[User-committee] [app] Deploying FirstApp in Trystack

Bonell Manjarrez, Marcela marcela.bonell.manjarrez at intel.com
Mon Feb 8 21:59:55 UTC 2016

Hi folks,

Good news, I'm able to deploy the FirstApp (getting started script) in Trystack [1] with shade!

First, I tried with libcloud without success, because libcloud has problems with networking (security groups).
Then I tried with shade and everything worked fine!

The pre-work required to deploy the app is:

* Generate an API password (Settings tab)
* Create an internal network
* Create a router
* Connect the internal and public networks with the router

All these steps are well documented in a video[2] that is accessible from Trystack horizon login page [3].

Despite the fact that Trystack is for testing purposes only (your instances are available just for 1-3 days), it can be used for training or to explore app development such as the FirstApp tutorial.

[1] http://trystack.org/
[2] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z-M5Vt4-HYg
[3] https://x86.trystack.org/dashboard/auth/login/?next=/dashboard/

Marcela Bonell.

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