[all][tc][Edge][FEMDC][tripleo][akraino][starlingx] Chronicles Of A Causal Consistency
Bogdan Dobrelya
bdobreli at redhat.com
Wed Dec 5 11:08:56 UTC 2018
Fact 0. Edge MVP reference architectures are limited to a single control
plane that uses a central/global data backend by usual for boring Cloud
computing meanings.
Fact 1. Edge clouds in Fog computing world are WAN-distributed. Far and
middle-level tiers may be communicating to their control planes over
high-latency (~50/100ms or more) connections.
Fact 2. Post-MVP phases [0] of future reference architectures for Edge
imply high autonomity of edge sites (aka cloudlets [1][2]), which is
having multiple control planes
always maintaining CRUD operations locally and replicating shared state
asynchronously, only when "uplinks" are available, if available at all.
Fact 3. Distributed Compute Node in the post-MVP phases represents a
multi-tiered star topology with middle-layer control planes aggregating
thousands of computes at far edge sites and serving CRUD operations for
those locally and fully autonomous to upper aggregation edge layers [3].
Those in turn might be aggregating tens of thousands of computes via
tens/hundreds of such middle layers. And finally, there may be a central
site or a few that want some data and metrics from all of the
aggregation edge layers under its control, or pushing deployment
configuration down hill through all of the layers.
Reality check.
That said, the given facts 1-3 contradict to strongly consistent data
backends supported in today OpenStack (oslo.db), or Kubernetes as well.
That means that neither of two IaaS/PaaS solutions is ready for future
post-MVP phases of Edge as of yet. That also means that both will need a
new, weaker consistent, data backend to pass the future reality check.
If you're interested in formal proves of that claim, please see for
sources [4][5][6][7][8]. A [tl;dr] of those:
a) It is known that causal consistency is the best suitable for
high-latency, high-scale and highly dynamic nature of membership in clusters
b) "it it is significantly harder to implement causal consistency than
eventual consistency. This explains the fact why there is not even a
single commercial database system
that uses causal consistency" [6]
Challenge accepted!
What can we as OpenStack community, joined the Kubernetes/OSF/CNCF
communities perhaps, for the bright Edge future can do to make things
passing that reality check?
It's time to start thinking off it early, before we are to face the
post-MVP phases for Edge, IMO. That is also something being discussed in
the neighbour topic [9] and that I'm also trying to position as a
challenge in that very high-level draft paper [10]. As of potential
steps on the way of implementing/adopting such a causal data backend in
OpenStack at least, we should start looking into the papers, like
[4][5][6][7][8] (or even [11], why not having a FS for that?), and
probably more of it as a "theoretical background".
[2] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cloudlet
[4] http://www.bailis.org/papers/bolton-sigmod2013.pdf
[5] http://www.cs.princeton.edu/~wlloyd/papers/eiger-nsdi13.pdf
[6] https://www.ronpub.com/OJDB_2015v2i1n02_Elbushra.pdf
[7] http://www.cs.cornell.edu/lorenzo/papers/cac-tr.pdf
[8] https://www.cs.cmu.edu/~dga/papers/cops-sosp2011.pdf
[11] http://rainbowfs.lip6.fr/data/RainbowFS-2016-04-12.pdf
Best regards,
Bogdan Dobrelya,
Irc #bogdando
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