[placement][nova][cinder][neutron][blazar] Placement governance switch(back)

Stephen Finucane stephenfin at redhat.com
Thu Sep 24 15:23:36 UTC 2020

Placement has been a separate project with its own governance since
Stein [1]. Since then, the main drivers behind the separation have
moved onto pastures new and with Tetsuro sadly declaring his non-
candidacy for the PTL position for Wallaby [2], we're left in the
unenviable position of potentially not having a PTL for the Wallaby
cycle. As such, it's probably time to discuss the future of Placement

Assuming no one steps forward for the Placement PTL role, it would
appear to me that we have two options. Either we look at transitioning
Placement to a PTL-less project, or we move it back under nova
governance. To be honest, given how important placement is to nova and
other projects now, I'm uncomfortable with the idea of not having a
point person who is ultimately responsible for things like cutting a
release (yes, delegation is encouraged but someone needs to herd the
cats). At the same time, I do realize that placement is used by more
that nova now so nova cores and what's left of the separate placement
core team shouldn't be the only ones making this decision.

So, assuming the worst happens and placement is left without a PTL for
Victoria, what do we want to do?


PS: Apologies if I missed other projects with an interest in placement.
I did try to catch them all /o\

[1] http://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/openstack-discuss/2019-February/002575.html
[2] http://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/openstack-discuss/2020-September/017494.html

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