[User-committee] app dev on-boarding experience report
Bonell Manjarrez, Marcela
marcela.bonell.manjarrez at intel.com
Wed Mar 16 23:34:38 UTC 2016
Hi all,
I finally completed the developer experience report!
The updated version include OVH public cloud, so now for OpenStack we have RAX and OVH against AWS, Azure and Google Cloud.
The FirstApp was deployed successfully over OVH using shade, libcloud also fails the same way it does in RAX (nova-network).
One of the most interesting things about using OVH public cloud is that it provides its own Cloud Control Panel (which is very interactive) and it also provides Horizon.
Please take a look in the v3 version:
[Report] https://drive.google.com/open?id=19AgySEkzzYihlAh4MCNmRcqQEHvbTctBDfRnMuITPds
[Script to reproduce] https://drive.google.com/open?id=1vlwQaQyIcXwdJEaEGqbAvdGkilkiFmlHMCfIMqULG9Y
I will talk about this cloud comparison in Austin ;)
Thanks Christopher for the OVH account, it gave me the opportunity to complete the report :)
Marcela Bonell.
On 2/29/16, 5:04 PM, "Bonell Manjarrez, Marcela" <marcela.bonell.manjarrez at intel.com> wrote:
>I have updated the developer experience report adding TryStack as cloud environment. The report has been completed, the OpenStack 1stApp was deployed successfully on TryStack (shade sdk)!
>Please take a look, specially in the “Experience satisfaction rate per provider” and “Conclusion” slides.
>Important note:
>"TryStack is a testing environment by design. Instances are typically deleted after 24 hours, so for obvious reasons you should NOT put any data on this cloud you don't want to lose.”
>In the following threads you can find a detailed explanation about why libcloud/shade sdk did/didn’t work on RAX/TryStack:
>http://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/user-committee/2016-February/000662.html - TryStack
>http://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/user-committee/2016-January/000636.html - RAX
>Also, as part of this activity, I filed 4 bugs in the shade “getting started” section. 1 was merged and I’m working on patches for the rest ;)
>What’s next?
>- Devstack
>- OVH
>Marcela Bonell.
>On 2/8/16, 3:59 PM, "Bonell Manjarrez, Marcela" <marcela.bonell.manjarrez at intel.com> wrote:
>>Hi folks,
>>Good news, I'm able to deploy the FirstApp (getting started script) in Trystack [1] with shade!
>>First, I tried with libcloud without success, because libcloud has problems with networking (security groups).
>>Then I tried with shade and everything worked fine!
>>The pre-work required to deploy the app is:
>>* Generate an API password (Settings tab)
>>* Create an internal network
>>* Create a router
>>* Connect the internal and public networks with the router
>>All these steps are well documented in a video[2] that is accessible from Trystack horizon login page [3].
>>Despite the fact that Trystack is for testing purposes only (your instances are available just for 1-3 days), it can be used for training or to explore app development such as the FirstApp tutorial.
>>[1] http://trystack.org/
>>[2] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z-M5Vt4-HYg
>>[3] https://x86.trystack.org/dashboard/auth/login/?next=/dashboard/
>>Marcela Bonell.
>>User-committee mailing list
>>User-committee at lists.openstack.org
>On 1/25/16, 1:27 PM, "Bonell Manjarrez, Marcela" <marcela.bonell.manjarrez at intel.com> wrote:
>>Hi folks,
>>Continuing with the developer experience report, these are my findings using shade in RAX cloud:
>>- Connect with OpenStack is easier, using ~/.config/openstack/clouds.yml also the profiles for public clouds are very useful because is a guide for how to construct your connection and the services available for that provider [2].
>>- Shade has similar methods names that libcloud, but shade simplify some instructions such as: connection with the cloud, searches, floating IPs…
>>- I used the RAX profile and everything was fine until the security group creation, now it’s not because the SDK (actually shade support nova-network and neutron) the problem is my provider (RAX):
>>* When I try to create a security group I get this error message:
>>Traceback (most recent call last):
>> File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/shade/openstackcloud.py", line 1102, in list_security_groups
>> "Unavailable feature: security groups"
>>shade.exc.OpenStackCloudUnavailableFeature: Unavailable feature: security groups
>>As you can see in the rackspace.json[3] the “has_network” attribute is false, so shade disabled this feature in the RAX profile… Monty mentioned: "Rackspace puts neutron in the service catalog but it does not work (404s the endpoint)” [4]. I overwrote my RAX client config to force to use nova or neutron and as Monty said I got the 404 error...
>> my-rackspace:
>> profile: rackspace
>> auth:
>> username: XXX
>> password: XXX
>> project_id: XXX
>> region_name: 'DFW'
>> secgroup_source: 'neutron'
>>Error with neutron:
>>shade.exc.OpenStackCloudURINotFound: Error fetching security group list: 404 Not Found
>>The resource could not be found.
>>Error with nova:
>>shade.exc.OpenStackCloudException: Error fetching security group list (Inner Exception: Not found (HTTP 404) (Request-ID: req-239ab188-6c7c-45d1-9600-8567c26874e3))
>>Also when Monty presented shade in the latest summit, he mentioned about it[5]
>>Well these are my findings for now.., I followed the FirstApp (Draft for shade) and as Stefano mentioned the draft have to be published at least the completed section. For me the “Getting started” section[6] is almost ready, I just need to fix the bug I found in the documentation[7] :)
>>I’ll try TryStack to avoid the RAX problems but I haven’t receive my account authorization yet (manual approval step).
>>[1] http://git.openstack.org/cgit/openstack/os-client-config
>>[2] http://git.openstack.org/cgit/openstack/os-client-config/tree/os_client_config/vendors
>>[3] http://git.openstack.org/cgit/openstack/os-client-config/tree/os_client_config/vendors/rackspace.json
>>[4] https://review.openstack.org/#/c/230033/
>>[5] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_guJmff89HI&feature=youtu.be&t=28m47s
>>[6] http://developer.openstack.org/draft/firstapp-shade/getting_started.html
>>[7] https://bugs.launchpad.net/openstack-api-site/+bug/1537564
>>Marcela Bonell.
>>User-committee mailing list
>>User-committee at lists.openstack.org
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