[OpenStack-docs] [api] displaying useful docs from Swagger files

Anne Gentle annegentle at justwriteclick.com
Thu Feb 25 21:42:36 UTC 2016

On Thu, Feb 25, 2016 at 12:03 PM, Michael Krotscheck <krotscheck at gmail.com>

> On Thu, Feb 25, 2016 at 9:38 AM Anne Gentle <annegentle at justwriteclick.com>
> wrote:
>> On Wed, Feb 24, 2016 at 9:53 AM, Michael Krotscheck <krotscheck at gmail.com
>> > wrote:
>>> Personally, I'm a fan of anything that removes the need to render HTML
>>> on the server. Static HTML is a great start.
>> Why is that a stated preference? Truly curious.
> Oh, lots of reasons, mostly coming from the JS UI + API architecture
> model. (Caveat: I think these rules are awesome for things that do not care
> about SEO. Documentation, however, really really cares about SEO).
> - Separation of concerns and expertise. Let API people focus on API
> things, while UI people focus on UI things.
> - Variability in velocity. Development on API's tend to slow down as they
> approach "Stable". Development on UI's continually tweak and update as
> design standards change.
> - Freedom to build multiple UI's. Say, one that's simply descriptive, and
> one that's interactive. Maybe one that's mobile? If you start by having a
> separate API, why bother adding another server just to render HTML when the
> browser's perfectly capable?
> The one rule that I feel applies to docs as well is performance: It's
> easier, and cheaper, to distribute static files across a CDN, than to host
> application servers in each global region. If the end result of a
> serverside application is going to be 'effectively static' content anyway
> (That is mostly text, with a few interactive bits that will be run out of
> the browser anyway), then there's no reason to worry about something
> serverside.
> I have some tactical questions about the shipping needs of fairy slipper-
>>> how's it packaged, how's it built, etc? I notice that it's a munged
>>> python/javascript project, which goes against the best practices in the
>>> Project Team Guide - is there some effort to separate the two?
>> Since it's a dual-purpose tool (both migration and display) then yes,
>> it's a bit conflated. Do you have suggestions for what to do to properly
>> separate? Maybe I should meet with you next week to make sure I understand.
>> Can we chat on IRC early next week?
> I don't know enough about the purpose of the project to really talk about
> the separation, to be honest. In fact, most of what I'm talking about above
> is me just bikeshedding about the magic world of apps, with no real
> understanding AT ALL about what y'all are up to. So, take my blathering
> with a grain of salt.
> Also, I'm available 5AM-Noon PST most weekdays, tuesdays being crazy
> meeting day. And I will be very skeptical about anything that sounds like
> getting roped into yet another project ;)

Oh, I won't come with a rope! :) We have been pondering whether we should
just consume projects in the swagger-ui and OpenAPI community versus
maintaining our own. So I'll pick your brain on that angle and all are
welcome to chime in.

> Michael
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Anne Gentle
Principal Engineer
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