[OpenStack-docs] Improving OpenStack documentation around RabbitMQ

Michael Klishin mklishin at pivotal.io
Tue Apr 28 12:59:01 UTC 2015

(this is a repost of what was originally sent to openstack-dev — sorry about the extra emails)


I'm a RabbitMQ engineering team member and we'd like to help improve OpenStack docs  
around it.  

I've been reading the docs and making notes of what can be improved. We'd be happy  
to contribute the changes. However, we're not very familiar with the OpenStack development  
process and have a few questions before we start.  

As far as I understand, OpenStack Kilo is about to ship. Does this mean we can only contribute  
documentation improvements for the release after it? Are there maintenance releases that doc improvements  
could go into? If so, how is this reflected in repository  branches?  

Should the changes we propose be discussed on this list or in GitHub issues [1]?  

Finally, we are considering adding a doc guide dedicated to OpenStack on rabbitmq.com (we have one for EC2,  
for instance). Note that we are not looking  
to replace what's on docs.openstack.org, only provide a guide that can go into more details.  
Does this sound like a good idea to the OpenStack community? Should we keep everything on docs.openstack.org?  
Would it be OK if we link to rabbitmq.com guides in any changes we contribute? I don't think OpenStack Juno  
docs have a lot of external links: is that by design?  


1. https://github.com/openstack/openstack-manuals   

Staff Software Engineer, Pivotal/RabbitMQ  

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