[openstack-dev] [Oslo] Improving oslo-incubator update.py

Jay S Bryant jsbryant at us.ibm.com
Fri Mar 14 19:05:17 UTC 2014

From:   Duncan Thomas <duncan.thomas at gmail.com>
To:     "OpenStack Development Mailing List (not for usage questions)" 
<openstack-dev at lists.openstack.org>, 
Date:   03/14/2014 11:49 AM
Subject:        Re: [openstack-dev] [Oslo] Improving oslo-incubator 

On 14 March 2014 16:10, Jay S Bryant <jsbryant at us.ibm.com> wrote:
> --> Duncan, It is important to know what commits are being brought over 
> help provide a pointer to
> --> the possible cause of subsequent bugs that arise.  I.E. if we sync 
> the DB, there is a commit for fixing
> --> db connection order and suddenly we are getting intermittent DB
> connection failures, it give us
> --> a starting point to fixing the issue.

Jay, there's been a mix-up in who's saying what here. I *very much*
want to know what commits are being bought over. For slightly
different reasons (I'm mostly wanting them for easy review, you for
bug fixing). Brant is suggesting that just the last commit ID is
enough, which I disagree with (and will continue to hit -1/-2 for).

If somebody was to improve the import script to do this automatically
that would be great. Currently I can't see an easy way of
programatically telling when the last import was - I'll take another
look at the problem if somebody smarter than me doesn't sort it first

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Thanks for clarifying!  I was quite confused as I thought you were in
favor of the details in the commit messages.  Sorry for confusing who was 
carrying what stance forward.


I agree with Duncan.  I think that having details of the commits that
are being pulled in with a sync commit is important.  I realize that the
user probably isn't going to do a perfect job, but it certainly helps 
to give context to the changes being made and provides important bread 
for debug.

It would be great if we could get the process for this automated.  In the 
mean time, those of us doing the syncs will just have to slog through the


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