[openstack-dev] [qa] [tc] Need champion for "cold upgrades capabilities" goal

Emilien Macchi emilien at redhat.com
Thu Jan 11 20:57:01 UTC 2018

Some projects are still not testing cold upgrades and therefore don't
have the "supports-upgrade" tag.


This goal would mostly benefit the operators community as we would
continue to ensure OpenStack can be upgraded and it's something that
we actually test in the gate.
In term of actions, we would need to run grenade / upgrade jobs for
the projects which don't have this tag yet, so it's mostly QA work
(devstack, grenade, zuul layout).

We're now looking for someone willing to lead this effort. Someone
with a little bit of experience on QA and upgrades would work.
However, our community is strong and we always help each others so no
big deal if someone volunteers without all knowledge.
A Champion is someone who coordinates the work to make a goal happen,
and not supposed to do all the work. The Champion gets support from
the whole community at any time.

Please step-up if you're willing to take this role!

Emilien Macchi

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