[tc][election] campaign discussion: how TC can solve the less contributor issue?

Ghanshyam Mann gmann at ghanshyammann.com
Mon Apr 6 20:30:52 UTC 2020

 ---- On Mon, 06 Apr 2020 14:45:30 -0500 Graham Hayes <gr at ham.ie> wrote ----
 > On 05/04/2020 02:09, Ghanshyam Mann wrote:
 > > This topic is a very important and critical area to solve in the OpenStack community.
 > > I personally feel and keep raising this issue wherever I get the opportunity.
 > > 
 > > To develop or maintain any software, the very first thing we need is to have enough developer resources.
 > > Without enough developers (either open or closed source), none of the software can survive.
 > > 
 > > OpenStack current situation on contributors is not the same as it was few years back.  Almost every
 > > project is facing the less contributor issue as compare to requirements and incoming requests. Few
 > > projects already dead or going to be if we do not solve the less contributors issue now.
 > > 
 > > I know, TC is not directly responsible to solve this issue but we should do something or at least find
 > > the way who can solve this.
 > > 
 > > What do you think about what role TC can play to solve this? What platform or entity can be used by TC to
 > > raise this issue? or any new crazy Idea?
 > > 
 > > 
 > > -gmann
 > > 
 > This has been my hobby horse for a while :)
 > Honestly, we need to highlight how people *using* OpenStack can
 > contribute. As Artom correctly noted in a message above, we are pretty
 > reliant on paid contributors, and with some of the traditional vendors
 > pulling back we should be diversifying our reach to people who have
 > traditionally felt it was too difficult to contribute.
 > Also - (and this is Graham with his personal hat on, not his TC hat)
 > I think that any company that is a high level sponsor of the foundation,
 > and derives value from OpenStack should be pushing resources back
 > upstream, and not just in sponsorship money.
 > Some of the smaller foundation members donate not just CI resources
 > to opendev, but also developers, and upstream contributions. This
 > should be the done thing across all members.
 > As part of this, we (the TC) should be able to say to these companies
 > where the most value would be for contribution, which is something I
 > think we have gotten a lot better at.

Yeah, I think this is the answer (one of which can practically solve this) I was looking for :).

Making users contribute resources as one of the mandatory things can solve
this for sure. I do not know what is the side-effect of that. I also do not know
why this cannot be implemented. Along with sponsor, we can make companies using
OpenStack interop certification/logo to do the same. 

I am not sure TC can reach out to companies executive layer for asking resources, but
I think as TC, we can put this requirement to BoD or foundation as one of the things
to consider serious notes?



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