OpenStack DefCore Community Review – TWO Sessions April 21 (agenda)
During the DefCore process, we’ve had regular community check points to review and discuss the latest materials from the committee. With the latest work on the official process and flurry of Guidelines, we’ve got a lot of concrete material to show. To accommodate global participants, we’ll have TWO sessions (and record both):
  1. April 21 8 am Central (1 pm UTC)
  2. April 21 8 pm Central (9 am Hong Kong)

Help pick the new logos for OpenStack User Groups & OpenStack Days
We are introducing a unique logo for OpenStack User Groups, to help recognize official groups and their important role in helping grow the OpenStack Community. The deadline to complete the survey is Wednesday April 22, 2015.

Let your voice be heard: vote for the Superuser Award!

The Superuser Awards, first launched at the Paris Summit, recognize a team that uses OpenStack to meaningfully improve their business and differentiate in a competitive industry, while also contributing back to the community. This time, the OpenStack community votes to select the winner.

OpenStack breaks a new record for active contributors

With 556 active contributors per month, this first quarter of 2015 is the highest in the history of OpenStack. Compared to the previous quarter, core and regular contributors have also increased 10 percent and 20 percent, respectively. You can read the complete report, including details of the methodology, on the Activity Board repository or take deep into the activity of OpenStack individual projects.

PTL Election Conclusion and Results

Congratulations to the newly elected PTL John Garbutt for Nova and thank you Michael Still for the hard work. The other PTLs have been confirmed. The list and full announcement on the mailing list.

The Road to Vancouver

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