[Openstack-track-chairs] Guidance on Vendor Specific Presentations?

Arkady.Kanevsky at dell.com Arkady.Kanevsky at dell.com
Mon Feb 13 17:16:11 UTC 2017

Do we have any guidance on total slots per track?
Expect that track chairs have freedom on full presentations, lightning talks and panels as long as they fit into allotted time slots.
But want to check.

Do we have one conditional/backup acceptance in case one of the accepted ones fell thru?


From: Ruben D. Orduz [mailto:rubenoz at gmail.com]
Sent: Monday, February 13, 2017 11:10 AM
To: Jimmy McArthur <jimmy at openstack.org>
Cc: openstack-track-chairs at lists.openstack.org; SaintRossy, James <James_SaintRossy at comcast.com>
Subject: Re: [Openstack-track-chairs] Guidance on Vendor Specific Presentations?

Why is the email step required at all? If it's vendor-heavy or pushing a particular product, give thumbs down and move on.

On Mon, Feb 13, 2017 at 12:07 PM, Jimmy McArthur <jimmy at openstack.org<mailto:jimmy at openstack.org>> wrote:

If you feel it's specifically a vendor pitch, feel free to send an email to speakersupport at openstack.org<mailto:speakersupport at openstack.org> and we can review. The Foundation does not support single vendor pitches, and of course, the content cannot be about closed source products.


Wolfe, Brendan<mailto:Brendan.Wolfe at netapp.com>
February 13, 2017 at 10:49 AM

From: "SaintRossy, James" <James_SaintRossy at comcast.com><mailto:James_SaintRossy at comcast.com>
Date: Monday, February 13, 2017 at 8:29 AM
To: "openstack-track-chairs at lists.openstack.org"<mailto:openstack-track-chairs at lists.openstack.org> <openstack-track-chairs at lists.openstack.org><mailto:openstack-track-chairs at lists.openstack.org>
Subject: [Openstack-track-chairs] Guidance on Vendor Specific Presentations?

Hi Everyone,

I’m a 1st time track chair so pardon my ignorance if this question seems obvious.  In my initial review for the storage track I see several presentations that are vendor specific and possibly closed source.  Should that have any bearing on our evaluations?

Thanks, James.
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