Why you should attend an OpenStack Summit
OpenStack Summits don’t miss a beat - with a schedule full of diverse breakout sessions, captivating speakers, off-the-wall evening events and the occasional surprise, it’s the twice-yearly event you simply cannot miss. What would you add to the list of 10 most memorable summit moments to date?

Gnocchi 1.0: storing metrics and resources at scale

Gnocchi provides a scalable way to store and retrieve data and metrics from instances, volumes, networks and all the things that make an OpenStack cloud. Gnocchi also provides a REST API that allows the user to manipulate resources (CRUD) and their attributes, while preserving the history of those resources and their attributes. The Gnocchi team takes great pride in the quality of their documentation too, fully available online.

The Road to Vancouver

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OpenStack Israel CFP Voting is Open
PyCon-AU Openstack miniconf CFP open

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