[dev][goal][python3][qa][devstack][ptl] changing devstack's python 3 behavior

Doug Hellmann doug at doughellmann.com
Wed Dec 5 19:27:08 UTC 2018

Today devstack requires each project to explicitly indicate that it can
be installed under python 3, even when devstack itself is running with
python 3 enabled.

As part of the python3-first goal, I have proposed a change to devstack
to modify that behavior [1]. With the change in place, when devstack
runs with python3 enabled all services are installed under python 3,
unless explicitly listed as not supporting python 3.

If your project has a devstack plugin or runs integration or functional
test jobs that use devstack, please test your project with the patch
(you can submit a trivial change to your project and use Depends-On to
pull in the devstack change).

[1] https://review.openstack.org/#/c/622415/

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