[charms] Team Delegation proposal

Felipe Reyes felipe.reyes at canonical.com
Fri Jul 29 15:46:21 UTC 2022

Hi Chris,

Thanks for bringing this up.

On Thu, 2022-07-28 at 15:38 -0500, Chris MacNaughton wrote:
> Hello All,
> <tl;dr>
> I would like to propose some new ACLs in Gerrit for the openstack-charms project:
> - openstack-core-charms
> - ceph-charms
> - network-charms
> - stable-maintenance
> </tl;dr>

with my openstack-charmer hat on: +1! :-)

> With an increasing focus split among the openstack-charmers team, I'm observing that people are
> focused on more specific subsets of the charms, and would like to propose that new ACLs are
> created to allow us to recognize that officially. I've chosen the breakdown above as it aligns
> neatly with where the focus lines are at this point, letting developers work on their specific
> focus areas.

makes sense, it will give developers a stepping stone.
> This proposal would not reduce permissions for anybody who is currently a core on the openstack-
> charms project and, in fact, future subteam core members could aspire to full openstack-charmers
> core as well. Ideally, this approach will let us escalate developers to "core" developers for the
> subteam(s) where they have demonstrated the expertise we expect in a core-charmer. It also allows
> a more gradual escalation to being a core in the openstack-charms project, making it a progression
> rather than a single destination.

/me nods.

> As a related addition, I'm appending to this proposal the creation of a stable-maintenance ACL
> which would allow members to manage backports without a full core-charmer grant.

This will be greatly appreciated to give maintenance to our stable charms that are seeing more
backports now that we have branches per OpenStack release \o/
Felipe Reyes
felipe.reyes at canonical.com (GPG:0x9B1FFF39)
Launchpad: ~freyes | IRC: freyes

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