[OpenStack-Infra] Zanata broken on Bionic

James E. Blair corvus at inaugust.com
Fri Apr 26 16:31:45 UTC 2019

Frank Kloeker <eumel at arcor.de> writes:

> Just as a follow up: I've wrote down all required steps and ideas for
> a migration to Weblate on [1].

Thanks for that!  Will this be a topic at the PTG?

> There are some issues adressed but thats not unsolvable (i.e. invent
> openstackid as a OpenId provider).

We may want to think about deploying this in OpenDev, so the openstackid
provider may not be as critical (likely one option among many).  Though
we still may want to wait until it's a choice before we deploy it.

> First big steps are almost done. Gerrit integration is working out of
> the box [2]. The workflow will be much easier in the future. Beside
> proposals every 24 hours, also ad hoc proposals are possible. So
> translations will be get faster into repos.
> The other way around is also tested: Webhook with Github is working to
> push translations to Weblate. I saw Gitea has a simlar feature - so
> that should also work out and faster as the current way.
> A rough installation procedere is on [3], including a semi
> automatation to setup projects.

We are no longer replicating all projects to Github, so I don't think we
want to build any tooling that depends on that.  We could do something
with Gitea, however, I'd prefer to continue treating it as a simple
read-only mirror at the moment.  So for getting data into Weblate, I
think we should look at using Zuul for that.  Post-merge jobs could push
changes to Weblate fairly easily.  It looks like that's one of the
options in the etherpad, with "wlc pull".


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