June 2016 Archives by date
Starting: Wed Jun 1 08:12:48 UTC 2016
Ending: Thu Jun 30 21:18:10 UTC 2016
Messages: 303
- [Openstack-operators] Ops Meetup event sizes
Matt Jarvis
- [Openstack-operators] Ops Meetup event sizes
Sam Morrison
- [Openstack-operators] Ops Meetup event sizes
Thierry Carrez
- [Openstack-operators] [openstack-dev] [glance] Proposal for a mid-cycle virtual sync on operator issues
Belmiro Moreira
- [Openstack-operators] [osops] OSOps meeting today in #openstack-meeting-4 1900 UTC
Joseph Bajin
- [Openstack-operators] Neutron database upgrade kilo-liberty and parallel Alembic migration branches
Saverio Proto
- [Openstack-operators] Neutron database upgrade kilo-liberty and parallel Alembic migration branches
Ihar Hrachyshka
- [Openstack-operators] [osops] OSOps meeting today in #openstack-meeting-4 1900 UTC
Joseph Bajin
- [Openstack-operators] Ops Meetup event sizes
Edgar Magana
- [Openstack-operators] Ops Meetup event sizes
Matt Jarvis
- [Openstack-operators] Ops Meetup event sizes
David Medberry
- [Openstack-operators] Ops Meetup event sizes
Matt Jarvis
- [Openstack-operators] Ops Meetup event sizes
Anita Kuno
- [Openstack-operators] Ops Meetup event sizes
Robert Starmer
- [Openstack-operators] Ops Meetup event sizes
Matt Jarvis
- [Openstack-operators] Nova cells patches against Liberty
Sam Morrison
- [Openstack-operators] Ops Meetups Team - Next Meeting Coordinates and News
Tom Fifield
- [Openstack-operators] [User-committee] [scientific-wg] terminology
Blair Bethwaite
- [Openstack-operators] Nova 2.1 and user permissions in the policy file
Sean Dague
- [Openstack-operators] Collecting our wiki use cases
Thierry Carrez
- [Openstack-operators] [recognition] AUC Recognition WG Meeting Today (6/2/16)
Shamail Tahir
- [Openstack-operators] [recognition] AUC Recognition WG Meeting Today (6/2/16)
Edgar Magana
- [Openstack-operators] [User-committee] [recognition] AUC Recognition WG Meeting Today (6/2/16)
Matt Jarvis
- [Openstack-operators] Ops Meetups Team - Next Meeting Coordinates and News
Melvin Hillsman
- [Openstack-operators] Uptime and SLA's
Kingshott, Daniel
- [Openstack-operators] Ops Meetups Team - Next Meeting Coordinates and News
Edgar Magana
- [Openstack-operators] problem with DVR in Kilo and floating IPs
Gustavo Randich
- [Openstack-operators] Uptime and SLA's
Matt Fischer
- [Openstack-operators] Uptime and SLA's
Melvin Hillsman
- [Openstack-operators] oslo_messaging, rabbit, ssl and mitaka and xenial
Sam Morrison
- [Openstack-operators] problem with DVR in Kilo and floating IPs
Daniel Russell
- [Openstack-operators] problem with DVR in Kilo and floating IPs
Daniel Russell
- [Openstack-operators] Uptime and SLA's
Kingshott, Daniel
- [Openstack-operators] Uptime and SLA's
Melvin Hillsman
- [Openstack-operators] Ops Meetups Team - Next Meeting Coordinates and News
Matt Jarvis
- [Openstack-operators] Issue when trying to snapshot an instance
- [Openstack-operators] Issue when trying to snapshot an instance
Saverio Proto
- [Openstack-operators] Issue when trying to snapshot an instance
Grant Morley
- [Openstack-operators] Issue when trying to snapshot an instance
David Medberry
- [Openstack-operators] Issue when trying to snapshot an instance
Grant Morley
- [Openstack-operators] [telco][nfv] Ops Telco/NFV working group meeting #1 results
- [Openstack-operators] [User-committee] [recognition] AUC Recognition WG Meeting Today (6/2/16)
Shilla Saebi
- [Openstack-operators] NSX Related queries
Robert Clove
- [Openstack-operators] NSX Related queries
Kingshott, Daniel
- [Openstack-operators] NSX Related queries
Robert Clove
- [Openstack-operators] Announcing Higgins -- Container management service for OpenStack
Hongbin Lu
- [Openstack-operators] Call for Presentations NOW OPEN- OpenStack Summit Barcelona October 2016
Allison Price
- [Openstack-operators] NSX Related queries
Kingshott, Daniel
- [Openstack-operators] Nova cells patches against Liberty
Mike Dorman
- [Openstack-operators] Keystone to drop support for driver versioning…
De Rose, Ronald
- [Openstack-operators] NSX Related queries
Tzach Shefi
- [Openstack-operators] how to use glance-replicator command
- [Openstack-operators] [telco][nfv] ops working group doodle poll
- [Openstack-operators] NSX Related queries
Boden Russell
- [Openstack-operators] NSX Related queries
Robert Clove
- [Openstack-operators] [scientific][scientific-wg] Reminder: IRC Meeting Wednesday 8 June 0700 UTC
Stig Telfer
- [Openstack-operators] How to get instance name only by floating ip and then change it to hostname
OpenStack Mailing List Archive
- [Openstack-operators] [user-committee][scientific-wg] Scientific Working Group IRC meeting, Weds @0700 UTC in #openstack-meeting
Blair Bethwaite
- [Openstack-operators] [openstack-dev] [glance] Proposal for a mid-cycle virtual sync on operator issues
Nikhil Komawar
- [Openstack-operators] How to get instance name only by floating ip and then change it to hostname
David Moreau Simard
- [Openstack-operators] DVR (kilo) connecting subnets in different routers
Gustavo Randich
- [Openstack-operators] [openstack-dev] [glance] Proposal for a mid-cycle virtual sync on operator issues
Nikhil Komawar
- [Openstack-operators] [app-catalog] App Catalog IRC meeting Thursday June 9th
Christopher Aedo
- [Openstack-operators] How are folks providing GPU instance types?
Blair Bethwaite
- [Openstack-operators] [scientific-wg] Maximise resource utilisation (was Scientific Working Group IRC meeting, Weds @0700 UTC in #openstack-meeting)
Tim Bell
- [Openstack-operators] [scientific-wg] Maximise resource utilisation (was Scientific Working Group IRC meeting, Weds @0700 UTC in #openstack-meeting)
Blair Bethwaite
- [Openstack-operators] [scientific-wg] Maximise resource utilisation (was Scientific Working Group IRC meeting, Weds @0700 UTC in #openstack-meeting)
Tim Bell
- [Openstack-operators] [sahara] - Hadoop on Openstack and swift storage only: how to set --os-storage-url in core-site.xml ?
Saverio Proto
- [Openstack-operators] [scientific-wg] Maximise resource utilisation (was Scientific Working Group IRC meeting, Weds @0700 UTC in #openstack-meeting)
Álvaro López García
- [Openstack-operators] [neutron] How to request a floating IP on a given subnet?
Mike Spreitzer
- [Openstack-operators] [neutron] How to request a floating IP on a given subnet?
Kevin Benton
- [Openstack-operators] [docs] An Ops CPL?
Lana Brindley
- [Openstack-operators] [nova] VM HA support in trunk
Adam Spiers
- [Openstack-operators] [HA] RFC: user story including hypervisor reservation / host maintenance / storage AZs / event history (fwd)
Adam Spiers
- [Openstack-operators] [HA] RFC: user story including hypervisor reservation / host maintenance / storage AZs / event history (fwd)
Juvonen, Tomi (Nokia - FI/Espoo)
- [Openstack-operators] [telco][nfv] ops working group doodle poll
- [Openstack-operators] [openstack-dev][nfv][tacker] Tacker sessions @ OPNFV Summit, Berlin
Sridhar Ramaswamy
- [Openstack-operators] [keystone] Federation, domain mappings and v3 policy.json
Marc Heckmann
- [Openstack-operators] [keystone] Federation, domain mappings and v3 policy.json
Adam Young
- [Openstack-operators] Ops Meetups Team - Meeting Tuesday 1400 UTC
Tom Fifield
- [Openstack-operators] Ops Meetups Team - Meeting Tuesday 1400 UTC
gustavo panizzo (gfa)
- [Openstack-operators] Ops Meetups Team - Meeting Tuesday 1400 UTC
Tom Fifield
- [Openstack-operators] [scientific][scientific-wg] Reminder: Scientific WG IRC meeting: 2100 UTC
Stig Telfer
- [Openstack-operators] Nova API extensions removal plan
Sean Dague
- [Openstack-operators] [Performance] No IRC meeting today
Dina Belova
- [Openstack-operators] How are people dealing with API rate limiting?
Matt Riedemann
- [Openstack-operators] Scaling Ceilometer compute agent?
Bill Jones
- [Openstack-operators] [keystone] Federation, domain mappings and v3 policy.json
Marc Heckmann
- [Openstack-operators] Mid-Cycle Ops Meetup venue choice - please make your voice heard!
Chris Morgan
- [Openstack-operators] Scaling Ceilometer compute agent?
Kris G. Lindgren
- [Openstack-operators] How are people dealing with API rate limiting?
Alex Schultz
- [Openstack-operators] How are people dealing with API rate limiting?
Matt Fischer
- [Openstack-operators] How are people dealing with API rate limiting?
Sean Dague
- [Openstack-operators] How are people dealing with API rate limiting?
Matt Fischer
- [Openstack-operators] How are people dealing with API rate limiting?
Joshua Harlow
- [Openstack-operators] How are people dealing with API rate limiting?
Kevin Bringard (kevinbri)
- [Openstack-operators] Failed Overcloud Update Mitaka
Charles Short
- [Openstack-operators] Scaling Ceilometer compute agent?
Matt Riedemann
- [Openstack-operators] How are people dealing with API rate limiting?
Kingshott, Daniel
- [Openstack-operators] Mid-Cycle Ops Meetup venue choice - please make your voice heard!
Edgar Magana
- [Openstack-operators] How are people dealing with API rate limiting?
Matt Riedemann
- [Openstack-operators] How are people dealing with API rate limiting?
Edgar Magana
- [Openstack-operators] Failed Overcloud Update Mitaka
Charles Short
- [Openstack-operators] OpenStack "Help" User Research/Usability Study
Kruithof Jr, Pieter
- [Openstack-operators] OpenStack "Help" User Research/Usability Study
Kingshott, Daniel
- [Openstack-operators] Failed Overcloud Update Mitaka
Pedro Sousa
- [Openstack-operators] Scaling Ceilometer compute agent?
Tim Bell
- [Openstack-operators] How are people dealing with API rate limiting?
Tim Bell
- [Openstack-operators] Scaling Ceilometer compute agent?
Vahric Muhtaryan
- [Openstack-operators] [telco][nfv] Ops telecom/nfv working group meeting #2
- [Openstack-operators] How are people dealing with API rate limiting?
Russell Bryant
- [Openstack-operators] How are people dealing with API rate limiting?
Silence Dogood
- [Openstack-operators] Scaling Ceilometer compute agent?
Bill Jones
- [Openstack-operators] How are people dealing with API rate limiting?
John Dickinson
- [Openstack-operators] How are people dealing with API rate limiting?
Michael Richardson
- [Openstack-operators] How are people dealing with API rate limiting?
Joshua Harlow
- [Openstack-operators] How are people dealing with API rate limiting?
John Dickinson
- [Openstack-operators] Upgrade OpenStack Juno to Mitaka
Michael Stang
- [Openstack-operators] Mid-Cycle Ops Meetup venue choice - please make your voice heard!
Saverio Proto
- [Openstack-operators] Upgrade OpenStack Juno to Mitaka
Saverio Proto
- [Openstack-operators] Tuning segment offloading libvirt capability
Leslie-Alexandre DENIS
- [Openstack-operators] Issue running Controllers as virtual machines on Vmware hosts
Pedro Sousa
- [Openstack-operators] Upgrade OpenStack Juno to Mitaka
Melvin Hillsman
- [Openstack-operators] Upgrade OpenStack Juno to Mitaka
Kingshott, Daniel
- [Openstack-operators] Mid-Cycle Ops Meetup venue choice - please make your voice heard!
Chris Morgan
- [Openstack-operators] Upgrade OpenStack Juno to Mitaka
Jesse Keating
- [Openstack-operators] Upgrade OpenStack Juno to Mitaka
Daniel P. Berrange
- [Openstack-operators] Upgrade OpenStack Juno to Mitaka
Matt Riedemann
- [Openstack-operators] Upgrade OpenStack Juno to Mitaka
Dan Smith
- [Openstack-operators] NOVA build timeout: Time to fail a vm from build state
David Medberry
- [Openstack-operators] Keystone to drop support for driver versioning…
De Rose, Ronald
- [Openstack-operators] NOVA build timeout: Time to fail a vm from build state
Matt Riedemann
- [Openstack-operators] NOVA build timeout: Time to fail a vm from build state
David Medberry
- [Openstack-operators] [app-catalog] App Catalog IRC meeting Thursday June 16th
Christopher Aedo
- [Openstack-operators] Duplicates and confusion in nova policy.json files
Sam Morrison
- [Openstack-operators] Upgrade OpenStack Juno to Mitaka
Michael Stang
- [Openstack-operators] Duplicates and confusion in nova policy.json files
Belmiro Moreira
- [Openstack-operators] [recognition] AUC Recognition WG Meeting Today (6/16/2016)
Shamail Tahir
- [Openstack-operators] [Large Deployment Team] Meeting today at 16:00 UTC
Matt Van Winkle
- [Openstack-operators] Mid-Cycle Ops Meetup venue choice - please make your voice heard!
Jonathan Proulx
- [Openstack-operators] Issue running Controllers as virtual machines on Vmware hosts
Hauke Bruno Wollentin
- [Openstack-operators] Duplicates and confusion in nova policy.json files
Matt Riedemann
- [Openstack-operators] [telco][nfv][opnfv] OPNFV Summit OpenStack Operators BoF
- [Openstack-operators] [Neutron][IPAM] Anyone using builtin pluggable IPAM driver?
Carl Baldwin
- [Openstack-operators] [telco][nfv][opnfv] OPNFV Summit OpenStack Operators BoF
Gangur, Hrushikesh
- [Openstack-operators] [openstack-dev] [cinder] No middle-man - when does/will Nova directly connect iSCSI volumes?
John Griffith
- [Openstack-operators] Fwd: Mid-Cycle Ops Meetup venue choice - please make your voice heard!
Chris Morgan
- [Openstack-operators] Scaling Ceilometer compute agent?
Vahric Muhtaryan
- [Openstack-operators] [Glance] Default policy in policy.json
Bunting, Niall
- [Openstack-operators] [Glance] Default policy in policy.json
Abel Lopez
- [Openstack-operators] [Glance] Default policy in policy.json
Bunting, Niall
- [Openstack-operators] [Glance] Default policy in policy.json
Abel Lopez
- [Openstack-operators] [openstack-dev] [Neutron][IPAM] Anyone using builtin pluggable IPAM driver?
Sean M. Collins
- [Openstack-operators] [openstack-dev] [Neutron][IPAM] Anyone using builtin pluggable IPAM driver?
Robert Starmer
- [Openstack-operators] OpenStack Developer Mailing List Digest May 14 to June 17
Mike Perez
- [Openstack-operators] Upgrade OpenStack Juno to Mitaka
Simon Leinen
- [Openstack-operators] [Magnum] Container on bare metal or container on VM
Hieu LE
- [Openstack-operators] [Magnum] Container on bare metal or container on VM
Hongbin Lu
- [Openstack-operators] [Magnum] Container on bare metal or container on VM
Hieu LE
- [Openstack-operators] Ops Meetups Team - Meeting Tuesday 1400 UTC (mid-cycle venue selection!)
Tom Fifield
- [Openstack-operators] Upgrade OpenStack Juno to Mitaka
Michael Stang
- [Openstack-operators] [HA] RFC: user story including hypervisor reservation / host maintenance / storage AZs / event history (fwd)
Adam Spiers
- [Openstack-operators] DRAFT: OpenStack UX Personas
Caballero Abraham, Rodrigo
- [Openstack-operators] Ops Meetups Team - Meeting Tuesday 1400 UTC (mid-cycle venue selection!)
Jonathan Proulx
- [Openstack-operators] DNS searchdomains for your instances?
Kris G. Lindgren
- [Openstack-operators] DNS searchdomains for your instances?
David Medberry
- [Openstack-operators] DNS searchdomains for your instances?
David Medberry
- [Openstack-operators] DNS searchdomains for your instances?
Kris G. Lindgren
- [Openstack-operators] [Glance] Default policy in policy.json
Michael Richardson
- [Openstack-operators] Shared Storage for compute nodes
Michael Stang
- [Openstack-operators] Shared Storage for compute nodes
Saverio Proto
- [Openstack-operators] Shared Storage for compute nodes
Sam P
- [Openstack-operators] Shared Storage for compute nodes
Matt Jarvis
- [Openstack-operators] Shared Storage for compute nodes
Michael Stang
- [Openstack-operators] Shared Storage for compute nodes
Michael Stang
- [Openstack-operators] Shared Storage for compute nodes
Michael Stang
- [Openstack-operators] Shared Storage for compute nodes
Saverio Proto
- [Openstack-operators] Shared Storage for compute nodes
Michael Stang
- [Openstack-operators] [Openstack-Operators] Keystone cache strategies
Jose Castro Leon
- [Openstack-operators] [neutron] Packet loss with DVR and IPv6
Tomas Vondra
- [Openstack-operators] Shared Storage for compute nodes
Jonathan D. Proulx
- [Openstack-operators] Next Ops Midcycle NYC August 25-26
Jonathan D. Proulx
- [Openstack-operators] [Openstack-Operators] Keystone cache strategies
Matt Fischer
- [Openstack-operators] [Glance] Default policy in policy.json
Adam Young
- [Openstack-operators] [Glance] Default policy in policy.json
Andrew Laski
- [Openstack-operators] Help the community recruit app developers!
Kruithof Jr, Pieter
- [Openstack-operators] [scientific][scientific-wg] Reminder: Scientific WG Meeting Wednesday 0700 UTC
Stig Telfer
- [Openstack-operators] [Magnum] Keystone error while creating a baymodel
Abhishek Chanda
- [Openstack-operators] [Magnum] Keystone error while creating a baymodel
Hongbin Lu
- [Openstack-operators] [Magnum] Keystone error while creating a baymodel
Abhishek Chanda
- [Openstack-operators] [Openstack-Operators] Keystone cache strategies
Sam Morrison
- [Openstack-operators] [Openstack-Operators] Keystone cache strategies
Matt Fischer
- [Openstack-operators] [Openstack-Operators] Keystone cache strategies
Sam Morrison
- [Openstack-operators] [Openstack-Operators] Keystone cache strategies
Steve Martinelli
- [Openstack-operators] [Openstack-Operators] Keystone cache strategies
Matt Fischer
- [Openstack-operators] [Openstack-Operators] Keystone cache strategies
Sam Morrison
- [Openstack-operators] [Openstack-Operators] Keystone cache strategies
Matt Fischer
- [Openstack-operators] Next Ops Midcycle NYC August 25-26
Edgar Magana
- [Openstack-operators] [announce] Debian Jessie arm 64bits backports for Mitaka and Newton available
Thomas Goirand
- [Openstack-operators] Next Ops Midcycle NYC August 25-26
Mark Voelker
- [Openstack-operators] Next Ops Midcycle NYC August 25-26
Saverio Proto
- [Openstack-operators] Next Ops Midcycle NYC August 25-26
Tom Fifield
- [Openstack-operators] Next Ops Midcycle NYC August 25-26
Edgar Magana
- [Openstack-operators] Next Ops Midcycle NYC August 25-26
Matt Jarvis
- [Openstack-operators] Next Ops Midcycle NYC August 25-26
David Medberry
- [Openstack-operators] Next Ops Midcycle NYC August 25-26
Mark Voelker
- [Openstack-operators] How do you handle purge of database tables ?
Gilles Mocellin
- [Openstack-operators] How do you handle purge of database tables ?
Silence Dogood
- [Openstack-operators] How do you handle purge of database tables ?
Gilles Mocellin
- [Openstack-operators] How do you handle purge of database tables ?
Abel Lopez
- [Openstack-operators] How do you handle purge of database tables ?
Tim Bell
- [Openstack-operators] [openstack-dev] [cinder] No middle-man - when does/will Nova directly connect iSCSI volumes?
Daniel P. Berrange
- [Openstack-operators] How do you handle purge of database tables ?
Nick Jones
- [Openstack-operators] How do you handle purge of database tables ?
- [Openstack-operators] [Openstack-Operators] Keystone cache strategies
Jose Castro Leon
- [Openstack-operators] Keystone's DB_SYNC from Kilo to Liberty
Alvise Dorigo
- [Openstack-operators] Keystone's DB_SYNC from Kilo to Liberty
Matt Fischer
- [Openstack-operators] How do you handle purge of database tables ?
Nick Jones
- [Openstack-operators] Ops Tag Team meeting time
Devon Boatwright
- [Openstack-operators] Ops Tag Team meeting time
- [Openstack-operators] How do you handle purge of database tables ?
Belmiro Moreira
- [Openstack-operators] How do you handle purge of database tables ?
Edgar Magana
- [Openstack-operators] Astara?
Jonathan Mills
- [Openstack-operators] Packaging Virtualenvs
Silence Dogood
- [Openstack-operators] Next Ops Midcycle NYC August 25-26
Saverio Proto
- [Openstack-operators] Next Ops Midcycle NYC August 25-26
Mark Voelker
- [Openstack-operators] Next Ops Midcycle NYC August 25-26
Anita Kuno
- [Openstack-operators] Next Ops Midcycle NYC August 25-26
Allison Price
- [Openstack-operators] Packaging Virtualenvs
Doug Hellmann
- [Openstack-operators] Packaging Virtualenvs
Kris G. Lindgren
- [Openstack-operators] Packaging Virtualenvs
Matt Joyce
- [Openstack-operators] Packaging Virtualenvs
Xav Paice
- [Openstack-operators] Packaging Virtualenvs
Silence Dogood
- [Openstack-operators] Packaging Virtualenvs
John Dewey
- [Openstack-operators] Kilo ->-> Mitaka anyone have notes :)
Jonathan Proulx
- [Openstack-operators] [gnocchi] profiling and benchmarking 2.1.x
gordon chung
- [Openstack-operators] Kilo ->-> Mitaka anyone have notes :)
Xav Paice
- [Openstack-operators] Next Ops Midcycle NYC August 25-26
Chris Morgan
- [Openstack-operators] [gnocchi] profiling and benchmarking 2.1.x
- [Openstack-operators] How do you handle purge of database tables ?
Simon Leinen
- [Openstack-operators] How do you handle purge of database tables ?
Matt Riedemann
- [Openstack-operators] How do you handle purge of database tables ?
Matt Riedemann
- [Openstack-operators] OpenStack Trove Ocata Virtual Midcycle
Matt Fischer
- [Openstack-operators] Keystone's DB_SYNC from Kilo to Liberty
Sam Morrison
- [Openstack-operators] Kilo ->-> Mitaka anyone have notes :)
Sam Morrison
- [Openstack-operators] Ops Meetups Team - Meeting Tuesday 1400 UTC
Tom Fifield
- [Openstack-operators] [HA] RFC: user story including hypervisor reservation / host maintenance / storage AZs / event history (fwd)
Juvonen, Tomi (Nokia - FI/Espoo)
- [Openstack-operators] [cloud] Keystone's DB_SYNC from Kilo to Liberty
Alvise Dorigo
- [Openstack-operators] [neutron] Packet loss with DVR and IPv6
Tomas Vondra
- [Openstack-operators] Kilo ->-> Mitaka anyone have notes :)
Andrew Laski
- [Openstack-operators] Reconstruction of Erasure coded ring is taking more and more time
OpenStack Mailing List Archive
- [Openstack-operators] Reconstruction of Erasure coded ring is taking more and more time
Jeremy Stanley
- [Openstack-operators] [craton] Midcycle meetup to discuss fleet management
Jim Baker
- [Openstack-operators] [openstack] [tools] OpenStack client in a Docker container
Gerard Braad
- [Openstack-operators] [neutron] Cross region traffic and Neutron
Sergio Morales Acuña
- [Openstack-operators] [openstack] [tools] OpenStack client in a Docker container
Gerard Braad
- [Openstack-operators] Shared Storage for compute nodes
Michael Stang
- [Openstack-operators] Data-Migration Juno -> Mitaka
Michael Stang
- [Openstack-operators] same availability zone for cinder and nova with cross_az_attach=False
Jiri Suchomel
- [Openstack-operators] how to deel with 'HEAT-E99001 Service nova is not available for resource type OS::Nova::FloatingIP' error message
- [Openstack-operators] [scientific-wg] possible time change for non-US fortnightly meeting
Blair Bethwaite
- [Openstack-operators] [openstack] [tools] OpenStack client in a Docker container
Fox, Kevin M
- [Openstack-operators] [User-committee] [scientific-wg] possible time change for non-US fortnightly meeting
alexander.dibbo at stfc.ac.uk
- [Openstack-operators] [openstack] [tools] OpenStack client in a Docker container
Ihor Dvoretskyi
- [Openstack-operators] [neutron] Cross region traffic and Neutron
José Manuel Hernández
- [Openstack-operators] [HA] RFC: user story including hypervisor reservation / host maintenance / storage AZs / event history (fwd)
Adam Spiers
- [Openstack-operators] [openstack] [tools] OpenStack client in a Docker container
Steven Dake (stdake)
- [Openstack-operators] [scientific][scientific-wg] Reminder: Scientific WG Meeting Tuesday 2100 UTC
Stig Telfer
- [Openstack-operators] [telco][nfv] ops telecom/nfv working group meeting tomorrow
- [Openstack-operators] [Magnum] Want to know our users
Hongbin Lu
- [Openstack-operators] Data-Migration Juno -> Mitaka
Roland Chan
- [Openstack-operators] Data-Migration Juno -> Mitaka
Blair Bethwaite
- [Openstack-operators] Heat is error with Conflicting value ethertype IPv4, what is wrong?
- [Openstack-operators] Data-Migration Juno -> Mitaka
Michael Stang
- [Openstack-operators] Data-Migration Juno -> Mitaka
Michael Stang
- [Openstack-operators] [User-committee] [scientific-wg] possible time change for non-US fortnightly meeting
Dario Vianello
- [Openstack-operators] [HA] RFC: user story including hypervisor reservation / host maintenance / storage AZs / event history (fwd)
Juvonen, Tomi (Nokia - FI/Espoo)
- [Openstack-operators] Bandwidth limitations
Daniel Levy
- [Openstack-operators] Bandwidth limitations
Joseph Bajin
- [Openstack-operators] Bandwidth limitations
Matt Fischer
- [Openstack-operators] Bandwidth limitations
Kris G. Lindgren
- [Openstack-operators] [NFV] [Tacker] Problem installing Tacker on Mitaka when creating DB
Pedro Sousa
- [Openstack-operators] Bandwidth limitations
Assaf Muller
- [Openstack-operators] Bandwidth limitations
Daniel Levy
- [Openstack-operators] Bandwidth limitations
Matt Fischer
- [Openstack-operators] [NFV] [Tacker] Problem installing Tacker on Mitaka when creating DB
Sridhar Ramaswamy
- [Openstack-operators] Reaching VXLAN tenant networks from outside (without floating IPs)
Gustavo Randich
- [Openstack-operators] Seeking feedback: Active User Contributor (AUC) eligibility requirements
Shamail Tahir
- [Openstack-operators] [app-catalog] App Catalog IRC meeting Thursday June 30th
Christopher Aedo
- [Openstack-operators] Reaching VXLAN tenant networks from outside (without floating IPs)
Mike Spreitzer
- [Openstack-operators] [openstack] [Octavia] unable to contact instance
Joris S’heeren
- [Openstack-operators] [User-committee] Seeking feedback: Active User Contributor (AUC) eligibility requirements
Simon Leinen
- [Openstack-operators] [User-committee] [scientific-wg] possible time change for non-US fortnightly meeting
Stig Telfer
- [Openstack-operators] [User-committee] [scientific-wg] possible time change for non-US fortnightly meeting
Peter Love
- [Openstack-operators] Reaching VXLAN tenant networks from outside (without floating IPs)
Gustavo Randich
- [Openstack-operators] Reaching VXLAN tenant networks from outside (without floating IPs)
Anand Nande
- [Openstack-operators] Reaching VXLAN tenant networks from outside (without floating IPs)
- [Openstack-operators] Reaching VXLAN tenant networks from outside (without floating IPs)
Mike Spreitzer
- [Openstack-operators] [recognition] AUC Recognition WG Meeting Today (6/30/16)
Shamail Tahir
- [Openstack-operators] [User-committee] Seeking feedback: Active User Contributor (AUC) eligibility requirements
Jonathan D. Proulx
- [Openstack-operators] [User-committee] Seeking feedback: Active User Contributor (AUC) eligibility requirements
Shamail Tahir
- [Openstack-operators] [Openstack] Reaching VXLAN tenant networks from outside (without floating IPs)
Gustavo Randich
- [Openstack-operators] [Openstack] Reaching VXLAN tenant networks from outside (without floating IPs)
Gustavo Randich
Last message date:
Thu Jun 30 21:18:10 UTC 2016
Archived on: Thu Jun 30 21:18:13 UTC 2016
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