[User-committee] User Committee Elections - call for candidates

Melvin Hillsman mrhillsman at gmail.com
Wed Feb 13 13:55:02 UTC 2019

The candidacy period for the upcoming UC election is open.  Three seats
will be filled.  If you are an AUC and are interested in running for one of
them, now is the time to announce it.  Here are the important dates:

February 04 - February 17, 05:59 UTC: Open candidacy for UC positions
February 18 - February 24, 11:59 UTC: UC elections (voting)

Special thanks to our election officials - Mohamed Elsakhawy and Jonathan

You can find all the info for the election here:


You announce your candidacy by sending an email to
user-committee at lists.openstack.org with the subject line UC Candidacy. Here
are some great examples of previous candidate letters if you are having


Kind regards,

Melvin Hillsman
mrhillsman at gmail.com
mobile: (832) 264-2646
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