[openstack-dev] FW: OpenStack Summit Sydney - Community Voting for Submitted Talks is Now Open!
William Bloom (wibloom)
wibloom at cisco.com
Tue Jul 25 18:52:52 UTC 2017
Please take a moment and vote for our presentation at the Fall OpenStack summit. “Cisco IT – Application Centric Cloud with Mitaka OpenStack and Cisco ACI networks’. To find us:
* Go to the website https://www.openstack.org/summit/sydney-2017/vote-for-speakers
* Scroll down, we are the 5th down the column.
Hoping you give us a “WOULD LOVE TO SEE”.
From: "Gary Kevorkian (gkevorki)" <gkevorki at cisco.com>
Date: Tuesday, July 25, 2017 at 11:20 AM
To: "openstack-interest(mailer list)" <openstack-interest at cisco.com>, "openstack-core-team(mailer list)" <openstack-core-team at cisco.com>, "openstack-extended-team(mailer list)" <openstack-extended-team at cisco.com>, "openstack-summit-core(mailer list)" <openstack-summit-core at cisco.com>, "group.kip(mailer list)" <group.kip at cisco.com>, "group.letucker(mailer list)" <group.letucker at cisco.com>, "group.bmeindl(mailer list)" <group.bmeindl at cisco.com>, "container-interest(mailer list)" <container-interest at cisco.com>, "David Murray (dmurray)" <dmurray at cisco.com>, "group.rmacban(mailer list)" <group.rmacban at cisco.com>, "Raquel Prieto (raqpriet)" <raqpriet at cisco.com>, "Mona Faulkner (mfaulkne)" <mfaulkne at cisco.com>, "nfv-interest(mailer list)" <nfv-interest at cisco.com>, "service_orchestration(mailer list)" <service_orchestration at cisco.com>, "nfvi-extended(mailer list)" <nfvi-extended at cisco.com>, "csr1000v-pm-team(mailer list)" <csr1000v-pm-team at cisco.com>, "cs-nfvi(mailer list)" <cs-nfvi at cisco.com>, "group.bshoda(mailer list)" <group.bshoda at cisco.com>, "group.jograham(mailer list)" <group.jograham at cisco.com>, "group.ptubello(mailer list)" <group.ptubello at cisco.com>, "Santanu Dasgupta (sadasgup)" <sadasgup at cisco.com>, "Vaughn Suazo (vsuazo)" <vsuazo at cisco.com>, "Brian Meaney (bmeaney)" <bmeaney at cisco.com>, "group.jonkell(mailer list)" <group.jonkell at cisco.com>, "group.fgori(mailer list)" <group.fgori at cisco.com>, "group.susiewee(mailer list)" <group.susiewee at cisco.com>, "group.wardd(mailer list)" <group.wardd at cisco.com>, "David Goeckeler (dgoeckel)" <dgoeckel at cisco.com>
Cc: "Nesrene O'Connell (neoconne)" <neoconne at cisco.com>, "Sarah Hooper (shooper)" <shooper at cisco.com>, "Susan Roux (sroux)" <sroux at cisco.com>, Dave Bertling <david at live24comms.com>, "Juliana Yoon -X (julyoon - FREEMANXP INC at Cisco)" <julyoon at cisco.com>, "Claire Thomas (claithom)" <claithom at cisco.com>, "Andrew White (awhite2)" <awhite2 at cisco.com>, "Rodney Hamill (rhamill)" <rhamill at cisco.com>, "Jodine Davis (jodindav)" <jodindav at cisco.com>
Subject: OpenStack Summit Sydney - Community Voting for Submitted Talks is Now Open!
Hi everyone…
Just a quick note to let you know that voting for the talks submitted for the OpenStack Summit in Sydney opened this morning. Cisco has 41 talks up for consideration.
Here’s a link into the voting site…
As usual, hundreds of talks were submitted. So, you can jump right in and start searching and voting. Or, if you’ll bear with us for just a few more hours, we’ll have a blog posted (thanks, Ali!) that lists all of the Cisco talks with direct links to them in voting site. I’ll share the link to the blog post as soon as it’s available.
Naturally, you’re encouraged to vote for other talks as well, but the list of Cisco talks will be a great place to get started.
Voting closes Tuesday, August 1 at 11:59pm Pacific Time (Wednesday, August 2 at 6:59am UTC).
Let me know if you have any questions.
Gary Kevorkian
gkevorki at cisco.com<mailto:gkevorki at cisco.com>
Tel: +3237912058
[tp://www.cisco.com/c/dam/m/en_us/signaturetool/images/icons/webex.png]<http://cisco.webex.com/meet/gkevorki> [tp://www.cisco.com/c/dam/m/en_us/signaturetool/images/icons/sparks.png] <https://ciscospark.com/gkevorki> [tp://www.cisco.com/c/dam/m/en_us/signaturetool/images/icons/jabber.png] <http://reachme.cisco.com/call/gkevorki>
Cisco Systems, Inc.
United States
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