[goals][upgrade-checkers] Week R-17 Update

Matt Riedemann mriedemos at gmail.com
Fri Dec 14 16:36:53 UTC 2018

A few updates this week.

* Some more projects have merged the base framework patch (tricircle, 
vitrage and zaqar). Open changes are here [1].

* Neutron has a change up to add support for loading upgrade checkers 
via extension point for stadium projects [2].

* There are two projects for which it may or may not make sense to add 
the upgrade check CLI:

1. mistral [3] - there seems to be concern about how useful the upgrade 
checker tool could be for mistral. I can't say I know enough about 
mistral or how it works, but if it is more like horizon and is stateless 
then maybe it's not a good fit, but I assume mistral has state (it 
tracks workflows right? So if it gets a start event, presumably it's 
tracking that to wait for an end event). When I looked over the mistral 
release notes I had a hard time finding anything worth adding automated 
checks during an upgrade. However, there is a deprecation note from 
queens which says, "The YAQL/jinja2 expression function json_pp has been 
deprecated and will be removed in the S cycle. json_dump should be used 
instead." I would think that when removing that function, if it's 
possible to determine it is being used somehow (can that be determined 
from the database?), then an upgrade check would be useful for that.

2. swift [4] - John has concerns that adding this to swift will expand 
the scope of the project to provide management functionality which the 
project has avoided thus far. Again, when I was looking over swift 
release notes for this goal I never found anything that looked like an 
obvious upgrade impact so if it's not useful and would set a bad 
precedent for the project, then I'd be OK with omitting this goal for swift.

[1] https://review.openstack.org/#/q/topic:upgrade-checkers+status:open
[2] https://review.openstack.org/#/c/615196/
[3] https://review.openstack.org/#/c/611513/
[4] https://review.openstack.org/#/c/611634/




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