OpenStack DefCore Accelerates & Simplifies with Clear and Timely Guidelines [Feedback?]

Last week, the OpenStack DefCore committee rolled up our collective sleeves and got to work in a serious way. We had a in-person meeting with great turn out with 5 board members, Foundation executives/staff and good community engagement. TL;DR > We think DefCore deliverables should be dated milestone guidelines instead tightly coupled to release events (see graphic on Rob Hirschfeld's blog).

Scaling OpenStack Neutron Development

During Kilo cycle, Neutron's team has made an effort to expand and scale the Neutron development community. Plugin Decomposition and Advanced Services Split were designed to enable a more scalable development environment which will allow for fast code iteration in all the areas affected. How have we done with these?

OpenStack + Kubernetes = More choice and flexibility for developers

Sometimes a demo can go almost too well. By the time Craig Peters and Georgy Okrokvertskhov took the mic to show how OpenStack support for Kubernetes makes managing Docker containers pretty much a point-and-click operation, the crowd at the Kubernetes San Francisco meetup was almost hoping for a glitch. Instead, in just under 10 minutes, the pair did a seamless walk-through of how to set up a Kubernetes cluster using OpenStack in the final demo of the night.

The Road to Vancouver

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