openstack magnum on queens kubectl errors

Ignazio Cassano ignaziocassano at
Wed Dec 19 10:00:04 UTC 2018

Hello I've just installe openstack magnum on queens and I deployed a
kubernets cluster.
Heat stack terminated successfully but running kubectl describe node, at
the end it reports:

Allocated resources:
  (Total limits may be over 100 percent, i.e., overcommitted.)
  Resource           Requests  Limits
  --------           --------  ------
  cpu                0 (0%)    0 (0%)
  memory             0 (0%)    0 (0%)
  ephemeral-storage  0 (0%)    0 (0%)
  Type     Reason                            Age
>From                                      Message
  ----     ------                            ----
----                                      -------
  Warning  FailedNodeAllocatableEnforcement  4s (x71 over 70m)  kubelet,
kubecerts-pvfagyxq6gf6-minion-0  Failed to update Node Allocatable Limits
"": failed to set supported cgroup subsystems for cgroup : Failed to set
config for supported subsystems : failed to write 2089619456 to
memory.limit_in_bytes: write
invalid argument

Anyone can help me ?
I read some patches has been applyed on queens for this issue:

but , anycase, I am facing the issue.

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