[openstack-dev] [OpenStack-Infra] [infra] elements vs. openstack-infra puppet for CI "infra" nodes

James E. Blair jeblair at openstack.org
Fri May 9 21:14:01 UTC 2014

"Elizabeth K. Joseph" <lyz at princessleia.com> writes:

> On the Debian side, I also have a bug (with some mirror discussion and
> an attached review) here:
> https://bugs.launchpad.net/openstack-ci/+bug/1311855
> After discussing this particular patch+bug with the rest of the -infra
> team, there wasn't a ton of interest in running an infra-based mirror
> due to the package index out of sync issue in unofficial mirrors,
> which would be a problem for us.
> I had hoped we could sit down and chat about this at the summit for
> both Fedora and Debian mirrors, but unfortunately I won't be able to
> attend (been very sick this week, doctor didn't approve getting on a
> plane on Sunday). So I'm hoping some other infra folks can sync up
> with Dan and the TripleO crew to chat about how we can best get these
> changes in so they'll work effectively for everyone. Also happy to
> continue this discussion here on list or resume at a meeting after
> summit.

Thanks Dan and Liz.  Let's do try to sync up on this at the summit.  I
think this is important and there are good arguments for both
approaches.  I don't think it's an easy question to answer so let's
get together and consider the options.


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