September 2016 Archives by date
Starting: Thu Sep 1 17:19:02 UTC 2016
Ending: Fri Sep 30 23:22:56 UTC 2016
Messages: 84
- [User-committee] [recognition] AUC Recognition WG Meeting Reminder (09/01)
Shamail Tahir
- [User-committee] Efficiency of WGs?
Gonzalo De La Torre
- [User-committee] [app] App Ecosystem WG - Meeting
Montenegro, Patricia
- [User-committee] Efficiency of WGs?
Montenegro, Patricia
- [User-committee] OpenStack Summit Barcelona- Now Accepting Working Group/BoF Submissions
Blair Bethwaite
- [User-committee] Efficiency of WGs?
Stig Telfer
- [User-committee] Efficiency of WGs?
Blair Bethwaite
- [User-committee] OpenStack Summit Barcelona- Now Accepting Working Group/BoF Submissions
Stig Telfer
- [User-committee] OpenStack Summit Barcelona- Now Accepting Working Group/BoF Submissions
Steve Gordon
- [User-committee] OpenStack Summit Barcelona- Now Accepting Working Group/BoF Submissions
Erin Disney
- [User-committee] OpenStack Summit Barcelona- Now Accepting Working Group/BoF Submissions
Erin Disney
- [User-committee] [scientific][scientific-wg] Reminder: Scientific WG meeting Tuesday 2100 UTC
Stig Telfer
- [User-committee] OpenStack Summit Barcelona- Now Accepting Working Group/BoF Submissions
Steve Gordon
- [User-committee] OpenStack Summit Barcelona- Now Accepting Working Group/BoF Submissions
Erin Disney
- [User-committee] OpenStack Summit Barcelona- Now Accepting Working Group/BoF Submissions
Dina Belova
- [User-committee] Efficiency of WGs?
Christopher Aedo
- [User-committee] Stepping down from the App Eco WG
Michael Krotscheck
- [User-committee] Efficiency of WGs?
Jimmy Mcarthur
- [User-committee] Wiki Section for the Massively Distributed Clouds WG.
lebre.adrien at
- [User-committee] Stepping down from the App Eco WG
Montenegro, Patricia
- [User-committee] [app] App Ecosystem WG - Meeting
Montenegro, Patricia
- [User-committee] [AUC] Cancelling today's AUC WG meeting
Maish Saidel-Keesing
- [User-committee] [app] App Ecosystem WG - Meeting
Montenegro, Patricia
- [User-committee] [app] App Ecosystem WG - Meeting
Montenegro, Patricia
- [User-committee] Efficiency of WGs?
Christopher Aedo
- [User-committee] [scientific][scientific-wg] Reminder: Scientific WG meeting Wednesday 0900 UTC
Stig Telfer
- [User-committee] App Catalog IRC meeting Thursday September 15th
Christopher Aedo
- [User-committee] OpenStack Summit Barcelona - Working Group Meeting Space
Erin Disney
- [User-committee] [AUC] Weekly Meeting Cancelled for Today (Sept. 15th)
Shamail Tahir
- [User-committee] [ALL] Looking for participants in the Interop Challenge for Barcelona
Rochelle Grober
- [User-committee] [Fault Genes] WG Weekly Meeting
Nematollah Bidokhti
- [User-committee] [app] App Ecosystem WG - Meeting
Montenegro, Patricia
- [User-committee] [app] App Eco WG election for new co-chair
Montenegro, Patricia
- [User-committee] OpenStack Summit Barcelona - Working Group Meeting Space
Nematollah Bidokhti
- [User-committee] [app] App Ecosystem WG - Meeting
Montenegro, Patricia
- [User-committee] [app] App Eco WG election for new co-chair
Christopher Aedo
- [User-committee] OpenStack Summit Barcelona - Working Group Meeting Space
Jimmy McArthur
- [User-committee] [user-committee][scientific-wg][api][UX] Results Presentation: Managing OpenStack Quotas within Production Environments
Danielle Mundle
- [User-committee] [app] Re: [OpenStack-DefCore] [ALL] Looking for participants in the Interop Challenge for Barcelona
Stefano Maffulli
- [User-committee] [app] Re: [OpenStack-DefCore] [ALL] Looking for participants in the Interop Challenge for Barcelona
Anne Gentle
- [User-committee] [interop] Looking for participants in the Interop Challenge for Barcelona
Shamail Tahir
- [User-committee] Key Points when Organizing an OpenStack Hackathon
Gonzalo De La Torre
- [User-committee] Efficiency of WGs?
David F Flanders
- [User-committee] [Fault Genes] WG Weekly Meeting Summary
Nematollah Bidokhti
- [User-committee] [Fault Genes] WG Weekly Meeting Summary
Nematollah Bidokhti
- [User-committee] > [CloudAppHack-WG] Key Points when Organizing an OpenStack Hackathon
David F Flanders
- [User-committee] [scientific][scientific-wg] Reminder: Scientific WG meeting Tuesday 2100 UTC
Stig Telfer
- [User-committee] Efficiency of WGs?
Jimmy Mcarthur
- [User-committee] Efficiency of WGs?
Edgar Magana
- [User-committee] Efficiency of WGs?
Edgar Magana
- [User-committee] OpenStack Summit Barcelona - Working Group Meeting Space
Nematollah Bidokhti
- [User-committee] [interop] Looking for participants in the Interop Challenge for Barcelona
Stefano Maffulli
- [User-committee] > [CloudAppHack-WG] Key Points when Organizing an OpenStack Hackathon
Stefano Maffulli
- [User-committee] Efficiency of WGs?
David F Flanders
- [User-committee] [OpenStack-DefCore] [interop] Looking for participants in the Interop Challenge for Barcelona
Tong Li
- [User-committee] Efficiency of WGs?
Edgar Magana
- [User-committee] Efficiency of WGs?
Edgar Magana
- [User-committee] Fwd: [openstack-dev] Community Contributor Awards
- [User-committee] [OpenStack-DefCore] [interop] Looking for participants in the Interop Challenge for Barcelona
Igor Marnat
- [User-committee] [CloudAppHack-WG] Key Points when Organizing an OpenStack Hackathon
Kathy Cacciatore
- [User-committee] [CloudAppHack-WG] Key Points when Organizing OpenStack Hackathon
Gonzalo De La Torre
- [User-committee] App Catalog IRC meeting Thursday September 22nd
Christopher Aedo
- [User-committee] CloudAppHack-WG Meeting
David F Flanders
- [User-committee] [recognition] Weekly team meeting reminder: Today at 1900UTC
Shamail Tahir
- [User-committee] Efficiency of WGs?
Shilla Saebi
- [User-committee] > [CloudAppHack-WG] Key Points when Organizing an OpenStack Hackathon
Lauren Sell
- [User-committee] > [CloudAppHack-WG] Key Points when Organizing an OpenStack Hackathon
Kruithof Jr, Pieter
- [User-committee] [app] AppEco WG meeting
Montenegro, Patricia
- [User-committee] [app] App Eco WG election for new co-chair
Maria Bracho
- [User-committee] Call for Mentors and Mentees!
Kendall Nelson
- [User-committee] [Women-of-openstack] Call for Mentors and Mentees!
Nithya Ruff
- [User-committee] [ALL] Where do you get your cloud app news from?
David F Flanders
- [User-committee] [scientific][scientific-wg] Reminder: Scientific WG meeting Wednesday 0900 UTC
Stig Telfer
- [User-committee] [ALL] Where do you get your cloud app news from?
Stig Telfer
- [User-committee] Fwd: [Openstack-operators] [openstack-dev] Community Contributor Awards
David F Flanders
- [User-committee] > [CloudAppHack-WG] Key Points when Organizing an OpenStack Hackathon
David F Flanders
- [User-committee] [user-committee][scientific-wg][api][UX] Results Presentation: Managing OpenStack Quotas within Production Environments
David F Flanders
- [User-committee] > [CloudAppHack-WG] Key Points when Organizing an OpenStack Hackathon
Kruithof Jr, Pieter
- [User-committee] > [CloudAppHack-WG] Key Points when Organizing an OpenStack Hackathon
Danielle Mundle
- [User-committee] [user-committee][scientific-wg][api][UX] Results Presentation: Managing OpenStack Quotas within Production Environments
Danielle Mundle
- [User-committee] > [CloudAppHack-WG] Key Points when Organizing an OpenStack Hackathon
David F Flanders
- [User-committee] [app] AppEco WG meeting
Montenegro, Patricia
- [User-committee] User Survey update: 2H plans & content
Heidi Joy Tretheway
- [User-committee] [app-catalog] Barcelona summit planning
Christopher Aedo
Last message date:
Fri Sep 30 23:22:56 UTC 2016
Archived on: Fri Sep 30 23:23:02 UTC 2016
This archive was generated by Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).