[openstack-dev] Event notification descriptors/schemas (? swagger ?)
Joshua Harlow
harlowja at fastmail.com
Tue Oct 11 20:18:00 UTC 2016
gordon chung wrote:
> On 11/10/16 01:14 PM, Joshua Harlow wrote:
>> Ah, right, nearly forgot about that yaml. Thanks gordon!
>> Has there been any ideas from folks to split those
>> 'event_definitions.yaml' into something else (a notifications schema
>> repo?)? I'd be up for helping do that (nice to have would be an included
>> ability/code-gen(?) to turn those schemas into code for various
>> languages [starting with the typical ones, python, go(?), java,<add
>> your own>...]).
> a few years back there was discussion to house them in a completely
> separate service but no work was really done on that beyond the initial
> discussion[1]
> from Ceilometer pov, i wanted the projects to own their own definitions
> but others said it was not their job[2]. having the projects own their
> own schema/definitions allowed everything to be decoupled but i don't
> think we figured out how to make it discoverable without having to
> import the entire package.
>> Then we could also hold the emitting projects accountable for there
>> events being emitted (and the formats and versions they emit), because
>> overall I'd like to get away from 'the payload format OpenStack services
>> emit could be described as the Wild West' (found on that events.html
>> site, lol).
> i'd like this to but it doesn't seem like we can figure out who's
> responsibility it is to own format.
> [1] https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/kilo-crossproject-notifications
> [2]
> http://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/openstack-dev/2015-November/080063.html
> cheers,
Damn, that's crazy that the projects emitting events don't want to own
the formats and versions (and schemas) that they emit. That is ummm,
like ummm, what the, ha, words can't describe... And the fact that
nothing much has changed since kilo, ya, also a what the...
To be productive here, would there be any problem if I (or someone I
know) just split that yaml off into a new git repository, and started
iterating on figuring out how to turn the yaml into something that can
generate code for [python, java, go(?)] and then say ceilometer can use
the python parts/objects (and then others can use the java stuff and
so-on and so forth). If at some point we can get that same schema (and
leave the generators somewhere else) into the various projects that
publish the notifications; that'd be super to...
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