January 2017 Archives by author
Starting: Tue Jan 3 05:58:28 UTC 2017
Ending: Tue Jan 31 23:27:30 UTC 2017
Messages: 270
- [Openstack] [mentoring] Discuss mentor/mentee experience in Boston?
Anne McCormick (amccormi)
- [Openstack] [Kuryr] [Neutron] nested containers - using Linux bridge for iptables rather than Openvswitch firewall
Liping Mao (limao)
- [Openstack] [barbican] Standalone Barbican Setup
Naveed A
- [Openstack] [Kuryr] libnetwork kuryr agent - nested containers
Agmon, Gideon (Nokia - IL)
- [Openstack] [Kuryr] kuryr-kubernetes failure
Agmon, Gideon (Nokia - IL)
- [Openstack] [Kuryr] nested containers - using Linux bridge for iptables rather than Openvswitch firewall
Agmon, Gideon (Nokia - IL)
- [Openstack] FW: Stable Mitaka Devstack Installation Failing with 'deprecated_reason'
Harsh Kumar B
- [Openstack] FW: Stable Mitaka Devstack Installation Failing with 'deprecated_reason'
Harsh Kumar B
- [Openstack] [blazar] Devstack failed
Bachu, Tejaswi R
- [Openstack] deploy openstack components on contaienrs and HA
Manuel Sopena Ballesteros
- [Openstack] problems extending the isntance volume
Manuel Sopena Ballesteros
- [Openstack] deploy openstack components on contaienrs and HA
Manuel Sopena Ballesteros
- [Openstack] instances disks limited to 2TB
Manuel Sopena Ballesteros
- [Openstack] instances disks limited to 2TB
Manuel Sopena Ballesteros
- [Openstack] recommended way to install openstack today
Manuel Sopena Ballesteros
- [Openstack] recommended way to install openstack today
Manuel Sopena Ballesteros
- [Openstack] ephemeral disks location
Manuel Sopena Ballesteros
- [Openstack] [mentoring] Discuss mentor/mentee experience in Boston?
Barrett, Carol L
- [Openstack] Different output from same version client on two different hosts.
Kevin Benton
- [Openstack] Different output from same version client on two different hosts.
Kevin Benton
- [Openstack] [Kuryr] libnetwork kuryr agent - nested containers
Irena Berezovsky
- [Openstack] nova backup - instances unreachable
Eugen Block
- [Openstack] nova backup - instances unreachable
Eugen Block
- [Openstack] nova backup - instances unreachable
Eugen Block
- [Openstack] nova backup - instances unreachable
Eugen Block
- [Openstack] nova backup - instances unreachable
Eugen Block
- [Openstack] nova backup - instances unreachable
Eugen Block
- [Openstack] [OpenStack] VM start up with no route rules
Eugen Block
- [Openstack] nova backup - instances unreachable
Eugen Block
- [Openstack] Unable Upload Image
Eugen Block
- [Openstack] Setting up another compute node
Eugen Block
- [Openstack] ephemeral disks location
Eugen Block
- [Openstack] ephemeral disks location
Eugen Block
- [Openstack] [Keystone] What is credential-keys? Do we need to rotate them?
Boris Bobrov
- [Openstack] OpenStack Ocata B2 for Ubuntu 16.04 LTS
Corey Bryant
- [Openstack] Fwd: Re: [openstack-dev] Fwd: The Forum: in more detail
Ian Y. Choi
- [Openstack] [networking-sfc] SFC in BITW or L2 mode
Vikram Choudhary
- [Openstack] Help with non booting images (problem with root file system)
Jorge Luiz Correa
- [Openstack] Help with non booting images (problem with root file system)
Jorge Luiz Correa
- [Openstack] Help with non booting images (problem with root file system)
Jorge Luiz Correa
- [Openstack] [Devstack] Hard code of SSL_ENABLED_SERVICES in stack.sh cause not able to add other service for SSL
Rob Crittenden
- [Openstack] Different output from same version client on two different hosts.
Ken D'Ambrosio
- [Openstack] Openstack+KVM+overcommit, VM priority
Ivan Derbenev
- [Openstack] Openstack+KVM+overcommit, VM priority
Ivan Derbenev
- [Openstack] Openstack+KVM+overcommit, VM priority
Ivan Derbenev
- [Openstack] VM status in Horizon shows healthy after compute node is hard shutdown
Devita, Christopher J
- [Openstack] [Swift] : Internal Working of PUT Command
John Dickinson
- [Openstack] [Swift] Dispersion populate - run how frequently?
John Dickinson
- [Openstack] [Fuel] Use other NIC
Georgios Dimitrakakis
- [Openstack] Openstack+KVM+overcommit, VM priority
James Downs
- [Openstack] instances disks limited to 2TB
Yingcai FENG
- [Openstack] keystone-manage error - Devstack Mitaka
Silvia Fichera
- [Openstack] keystone-manage error - Devstack Mitaka
Silvia Fichera
- [Openstack] Error in store configuration - Devstack Mitaka
Silvia Fichera
- [Openstack] The Forum: in more detail
Tom Fifield
- [Openstack] GlusterFS and Openstack Newton
James Fleet
- [Openstack] GlusterFS and Openstack Newton
James Fleet
- [Openstack] GlusterFS and Openstack Newton
James Fleet
- [Openstack] problems extending the isntance volume
Turbo Fredriksson
- [Openstack] [openstack][nova][powervm] FYI: PowerVM out-of-tree driver namespace changing
Eric Fried
- [Openstack] openstacksdk and limits for projects.
Michael Gale
- [Openstack] Download file from swift extremely slow
Clay Gerrard
- [Openstack] Download file from swift extremely slow
Clay Gerrard
- [Openstack] [Swift] Dispersion populate - run how frequently?
Clay Gerrard
- [Openstack] {Swift] Replication progress tracking
Clay Gerrard
- [Openstack] [Swift] : Proxy Node in PUT Command
Clay Gerrard
- [Openstack] [Swift] How to add a new node without ring copy?
Clay Gerrard
- [Openstack] Accessing instance.flavor.projects fails due to orphaned Flavor
Balazs Gibizer
- [Openstack] [nova] Accessing instance.flavor.projects fails due to orphaned Flavor
Balazs Gibizer
- [Openstack] [nova] Accessing instance.flavor.projects fails due to orphaned Flavor
Balazs Gibizer
- [Openstack] [OSSN-0074] Nova metadata service should not be used for sensitive information
Steve Gordon
- [Openstack] [openstack][tacker] Can VNF vRouter been used as a router to process openstack tenant traffic?
James Guo
- [Openstack] [NEUTRON][DHCP] iptables chain rate limit dhcp connection
Brian Haley
- [Openstack] [Neutron][DHCP] vm can not get ip by dnsmasq
Brian Haley
- [Openstack] [Devstack] Hard code of SSL_ENABLED_SERVICES in stack.sh cause not able to add other service for SSL
Xin YD He
- [Openstack] [openstack-dev][neutron] Neutron firewall
Cesar Benito Hernández
- [Openstack] vCPE Live Webinar
Jeremy Hess
- [Openstack] recommended way to install openstack today
Melvin Hillsman
- [Openstack] [OpenStack Marketing] [OpenStack Foundation] OpenStack 2016 Annual Report
Melvin Hillsman
- [Openstack] [barbican] Standalone Barbican Setup
Nave I
- [Openstack] OpenStack Days East Looking for Sponsors & Leads!
Haisam Ido
- [Openstack] [Neutron][VXLAN] PPTP VPN problem
Mārtiņš Jakubovičs
- [Openstack] [Neutron][VXLAN] PPTP VPN problem
Mārtiņš Jakubovičs
- [Openstack] [Neutron][VXLAN] PPTP VPN problem
Mārtiņš Jakubovičs
- [Openstack] [Neutron][VXLAN] PPTP VPN problem
Mārtiņš Jakubovičs
- [Openstack] [Swift] Problem about erasurecode and authentication of swift.
Nalee Jang
- [Openstack] [OpenStack][Swift] problem about swift proxy easurecode
Nalee Jang
- [Openstack] [OpenStack][Swift] problem about swift proxy easurecode
Nalee Jang
- [Openstack] Download file from swift extremely slow
Rick Jones
- [Openstack] Download file from swift extremely slow
Rick Jones
- [Openstack] [openstack][newton][dashboard]
Kaustubh Kelkar
- [Openstack] [devstack] Default devstack guest does not respond to ping/ssh
Adam Kimball
- [Openstack] Setting up another compute node
Peter Kirby
- [Openstack] Setting up another compute node
Peter Kirby
- [Openstack] Setting up another compute node
Peter Kirby
- [Openstack] Setting up another compute node
Peter Kirby
- [Openstack] Setting up another compute node
Peter Kirby
- [Openstack] GlusterFS and Openstack Newton
Peter Kirby
- [Openstack] GlusterFS and Openstack Newton
Peter Kirby
- [Openstack] [Swift] Dispersion populate - run how frequently?
Mark Kirkwood
- [Openstack] {Swift] Replication progress tracking
Mark Kirkwood
- [Openstack] {Swift] Replication progress tracking
Mark Kirkwood
- [Openstack] [Swift] How to add a new node without ring copy?
Mark Kirkwood
- [Openstack] Summit considerations
Marton Kiss
- [Openstack] [Swift] : Internal Working of PUT Command
Sameer Kulkarni
- [Openstack] [Swift] : Proxy Node in PUT Command
Sameer Kulkarni
- [Openstack] [mentoring] Discuss mentor/mentee experience in Boston?
Amrith Kumar
- [Openstack] [networking-sfc] SFC in BITW or L2 mode
Vikash Kumar
- [Openstack] [networking-sfc] SFC in BITW or L2 mode
Vikash Kumar
- [Openstack] [networking-sfc] SFC in BITW or L2 mode
Vikash Kumar
- [Openstack] How to troubleshoot Security Group rules
Vikash Kumar
- [Openstack] [devstack] Default devstack guest does not respond to ping/ssh
Vikash Kumar
- [Openstack] How to troubleshoot Security Group rules
Vimal Kumar
- [Openstack] How to troubleshoot Security Group rules
Vimal Kumar
- [Openstack] How to troubleshoot Security Group rules
Vimal Kumar
- [Openstack] Openstack+KVM+overcommit, VM priority
Adam Lawson
- [Openstack] Openstack+KVM+overcommit, VM priority
Adam Lawson
- [Openstack] recommended way to install openstack today
Juris M.
- [Openstack] recommended way to install openstack today
Juris M.
- [Openstack] User Committee IRC Meeting - Monday Jan 30th - Host Needed
Edgar Magana
- [Openstack] Download file from swift extremely slow
Nasir Mahmood
- [Openstack] Download file from swift extremely slow
Nasir Mahmood
- [Openstack] Download file from swift extremely slow
Nasir Mahmood
- [Openstack] [Swift] How to add a new node without ring copy?
Vladimir Maliaev
- [Openstack] Download file from swift extremely slow
Steve Martinelli
- [Openstack] Download file from swift extremely slow
Steve Martinelli
- [Openstack] FW: Stable Mitaka Devstack Installation Failing with 'deprecated_reason'
Steve Martinelli
- [Openstack] FW: Stable Mitaka Devstack Installation Failing with 'deprecated_reason'
Steve Martinelli
- [Openstack] Download file from swift extremely slow
Steve Martinelli
- [Openstack] [OpenStack] [Swift] Bug: Swift doesn't save last "end of file" characters
Steve Martinelli
- [Openstack] [OpenStack] [Swift] Bug: Swift doesn't save last "end of file" characters
Steve Martinelli
- [Openstack] keystone-manage error - Devstack Mitaka
Steve Martinelli
- [Openstack] keystone-manage error - Devstack Mitaka
Steve Martinelli
- [Openstack] Packstack install fails on RHEL 7.3
Remo Mattei
- [Openstack] recommended way to install openstack today
Remo Mattei
- [Openstack] recommended way to install openstack today
Remo Mattei
- [Openstack] recommended way to install openstack today
Remo Mattei
- [Openstack] recommended way to install openstack today
Remo Mattei
- [Openstack] References for setting up your network
Remo Mattei
- [Openstack] live migration issue
David Medberry
- [Openstack] [barbican] Standalone Barbican Setup
Douglas Mendizábal
- [Openstack] Help with non booting images (problem with root file system)
George Mihaiescu
- [Openstack] Summit considerations
Martin Millnert
- [Openstack] Summit considerations
Martin Millnert
- [Openstack] [openstack-dev][neutron] Neutron firewall
Morales, Victor
- [Openstack] Unable Upload Image
Bjorn Mork
- [Openstack] Unable Upload Image
Bjorn Mork
- [Openstack] Unable Upload Image
Bjorn Mork
- [Openstack] Unable Upload Image
Bjorn Mork
- [Openstack] Unable Upload Image
Bjorn Mork
- [Openstack] Setting up another compute node
Jose Manuel Ferrer Mosteiro
- [Openstack] Different output from same version client on two different hosts.
Akihiro Motoki
- [Openstack] Download file from swift extremely slow
Balu Mudhavathu
- [Openstack] [open stack] Horizon installation error.
Balu Mudhavathu
- [Openstack] deploy openstack components on contaienrs and HA
Balu Mudhavathu
- [Openstack] Packstack install fails on RHEL 7.3
Narayan, Bindya
- [Openstack] Packstack install fails on RHEL 7.3
Narayan, Bindya
- [Openstack] The Forum: in more detail
Mohammed Naser
- [Openstack] nova backup - instances unreachable
Mohammed Naser
- [Openstack] nova backup - instances unreachable
Mohammed Naser
- [Openstack] nova backup - instances unreachable
Mohammed Naser
- [Openstack] [OpenStack] VM start up with no route rules
Mohammed Naser
- [Openstack] [OpenStack] VM start up with no route rules
Mohammed Naser
- [Openstack] Openstack+KVM+overcommit, VM priority
Eugene Nikanorov
- [Openstack] [Swift] Bug: swift-ring-builder <builder file> set_weight doesn't work
Matthew Oliver
- [Openstack] [Swift] Bug: swift-ring-builder <builder file> set_weight doesn't work
Matthew Oliver
- [Openstack] [Swift] How to get a list of devices from the ring in Java / Bash?
Matthew Oliver
- [Openstack] recommended way to install openstack today
John van Ommen
- [Openstack] [Neutron] Unable to update provider information for external network
Davide Panarese
- [Openstack] Different Openstack services version cooperation
Davide Panarese
- [Openstack] [OpenStack][Swift] problem about swift proxy easurecode
Kwanghee Park
- [Openstack] [Neutron][VXLAN] PPTP VPN problem
John Petrini
- [Openstack] [Neutron][VXLAN] PPTP VPN problem
John Petrini
- [Openstack] nova backup - instances unreachable
John Petrini
- [Openstack] nova backup - instances unreachable
John Petrini
- [Openstack] nova backup - instances unreachable
John Petrini
- [Openstack] nova backup - instances unreachable
John Petrini
- [Openstack] [OpenStack] VM start up with no route rules
John Petrini
- [Openstack] [OpenStack] VM start up with no route rules
John Petrini
- [Openstack] nova backup - instances unreachable
John Petrini
- [Openstack] nova backup - instances unreachable
John Petrini
- [Openstack] [Fuel] Use other NIC
John Petrini
- [Openstack] [nova] Accessing instance.flavor.projects fails due to orphaned Flavor
Jay Pipes
- [Openstack] ephemeral disks location
Jay Pipes
- [Openstack] Setting up another compute node
Artem Plakunov
- [Openstack] [OpenStack] [Swift] Bug: Swift doesn't save last "end of file" characters
Alexandr Porunov
- [Openstack] [OpenStack] [Keystone] Is it possible to cache ec2 credentials?
Alexandr Porunov
- [Openstack] [Keystone] What is credential-keys? Do we need to rotate them?
Alexandr Porunov
- [Openstack] [Keystone] What is credential-keys? Do we need to rotate them?
Alexandr Porunov
- [Openstack] [Swift] How to add a new node without ring copy?
Alexandr Porunov
- [Openstack] [Swift] How to add a new node without ring copy?
Alexandr Porunov
- [Openstack] [Swift] How to get a list of devices from the ring in Java / Bash?
Alexandr Porunov
- [Openstack] [Swift] Bug: swift-ring-builder <builder file> set_weight doesn't work
Alexandr Porunov
- [Openstack] [Swift] Bug: swift-ring-builder <builder file> set_weight doesn't work
Alexandr Porunov
- [Openstack] [Swift] How to get a list of devices from the ring in Java / Bash?
Alexandr Porunov
- [Openstack] [openstack][newton][dashboard]
Waqas Riaz
- [Openstack] [openstack][newton][dashboard]
Waqas Riaz
- [Openstack] Download file from swift extremely slow
Christian Schwede
- [Openstack] OpenStack 2016 Annual Report
Lauren Sell
- [Openstack] [ironic]ironic-python-agent fails to lookup node with 401 status code
Pavlo Shchelokovskyy
- [Openstack] [ironic]ironic-python-agent fails to lookup node with 401 status code
Pavlo Shchelokovskyy
- [Openstack] [Neutron][VXLAN] PPTP VPN problem
Prashant Shetty
- [Openstack] Finding common version for keystoneauth1 and remote keystone
George Shuklin
- [Openstack] [Heat] Authentication required error in kilo with keystone v2 APIs
George Shuklin
- [Openstack] [Heat] Authentication required error in kilo with keystone v2 APIs
George Shuklin
- [Openstack] Unable Upload Image
Trinath Somanchi
- [Openstack] Unable Upload Image
Trinath Somanchi
- [Openstack] Unable Upload Image
Trinath Somanchi
- [Openstack] [Kolla-Kuberenetes] kube1 networking issue
Trinath Somanchi
- [Openstack] Unable Upload Image
Trinath Somanchi
- [Openstack] [Kolla-Kuberenetes] kube1 networking issue
Trinath Somanchi
- [Openstack] [Kolla-Kuberenetes] kube1 networking issue
Trinath Somanchi
- [Openstack] [Kolla-Kubernetes] Ansible Errors.
Trinath Somanchi
- [Openstack] Setting up another compute node
Trinath Somanchi
- [Openstack] Setting up another compute node
Trinath Somanchi
- [Openstack] Setting up another compute node
Trinath Somanchi
- [Openstack] Setting up another compute node
Trinath Somanchi
- [Openstack] Unable Upload Image
Trinath Somanchi
- [Openstack] Setting up another compute node
Trinath Somanchi
- [Openstack] References for setting up your network
Trinath Somanchi
- [Openstack] [Keystone] keystone federation setup
David Stanek
- [Openstack] [openstack-dev] [OSSN-0074] Nova metadata service should not be used for sensitive information
Jeremy Stanley
- [Openstack] [OSSA-2017-001] CatchErrors leaks sensitive values in oslo.middleware (CVE-2017-2592)
Jeremy Stanley
- [Openstack] [networking-sfc] SFC in BITW or L2 mode (Vikash Kumar)
Farhad Sunavala
- [Openstack] [OpenStack][Swift] problem about swift proxy easurecode
- [Openstack] References for setting up your network
Dimitris Theoharis
- [Openstack] [Keystone] keystone federation setup
Kseniya Tychkova
- [Openstack] Repose Configuration Setup
Amit Uniyal
- [Openstack] glance backend ceph swift api
Marius Vaitiekunas
- [Openstack] [openstack-dev][neutron] Neutron firewall
Van Leeuwen, Robert
- [Openstack] Openstack+KVM+overcommit, VM priority
Kostyantyn Volenbovskyi
- [Openstack] Problem while adding a security group to a VM in newly deployed system
Rafael Weingärtner
- [Openstack] [OpenStack] VM start up with no route rules
Xu, Rongjie (Nokia - CN/Hangzhou)
- [Openstack] [OpenStack] VM start up with no route rules
Xu, Rongjie (Nokia - CN/Hangzhou)
- [Openstack] [OpenStack] VM start up with no route rules
Xu, Rongjie (Nokia - CN/Hangzhou)
- [Openstack] [OpenStack] VM start up with no route rules
Xu, Rongjie (Nokia - CN/Hangzhou)
- [Openstack] [Keystone][Tempest]
Liam Young
- [Openstack] cinder volume service down
dongjh at ahope.com.cn
- [Openstack] 回复: cinder volume service down
dongjh at ahope.com.cn
- [Openstack] Download file from swift extremely slow
dongjh at ahope.com.cn
- [Openstack] Download file from swift extremely slow
dongjh at ahope.com.cn
- [Openstack] Download file from swift extremely slow
dongjh at ahope.com.cn
- [Openstack] Download file from swift extremely slow
dongjh at ahope.com.cn
- [Openstack] Download file from swift extremely slow
dongjh at ahope.com.cn
- [Openstack] Download file from swift extremely slow
dongjh at ahope.com.cn
- [Openstack] Download file from swift extremely slow
dongjh at ahope.com.cn
- [Openstack] recommended way to install openstack today
info at bjoern-stuebe.de
- [Openstack] live migration issue
fabrice grelaud
- [Openstack] live migration issue
fabrice grelaud
- [Openstack] [open stack] Horizon installation error.
shivkumar gupta
- [Openstack] [open stack] Horizon installation error.
shivkumar gupta
- [Openstack] [ironic]ironic-python-agent fails to lookup node with 401 status code
- [Openstack] [ironic]ironic-python-agent fails to lookup node with 401 status code
- [Openstack] What is the mechanism of celiometer sampling?
Jace.Liang at itri.org.tw
- [Openstack] [Heat] Authentication required error in kilo with keystone v2 APIs
NareshA kumar
- [Openstack] [Heat] Authentication required error in kilo with keystone v2 APIs
NareshA kumar
- [Openstack] [Heat] Authentication required error in kilo with keystone v2 APIs
NareshA kumar
- [Openstack] (no subject)
mehrdad nosrati
- [Openstack] upload the image to the Image service
mehrdad nosrati
- [Openstack] ERROR: could not access cell mapping database, (Newton release)
mehrdad nosrati
- [Openstack] openstack console port from dashboard
yang sheng
- [Openstack] cinder volume create error, oslo service killed by signal 11
yang sheng
- [Openstack] [kolla] How to re-run failed ansible tasks in kolla
pothuganti sridhar
- [Openstack] Download file from swift extremely slow
- [Openstack] Download file from swift extremely slow
- [Openstack] Download file from swift extremely slow
- [Openstack] Problem with firewall port and dnsmasq (dhcp)
wodel youchi
- [Openstack] Problem with firewall port and dnsmasq (dhcp)
wodel youchi
- [Openstack] [Neutron][DHCP] vm can not get ip by dnsmasq
- [Openstack] [Keystone] keystone federation setup
Сергей Филатов
Last message date:
Tue Jan 31 23:27:30 UTC 2017
Archived on: Fri May 26 20:27:32 UTC 2017
This archive was generated by Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).