[openstack-dev] FW: OpenStack Summit Sydney - Community Voting for Submitted Talks is Now Open!

Jeremy Stanley fungi at yuggoth.org
Tue Jul 25 22:13:59 UTC 2017

On 2017-07-25 18:52:52 +0000 (+0000), William Bloom (wibloom) wrote:
> Please take a moment and vote for our presentation at the Fall
> OpenStack summit.

Please don't market your conference talks on our developer mailing
list. First, this is a very easy way to get yourself banned from
sending further messages to the list. Second, the reason why it's so
hard to explain how to find your specific talk to be able to vote on
it is because we (the community at large) wanted to stop people from
doing that. Having "vote for my talk" messages posted all over the
Internet gives others a very negative impression of our community.
Jeremy Stanley
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