December 2012 Archives by thread
Starting: Sat Dec 1 00:04:51 UTC 2012
Ending: Mon Dec 31 21:52:34 UTC 2012
Messages: 665
- [Openstack] Vietnam OpenStack first meetup on 29/11/2012 - Meetup report
Frans Thamura
- [Openstack] Quantum bridge mapping dhcp default route (optsfile tag:tag0 setting?)
Mark McClain
- [Openstack] [OpenStack APEC] Vietnam OpenStack first meetup on 29/11/2012 - Meetup report
Tristan Goode
- [Openstack] ifconfig in VM not showing IP address of eth0 port
Razique Mahroua
- [Openstack] starting quantum services causes host machine reboot
- [Openstack] starting quantum services causes host machine reboot (Sorry for my last email)
- [Openstack] [openstack] config_drive <Image UUID> doesn't create disk.config
Jian Hua Geng
- [Openstack] Fwd: [openstack-announce] [ANNOUNCE] OpenStack Nova, Glance, Keystone, Cinder, Quantum and Horizon 2012.2.1 released
Sina Sadeghi
- [Openstack] How to deploy openstack automatically in your env.
Lei Zhang
- [Openstack] [Quantum] eth port configuation.
Ahmed Al-Mehdi
- [Openstack] [Folsom] How VM is connected to Swift storage
Nikola Pajtic
- [Openstack] [devstack] keystone failed to get-token
benzwt benzwt
- [Openstack] glance error......
Chris St
- [Openstack] [OpenStack] Upgraded from Essex to Folsom, instances lost all internet connectivity
Leander Bessa Beernaert
- [Openstack] Need help in deploying Nova on Vmware ESXi server
HemanthRao Doddikindi
- [Openstack] [OpenStack] Remove unsed network on host with nova-network
Édouard Thuleau
- [Openstack] resizing instance fails
- [Openstack] openstack at
gregory_althaus at
- [Openstack] [openstack] [general survey] Asking help from OpenStack Korea User Group.
Jaesuk Ahn
- [Openstack] Understanding "flavors" of VM
Ahmed Al-Mehdi
- [Openstack] [Keystone] LDAP Backend for Catalog
Adam Young
- [Openstack] How to enable EC2 compatibility layer in Keystone
Attila Fazekas
- [Openstack] Heat's "Getting started on Fedora 16+" Guide?
Rickard, Ronald
- [Openstack] Will Heat Work Without systemd (i.e. will it work with init)?
Rickard, Ronald
- [Openstack] [KEYSTONE] Keystone Monitored ( and NewRelic ) on Essex
Alejandro Comisario
- [Openstack] Displaying a flavors extra_specs in horizon
Dale, StewartX T
- [Openstack] [horizon] Select a key pair by default in launch instance?
Kieran Spear
- [Openstack] Question about hostname.
Lei Zhang
- [Openstack] "glance image-list" command shows nothing
Salman Riaz
- [Openstack] Blueprint proposal: Drop setuptools_git for including data/config files
Sascha Peilicke
- [Openstack] 500 Internal Server error and [Errno 113] EHOSTUNREACH when adding a new node
Gui Maluf
- [Openstack] Potential security issue with CHAP
Kurt Seifried
- [Openstack] [Cinder] New volume status stuck at "Creating" after creation in Horizon
Ahmed Al-Mehdi
- [Openstack] Cloud-Init for Windows
Alessandro Pilotti
- [Openstack] [Cinder] command to list volume-group detected/managed by cinder
Ahmed Al-Mehdi
- [Openstack] [quantum]switch vm between different network
- [Openstack] Announcing OpenStack Day, 15th December, Bangalore India
Atul Jha
- [Openstack] How does VMs connect to cinder created Volumes ?
Skible OpenStack
- [Openstack] A confuse about the FlatDHCP network
Lei Zhang
- [Openstack] Communication between Qunatum Server and openVSwitch agent
Skible OpenStack
- [Openstack] Accessing Nova DB from the Compute Host
Trinath Somanchi
- [Openstack] [Openstack :: Folsom] Quantum Network Node setup
balaji patnala
- [Openstack] Distributed rate-limiting
Karajgi, Rohit
- [Openstack] Instance VNC Console - Failed to connect to server (code: 1006)
Alex Vitola
- [Openstack] swift metrics graphite dashboard
Dieter Plaetinck
- [Openstack] Instance no route to host problem
Patrick Petit
- [Openstack] Essex volume attach issue on Debian Wheezy
Alberto Molina Coballes
- [Openstack] nova.virt.libvirt.imagecache is removing good base file
Davide Guerri
- [Openstack] Fwd: [swift3] api - boto and libcloud => AccessDenied
Antonio Messina
- [Openstack] Bug Squash Days - 12/6 for docs, 12/13 for code
Anne Gentle
- [Openstack] [Quantum] questions about private, external network
Dan Wendlandt
- [Openstack] Do we have any schema for keystone v3.0 request/responses
Ali, Haneef
- [Openstack] Why my vm often change into shut off status by itself?
- [Openstack] Openstack Nova/Quantum :; api-paste.ini file
Trinath Somanchi
- [Openstack] Openstack Folsom and New kind of setup
Trinath Somanchi
- [Openstack] Problem with keystone on Debian
Guilherme Russi
- [Openstack] [Quantum] Quantum OVS Plugin doubt
Trinath Somanchi
- [Openstack] Dead walk from forum
- [Openstack] nova-compute fails to start
- [Openstack] How to create Quantum provider(GRE) networks?
Heinonen, Johanna (NSN - FI/Espoo)
- [Openstack] Installing Openstack - Issue with Keystone
Wojciech Dec
- [Openstack] I can use Swift in Horizon but not with the CLI...
Emilio García
- [Openstack] Basic Devstack question
Marco Bravo
- [Openstack] Upcoming wiki migration to Mediawiki
Anne Gentle
- [Openstack] S3 Token
Chmouel Boudjnah
- [Openstack] Glance problem when creating image
Guilherme Russi
- [Openstack] nova-network does not start dnsmasq
- [Openstack] Test cirros image is active but not reachable - no route to host
Szegedi Istvan
- [Openstack] How to pin vm instance to specific node?
- [Openstack] Problem when running nova-manage db sync
Guilherme Russi
- [Openstack] Problem hen running VM instances
Guilherme Russi
- [Openstack] can not launch an instance + RPC timeout + nova-network does not start dnsmasq
- [Openstack] Volume types
Daniel Oliveira
- [Openstack] CRITICAL nova [-] [Errno 98] Address already in use
Andrew Holway
- [Openstack] Server resize API in OpenStack ESSEX
Narayanan, Krishnaprasad
- [Openstack] nova list requests failing
Andrew Holway
- [Openstack] HA for glance api service
Qin, Xiaohong
- [Openstack] dnsmasq does not start + no xapi interface -- how to solve this problem
- [Openstack] 500 - Internal Server Error when using Volumes in Dashboard (Centos 6.3)
Andrew Holway
- [Openstack] Nova metadata service
JuanFra Rodriguez Cardoso
- [Openstack] authentication failure for glance client in the latest devstack dev environment
Jian Wen
- [Openstack] [swift] how to configure NWR policy
Hua ZZ Zhang
- [Openstack] Understanding the Folsom-Quantum
Trinath Somanchi
- [Openstack] LDAP + Keystone,, Error after authentication..
yasith tharindu
- [Openstack] instance launched in a wrong compute node
Liu Wenmao
- [Openstack] OpenShift in OpenStack
JuanFra Rodriguez Cardoso
- [Openstack] nova list not working
Andrew Holway
- [Openstack] networking - XCP + openstack
- [Openstack] Something horribly wrong with NFS
Andrew Holway
- [Openstack] Libvirt/KVM~Openstack sync?
Steve Eastham
- [Openstack] [OSSA 2012-020] Information leak in libvirt LVM-backed instances (CVE-2012-5625)
Thierry Carrez
- [Openstack] Instance flavor root disk partition problem
João Soares
- [Openstack] [SWIFT] Upgrade from 1.4.8 to 1.7.4 question
Alejandro Comisario
- [Openstack] Duplication of code in nova and cinder
Sam Morrison
- [Openstack] NetApp cinder driver
Sam Morrison
- [Openstack] What is the difference between Disk and Volume?
Jaeki Hong
- [Openstack] Volume Attach problem: BadRequest: The supplied device path (/dev/) is invalid
Skible OpenStack
- [Openstack] DEBUG nova.utils [-] backend
Andrew Holway
- [Openstack] Problem in essex nova-manage service list
Guilherme Russi
- [Openstack] Metadata in listing
Morten Møller Riis
- [Openstack] "multi-host" mode in quantum
Xin Zhao
- [Openstack] nova-compute not starting
Joe Warren-Meeks
- [Openstack] nova-network-snat weird behavior
YIP Wai Peng
- [Openstack] Very slow and inoperable dashboard
Andrew Holway
- [Openstack] New build dependency on keyring
Ken Thomas
- [Openstack] Cinder-Volume installer for Windows Storage Server 2012
Alessandro Pilotti
- [Openstack] Vlans and openstack.
Andrew Holway
- [Openstack] Welcome Claire & Jim
Mark Collier
- [Openstack] [Packagers] Adding psutils as a dependency for nova
Michael Still
- [Openstack] Difference between df and fdisk when using root disk.
- [Openstack] 2 Questions: Port 5000 and 35357, glance index
Hao Wang
- [Openstack] [Nova] in_use value may be negative in quota_usages table
- [Openstack] Removing Orphaned instanced
Andrew Holway
- [Openstack] instance cannot access external network (folsom quantum)
ZhiQiang Fan
- [Openstack] Horizon - OfflineGenerationError
JuanFra Rodriguez Cardoso
- [Openstack] instance is stopped automatically
- [Openstack] OpenStack Dashboard + WebServer
Desta Haileselassie Hagos
- [Openstack] Nova Compute Showing XXX on Compute Node
Daniel Parker
- [Openstack] devstack + xcp + ubuntu 12.04 does not work any more
- [Openstack] [ANNOUNCE] OpenStack Nova 2012.2.2 released
Mark McLoughlin
- [Openstack] is it possible to connect to real public network in quantum in tunnel mode?
Liu Wenmao
- [Openstack] Problems with Fn::Join
Patrick Petit
- [Openstack] Announcing the Sweden OpenStack User Group
Nicolae Paladi
- [Openstack] Maintenance mode not working - NotImplementedError
Andrew Holway
- [Openstack] Folsom: cinder HTTP 400
Richard Shaw
- [Openstack] [urgent] Nova-network isn't creating floating IP iptables rules!
Gui Maluf
- [Openstack] [ERROR] refresh_instance_security_rules
Sébastien Han
- [Openstack] "nova boot" errors while attaching a volume to an instance
Gui Maluf
- [Openstack] Create tenant with RESTful api
Guillermo Alvarado
- [Openstack] [openstack-announce] OpenStack Community Weekly Newsletter (Nov 30 – Dic 14)
Stefano Maffulli
- [Openstack] How tow Question: Memory and Processor
Frans Thamura
- [Openstack] Quantum + Tunnel VM can't get IP address
Lingfeng Xiong
- [Openstack] Live migration problem in OpenStack ESSEX
Narayanan, Krishnaprasad
- [Openstack] [Announcement] - Openstack Nordics Usergroup
Endre Karlson
- [Openstack] Fwd: Running OVS with VLAN tagged ports inside a ESXi host
Endre Karlson
- [Openstack] bug of quantum-server
Liu Wenmao
- [Openstack] It is stuck when attach the volume to the vm.
Lei Zhang
- [Openstack] Glance invalid credentials
JuanFra Rodriguez Cardoso
- [Openstack] Project : OpenStack on AWS
- [Openstack] floating ip takes a long time to be accessible
Xin Zhao
- [Openstack] Openstack High Availability
Samuel Winchenbach
- [Openstack] Wiki content imported into MediaWiki - please check
Ryan Lane
- [Openstack] Can't access external network when starting cloud-init
- [Openstack] [Documentation] Installation and configuration for testing-sized systems
Emilien Macchi
- [Openstack] Windows 2012 Server
Joe Warren-Meeks
- [Openstack] Swift vs. S3 - Attributes comparison
Chad Thibodeau
- [Openstack] Running crazy with Essex, multi_host, nova-network-ha, nova-api-metadata, VMs can't reach metadata nor respond through floating ip
Gui Maluf
- [Openstack] Can somebody offer some help regarding Keystone interaction with LDAP in Essex?
Christopher Smith
- [Openstack] Compute not restarting, qemu-img error?
Greg C
- [Openstack] [swift] RAID Performance Issue
Hua ZZ Zhang
- [Openstack] moving cloud controller to another IP network
Roman Shiryaev
- [Openstack] Instances can't reach metadata server in network HA mode
Gui Maluf
- [Openstack] Fwd: [openstack-community] Requesting volunteers to staff the OpenStack booth at the Open Compute Project Summit
Stefano Maffulli
- [Openstack] nova-network can't startup
- [Openstack] delete a wiki id
Doug Davis
- [Openstack] Installing Dashboard standalone
Guillermo Alvarado
- [Openstack] Debugging Quantum
Trinath Somanchi
- [Openstack] two or more NFS / gluster mounts
Andrew Holway
- [Openstack] Vlanned networking setup
Andrew Holway
- [Openstack] [keystone] IBM DB2 configuration
Dolph Mathews
- [Openstack] Nova API for getting information on compute nodes
Narayanan, Krishnaprasad
- [Openstack] Article posted: OpenStack Comes of Age
Diane Mueller
- [Openstack] Stopping Devstack from running
Sankha Narayan Guria
- [Openstack] [OpenStack] Support attach CD-ROM to instance
Jian Hua Geng
- [Openstack] OpenStack Community Weekly Newsletter (Dec 14-21)
Stefano Maffulli
- [Openstack] Horizon Dashboard Demo video released with FOLSOM
Narayanan, Krishnaprasad
- [Openstack] How to create vm instance to specific compute node?
- [Openstack] mysql cluster on openstack
Marco Bravo
- [Openstack] Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from Vietnam OpenStack Community
Hang Tran Thi
- [Openstack] Is python-openstackclient dead?
Alessio Ababilov
- [Openstack] linux crash
- [Openstack] [Ceilometer] Bug squash day on 4th January 2013
Julien Danjou
- [Openstack] kvm dump core continuously
Liu Wenmao
- [Openstack] How to Solve InfinitBand Adaptor Driver under Ubuntu 12.04?
changliwei07 at
- [Openstack] How to do when the compute-node is failed.
Lei Zhang
- [Openstack] openstack orchestration
Geoff O'Callaghan
- [Openstack] openstack folsom node compute status XXX
- [Openstack] Why don't nova provide the command of listing fixed ip like nova-manage fixed list?
zhoudshu zhoudshu
- [Openstack] setting up OpenStack using one machine
Razique Mahroua
- [Openstack] os-hosts API in OpenStack ESSEX not working
Narayanan, Krishnaprasad
- [Openstack] impl_kombu.FanoutConsumer uses the same name for an exclusive queue on reconnecting
Alex Lyakas
- [Openstack] nova-compute UnicodeDecodeError
Edward_Doong at
- [Openstack] Help needed for a project.
- [Openstack] Doubt about horizon DB
Guillermo Alvarado
- [Openstack] Cannot create projects. Folsom on Centos 6.3
Andrew Holway
- [Openstack] Associating virtual instance NICs to specific networks in quantum
Balamurugan V G
- [Openstack] mirror internal flow to external physical switch
Liu Wenmao
- [Openstack] can not fetch metadata even curl port 8775
Yan Zhai
- [Openstack] Who can give me some article to explain netfilter
Lei Zhang
- [Openstack] cloud-init and resizing centos image
YIP Wai Peng
- [Openstack] Failure when creating more than n instances. networking fail.
Andrew Holway
- [Openstack] OpenStack Community Weekly Newsletter (Dec 21-28)
Stefano Maffulli
- [Openstack] Cannot reach external IPs
Dennis Jacobfeuerborn
- [Openstack] cannot restart the instance
- [Openstack] [nova] python-novaclient 2.10.0 released
Lorin Hochstein
Last message date:
Mon Dec 31 21:52:34 UTC 2012
Archived on: Fri May 26 20:28:22 UTC 2017
This archive was generated by Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).