January 2012 Archives by thread
Starting: Sun Jan 1 03:23:22 UTC 2012
Ending: Tue Jan 31 23:28:08 UTC 2012
Messages: 757
- [Openstack] Metadata and File Injection
Ewan Mellor
- [Openstack] /usr/bin/keystone
Ewan Mellor
- [Openstack] Openstack + XCP (both on SID): XenAPI python script failing
Thomas Goirand
- [Openstack] [Glance] Decision to defer 2.0 Images API implementation to F release series
Jay Pipes
- [Openstack] Multinode installation (with devstack on the master)
Frost Dragon
- [Openstack] Glance functional tests failing
Ewan Mellor
- [Openstack] Configure Rate limits on OS API
Soren Hansen
- [Openstack] Problems with run_tests.sh on 11.10
Soren Hansen
- [Openstack] Network Configuration Error
Leander Bessa
- [Openstack] Integration test gating on trunk
Soren Hansen
- [Openstack] Openstack Nova Prunning/ Consistency mecanisms
Soren Hansen
- [Openstack] Attempting to start up swift-proxy and failing on startup
Asghar, Jonathan Edward (HP Cloud Services NOC)
- [Openstack] Using Gerrit to verify the CLA
Mark McLoughlin
- [Openstack] Using Swift S3 API with Keystone
Adrian_F_Smith at Dell.com
- [Openstack] Do we really need a CLA? [was Re: Using Gerrit to verify the CLA]
Mark McLoughlin
- [Openstack] Reminder: OpenStack Project meeting - 21:00 UTC
Thierry Carrez
- [Openstack] openstack nova-comoute boot instance error (diablo)
Thierry Carrez
- [Openstack] Automatically confirmed after 24 hours on Resize API
Thierry Carrez
- [Openstack] unsubscribe
Jeff Courtade
- [Openstack] nova and trusted computing
Mark Washenberger
- [Openstack] openstack-common
Mark McLoughlin
- [Openstack] [OpenStack] OpenStack with Xen
Guilherme Birk
- [Openstack] Several questions about HOW SWIFT WORKS
Alejandro Comisario
- [Openstack] Openstack configuration with single interface and with external dhcp
Rasika Karunathilaka
- [Openstack] Tempita usage?
Joshua Harlow
- [Openstack] various questinons about connections to rabbitmq
Pitucha, Stanislaw Izaak
- [Openstack] Testing SSL?
Joshua Harlow
- [Openstack] Keystone + Euca2ools
Kevin Jackson
- [Openstack] Presence in Fosdem 2012
Zeeshan Ali Shah
- [Openstack] OpenStack PPA team
Thierry Carrez
- [Openstack] swift release 1.4.5
John Dickinson
- [Openstack] [OpenStack Foundation] OpenStack Mission & Goals
Jan Drake
- [Openstack] Update on integration test gating
James E. Blair
- [Openstack] Nova HACKING compliance testing tool
Joe Gordon
- [Openstack] private containers and ACLs
Viral Patadiya
- [Openstack] Fwd: Quantum OVS over StackOPS
Alisson Soares Limeira Pontes
- [Openstack] using tox for virtualenv builds
Trey Morris
- [Openstack] OpenStack Foundation
Jim Curry
- [Openstack] noob question: tests and the master branch
Yun Mao
- [Openstack] Blueprint etiquette
Andrew Bogott
- [Openstack] Horizon and translation timing
Devin Carlen
- [Openstack] Who runs lists.openstack.org?
Soren Hansen
- [Openstack] OpenStack Community Newsletter –January 6, 2012 — Happy New Year
Stefano Maffulli
- [Openstack] New keystone dependency: prettytable
Dolph Mathews
- [Openstack] Cross-Origin Resource Sharing & OpenStack APIs
Paul Querna
- [Openstack] Initial test fails with a segmentation fault
Abhishek Sharma
- [Openstack] cloudpipe stuff
Dan Wendlandt
- [Openstack] COSUG 2012 slide
zhongyue luo
- [Openstack] unit and integration tests results for Gerrit
Jay Pipes
- [Openstack] can't delete imag
- [Openstack] What's the web server used in the Nova API server?
Joe Smithian
- [Openstack] Running Cloud Formation with Open Stack ?
Harihara Vinayakaram
- [Openstack] cloudpipe failed to launch with "NotAuthorized"
Tianchen Jiang
- [Openstack] Swift on RHEL/CentOS in prod?
Armando Migliaccio
- [Openstack] nova, keystone from packages on ubuntu and nova-api.ini
Kevin Jackson
- [Openstack] creating a security group curling nova v1.1 api
Alejandro Comisario
- [Openstack] Can't pimg
Leander Bessa
- [Openstack] Informations regarding the Notification System
Leander Bessa
- [Openstack] Presenting OpenStack Foundation mission and roadmap [webinar]
Stefano Maffulli
- [Openstack] Unique key is case-sensitive or *in*sensitive?
Nachi Ueno
- [Openstack] --network vs --fixed_range in nova-manage
Ewan Mellor
- [Openstack] The high CPU usage of container-server in swift
Alex Yang
- [Openstack] reconnecting to RabbitMQ
Roman Sokolkov
- [Openstack] Nova is considering Xen Domain-0 as instance
Rogério Vinhal Nunes
- [Openstack] [OSSA 2012-001] Tenant bypass by authenticated users using OpenStack API (CVE-2012-0030)
Thierry Carrez
- [Openstack] swift essex status update
John Dickinson
- [Openstack] "F" release naming poll - Cast your vote !
Thierry Carrez
- [Openstack] Associating VM to a quantum network
Alisson Soares Limeira Pontes
- [Openstack] XCP and Openstack questions
Thomas Goirand
- [Openstack] SchedulerHostFilterNotFound on Diablo using Zones - maybe a BUG ?
Leandro Reox
- [Openstack] swift object versions
John Dickinson
- [Openstack] swift
- [Openstack] [openstack] dashboard error (diablo)
- [Openstack] Does anyone have a combination of versions that works on Ubuntu 11.10?
Jorge Luiz Correa
- [Openstack] Online presentation on OpenStack contribution, Tempest and Devstack
Jay Pipes
- [Openstack] OpenStack Community Newsletter –January 13, 2012
Stefano Maffulli
- [Openstack] About keystone concepts: the difference between the key of a credential and the password of a user
Xuyun Zhang
- [Openstack] SQLalchemy / keystone bug
Ewan Mellor
- [Openstack] Keystone Curl can't get tokens by credentials
Xuyun Zhang
- [Openstack] First instance, one problem
Samuel Hassine, Another Service
- [Openstack] Question about "List of Device" of Ring data structure
dr-dr xp
- [Openstack] dashboard on fedora, misconfigured Nova url in keystone or missing openstackx extensions
- [Openstack] Erros with nova python client and OpenStack API
Leander Bessa
- [Openstack] increasing swift storage space
Salih B.K
- [Openstack] new install document for Compute/Image/Identity/Dashboard
Anne Gentle
- [Openstack] Diablo multi-zone, basescheduler, host_filter, various bugs running over KVM
Leandro Reox
- [Openstack] BSaaS project status
Oleg Gelbukh
- [Openstack] Nova trunk completely broken on Python 2.6
Ewan Mellor
- [Openstack] [GLANCE] Performance testing tool beta test
Jay Pipes
- [Openstack] Devstack/Dashboard Issue
Gary Kotton
- [Openstack] Call for testing : nova and glance 2011.3.1 tarballs
Mark McLoughlin
- [Openstack] Proposal to limit decorator usage
Lorin Hochstein
- [Openstack] Is m1.tiny instance type supported for Xen?
Alessio Ababilov
- [Openstack] [Errno 113] EHOSTUNREACH
Khaled Ben Bahri
- [Openstack] How to add new applications to openStack?
Joe Smithian
- [Openstack] Proposal for new devstack (v2?)
Joshua Harlow
- [Openstack] Using the AWS CloudFormation with Nova
Harihara Vinayakaram
- [Openstack] has anyone tried devstack this morning
Debo Dutta (dedutta)
- [Openstack] Dashboard - Error: Unable to communicate with identity service: [Errno 111] Connection refused. (HTTP 400)
Joe Smithian
- [Openstack] Swift Consistency Guarantees?
Nikolaus Rath
- [Openstack] Supporting start/stop compute api from OpenStack API
Tomoe Sugihara
- [Openstack] dashboard's tenant and users at most list 10 rows data
- [Openstack] how metadata service works in multi_host mode
- [Openstack] multi-threaded nova-api
Komarzeniec, Cezary
- [Openstack] libvirt issues
Mohammad Banikazemi
- [Openstack] how to verify nova uses openstackx extensions?
- [Openstack] Deprecations for you to be aware of
Kevin L. Mitchell
- [Openstack] Nexenta Driver proposal
Yuriy Taraday
- [Openstack] Running swift got stuck!
Xuyun Zhang
- [Openstack] Can't log into Dashboard.
Xuyun Zhang
- [Openstack] Memory quota in nova-compute nodes.
Jorge Luiz Correa
- [Openstack] Listing non-public images in Glance
Pete Zaitcev
- [Openstack] HA for Swift proxy and object server processes
Bob Schatz
- [Openstack] (no subject)
Khaled Ben Bahri
- [Openstack] How to resolve error "Domain not found: no domain with matching ..."
- [Openstack] [ANNOUNCE] OpenStack Nova and Glance 2011.3.1 released
Mark McLoughlin
- [Openstack] Swift supported file system
Khaled Ben Bahri
- [Openstack] Openstack packages tags in Debian
Thomas Goirand
- [Openstack] Boot from volume invalid device name /dev/vda
Tres Henry
- [Openstack] Instances with status "error" and what to do with them in the UI
Tres Henry
- [Openstack] Error while installing devstack
Sagar Nikam
- [Openstack] why you will NOT get MULTIZONE working on Diablo / KVM
Alejandro Comisario
- [Openstack] Need review before E3
Deepak Garg
- [Openstack] dashboard in oneric
Paras pradhan
- [Openstack] [nova client] Can't get the diagnostics command to work
Leander Bessa
- [Openstack] No /etc/nova/nova.conf
Joe Smithian
- [Openstack] Defining vm network
Alisson Soares Limeira Pontes
- [Openstack] Nova network creates network but
Mohammad Banikazemi
- [Openstack] Error getting image list via nova
Graham Hemingway
- [Openstack] Swift Container Name Restrictions
Matthew Wodrich
- [Openstack] ZeroMQ RPC Driver - FF-Exception request
Eric Windisch
- [Openstack] Nexenta SAN volume driver -- FF exception proposal
Oleg Gelbukh
- [Openstack] Essex-3 milestone proposed candidates
Thierry Carrez
- [Openstack] Questions about diagnostics command and nova-compute events
Leander Bessa
- [Openstack] WADL for compute API v1.1
Eoghan Glynn
- [Openstack] Is there a security issue with qcow2 images ?
Day, Phil
- [Openstack] SolidFireSanISCSIDriver - FF-Exception request
John Griffith
- [Openstack] Multi-Zone finally working on ESSEX but cant "nova list" (KeyError: 'uuid') + doubts
Alejandro Comisario
- [Openstack] VlanManager issues...
Lillie Ross-CDSR11
- [Openstack] Odd glance settings
Joshua Harlow
- [Openstack] FW: Associating VM to a quantum network
Edgar Magana (eperdomo)
- [Openstack] Essex-3 milestone available for Keystone, Glance, Nova and Horizon
Thierry Carrez
- [Openstack] authentication help needed, added keystone to system
- [Openstack] [Scaling][Orchestration] Zone changes. WAS: [Question #185840]: Multi-Zone finally working on ESSEX but cant "nova list" (KeyError: 'uuid') + doubts
Sandy Walsh
- [Openstack] Keystone: is revoke token API "officially" supported
Yee, Guang
- [Openstack] nova/puppet blueprint, and some questions
Andrew Bogott
- [Openstack] How to start/stop/restart services in devstack
Joe Smithian
- [Openstack] Ubuntu OpenStack QA Lab up and running
Robbie Williamson
- [Openstack] How to re-create a stack with devstack
Naveed Massjouni
- [Openstack] Essex-3 Milestone of Quantum Available
Dan Wendlandt
- [Openstack] Melange Essex-3 Milestone release
Troy Toman
- [Openstack] Creating account and user in swift
Khaled Ben Bahri
- [Openstack] Ubuntu package / ppa for the git-review tool.
Kiall Mac Innes
- [Openstack] Keystone Announcement
Ziad Sawalha
- [Openstack] [Nova] Essex dead wood cutting
Thierry Carrez
- [Openstack] Devstack: euca-describe-availability-zones Warning: failed to parse error message from AWS: <unknown>:1:0: syntax error None: None
Joe Smithian
- [Openstack] Dashboard Error: Unable to get vnc console for instance : The server could not comply with the request since it is either malformed or otherwise incorrect.
Joe Smithian
- [Openstack] three things about OpenStack docs
Anne Gentle
- [Openstack] OpenStack Community Newsletter –January 27, 2012
Stefano Maffulli
- [Openstack] Happy Friday!
Joshua Harlow
- [Openstack] E4 - And So It Begins!
Jesse Andrews
- [Openstack] Libvirt File Injection
Brian Waldon
- [Openstack] flags.DEFINE helpers in nova-novncproxy
Ken Thomas
- [Openstack] unlink_exist_file_return_202.patch
pf shineyear
- [Openstack] patch for obj server return 202 accepted when file already exist
pf shineyear
- [Openstack] Fwd: NetApp nova-volume driver - FF-Exception request
Thierry Carrez
- [Openstack] Blueprint "implementation of a file based volume driver"
Diego Parrilla Santamaría
- [Openstack] Problems with the glance-common trunk ppa prerm script
Michael Still
- [Openstack] Problem with meeting logs?
David Kranz
- [Openstack] moved planet config
Monty Taylor
- [Openstack] Fast cloning - FF-Exception request
Devdeep Singh
- [Openstack] [FF-Exception request] - Bare-metal provisioning with Tilera tiled-processor back-end
Mikyung Kang
- [Openstack] keystone still has "DEFINE_string" in its middleware/ec2_token.py file
David Kang
- [Openstack] Glance and Keystone
Paras pradhan
- [Openstack] Glance authentication with Keystone woes...
Lillie Ross-CDSR11
Last message date:
Tue Jan 31 23:28:08 UTC 2012
Archived on: Fri May 26 20:27:51 UTC 2017
This archive was generated by Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).