Fwd: openstack queens magnum error

Ignazio Cassano ignaziocassano at gmail.com
Thu Dec 13 09:43:43 UTC 2018

I create the cluster template with the following command :

openstack coe cluster template create swarm-clustergp27 \
                     --image fedora-magnum-27-4 \
                     --external-network 566 \
                     --dns-nameserver \
                     --master-flavor m1.small \
                     --flavor m1.small \
                     --coe swarm \
                     --http-proxy \
                     --https-proxy \
                     --docker-volume-size 20

It creates the stack and completes it but loggin in the master node it
reports in cloudinit logs that etcd package is missing.
What about swarm-mode ?
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