[glance] (Silly) question about container_format and disk_format

Andre Florath andre at florath.net
Tue Dec 18 10:07:43 UTC 2018


I do not completely understand the parameters 'container_format'
and 'disk_format' as described in [1]. The documentation always
uses 'the format' but IMHO there might be two formats involved.

Are those formats either

(A) the formats of the image file that is passed in.

    Like (from the official documentation [2])

    $ openstack image create --disk-format qcow2 --container-format bare \
         --public --file ./centos63.qcow2 centos63-image

    qcow2 / bare are the formats of the passed in image.


(B) the formats that are used internally to store the image


    $ openstack image create --disk-format vmdk --container-format ova \
         --public --file ./centos63.qcow2 centos63-image

    vmdk / ova are formats that are used internally in OpenStack glance
    to store the image.
    In this case there must be an auto-detection of the image file format
    that is passed in and an automatic conversion into the new format.

Kind regards


[1] https://developer.openstack.org/api-ref/image/v2/index.html?expanded=create-image-detail#create-image
[2] https://docs.openstack.org/glance/pike/admin/manage-images.html

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