[OpenStack-docs] [api] displaying useful docs from Swagger files

Michael Krotscheck krotscheck at gmail.com
Thu Feb 25 18:03:42 UTC 2016

On Thu, Feb 25, 2016 at 9:38 AM Anne Gentle <annegentle at justwriteclick.com>

> On Wed, Feb 24, 2016 at 9:53 AM, Michael Krotscheck <krotscheck at gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> Personally, I'm a fan of anything that removes the need to render HTML on
>> the server. Static HTML is a great start.
> Why is that a stated preference? Truly curious.

Oh, lots of reasons, mostly coming from the JS UI + API architecture model.
(Caveat: I think these rules are awesome for things that do not care about
SEO. Documentation, however, really really cares about SEO).
- Separation of concerns and expertise. Let API people focus on API things,
while UI people focus on UI things.
- Variability in velocity. Development on API's tend to slow down as they
approach "Stable". Development on UI's continually tweak and update as
design standards change.
- Freedom to build multiple UI's. Say, one that's simply descriptive, and
one that's interactive. Maybe one that's mobile? If you start by having a
separate API, why bother adding another server just to render HTML when the
browser's perfectly capable?

The one rule that I feel applies to docs as well is performance: It's
easier, and cheaper, to distribute static files across a CDN, than to host
application servers in each global region. If the end result of a
serverside application is going to be 'effectively static' content anyway
(That is mostly text, with a few interactive bits that will be run out of
the browser anyway), then there's no reason to worry about something

I have some tactical questions about the shipping needs of fairy slipper-
>> how's it packaged, how's it built, etc? I notice that it's a munged
>> python/javascript project, which goes against the best practices in the
>> Project Team Guide - is there some effort to separate the two?
> Since it's a dual-purpose tool (both migration and display) then yes, it's
> a bit conflated. Do you have suggestions for what to do to properly
> separate? Maybe I should meet with you next week to make sure I understand.
> Can we chat on IRC early next week?

I don't know enough about the purpose of the project to really talk about
the separation, to be honest. In fact, most of what I'm talking about above
is me just bikeshedding about the magic world of apps, with no real
understanding AT ALL about what y'all are up to. So, take my blathering
with a grain of salt.

Also, I'm available 5AM-Noon PST most weekdays, tuesdays being crazy
meeting day. And I will be very skeptical about anything that sounds like
getting roped into yet another project ;)


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