[User-committee] OpenStack Summit Barcelona- Now Accepting Working Group/BoF Submissions

Blair Bethwaite blair.bethwaite at gmail.com
Mon Sep 5 13:27:48 UTC 2016

Hi Erin,

Some questions that may also be relevant to others...

I take it we are free to ask for multiple sessions for different working
group activities? Will they be regular 40 minute slots or doubles? As 30
seats is pretty limited, are there other informal areas that might be
semi-reserved for spillover and other impromptu meetups... thinking e.g. a
"user-committee corner" (or something equally kitsch :-)?


On 2 Sep 2016 6:22 AM, "Erin Disney" <erin at openstack.org> wrote:

> Hi Everyone-
> We are now accepting submissions for Working Groups/Birds of a Feather
> space requests for the OpenStack Summit Barcelona, October 25-28th!
> Due to extremely limited availability in Barcelona, we are first
> allocating space to official working groups under the User Committee (i.e.
> large deployments, API, etc.) and Board (i.e. DefCore).
> Please submit all space requests no later than September 15th here:
> https://www.openstack.org/summit/barcelona-2016/call-for-presentations/
> Worth noting that the available space will seat up to 30. If you require
> larger accommodations or have any other questions or concerns, please
> contact speakersupport at openstack.org. Thanks!
> Erin Disney
> OpenStack Marketing
> erin at openstack.org
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