April 2022 Archives by author
Starting: Fri Apr 1 01:47:03 UTC 2022
Ending: Sat Apr 30 20:00:31 UTC 2022
Messages: 425
- [Triple0 on Centos Stream] Wallaby Overcloud Deployment Issue
Alfredo Moralejo Alonso
- Re: [openstack-ansible] Nominate Damian Dąbrowski for openstack-ansible core team
- [TripleO] gate blocker - impacting all quickstart-based jobs - openstack-ansible-os_tempest
Marios Andreou
- [TripleO] gate blocker - impacting all quickstart-based jobs - openstack-ansible-os_tempest
Marios Andreou
- [TripleO] gate blocker - impacting all quickstart-based jobs - openstack-ansible-os_tempest
Marios Andreou
- [TripleO] gate blocker - impacting all quickstart-based jobs - openstack-ansible-os_tempest
Marios Andreou
- [TripleO] gate blocker - impacting all quickstart-based jobs - openstack-ansible-os_tempest
Marios Andreou
- [TripleO] Move tripleo repos stable/ussuri to End Of Life OK?
Marios Andreou
- [TripleO] please stop posting patches for tripleo* stable/ussuri (going EOL)
Marios Andreou
- [tripleo][RDO] Tags for Yoga GA version in tripleo projects
Marios Andreou
- [TripleO] please stop posting patches for tripleo* stable/ussuri (going EOL)
Marios Andreou
- [TripleO] Final TripleO repos release for stable/victoria - any requests?
Marios Andreou
- [TripleO] Final TripleO repos release for stable/victoria - any requests?
Marios Andreou
- [TripleO] Final TripleO repos release for stable/victoria - any requests?
Marios Andreou
- [TripleO] Tear down of Train centOS 7 check jobs and integration line
Marios Andreou
- [nova][placement] PTG schedule attempt
Sylvain Bauza
- [nova][placement] Zed PTG summary
Sylvain Bauza
- Nova support for multiple vGPUs?
Sylvain Bauza
- Nova support for multiple vGPUs?
Sylvain Bauza
- [Oslo] IRC meeting.
Daniel Mats Niklas Bengtsson
- [Oslo] IRC meeting.
Herve Beraud
- Openstack Trove - Polling request timed out
Manish Bharti
- [TripleO] Final TripleO repos release for stable/victoria - any requests?
Alan Bishop
- [glance][devstack][tripleo][ansible][ceph_admin] Glance moving away from single store Configuration
Alan Bishop
- [neutron] exposing ip address of external Network from within the virtual machine
Eugen Block
- [neutron] exposing ip address of external Network from
Eugen Block
- [neutron][nova] port binding fails for existing networks
Eugen Block
- [neutron][nova] port binding fails for existing networks
Eugen Block
- [neutron][nova] port binding fails for existing networks
Eugen Block
- error
Reza Bojnordi
- [neutron] Bug Deputy Report Apr 18 - Apr 24
Oleg Bondarev
- RE: [openstack-ansible] Nominate Damian Dąbrowski for openstack-ansible core team
Andrew Bonney
- [murano][octavia][sahara][zaqar][zun][oslo] Pending removal of 'oslo_db.sqlalchemy.test_base'
Andy Botting
- [TripleO] Gate blockers - C8 Wallaby & C9 Master|Wallaby
Clark Boylan
- [Kolla-ansible][Xena] Test Trove module
Clark Boylan
- [blazar][requirements] setuptools and python_version in upper constraints
Clark Boylan
- [all] Devstack jobs are failing due to a git security fix
Clark Boylan
- [neutron] [kolla] Static routes added to subnets after upgrading from Queens to Train
Albert Braden
- Nova support for multiple vGPUs?
Sigurd Kristian Brinch
- Nova support for multiple vGPUs?
Sigurd Kristian Brinch
- OpenStack Yoga for Ubuntu 22.04 LTS and Ubuntu 20.04 LTS
Corey Bryant
- [swift][ptg] Ops feedback session - Apr 7 at 13:00 UTC
Timothy Burke
- Infrastructure and Virtual Resources utilisation tool for openstack cloud
- [monasca][neutron][venus][release][kolla] Missing yoga tarballs
Bernard Cafarelli
- [ptg][ptl][largescale-sig][all] PTG session: "The Scaling Journey" - Wednesday, April 6 15utc - kilo room
Thierry Carrez
- [largescale-sig] Large Scale SIG Forum session in Berlin?
Thierry Carrez
- [largescale-sig] Skipping meeting this week
Thierry Carrez
- [Openstack][nova] server groups
Ignazio Cassano
- [Openstack][nova] server groups
Ignazio Cassano
- [Openstack][nova] server groups
Ignazio Cassano
- [Openstack][nova] server groups
Ignazio Cassano
- [Openstack][nova] server groups
Ignazio Cassano
- [Openstack][nova] server groups
Ignazio Cassano
- [Trove][Xena] Error building Trove image
W Ch
Firas Dehech
- ERROR trust id
Firas Dehech
- No weekly meeting On April 7th
Pranali Deore
- [Glance] No weekly meeting On April 7th
Pranali Deore
- [rhos-storage] [glance] Zed PTG schedule
Pranali Deore
- [cinder] Zed PTG schedule
Rajat Dhasmana
- [cinder][PTG] Summary of Zed PTG
Rajat Dhasmana
- Question on monkey-patching paramiko for FIPS
Rajat Dhasmana
- [cinder] how cinder gets the volume name when restore from a backup?
Rajat Dhasmana
- [cinder] This week's meeting (Today) will be in video+IRC
Rajat Dhasmana
- [neutron][ovn] Need VM accessible on Internet, and able to access DC resources
Chris DiLorenzo
- Support to allow only boot from cinder volumes
Laurent Dumont
- Openstack Xena: error deleting image and snapshot via dashboard (as user and as admin)
Laurent Dumont
- Openstack Xena: error deleting image and snapshot via dashboard (as user and as admin)
Laurent Dumont
- Support to allow only boot from cinder volumes
Laurent Dumont
- Support to allow only boot from cinder volumes
Laurent Dumont
- Support to allow only boot from cinder volumes
Laurent Dumont
- wireguard - ? - puzzle
Laurent Dumont
- [Openstack][nova] server groups
Laurent Dumont
- Metadata service {devices list}
Laurent Dumont
- Metadata service {devices list}
Laurent Dumont
- Metadata service {devices list}
Laurent Dumont
- Metadata service {devices list}
Laurent Dumont
- [Openstack][nova] server groups
Laurent Dumont
- [Openstack][nova] server groups
Laurent Dumont
- Wireguard setup between a server and a aio
Laurent Dumont
- error
Laurent Dumont
- error
Laurent Dumont
- client authentication - ? gui okey but cli fails
Laurent Dumont
- [neutron][nova] port binding fails for existing networks
Laurent Dumont
- [neutron][nova] port binding fails for existing networks
Laurent Dumont
- [nova][os-brick] Yoga - native nvmeof multipath support
Gorka Eguileor
- [nova][os-brick] Yoga - native nvmeof multipath support
Gorka Eguileor
- [cinder] Cancelling cinder meeting on 6th April
Sofia Enriquez
- [cinder] Bug deputy report for week of 04-13-2022
Sofia Enriquez
- [cinder] Bug deputy report for week of 04-20-2022
Sofia Enriquez
- [cinder] Bug deputy report for week of 04-26-2022
Sofia Enriquez
- [murano][octavia][sahara][zaqar][zun][oslo] Pending removal of 'oslo_db.sqlalchemy.test_base'
Stephen Finucane
- [cyborg][zun][masakari][freezer-api][heat][tacker][oslo] Pending removal of 'oslo_db.sqlalchemy.enginefacade.LegacyEngineFacade'
Stephen Finucane
- [murano][octavia][sahara][zaqar][zun][oslo] Pending removal of 'oslo_db.sqlalchemy.test_base'
Stephen Finucane
- [oslo][ops] Change in default logging format
Stephen Finucane
- Re: [openstack-ansible] Nominate Damian Dąbrowski for openstack-ansible core team
Marc Gariepy
- Re: [OpenInfra Foundation] [all][tc] Change OpenStack release naming policy proposal
Kurt Garloff
- [devstack] Not able to install devstack on ubuntu 20.04
Molka Gharbaoui
- R: [devstack] Not able to install devstack on ubuntu 20.04
Molka Gharbaoui
- Need information
Gk Gk
- [monasca][neutron][venus][release][kolla] Missing yoga tarballs
Mark Goddard
- [Kolla-ansible][Xena] Error deploying Cloudkitty
Mark Goddard
- Upgrading Openstack nodes
Marc-Antoine Godde
- Upgrading Openstack nodes
Marc-Antoine Godde
- Eventlet fails under Python 3.10
Thomas Goirand
- [Question] Do I must separate management network and overlay network?
Thomas Goirand
- [all][tc] Change OpenStack release naming policy proposal
Thomas Goirand
- [neutron] Bug Deputy Report April 04 - 11
Lucas Alvares Gomes
- [ironic] Ironic Zed PTG Schedule
Iury Gregory
- [ironic] Skipping today's upstream meeting
Iury Gregory
- [ironic][ptg] Zed PTG Summary
Iury Gregory
- [Kolla][Kolla-Ansible] Unable to Deploy tacker victoria in centos 8 Stream
Richa Gupta
- [tc][tacker][heat-translator] Discusssion about heat-translater maintenance
HADDLETON, Robert W (Bob)
- [neutron] [kolla] Static routes added to subnets after upgrading from Queens to Train
Brian Haley
- [neutron] Bug deputy March 28 to April 3
Rodolfo Alonso Hernandez
- error openstack
Firas Hlel
- error
Firas Hlel
- [security-sig] No meeting this week
Gage Hugo
- [openstack-helm] No Meeting This Week
Gage Hugo
- [openstack-helm] No meeting this week
Gage Hugo
- [openstack-helm] openstack-helm-addons and docs repository retirement
Gage Hugo
- [openstack-helm] Dropping train support
Gage Hugo
- [security][security sig] Stepping down as chair
Gage Hugo
- [openstack-helm] No Meeting This Week
Gage Hugo
- [openstack-helm] gnocchi chart removal
Gage Hugo
- Requests to solve Unhelpful error message when neutron server is unavailable
- Requests to solve Unhelpful error message when neutron server is unavailable
- [release] Release Team's Zed PTG schedule & topics
Előd Illés
- [ptl][release][stable][EM] Extended Maintenance - Victoria
Előd Illés
- [stable][horizon] add vishalmanchanda and tmazur to horizon-stable-core
Előd Illés
- [release] Release countdown for week R-25, Apr 11 - 15
Előd Illés
- [nova] final release before Victoria Extended Maintenance transition?
Előd Illés
- [all][tc][Release Management] Improvements in project governance
Előd Illés
- ERROR openstack [-] Resource OS::TripleO::Network::Ports::ControlPlaneVipPort maps to type OS::Neutron::Port and the Neutron service is not available when using ephemeral Heat.| Openstack tripleo wallaby version
Harald Jensas
- Constraints and docs requirements
Michael Johnson
- [all] Devstack jobs are failing due to a git security fix
Michael Johnson
- [all][tc][Release Management] Improvements in project governance
Michael Johnson
- [requirements][kolla][infra] Python versions in u-c
Marcin Juszkiewicz
- [blazar][requirements] setuptools and python_version in upper constraints
Marcin Juszkiewicz
- [all][tc] Change OpenStack release naming policy proposal
Marcin Juszkiewicz
- [puppet] How to disable installation of mysql::server and only create databases?
Takashi Kajinami
- [neutron] exposing ip address of external Network from
Slawek Kaplonski
- [Zuul] [neutron] Errors in the jobs definitions and EOL of some old networking-midonet branches
Slawek Kaplonski
- [Zaqar][Zuul][TC] Errors in the jobs definitions in stable branches
Slawek Kaplonski
- [Senlin][Zuul] Errors in the jobs definitions in stable branches
Slawek Kaplonski
- [vmware-nsx] EOL old branches
Slawek Kaplonski
- [Zuul] [neutron] Errors in the jobs definitions and EOL of some old networking-midonet branches
Slawek Kaplonski
- [neutron] CI meeting agenda for 19.04
Slawek Kaplonski
- [all][tc][Release Management] Improvements in project governance
Slawek Kaplonski
- Question on monkey-patching paramiko for FIPS
Slawek Kaplonski
- [Neutron][neutron-vpnaas] proposing Mohammed Naser for neutron-vpnaas core reviewer
Slawek Kaplonski
- [all][tc] Change OpenStack release naming policy proposal
Slawek Kaplonski
- [neutron] PTG - Thursday
Lajos Katona
- Requests to solve Unhelpful error message when neutron server is unavailable
Lajos Katona
- [Question] Do I must separate management network and overlay network?
Lajos Katona
- [all][neutron][neutron-vpnaas] Maintainers needed
Lajos Katona
- [all][neutron] Pike - End of Life
Lajos Katona
- [zuul][neutron][neutron-fwaas][tap-as-a-service] Errors in the jobs definitions and EOL of some old neutron-fwaas and tap-as-a-service branches
Lajos Katona
- [neutron] Bug Deputy Report January 03 - 10
Lajos Katona
- [neutron] Zed PTG Summary
Lajos Katona
- [neutron] Drivers meeting - Friday 15.4.2022 - cancelled
Lajos Katona
- [neutron] Drivers meeting - Friday 22.4.2022 - cancelled
Lajos Katona
- [Neutron][neutron-vpnaas] proposing Mohammed Naser for neutron-vpnaas core reviewer
Lajos Katona
- [all][neutron][neutron-vpnaas] Maintainers needed
Lajos Katona
- [neutron] Drivers meeting - Friday 29.4.2022 - cancelled
Lajos Katona
- [OpenInfra Foundation] [all][tc] Change OpenStack release naming policy proposal
Alex Kavanagh
- [glance] Zed PTG schedule
Abhishek Kekane
- [glance] Outreachy 2022
Abhishek Kekane
- [Glance] Zed PTG Summary
Abhishek Kekane
- [glance][devstack][tripleo][ansible][ceph_admin] Glance moving away from single store Configuration
Abhishek Kekane
- [glance][devstack][tripleo][ansible][ceph_admin] Glance moving away from single store Configuration
Abhishek Kekane
- [glance][devstack][tripleo][ansible][ceph_admin] Glance moving away from single store Configuration
Abhishek Kekane
- regarding custom role creation
Abhishek Kekane
- [Kolla-ansible][Xena][Ceph-RGW] need help configuring Ceph RGW for Swift and S3 access
Buddhika S. Godakuru - University of Kelaniya
- [Solved][Kolla-ansible][Xena][Ceph-RGW] need help configuring Ceph RGW for Swift and S3 access
Buddhika S. Godakuru - University of Kelaniya
- Openstack Trove - Polling request timed out
Lingxian Kong
- [qa][ptg] PTG Summary
Martin Kopec
- [glance] import RBD image
Erno Kuvaja
- [TripleO] gate blocker - impacting all quickstart-based jobs - openstack-ansible-os_tempest
Ronelle Landy
- [TripleO] Tear down of Train centOS 7 check jobs and integration line
Ronelle Landy
- [Neutron][neutron-vpnaas] proposing Mohammed Naser for neutron-vpnaas core reviewer
Miguel Lavalle
- Question on monkey-patching paramiko for FIPS
Ade Lee
- [all][tc] Change OpenStack release naming policy proposal
Cedric Lemarchand
- [Neutron] Bug deputy report April 11 - April 18
Jakub Libosvar
- [Kolla-ansible][Glance] Glance HA deployment with shared file backend
Rodrigo Lima
- [tc][tacker][heat-translator] Discusssion about heat-translater maintenance
Rico Lin
- Xena and CEPH RBD backend (show_image_direct_url status )
Tony Liu
- Xena and CEPH RBD backend (show_image_direct_url status )
Tony Liu
- retention policy for deleted resource in database
Tony Liu
- [cinder] how cinder gets the volume name when restore from a backup?
Tony Liu
- retention policy for deleted resource in database
Tony Liu
- [cinder] how cinder gets the volume name when restore from a backup?
Tony Liu
- Deployment system includes: Ussuri, Brocade X7-8
Duc Loi
- [all][tc][goal][rbac] RBAC goal discussion in Zed PTG
Ghanshyam Mann
- [all][tc] Zed TC-PTG Planning
Ghanshyam Mann
- [all][tc] What's happening in Technical Committee: summary April 1st, 21: Reading: 10 min
Ghanshyam Mann
- [tc][tacker][heat-translator] Discusssion about heat-translater maintenance
Ghanshyam Mann
- [stable][horizon] add vishalmanchanda and tmazur to horizon-stable-core
Ghanshyam Mann
- [tc][all][ Zed Virtual PTG RBAC discussions Summary
Ghanshyam Mann
- [tc][all][ Technical Committee Zed Virtual PTG discussions details
Ghanshyam Mann
- [all][tc] Canceling TC this week meetings
Ghanshyam Mann
- [all][tc] Dropping the lower constraints maintenance
Ghanshyam Mann
- [all][tc] Technical Committee Zed cycle Kick-Off
Ghanshyam Mann
- [all][tc] What's happening in Technical Committee: summary April 15th, 21: Reading: 10 min
Ghanshyam Mann
- [all][tc] Technical Committee next weekly meeting on April 21 at 1500 UTC
Ghanshyam Mann
- [all][tc][Release Management] Improvements in project governance
Ghanshyam Mann
- [all][tc][policy][heat][cinder] Continuing the RBAC PTG discussion + policy pop-up meeting new time
Ghanshyam Mann
- [all][tc] Technical Committee next weekly meeting on April 21 at 1500 UTC
Ghanshyam Mann
- [adjutant][tc][all] Call for volunteers to be a PTL and maintainers
Ghanshyam Mann
- [all][tc] What's happening in Technical Committee: summary April 15th, 21: Reading: 10 min
Ghanshyam Mann
- [all][tc] What's happening in Technical Committee: summary April 22th, 22: Reading: 10 min
Ghanshyam Mann
- [all] Resend New CFN(Computing Force Network) SIG Proposal
Ghanshyam Mann
- [all][tc] Technical Committee next weekly meeting on April 28, 2022 at 1500 UTC
Ghanshyam Mann
- [tc][all][ Zed Virtual PTG RBAC discussions Summary
Ghanshyam Mann
- [all][qa] Dropping centos-8-stream support and testing
Ghanshyam Mann
- [all] Resend New CFN(Computing Force Network) SIG Proposal
Ghanshyam Mann
- [all][qa] Dropping centos-8-stream support and testing
Ghanshyam Mann
- [all][qa] Dropping centos-8-stream support and testing
Ghanshyam Mann
- [all] Resend New CFN(Computing Force Network) SIG Proposal
Ghanshyam Mann
- [all] Resend New CFN(Computing Force Network) SIG Proposal
Ghanshyam Mann
- [all][tc] Technical Committee next weekly meeting on April 28, 2022 at 1500 UTC
Ghanshyam Mann
- [all] Resend New CFN(Computing Force Network) SIG Proposal
Ghanshyam Mann
- [all][tc] Change OpenStack release naming policy proposal
Ghanshyam Mann
- [all][tc] Change OpenStack release naming policy proposal
Ghanshyam Mann
- [OpenInfra Foundation] [all][tc] Change OpenStack release naming policy proposal
Ghanshyam Mann
- [OpenInfra Foundation] [all][tc] Change OpenStack release naming policy proposal
Ghanshyam Mann
- [OpenInfra Foundation] [all][tc] Change OpenStack release naming policy proposal
Ghanshyam Mann
- [all][tc] What's happening in Technical Committee: summary April 29th, 22: Reading: 5 min
Ghanshyam Mann
- [all][tc] Release cadence terminology
Ghanshyam Mann
- [all][tc] Change OpenStack release naming policy proposal
Ghanshyam Mann
- [all][tc] Change OpenStack release naming policy proposal
Ghanshyam Mann
- OPS Meetup - next meeting at the PTG
Amy Marrich
- OPS Meetup Call for Topics
Amy Marrich
- OPS Meetup Meeting tomorrow
Amy Marrich
- OPS Meetup Registration
Amy Marrich
- RDO Yoga Released
Amy Marrich
- Need information
Erik McCormick
- [blazar][requirements] setuptools and python_version in upper constraints
Rabi Mishra
- [tc][all][ Zed Virtual PTG RBAC discussions Summary
Rabi Mishra
- [neutron] exposing ip address of external Network from within the virtual machine
A Monster
- [neutron] exposing ip address of external Network from
A Monster
- [neutron] exposing ip address of external Network from
A Monster
- [neutron] exposing ip address of external Network from
A Monster
- Error while creating attached to an external interface
A Monster
- wireguard - ? - puzzle
Sean Mooney
- [all] Devstack jobs are failing due to a git security fix
Sean Mooney
- [all] Devstack jobs are failing due to a git security fix
Sean Mooney
- [all] Devstack jobs are failing due to a git security fix
Sean Mooney
- [neutron][nova] port binding fails for existing networks
Sean Mooney
- Nova support for multiple vGPUs?
Sean Mooney
- [all][qa] Dropping centos-8-stream support and testing
Sean Mooney
- [ptg][ptl][largescale-sig][all] PTG session: "The Scaling Journey" - Wednesday, April 6 15utc - kilo room
Belmiro Moreira
- [neutron][ops] OVN scale issues and reviving midonet plugin
Sam Morrison
- [stable][horizon] add vishalmanchanda and tmazur to horizon-stable-core
Akihiro Motoki
- [all][neutron][neutron-vpnaas] Maintainers needed
Mohammed Naser
- [Neutron][neutron-vpnaas] proposing Mohammed Naser for neutron-vpnaas core reviewer
Mohammed Naser
- [tacker] No IRC meeting on Apr 5th
Yasufumi Ogawa
- [tacker] Cancel PTG Day4 on 8th Apr.
Yasufumi Ogawa
- [tacker] Zed PTG summary
Yasufumi Ogawa
- Resize instance vm Linux error
Joao Oliveira
- Resize instance vm Linux error
Joao Oliveira
- [TripleO][Ceph] Zed PTG Summary
Francesco Pantano
- [glance][devstack][tripleo][ansible][ceph_admin] Glance moving away from single store Configuration
Francesco Pantano
- plain text config parameters encryption feature
Kelsi Parenteau
- plain text config parameters encryption feature
Kelsi Parenteau
- [Kolla-ansible][Xena] How to undeploy (remove) a service
Satish Patel
- Network Node Scaling
Satish Patel
- [skyline] skyline-console whl package question
Satish Patel
- [skyline] skyline-console whl package question
Satish Patel
- ELK services moving to OpenSearch
Daniel Pawlik
- Support to allow only boot from cinder volumes
Radosław Piliszek
- Support to allow only boot from cinder volumes
Radosław Piliszek
- Support to allow only boot from cinder volumes
Radosław Piliszek
- [dev][infra][qa][tact-sig] Zuul behavior change with Depends-On across queues
Radosław Piliszek
- [Kolla-ansible][Xena] Test Trove module
Radosław Piliszek
- [Kolla-ansible][Glance] Glance HA deployment with shared file backend
Radosław Piliszek
- [TripleO] gate blocker - impacting all quickstart-based jobs - openstack-ansible-os_tempest
Jiri Podivin
- [TripleO] gate blocker - impacting all quickstart-based jobs - openstack-ansible-os_tempest
Jiri Podivin
- [TripleO] gate blocker - impacting all quickstart-based jobs - openstack-ansible-os_tempest
Jiri Podivin
- ERROR openstack [-] Resource OS::TripleO::Network::Ports::ControlPlaneVipPort maps to type OS::Neutron::Port and the Neutron service is not available when using ephemeral Heat.| Openstack tripleo wallaby version
Swogat Pradhan
- [all][tc] Change OpenStack release naming policy proposal
Allison Price
- [OpenInfra Foundation] [all][tc] Change OpenStack release naming policy proposal
Allison Price
- PTG -Kickstart with Mistral Worflow review by eOTF/CoreStack teams
- [manila][ussuri] Manila return 404 resource not found after simple install
- [TripleO] gate blocker - impacting all quickstart-based jobs - openstack-ansible-os_tempest
Dmitriy Rabotyagov
- plain text config parameters encryption feature
Dmitriy Rabotyagov
- Upgrading Openstack nodes
Dmitriy Rabotyagov
- [openstack-ansible][PTG] Session on 6th of April is cancelled
Dmitriy Rabotyagov
- [openstack-ansible] Re: plain text config parameters encryption feature
Dmitriy Rabotyagov
- [openstack-ansible][PTG] Zed PTG results
Dmitriy Rabotyagov
- Network Node Scaling
Dmitriy Rabotyagov
- [all] Devstack jobs are failing due to a git security fix
Dmitriy Rabotyagov
- [openstack-ansible] Nominate Damian Dąbrowski for openstack-ansible core team
Dmitriy Rabotyagov
- Openstack Ansible error
Dmitriy Rabotyagov
- retention policy for deleted resource in database
Dmitriy Rabotyagov
- [Neutron][neutron-vpnaas] proposing Mohammed Naser for neutron-vpnaas core reviewer
Dmitriy Rabotyagov
- Setup infrastructure failing
Dmitriy Rabotyagov
- [openstack-ansible] Nominate Damian Dąbrowski for openstack-ansible core team
Dmitriy Rabotyagov
- [glance] Outreachy 2022
Anurag Singh Rajawat
- [Triple0 on Centos Stream] Wallaby Overcloud Deployment Issue
Lokendra Rathour
- [Triple0 on Centos Stream] Wallaby Overcloud Deployment Issue
Lokendra Rathour
- [Openstack Triple0 Wallaby] Deployment error
Lokendra Rathour
- [Openstack Triple0 Wallaby] Deployment error
Lokendra Rathour
- [manila][ussuri] Manila return 404 resource not found after simple install
Goutham Pacha Ravi
- [all][tc] Change OpenStack release naming policy proposal
Goutham Pacha Ravi
- [blazar][requirements] setuptools and python_version in upper constraints
Pierre Riteau
- [blazar][requirements] setuptools and python_version in upper constraints
Pierre Riteau
- [Kolla-ansible][Xena] Error deploying Cloudkitty
Pierre Riteau
- Problems running Watcher on DevStack
Christian Rohmann
- [neutron] Bug Deputy Report January 03 - 10
Christian Rohmann
- [puppet] How to disable installation of mysql::server and only create databases?
Christian Rohmann
- [puppet] How to disable installation of mysql::server and only create databases?
Christian Rohmann
- [openstack-ansible] Re: plain text config parameters encryption feature
Jonathan Rosser
- [openstack-ansible] Re: error
Jonathan Rosser
- Re: [openstack-ansible] Nominate Damian Dąbrowski for openstack-ansible core team
Jonathan Rosser
- Problems running Watcher on DevStack
Matthias Runge
- Openstack Xena: error deleting image and snapshot via dashboard (as user and as admin)
Massimo Sgaravatto
- Openstack Xena: error deleting image and snapshot via dashboard (as user and as admin)
Massimo Sgaravatto
- Resize instance vm Linux error
Massimo Sgaravatto
- [manila] Zed PTG summary
Carlos Silva
- [manila] Zed cycle bug squash
Carlos Silva
- Wireguard setup between a server and a aio
Adivya Singh
- Network Node Scaling
Adivya Singh
- Network Node Scaling
Adivya Singh
- regarding custom role creation
Adivya Singh
- [TripleO] Gate blockers - C8 Wallaby & C9 Master|Wallaby
Dariusz Smigiel
- [TripleO] Gate blockers - C8 Wallaby & C9 Master|Wallaby
Dariusz Smigiel
- [TripleO] Gate blockers - C8 Wallaby & C9 Master|Wallaby
Dariusz Smigiel
- [all][tc] Release cadence terminology
Dan Smith
- [all][tc] Change OpenStack release naming policy proposal
Dan Smith
- [Kuryr] Zed PTG schedule
Maysa De Macedo Souza
- [TripleO] gate blocker - impacting all quickstart-based jobs - openstack-ansible-os_tempest
Jeremy Stanley
- [TripleO] gate blocker - impacting all quickstart-based jobs - openstack-ansible-os_tempest
Jeremy Stanley
- Constraints and docs requirements
Jeremy Stanley
- [dev][infra][qa][tact-sig] Zuul behavior change with Depends-On across queues
Jeremy Stanley
- [dev][infra][qa][tact-sig] Zuul behavior change with Depends-On across queues
Jeremy Stanley
- [swift][ptg] Ops feedback session - Apr 7 at 13:00 UTC
Jeremy Stanley
- I sent e-mail to this mailing list but got reply from support at paribet.ru! Why!?!???
Jeremy Stanley
- [Zuul] [neutron] Errors in the jobs definitions and EOL of some old networking-midonet branches
Jeremy Stanley
- [all] Devstack jobs are failing due to a git security fix
Jeremy Stanley
- [all] Devstack jobs are failing due to a git security fix
Jeremy Stanley
- [all] Devstack jobs are failing due to a git security fix
Jeremy Stanley
- [devstack] Not able to install devstack on ubuntu 20.04
Jeremy Stanley
- [all] Devstack jobs are failing due to a git security fix
Jeremy Stanley
- [dev][infra][tact-sig] Retiring the status.openstack.org server
Jeremy Stanley
- [all][qa] Dropping centos-8-stream support and testing
Jeremy Stanley
- [all] Resend New CFN(Computing Force Network) SIG Proposal
Jeremy Stanley
- [all] Mailman recipients limit (was: Resend New CFN...)
Jeremy Stanley
- [dev][infra][tact-sig] Retiring the status.openstack.org server
Jeremy Stanley
- [all][tc] Release cadence terminology (Was: Change OpenStack release naming...)
Jeremy Stanley
- [all][tc] Change OpenStack release naming policy proposal
Jeremy Stanley
- [Neutron][neutron-vpnaas] proposing Mohammed Naser for neutron-vpnaas core reviewer
Guilherme Steinmüller
- [neutron] Mysql FK Errors
Ammad Syed
- [all] Devstack jobs are failing due to a git security fix
Dmitry Tantsur
- Kubernetes cluster fails with timed out error
Vikarna Tathe
- Kubernetes cluster fails with timed out error
Vikarna Tathe
- [Octavia] Weekly meeting cancelled
Gregory Thiemonge
- [murano][octavia][sahara][zaqar][zun][oslo] Pending removal of 'oslo_db.sqlalchemy.test_base'
Gregory Thiemonge
- [requirements][kolla][infra] Python versions in u-c
Matthew Thode
- [blazar][requirements] setuptools and python_version in upper constraints
Matthew Thode
- Kubernetes cluster fails with timed out error
Karera Tony
- Kubernetes cluster fails with timed out error
Karera Tony
- Kubernetes cluster fails with timed out error
Karera Tony
- [murano][octavia][sahara][zaqar][zun][oslo] Pending removal of 'oslo_db.sqlalchemy.test_base'
Luigi Toscano
- [magnum] Proposing Michal Nasiadka for core-reviewer
Spyros Trigazis
- Support to allow only boot from cinder volumes
Tobias Urdin
- [all] Resend New CFN(Computing Force Network) SIG Proposal
Ildiko Vancsa
- [Browbeat]performance/load testing
- [Trove][Xena] Error building Trove image
Hirotaka Wakabayashi
- Openstack Trove - Polling request timed out
Hirotaka Wakabayashi
- [CloudKitty] April 2022 - PTG Summary
Rafael Weingärtner
- [Kolla-ansible][Xena] Error deploying Cloudkitty
Rafael Weingärtner
- [Kolla-ansible][Xena] Error deploying Cloudkitty
Rafael Weingärtner
- Magnum not working / kube minions not spawning
Oliver Weinmann
- Magnum not working / kube minions not spawning
Oliver Weinmann
- [Ironic][Bare Metal SIG] Community Feedback Survey (1 minute)
Arne Wiebalck
- [baremetal-sig][ironic] Tue Apr 12, 2022, 2pm UTC: "Using OpenStack Ironic for HPC at Berlin Institute of Health"
Arne Wiebalck
- [all] Devstack jobs are failing due to a git security fix
Ian Wienand
- [openstack-ansible] Re: plain text config parameters encryption feature
Alexander Yeremko
- [swift][ptg] Ops feedback session - Apr 7 at 13:00 UTC
Pete Zaitcev
- [horizon] [glance] [ops] Openstack Xena: error deleting image and snapshot via dashboard (as user and as admin)"
federica fanzago
- [tc][tacker][heat-translator] Discusssion about heat-translater maintenance
ueha.ayumu at fujitsu.com
- [tc][tacker][heat-translator] Discusssion about heat-translater maintenance
ueha.ayumu at fujitsu.com
- (Ansible Galaxy) Assign static ip to build a sever
borges.ds at gmail.com
- Openstack Ansible error
Derek O keeffe
- Setup infrastructure failing
Derek O keeffe
- wireguard - ? - puzzle
- wireguard - ? - puzzle
- client authentication - ? gui okey but cli fails
- [stable][horizon] add vishalmanchanda and tmazur to horizon-stable-core
vishal manchanda
- [horizon] Cancelling Today's Weekly meeting
vishal manchanda
- question -dashboard horizon
mahdi n
- [all] New CFN(Computing Force Network) SIG Proposal
- [all] Resend New CFN(Computing Force Network) SIG Proposal
- [all] Resend New CFN(Computing Force Network) SIG Proposal
- [all] Resend New CFN(Computing Force Network) SIG Proposal
- [all] Resend New CFN(Computing Force Network) SIG Proposal
- [all] Resend New CFN(Computing Force Network) SIG Proposal
- [nova][os-brick] Yoga - native nvmeof multipath support
bartosz.rabiega at ovhcloud.com
- [nova][os-brick] Yoga - native nvmeof multipath support
bartosz.rabiega at ovhcloud.com
- [dev][horizon] Integration of the ec2 feature
lab reporting
- error
- [Kolla-ansible][Xena] Test Trove module
wodel youchi
- [Kolla-ansible][Xena] Test Trove module
wodel youchi
- [kolla-ansible][Xena][Magnum] dns configured in template is not pushed into cluster instances
wodel youchi
- [Kolla-ansible][Xena] Test Trove module
wodel youchi
- [Kolla-ansible][Xena] How to undeploy (remove) a service
wodel youchi
- [Kolla-ansible][Xena] Test Trove module
wodel youchi
- [Trove][Xena] Error building Trove image
wodel youchi
- [Trove][Xena] Errors when creating postgresql insances
wodel youchi
- [Kolla-ansible][Xena][Ceph-RGW] need help configuring Ceph RGW for Swift and S3 access
wodel youchi
- [Kolla-ansible][Xena] Error deploying Cloudkitty
wodel youchi
- [Kolla-ansible][Xena][Ceph-RGW] need help configuring Ceph RGW for Swift and S3 access
wodel youchi
- [Kolla-ansible][Xena] Error deploying Cloudkitty
wodel youchi
- [Kolla-ansible][Xena] Error deploying Cloudkitty
wodel youchi
- [Solved][Kolla-ansible][Xena][Ceph-RGW] need help configuring Ceph RGW for Swift and S3 access
wodel youchi
- [Xena][Gnocchi] gnocchi_statsd become unhealthy after some time
wodel youchi
- [Xena][Cloudkitty] I have no rating in the dashboard
wodel youchi
- [Xena][Cloudkitty] I have no rating in the dashboard
wodel youchi
- [Kolla-ansible][Xena] Error deploying Cloudkitty
wodel youchi
- [tacker] Cancel PTG Day4 on 8th Apr.
- [skyline] skyline-console whl package question
- Re:Re: [all] Resend New CFN(Computing Force Network) SIG Proposal
- [Question] Do I must separate management network and overlay network?
- I sent e-mail to this mailing list but got reply from support at paribet.ru! Why!?!???
Last message date:
Sat Apr 30 20:00:31 UTC 2022
Archived on: Sat Apr 30 21:19:56 UTC 2022
This archive was generated by Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).