[infra][zuul]Run only my 3rd party CI on my environment

Rikimaru Honjo honjo.rikimaru at po.ntt-tx.co.jp
Mon Feb 4 01:32:54 UTC 2019

On 2019/01/31 21:34, Sean Mooney wrote:
> On Thu, 2019-01-31 at 14:27 +0900, Rikimaru Honjo wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I have a question about Zuulv3.
>> I'm preparing third party CI for openstack/masakari PJ.
>> I'd like to run my CI by my Zuulv3 instance on my environment.
>> In my understand, I should add my pipeline to the project of the following .zuul.yaml for my purpose.
>> https://github.com/openstack/masakari/blob/master/.zuul.yaml
>> But, as a result, my Zuulv3 instance also run existed pipelines(check & gate).
>> I want to run only my pipeline on my environment.
>> (And, existed piplines will be run on openstack-infra environment.)
>> How can I make my Zuulv3 instance ignore other pipeline?
> you have two options  that i know of.
> first you can simply not define a pipeline called gate and check in your zuul config repo.
> since you are already usign it that is not an option for you.
> second if you have your own ci config project that is hosted
> seperatly from upstream gerrit you can define in you pipeline that
> the gate and check piplines are only for that other souce.
> e.g. if you have two connections defiend in zuul you can use the pipline
> triggers to define that the triggers for the gate an check pipeline only work with your
> own gerrit instance and not openstacks
> i am similar seting up a personal thridparty ci at present.
> i have chosen to create a seperate pipeline with a different name for running
> against upstream changes using the git.openstack.org gerrit source
> i have not pushed the patch to trigger form upstream gerrit yet
> https://review.seanmooney.info/plugins/gitiles/ci-config/+/master/zuul.d/pipelines.yaml
> but you can see that my gate and check piplines only trigger form the gerrit source
> which is my own gerrit instacne at review.seanmooney.info
> i will be adding a dedicated pipeline for upstream as unlike my personal gerrit i never
> want my ci to submit/merge patches upstream.
> i hope that helps.
> the gerrit trigger docs can be found here
> https://zuul-ci.org/docs/zuul/admin/drivers/gerrit.html#trigger-configuration
Thanks a lot!
My question has been solved completely with your advice.

I would choose the second method.

> regards
> sean
>> Best regards,

Rikimaru Honjo
E-mail:honjo.rikimaru at po.ntt-tx.co.jp

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