[User-committee] > [CloudAppHack-WG] Key Points when Organizing an OpenStack Hackathon

Stefano Maffulli stefano at openstack.org
Wed Sep 21 00:25:04 UTC 2016

Hi Flanders,

On 09/19/2016 11:18 PM, David F Flanders wrote:
> Many thanks to Gonzalo and Michael for your leadership of the 
> CloudAppHack-WG as co-chairs. We continue to receive interest from 
> around the world requesting the opportunity to run a cloud 
> application hackathons +[the cloud app training which precedes a 
> hackathon event].

speaking of past hackatons, from the Guadalajara event I've seen tweets
and a post on Superuser with lots of cool pictures. The room looked huge
and with lots of people: good job!

It would be nice to have some shareable outcome out of these events,
something that can help the app developer communities even if they're
not participating live. I'm thinking of best practice, recipes and
scripts, sample code, horribly broken apps and bug reports... things
like that. Is the code produced during the events published somewhere?
Are there any lessons learned that can be shared with other developers?
What other outcomes can we expect as a community from hackatons?

> Hackathon Risk Criteria:
> Many OpenStack days are run by one company which does not uphold our 
> value for open community [1].

Can you elaborate on this please?


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