[Product] Capacity Management: Request for Volunteers

Tim Bell Tim.Bell at cern.ch
Mon Apr 18 16:29:26 UTC 2016

Are you intereted in private clouds or only CSPs ? 

I’d be pleased to help out with CERN’s experiences given private cloud quota management and capacity planning.


On 14/04/16 23:13, "Shamail Tahir" <itzshamail at gmail.com> wrote:

>The team had discussed the capacity management user story[1] a couple of
>weeks ago and, in our discussion, determined that we had different
>perspectives on how quotas are being leveraged by providers.  The team had
>determined that the best course of action would be to create a white paper
>that provides various examples of how they are being leveraged today.  I am
>emailing you today to ask for volunteers for this white-paper.  If we can
>get 2-3 different organizations to share how they use quotas then we can
>use that information to further refine the user story.  Please let me know
>if you can help, I would also be glad to help write it as long as you can
>provide subject-matter expertise.
>On a related topic, can you please look at the message sent by Vilobh[2] in
>regards to reservations for quotas?  Please share your perspective so it is
>also taken into account...
>[2] http://www.gossamer-threads.com/lists/openstack/dev/53889
>Shamail Tahir
>t: @ShamailXD
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