[User-committee] User Survey Data Analysis

Roland Chan roland at aptira.com
Tue Nov 17 20:50:09 UTC 2015

That's exactly the sort of analysis required.

Distribution of the data is only needed if the people who currently have
access to it are unable to perform the analysis for some reason.

First though, the committee must resolve that the analysis is needed. Once
that is done we can investigate what needs to happen.

Do we have agreement on whether further analysis is warranted?


On Wed, 18 Nov 2015 02:28 Jonathan Proulx <jon at csail.mit.edu> wrote:

> Perhaps it would be valuable to take a couple more cuts of the
> deployment data (size, release, projects used etc) by promoters and
> detractors?
> That might be informative without requiring further distribution of
> raw data.  Are there any other specific comparisions people think
> might be useful?
> Remembering that this is a vouluntary survey mostly announced through
> chennels frequented by people involved in the community to some extent
> I'd expect to see a relatively strong positive bias in results, so if
> anyone has actionable ideas on how to get deeeper I'm for it, but I'm
> also not sure I put too much importance on that metric by itself for
> reasons others have mentioned.
> -Jon
> --
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