipes
- [stable][kolla] EOL kolla ocata branch
Eduardo Gonzalez
- [stable][kolla][EOL][EM] kolla ocata branch
Eduardo Gonzalez
- [placement] How do we migrate DB manipulating data?
Jay Pipes
- [stable][kolla] EOL kolla ocata branch
Matt Riedemann
- [glance][dev] Regarding "Eliminate Redundant Downloads of Uncached Images" project
Vedartham Bharath
- [Release-job-failures] Release of openstack/karma-subunit-reporter failed
Thierry Carrez
- openstack stack fails
Alfredo De Luca
- [glance][dev] Regarding "Eliminate Redundant Downloads of Uncached Images" project
Jim Rollenhagen
- [openstack-dev] [neutron] [neutron-interconnection] neutron-interconnection core reviewers
thomas.morin at
- [openstack-dev] [neutron] Cancelling next two team meetings
Miguel Lavalle
- [keystone] No meetings December 25th or January 1st
Lance Bragstad
- [senlin] No meetings next two weeks
Duc Truong
- [dev][keystone] Keystone Team Update - Week of 17 December 2018
Lance Bragstad
- openstack-dev] [neutron] Cancelling next Neutron drivers meeting
Miguel Lavalle
- [manila] no community meeting 27 December
Tom Barron
- [goals][upgrade-checkers] Week R-16 Update
Matt Riedemann
- openstack stack fails
Ignazio Cassano
- [TripleO] SELinux support
Juan Antonio Osorio Robles
- openstack stack fails
Alfredo De Luca
- openstack stack fails
Ignazio Cassano
- openstack stack fails
Ignazio Cassano
- openstack stack fails
Alfredo De Luca
- openstack stack fails
Ignazio Cassano
- openstack stack fails
Ignazio Cassano
- openstack stack fails
Alfredo De Luca
- The design choice of keystone sso
guoyongxhzhf at
- [infra][storyboard] Project Update/Some New Things
Jeremy Stanley
- [neutron] Subnet onboard and changing API definitions in neutron-lib
Slawomir Kaplonski
- [keystone] The design choice of keystone sso
guoyongxhzhf at
- The design choice of keystone sso
Rafael Weingärtner
- [neutron] Bug deputy report 17th~23rd Dec 2018
Paweł Suder
- [neutron] Bug deputy report 17th~23rd Dec 2018
Miguel Lavalle
- [cyborg] No IRC meetings for until the week of Jan 7th 2019
Li Liu
- [heat] No IRC meeting until Jan. 9th
Rico Lin
- [Tacker] No IRC meetings taday and next week.
Dharmendra Kushwaha
- [cinder] Is the cinder Active-Active feature OK?
Jaze Lee
- [openstack-discuss][Glance]BP to trace change to store context in request.environ[‘glance.context’]
Leehom Li (feli5)
- Fwd: [cinder] Is the cinder Active-Active feature OK?
Jaze Lee
- [mistral] =?utf-8?Q?Let=E2=80=99s_?=meet in IRC after Jan 8
Renat Akhmerov
- [self-healing-sig][vitrage][monasca] Vitrage and Monasca integration
Ifat Afek
- [vitrage] No IRC meeting tomorrow
Ifat Afek
- [security] No meeting Dec 27th & Jan 3rd
Gage Hugo
- Re: [openstack-discuss][Glance]BP to trace change to store context in request.environ[‘glance.context’]
Abhishek Kekane
- [dev] [horizon] No meetings until January, 9th
Ivan Kolodyazhny
- [kolla] Today and next week meeting cancelled
Eduardo Gonzalez
- [Searchlight] Next meeting cancelled
Trinh Nguyen
- [magnum][octavia] Error provisioning multi master cluster with magnum.
Zufar Dhiyaulhaq
- [I18n] No team meeting
Frank Kloeker
- [openstack-dev] [Neutron] Propose Ryan Tidwell for neutron-dynamic-routing core
Miguel Lavalle
- [openstack-dev][sahara] No meeting today
Telles Nobrega
- [Cyborg] Nominating Yumeng Bao for Cyborg Core Reviewer
Li Liu
- [openstack_FWaaS]
Rania Adouni
- openstack stack fails
Alfredo De Luca
- [oslo] Problem when use library "oslo.messaging" for HA Openstack
Thành Nguyễn Bá
- [Cyborg] Nominating Yumeng Bao for Cyborg Core Reviewer
Li Liu
- Review-Priority for Project Repos
Surya Singh
- openstack stack fails
Alfredo De Luca
- openstack stack fails
Ignazio Cassano
- openstack stack fails
Ignazio Cassano
- openstack stack fails
Alfredo De Luca
- openstack stack fails
Ignazio Cassano
- [Cyborg] Nominating Coco Gao for Cyborg Core Reviewer
Zhipeng Huang
- [nova] review guide for the bandwidth patches
Balázs Gibizer
- [tripleo] removing MongoDB
Emilien Macchi
- Review-Priority for Project Repos
Lance Bragstad
- [openstack-discuss][Nova][Horizon] 'Too many connections' error
Minjun Hong
- openstack magnum kubernetes load balancer
Ignazio Cassano
- openstack stack fails
Alfredo De Luca
- [Infra][Cinder] Request for voting permission from LINBIT LINSTOR CI (linbit_ci at for Cinder projects
Woojay Poynter
- [OpenStack-I18n] [I18n] No team meeting
Sungjin Kang
- [Firewall][OpenStack]
Soheil Pourbafrani
- [OpenStack-I18n] [I18n] No team meeting
JF Taltavull
- [tripleo] cleaning-up old reviews
Emilien Macchi
- Openstack-ansible and HAProxy
- openstack stack fails
Alfredo De Luca
- openstack stack fails
Ignazio Cassano
- [openstack-discuss][Nova][Horizon] 'Too many connections' error
Minjun Hong
- [Openstack-discuss][Horizon] Domain input in the login page disappeared
Minjun Hong
- openstack magnum on queens: please help me
Ignazio Cassano
- [heat] Bug : Heat cannot create Octavia Load Balancer
Zufar Dhiyaulhaq
- [Openstack-discuss][Cinder] Fail to mount the volume on the target node
Minjun Hong
- [Mistral]
Deep C
Last message date:
Mon Dec 31 07:16:53 UTC 2018
Archived on: Mon Dec 31 12:50:00 UTC 2018
This archive was generated by Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).